Essai GPS Fusion

Dependencies:   BME280 BNO055 Eigen ds3231 mbed



File content as of revision 0:07e03c88e90b:

Test du module GPS

#include "mbed.h"
#include "time.h"
#include "BME280.h"
#include "BNO055.h"
#include "ds3231.h"
#include <Eigen/Dense.h> 
#include "objet.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>

using namespace std;
using namespace Eigen;

#define ON  1
#define OFF 0

// Definition/ Constantes/ Caracteres Alphanumeriques
#define LF                10                                                    // Line Feed \n
#define CR                13                                                    // Carriage Return \r
#define BS               127                                                    // Back Space

// Definition/ Constantes/  Trigonométriques
#define  PI       3.14159265358979323846                                        // PI 
#define  PI2      1.570796327                                                   // PI/ 2
#define  RD      57.29577951                                                    // 180/ PI conversion radian ---> degre

// Definition/ Constantes/  Geographiques Terrestres
#define  Rkm   6366.71                                                          // Rayon moyen de la terre exprimé en KMs
#define MAJA   (6378137.0)                                                      // Axe principal de l'ellipsoid de référence
#define FLAT   (1.0/298.2572235630)                                             // Coefficient de planéité de l'ellipsoid de référence
#define ESQR   (FLAT * (2.0-FLAT))                                              // WGS-84/ 1st eccentricity squared 
#define OMES   (1.0 - ESQR)                                                     // WGS-84/ 1 minus eccentricity squared 
#define EFOR   (ESQR * ESQR)                                                    // WGS-84/ Sqr of the 1st eccentricity squared 
#define ASQR   (MAJA * MAJA)                                                    // WGS-84/ semi major axis squared = nlmaja** 

//Definition/ Constantes
#define TSample         0.01
#define   usbBR    115200
#define   uartBR    38400
#define   gpsBR     57600
#define   i2cBR    400000
#define  gpsWDTM      300

// Definition/ Constantes/ Dimension MAX Matrice
#define matrixSMAX      4                                                       // Matrice/ Dimension

#define produit          "GPS-Fusion-Kalman"

#define NbEch          20

//Definition/ Variables Globales
DigitalOut   l1(LED1);
DigitalOut   l2(LED2);
DigitalOut   l3(LED3);
DigitalOut   l4(LED4);
DigitalOut   son(p8);
Serial       USB(USBTX, USBRX);                                                 // Liaison UART/ Dispositif TRAME USB
Serial       UART1 (p13,   p14);                                                // Liaison UART/ Dispositif TRAME HF
Serial       UART2 (p28,    p27);                                               // Liaison UART/ Dispositif GPS
I2C          i2c(p9, p10);                                                      // Liaison Bus I2C
//BME280       pression(&i2c);
BNO055       attitude(p9, p10);
GPS_t        gps;
IMU_t        imu;
Ticker       TMainProcess;
string UART1Rx= "";
string UART2Rx= "";
char UART1Tx[100];
char gpsNMEA[100];
string USBRx  = " ";
char   word[25];
bool prn= false;

string trameID= "$GPRMC";
int pTRAME = 1; 
int l1WDT  = 0;
int l2WDT  = 0;
int l3WDT  = 0;
int l4WDT  = 0;
int gpsWDT = 0;
int imuWDT = 0;

int cT= 0;

float  utc= 0;
string valid= "\0";
string id= "";
string val= "\0";

int   cnt= 0;
float signal= 0; 
float periode= 0.5;

