Library for communicating with a Wii classic controller using the I2C bus.

Dependents:   WiiClassicControllerTest

Note that you will also need the CommonTypes library to use this.

Get it here:



File content as of revision 4:79d04d737f02:

 * SOURCE FILE : WiiClassicController.cpp
 * Definition of class WiiClassicController.
 * Allows use of a Wii classic controller using an I2C bus.

#include "WiiClassicController.h"

// Delay to slow things down. Doesn;t work without this.
#define WAIT_TIME ((float)0.01 )    // in seconds

/** Constructor.
 * @param sda pin to use for SDA.
 * @param scl pin to use for SCL.
WiiClassicController::WiiClassicController( PinName sda, PinName scl ) :
    controllerPort( sda, scl ),
    initialised( false )

/** Destructor.
WiiClassicController::~WiiClassicController() {

/** Read from the controller.
 * @returns true on success, false on failure.
bool WiiClassicController::Read( void ) {
    // Don't expect client to remember to send an init to the nunchuck
    // so do it for them here.
    if( ! initialised ) {
        initialised = ControllerInit();
    // Don't start reading if init failed
    return initialised && ControllerRead();

/** Initialise the controller.
 * @returns true on success, false on failure.
bool WiiClassicController::ControllerInit( void ) {
    const UInt8 cmd[] = { CONTROLLER_REGADDR, 0x00 };
    bool ok = ( controllerPort.write( CONTROLLER_ADDR, (const char*)cmd, sizeof(cmd) ) == 0 );
    wait( WAIT_TIME );
    return ok;

/** Read from the controller, assuming it has been initialised.
 * @returns true on success, false on failure.
bool WiiClassicController::ControllerRead() {
    bool ok = false;
    // write the address we want to read from
    const UInt8 cmd[] = { 0x00 };
    if( controllerPort.write( CONTROLLER_ADDR, (const char*)cmd, sizeof(cmd) ) == 0 ) {
        // The Wii Classic Controller is non-standard I2C
        // and can't manage setting the read address and immediately supplying the data
        // so wait a bit.
        wait( WAIT_TIME );
        if( CONTROLLER_ADDR, (char*)readBuf, sizeof(readBuf) ) == 0 ) {
            for( int i = 0; i < CONTROLLER_READLEN; ++i ) {
                readBuf[ i ] = Decode( readBuf[ i ] );
            ok = true;
    // wait( WAIT_TIME );
    return ok;