The Code Repository for the REV0 Steering Wheel.

Dependencies:   Digital_InOut KS0108 Steering_Display mbed

Fork of Steering_Display by Kiran George Vetteth

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Thu Oct 02 23:24:45 2014 +0000
Commit message:
Updated Steering REV0

Changed in this revision

REVO_Steering_Display.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
SteeringTemp.h Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
diff -r 313541d8f8be -r 9f481edc1641 REVO_Steering_Display.lib
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/REVO_Steering_Display.lib	Thu Oct 02 23:24:45 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
diff -r 313541d8f8be -r 9f481edc1641 SteeringTemp.h
--- a/SteeringTemp.h	Sat Sep 27 18:43:15 2014 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,309 +0,0 @@
-#include "Steering.h"
-void HomeScreen()
-    CANMessage Rxmsg;
-    ftc rcv,send;
-    send.FLOAT=45.4444;
-    for(int i=0; i<4; i++)
-    display.ClearScreen();
-    display.SelectFont(Arial12,BLACK,ReadData);
-    if(
-    {
-        for(int i=0; i<4; i++)
-            rcv.C_FLOAT[i][i];
-        if( == BATTERY_VOLTAGE_ID)
-        {
-            display.GotoXY(0,0);
-            display.PrintString(" PV: ");     
-            display.PrintNumber(rcv.FLOAT);
-            display.PrintString("V");
-        }
-        if( == BATTERY_POWER_ID)
-        {
-            display.GotoXY(0,16);
-            display.PrintString(" PP: ");        
-            display.PrintNumber(rcv.FLOAT);
-            display.PrintString("KW");
-        }
-        if( == BATTERY_STATE_ID)
-        {
-            display.GotoXY(0,32);
-            display.PrintString(" STATE: ");      
-            display.PrintString(rcv.C_FLOAT);
-        }
-    }
-    wait(2);
-    return;    
-void ShutdwnScreen()
-    screen=1;
-    CANMessage Rxmsg;
-    uint16_t recv=0, temp=0, i=0;
-    //Test
-        //uint16_t Rxpoll=15;
-        //char Result[4]={0};
-        //Result[0]=(char)(Rxpoll&0x00ff);
-        //Result[1]=(char)((Rxpoll&0xff00)>>8);
-        //CANMessage Rxmsg(410,Result,sizeof(Result));
-    display.ClearScreen();
-    display.GotoXY(0,0);
-    display.SelectFont(Arial12,BLACK,ReadData);
-    display.PrintString("SHTDWN SWTCH OPEN");
-        if(
-        {
-            if( == SWITCH_ID)
-            {
-                recv=(((uint16_t)[1]<<8) | (0x00ff&(uint16_t)[0]));
-                display.GotoXY(0,16);
-                while(i < 12)
-                {
-                    temp=recv;
-                    if(((temp & (1 << i))>>i) == 1)
-                    {
-                        display.GotoXY(SwitchPosition[i][0],SwitchPosition[i][1]);
-                        display.PrintString(SwitchName[i]);
-                    }    
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        return;    
-void AMS1Screen()
-    screen=2;
-    CANMessage Rxmsg;
-    ftc rcv;
-    rcv.FLOAT=0.0;
-    display.ClearScreen();
-    display.SelectFont(Arial12,BLACK,ReadData);
-    if(
-    {
-        for(int i=0; i<4; i++)
-            rcv.C_FLOAT[i][i];
-        if( == BATTERY_VOLTAGE_ID)
-        {
-            display.GotoXY(0,0);
-            display.PrintString(" PV: ");     
-            display.PrintNumber(rcv.FLOAT);
-            display.PrintString("V");
-        }
-        if( == BATTERY_POWER_ID)
-        {
-            display.GotoXY(0,16);
-            display.PrintString(" PV: ");     
-            display.PrintNumber(rcv.FLOAT);
-            display.PrintString("KW");
-        }
-        if( == BATTERY_CURRENT_ID)
-        {
-            display.GotoXY(0,32);
-            display.PrintString(" PC: ");        
-            display.PrintNumber(rcv.FLOAT);
-            display.PrintString("KW");
-        }
-    }   
-void AMS2Screen()
-    screen=3;