//Definition/ Variables Globales/ Processus Principal/ Variables Matricielles/ Identification Processus
MatrixXd  A(matrixSMAX,matrixSMAX);                                             // Matrice/ Etat Systeme
MatrixXd  B(matrixSMAX,matrixSMAX);                                             // Matrice/ Commande Systeme
MatrixXd  H(matrixSMAX,matrixSMAX);                                             // Matrice/ Observation Systeme
//Definition/ Variables Globales/ Processus Principal/ Variables Matricielles/ Covariance 
MatrixXd  Q(matrixSMAX,matrixSMAX);                                             // Matrice/ Covariance Bruit Systeme (perturbations)
MatrixXd  R(matrixSMAX,matrixSMAX);                                             // Matrice/ Covariance Bruit Mesure
//Definition/ Variables Globales/ Processus Principal/ Variables Matricielles/ Caractérisation du Filtre Kalman
MatrixXd pXk(matrixSMAX,1);                                                     // Vecteur/ Etat a priori
MatrixXd pPk(matrixSMAX,matrixSMAX);                                            // Matrice/ Erreur Covariance a prori
MatrixXd  Xk(matrixSMAX,1);                                                     // Vecteur/ Etat 
MatrixXd  Pk(matrixSMAX,matrixSMAX);                                            // Matrice/ Erreur Covariance
MatrixXd  Kk(matrixSMAX,matrixSMAX);                                            // Matrice/ Gain Kalman
MatrixXd  Zk(matrixSMAX,1);                                                     // Vecteur/ Mesure
MatrixXd  Uk(matrixSMAX,1);                                                     // Vecteur/ Commande
MatrixXd I= MatrixXd::Identity(matrixSMAX,matrixSMAX);                          // Matrice/ Identité

//Definition/ Variables Globales/ Processus Principal/ Variables Matricielles/ Identification Processus
float An= 1,
      Bn= 0,
      Hn= 1,
      Qn= 0.00001,
      Rn= 0.1,
      pXn= 0,
      pPn= 0,
      Xn= 0,
      Yn= 0,
      Sn= 0,
      Pn= 1,
      Kn= 0,
      Zn= 0,
      Un= 0,
      In= 1;

//Definition/ Procedures/ Reception UART1 (Interruption)
void Rx_UART1_Isr(void){ 

char RxCar; 
int pCar;
int r1, r2, r3, r4, r5;

RxCar   = UART1.getc();
UART1Rx+= RxCar;

USB.printf("%c", RxCar);

if(UART1Rx.find("\r\n")< UART1Rx.length()){                                     //Balise fin de trame
      if(UART1Rx.find("$,123")< UART1Rx.length()){
        l2WDT= 3;
/*        ++cnt; if(cnt> NbEch){cnt= 0;};
        signal= 900* cos(((6.28* cnt)/NbEch)/(5.32*periode))* cos(((6.28* cnt)/NbEch)/periode);
        r1= signal;
        r1= (int)imu.roll;  if(r1> 1000){r1= 1000;}; if(r1< -1000){r1= -1000;};
        r2= (int)imu.pitch; if(r2> 1000){r2= 1000;}; if(r2< -1000){r2= -1000;};
        r3= (int)imu.yaw; if(r3> 1000){r3= 1000;}; if(r3< -1000){r3= -1000;};
        r4= 0;
        r5= 0;
    UART1Rx= "";
    }; // fin if(UART2Rx.find("\r\n")< UART2Rx.length()){  

//Definition/ Procedures/ Reception UART2 (Interruption)
void Rx_UART2_Isr(void){ 

char RxCar; 
int pCar;
int    fx, nt;
float  vg, hd, dp;
double ut, lt, lg, at, deg, min, dmin;
string id, valid, ns, ew;

RxCar   = UART2.getc();
UART2Rx+= RxCar;

if(UART2Rx.find("\r\n")< UART2Rx.length()){                                     //Balise fin de trame
    l1WDT= 3;
    pCar= 0;while(pCar< UART2Rx.length()){if(UART2Rx[pCar]== ','){UART2Rx.replace(pCar,1," ");};++pCar;};  //message: suppression des caracters ','

