
Dependents:   Telliskivi2_2014 PowerManagementBoard_Rev_A_2017

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00001 #ifndef MBED_PCA9555_H
00002 #define MBED_PCA9555_H
00004 #include "mbed.h"
00006 /** Interface to the PCA9555 I2C 16 Bit IO expander */
00007 class PCA9555 {
00008 protected:
00009     InterruptIn     _irqpin;
00010     FunctionPointer _callbackChange;
00011 public:
00012     /** Create an instance of the PCA9555 connected to specfied I2C pins, with the specified address.
00013      *
00014      * @param sda The I2C data pin
00015      * @param scl The I2C clock pin
00016      * @param interruptPin The pin connected to PCA9555 interrupt
00017      * @param address The I2C address for this PCA9555
00018      */
00019     PCA9555(PinName sda, PinName scl, PinName interrupPin, int address);
00021     /** Read the IO pin levels
00022      *
00023      * @return The two bytes read
00024      */
00025     int read();
00026     int getLastRead();
00027     /** Write to the IO pins
00028      * 
00029      * @param data The 16 bits to write to the IO port
00030      */
00031     void write(int data);
00033     /** Set one pin
00034      *
00035      * @param pinNumber The number of pin to set
00036      */
00037     void setPin(unsigned int pinNumber);
00039     /** Clear one pin
00040      *
00041      * @param pinNumber The number of pin to clear
00042      */
00043     void clearPin(unsigned int pinNumber);
00045     /** Toggle one pin
00046      *
00047      * @param pinNumber The number of pin to toggle
00048      */
00049     void togglePin(unsigned int pinNumber);
00051     /** Get state of pin
00052      *
00053      * @param pinNumber The number of pin
00054      */
00055     bool getPin(unsigned int pinNumber);
00056     void writePins();
00058     /** Set direction of pin
00059      *
00060      * @param pinNumber The number of pin to set
00061      */
00062     void setDirection(int data);
00064     void change(void (*function)(void));
00066     template<typename T>
00067     void change(T *object, void (T::*member)(void)) { 
00068         _callbackChange.attach(object, member); 
00069     }
00071 private:
00072     I2C _i2c;
00073     int _address;
00074     unsigned int currentWriteState;
00075     unsigned int lastReadState;
00076     DigitalOut led3;
00077     int retryCount;
00078     int currentRetryCount;
00079     void callChange(void);
00080 };
00082 #endif