    // Trame NMEA-083: $GPRMC
    if(UART2Rx.find("$GPRMC")< UART2Rx.length()){                               // Example Trame: $GPRMC,225446,A,4916.45,N,12311.12,W,000.5,054.7,191194,020.3,E*68
            ++cT; if(cT> 32000){cT= 0;};                                        // Totalisateur de Trame
            sprintf(gpsNMEA,"%s/ Trame NMEA (%d) :  %s \r\n",produit,cT,UART2Rx); prn= true;
//            USB.printf("%s/ Trame NMEA (%d) :  %s \r\n",produit, cT,UART2Rx);          //DEBUG/ USB 
            istringstream input(UART2Rx); 
            input>> id>> ut>> valid>> lt>> ns>> lg>> ew>> vg>> hd;
//            USB.printf("%s/ Trame NMEA/ id   :  %s \r\n",produit, id);                 // GPS/ id
 //           USB.printf("GPS/ Trame NMEA/ val  :  %s \r\n", valid);              // GPS/ valid
 //           USB.printf("GPS/ Trame NMEA/ utc  :  %f \r\n", ut);                 // GPS/ id            
            // Convertion NED ---> ECEF (MERCATOE WGS84)
            gps.x= 0;
            gps.y= 0;
            gps.z= 0;                                
            if(valid== "A"){                                                    //GPS/ data trame NMEA valides
                  gpsWDT= gpsWDTM; 
                  gps.fValid= true; 
//                  USB.printf("%s/ Trame NMEA/ val  :  %s \r\n",produit, valid);        // GPS/ valid
//                  USB.printf("%s/ Trame NMEA/ utc  :  %f \r\n",produit, ut);           // GPS/ id                                                                      
            if(gpsWDT== 0){
//                  USB.printf("%s/ Trame NMEA/ val  :  INVALIDE !!! \r\n",produit);
                  };     // GPS/ valid
//             USB.printf("\r\n\r\n\r\n");      
             }; // if(UART2Rx.find("$GPRMC")< UART2Rx.length()){
    UART2Rx= "";
    }; // fin if(UART2Rx.find("\r\n")< UART2Rx.length()){  

//Definition/ Procedures/ Reception des Trames serie (USB-UART Interruption)
void Rx_USB_Isr(void){ 
    int cnt= 0;
    char car= USB.getc();
      case  97: //Touche 'a'
      case 122: //Touche 'z'
      case  BS://Back Space
               if(USBRx.length()> 0){
                  while(cnt< USBRx.length()){USB.printf(" ");++cnt;};
      case LF: //Line Feed '\n'
      case CR: //Carriage Return '\r'
             USBRx+= "\r\n";
             USBRx= "";
      default: //Caractere ASCII
             USBRx+= car;
      }; // fin switch((int)car){

//Definition/ Procedures/ Processus Principal (Interruption)
void MainProcess_Isr(void){
    --l1WDT;  if(l1WDT<= 0){l1WDT= 0; l1= OFF;}else{l1= ON;};
    --l2WDT;  if(l2WDT<= 0){l2WDT= 0; l2= OFF;}else{l2= ON;};
    --l3WDT;  if(l3WDT<= 0){l3WDT= 0; l3= OFF;}else{l3= ON;};
    --l4WDT;  if(l4WDT<= 0){l4WDT= 0; l4= OFF;}else{l4= ON;};
    --imuWDT; if(imuWDT<= 0){imuWDT= 0;};
    --gpsWDT; if(gpsWDT<= 0){
                             gpsWDT= 0;
                             gps.fValid= false; 
                             gps.latitude= 0; gps.longitude= 0; gps.altitude= 0; 
                             gps.heading= 0; gps.vground= 0;};
    //I2C/ imu
    if((imuWDT== 0)& (imu.fValid== true)){
       attitude.get_lia();                                                      // I2C/ IMU/ Acceleration Lineaire
       imu.liax = attitude.lia.x;
       imu.liay = attitude.lia.y;
       imu.liaz = attitude.lia.z;
       Zn= imu.roll;  
       // Filtre Kalman/ Algorithme/ Prediction 
       pXn = (An * Xn) + (Bn * Un);                                             // 1- Equation Etat
       pPn = (An * Pn * An) + Qn;                                               // 2- Equation Covariance de l'erreur
       // Filtre Kalman/ Algorithme/ Correction 
       Kn = pPn * (Hn / ((Hn * pPn * Hn) + Rn));                                // 1- Mise a jour Gain Kalman
       Xn = pXn + (Kn * (Zn - (Hn * pXn)));                                     // 2- Mise a jour Etat
       Pn = (In - (Kn * Hn)) * pPn;                                             // 3- Mise à jour Covariance de l'erreur   
       pXn = Xn; 
       pPn = Pn + Qn;
       Yn  = Zn - pXn;
       Sn  = pPn+ Rn;
       Kn  = pPn/ Sn;
       Xn  = pXn+ Kn*Yn;
       Pn  = (In- Kn)*pPn;
       attitude.get_grv();                                                      // I2C/ IMU/ Acceleration Gravite
       imu.grvx = attitude.gravity.x;
       imu.grvy = attitude.gravity.y;
       imu.grvz = attitude.gravity.z;
       attitude.get_gyro();                                                     // I2C/ IMU/ Gyroscope
       imu.gyrox = attitude.gyro.x;
       imu.gyroy = attitude.gyro.y;
       imu.gyroz = attitude.gyro.z;
       attitude.get_mag();                                                      // I2C/ IMU/ Champ Magnetique
       imu.magx = attitude.mag.x;
       imu.magy = attitude.mag.y;
       imu.magz = attitude.mag.z;
       attitude.get_angles();                                                   // I2C/ IMU/ Angles EULER
       imu.roll = attitude.euler.roll;
       imu.pitch= attitude.euler.pitch;
       imu.yaw  = attitude.euler.yaw;
       attitude.get_quat();                                                     // I2C/ IMU/ Quarternions
       imu.q0   = attitude.quat.w; 
       imu.q1   = attitude.quat.x;
       imu.q2   = attitude.quat.y;
       imu.q3   = attitude.quat.z;
       attitude.get_temp();                                                     // I2C/ IMU/ Temperature
       imu.temperature = attitude.temperature; 
       imuWDT= 20;   
     };//fi if((imuWDT== 0)& (imu.fValid== true)){

    //Localisation/ Fusion GPS-ACCELEROMETRE/ Fitrage Kalman (ref.2, ref.3)
    //Filtre/ Entree   : Uk (vecteur Commande)
    //Filtre/ Entree   : Zk (Vecteur Observabiité)
    //Filtre/ Sortie   : Xk (Vecteur Etat)
    //Filtre/ Sortie   : Pk (Vecteur Covariance)
    //Filtre/ Parametre: A (Matrice Etat)
    //Filtre/ Parametre: B (Matrice Commande)
    //Filtre/ Parametre: H (Matrice Observabilité)
    //Filtre/ Parametre: Q (Matrice Covariance Etat (bruit))
    //Filtre/ Parametre: R (Matrice Covariance Observabilité (bruit))   
    // Filtre Kalman/ Algorithme/ Prediction 
    pXk = (A * Xk) + (B * Uk);                                                  // 1- Equation Etat
    pPk = (A * Pk * A.transpose()) + Q;                                         // 2- Equation Covariance de l'erreur
    // Filtre Kalman/ Algorithme/ Correction 
    Kk = pPk * H.transpose() * ((H * pPk * H.transpose()) + R).inverse();       // 1- Mise a jour Gain Kalman
    Xk = pXk + (Kk * (Zk - (H * pXk)));                                         // 2- Mise a jour Etat
    Pk = (I - (Kk * H)) * pPk;                                                  // 3- Mise à jour Covariance de l'erreur       

//Definition/ Procedures/ Initialisation
int init_process(void){
    int status= 0;
    USB.baud(usbBR); wait(0.3); 
    UART1.baud(uartBR); wait(0.3);  
    UART2.baud(gpsBR); wait(0.3); 
    i2c.frequency(i2cBR); wait(0.2);  
        // Initialisation/  Objet/ GPS
    gps.fValid             = false;
    gps.wdtRX              = gpsWDT;
    gps.baud               = gpsBR;
 //   gps.TSample            = 5; 
    gps.utc                = 0;
    gps.vground            = 0;
    gps.heading            = 0;
    gps.fix                = 0;
    gps.nbsat              = 0;
    gps.dop                = 0;
    gps.altitude           = 0;
    gps.latitude           = 0;
    gps.longitude          = 0;
    gps.x                  = 0;
    gps.y                  = 0;
    gps.z                  = 0;
    gps.speedmin           = 5;
    gps.Status             = 0;   
//   USB.printf("."); wait(0.3);
    // Initialisation/ Type/ objet IMU  
    imu.fValid             =  true;
    imu.fFailed            =  false;
    imu.Status             =  0;  
    imu.roll               = 0;   
    imu.pitch              = 0;   
    imu.yaw                = 0;  
    imu.q0                 = 1;
    imu.q1                 = 0;
    imu.q2                 = 0;
    imu.q3                 = 0;
    imu.liax               = 0;    
    imu.liay               = 0;    
    imu.liaz               = 0;      
    imu.grvx               = 0;    
    imu.grvy               = 0;    
    imu.grvz               = 0;    
    imu.gyrox              = 0;
    imu.gyroy              = 0;
    imu.gyroz              = 0;
    imu.magx               = 0;
    imu.magy               = 0;
    imu.pressure           = 0; 
    imu.humidity           = 0;
    imu.temperature        = 0; 
    imu.altitude           = 0;  
    imu.magz               = 0;
    imu.Status             = 0;
    if(imu.fValid== true){
        attitude.reset(); wait(1);
        if (!attitude.check()){                                                 // Presence Capteur Attitude ?
             while (1){l1 =!l1; l2 =!l2; l3 =!l3; l4 =!l4; son= !son; wait(0.3);};
            };                                                                  // Arret et flash LED et SOUND si le capteur d'attitude n'est pas reconnu
//        attitude.setpowermede();                                              // A definir
        attitude.set_accel_units(MILLIG);                                       // Unite Accelleration MILLIG ou MPERSPERS
        attitude.set_anglerate_units(DEG_PER_SEC);                              // Unite Vitesse Angulaire RAD_PER_SEC ou DEG_PER_SEC
        attitude.set_angle_units(RADIANS);                                      // Unite Angle RADIANS ou DEGREES
        attitude.set_temp_units(CENTIGRADE);                                    // Unite Temperature CENTIGRADE ou FAHRENHEIT
        attitude.setmode(OPERATION_MODE_NDOF);                                  // Mode Fonctionnement
//        if (pression.init() != 0) {                                             // Presence Capteur pression atmosphérique ?
//             while (1){L1 =!L1; L2 =!L2; L3 =!L3; L4 =!L4; SOUND= !SOUND; wait(0.3);};
//            }; 
                                                                             // Arret et flash LED et SOUND si le capteur de pression n'est pas reconnu
        }; // fin if(imu.fvalid== true){
 //   USB.printf("."); wait(0.3);

    // Initialisation/ Objet/ MATRICE       
    int cntr=0, cntc= 0;
    cntr=0, cntc= 0;
    while(cntr< matrixSMAX){while(cntc< matrixSMAX){A(cntr,cntc)= 0;++cntc;};++cntr;};
    cntr=0, cntc= 0;
    while(cntr< matrixSMAX){while(cntc< matrixSMAX){B(cntr,cntc)= 0;++cntc;};++cntr;};
    cntr=0, cntc= 0;
    while(cntr< matrixSMAX){while(cntc< matrixSMAX){H(cntr,cntc)= 0;++cntc;};++cntr;};
    cntr=0, cntc= 0;
    while(cntr< matrixSMAX){while(cntc< matrixSMAX){Q(cntr,cntc)= 0;++cntc;};++cntr;};
    cntr=0, cntc= 0;
    while(cntr< matrixSMAX){while(cntc< matrixSMAX){R(cntr,cntc)= 0;++cntc;};++cntr;};  
    cntr=0, cntc= 0;
    while(cntr< matrixSMAX){while(cntc< 1){pXk(cntr,cntc)= 0;++cntc;};++cntr;};
    cntr=0, cntc= 0;
    while(cntr< matrixSMAX){while(cntc< matrixSMAX){pPk(cntr,cntc)= 0;++cntc;};++cntr;};
    cntr=0, cntc= 0;
    while(cntr< matrixSMAX){while(cntc< 1){Xk(cntr,cntc)= 0;++cntc;};++cntr;};
    cntr=0, cntc= 0;
    while(cntr< matrixSMAX){while(cntc< matrixSMAX){Pk(cntr,cntc)= 0;++cntc;};++cntr;};
    cntr=0, cntc= 0;
    while(cntr< matrixSMAX){while(cntc< matrixSMAX){Kk(cntr,cntc)= 0;++cntc;};++cntr;};
    cntr=0, cntc= 0;
    while(cntr< matrixSMAX){while(cntc< 1){Zk(cntr,cntc)= 0;++cntc;};++cntr;};
    cntr=0, cntc= 0;
    while(cntr< matrixSMAX){while(cntc< 1){Uk(cntr,cntc)= 0;++cntc;};++cntr;};
    // Initialisation/ Objet/ Matrice Etat/ A
    A<< 1, TSample, 0, 0,
        0, 1      , 0, 0,
        0, 0      , 0, TSample,
        0, 0      , 0, 1;
    // Initialisation/ Objet/ Matrice Commande/ B
    B<< 1, 0, 0, 0,
        0, 1, 0, 0,
        0, 0, 1, 0,
        0, 0, 0, 1;
    // Initialisation/ Objet/ Matrice Observabilite (Mesure)/ H
    H<< 1, 1, 0, 0,
        0, 1, 0, 0,
        0, 0, 1, 0,
        0, 0, 0, 1;
    // Initialisation/ Objet/ Matrice Covariance Etat/ P
    Pk<< 1, 0, 0, 0,
         0, 1, 0, 0,
         0, 0, 1, 0,
         0, 0, 0, 1;
    // Initialisation/ Objet/ Matrice Covariance Bruit Etat/ Q
    Q<< 0, 0, 0, 0,
        0, 0, 0, 0,
        0, 0, 0, 0,
        0, 0, 0, 0;
    // Initialisation/ Objet/ Matrice Covariance Bruit Observabilité (Mesure)/ R
    R<< 0.2, 0,   0,   0,
        0,   0.2, 0,   0,
        0,   0,   0.2, 0,
        0,   0,   0,   0.2;
    // Initialisation/ Objet/ Matrice Identité/ I
    I<<  1, 0, 0, 0,
         0, 1, 0, 0,
         0, 0, 1, 0,
         0, 0, 0, 1;
    TMainProcess.attach(&MainProcess_Isr, TSample); 
    UART1.attach(&Rx_UART1_Isr, Serial::RxIrq);
    UART2.attach(&Rx_UART2_Isr, Serial::RxIrq);
    USB.attach(&Rx_USB_Isr, Serial::RxIrq);
    son= 0;
    l1= OFF; l2= OFF; l3= OFF; l4= OFF;
    USB.printf("%s/ Essai ...\r\n",produit); wait(3);
    return status;

//Definition/ Procedures/ Procedure Principale
int main() {
    int status= 0;
    if(init_process()!= 0){l1=1, l2= 1; l3= 1; l4= 1; wait(0.3); l1=0, l2= 0; l3= 0; l4= 0; wait(0.7);};     
    return status;