-    CANMessage Rxmsg;
-    ftc rcv;
-    rcv.FLOAT=0.0;
-    display.ClearScreen();
-    display.SelectFont(Arial12,BLACK,ReadData);
-    if(
-    {   
-        for(int i=0; i<4; i++)
-                rcv.C_FLOAT[i][i];
-        {
-            display.GotoXY(0,0);
-            display.PrintString(" Min Cell V:");
-            display.PrintNumber(rcv.FLOAT);
-            display.PrintString("V");
-        }
-        {
-            display.GotoXY(0,16);
-            display.PrintString(" Max Cell V:");
-            display.PrintNumber(rcv.FLOAT);
-            display.PrintString("V");
-        }
-        {
-            display.GotoXY(0,32);
-            display.PrintString(" Max Cell V:");
-            display.PrintNumber(rcv.FLOAT);
-            display.PrintString("V");
-        }
-    }   
-void AMS3Screen()
-    screen=4;
-    CANMessage Rxmsg;    
-    ftc rcv;
-    rcv.FLOAT=0.0;
-    display.ClearScreen();
-    display.SelectFont(Arial12,BLACK,ReadData);
-    if(
-    {   
-        for(int i=0; i<4; i++)
-                rcv.C_FLOAT[i][i];
-        {
-            display.GotoXY(0,0);
-            display.PrintString(" Min Cell T:");
-            display.PrintNumber(rcv.FLOAT);
-            display.PrintString("deg");
-        }
-        {
-            display.GotoXY(0,16);
-            display.PrintString(" Max Cell T:");
-            display.PrintNumber(rcv.FLOAT);
-            display.PrintString("deg");
-        }
-        {
-            display.GotoXY(0,32);
-            display.PrintString(" Avg Cell T:");
-            display.PrintNumber(rcv.FLOAT);
-            display.PrintString("deg");
-        }
-    }   
-void AMS4Screen()
-    screen =5;
-    CANMessage Rxmsg;
-    ftc rcv;
-    display.ClearScreen();
-    display.SelectFont(Arial12,BLACK,ReadData);
-    if(
-    {   
-        for(int i=0; i<4; i++)
-                rcv.C_FLOAT[i][i];
-        if( == AMS_AIRS_ID)
-        {
-            display.GotoXY(0,0);
-            display.PrintString(" AIRS: ");
-            display.PrintString(rcv.C_FLOAT);
-        }
-        if( == AMS_PRECHARGING_ID)
-        {
-            display.GotoXY(0,16);
-            display.PrintString(" Precharging: ");
-            display.PrintString(rcv.C_FLOAT);
-        }
-    }   
-void ON()
-    char OnData[4]="ON";
-    CANMessage Txmsg(101,OnData,sizeof(OnData));
-    wait(0.1);
-    display.ClearScreen();
-    display.SelectFont(Arial12,BLACK,ReadData);
-    display.GotoXY(16,16);
-    display.PrintString(" ON    INITIATED");
-    //screen=0;
-    return;
-void ResetCommand()
-    char ResetData[4]="RES";
-    CANMessage Txmsg(102,ResetData,sizeof(ResetData));
-    wait(0.1);
-    display.ClearScreen();
-    display.SelectFont(Arial12,BLACK,ReadData);
-    display.GotoXY(16,16);
-    display.PrintString(" RESET INITIATED");
-    //screen=0;
-    return;
-void Init()
-    pc.baud(230400);
-    CAN_Steering.frequency(500000);
-int main()
-    Init();
-    //int flag=1;
-    wait(0.1);
-    display.GotoXY(10,16);
-    display.SelectFont(Arial_14,BLACK,ReadData);
-    display.PrintString("Penn Electric Racing");
-    display.GotoXY(20,32); 
-    display.PrintString("Live The Dream");
-    screen=0;
-    wait(2);
-    while(1)
-    {
-        if(
-            HomeScreen();
-        if(
-            ON();
-        if(
-            ResetCommand();
-        printf("SCreen:%d\n\r",screen);        
-        wait(0.1);    
-    }   
-        else if(screen == 1)
-            ShutdwnScreen();  
-        else if(screen == 2)
-            AMS1Screen();    
-        else if(screen == 3)
-            AMS2Screen();    
-        else if(screen == 4)
-            AMS3Screen();    
-        else if(screen == 5)
-            AMS4Screen();    
-        */
-        /*
-        if(
-        {
-            if(screen == maxScreen)
-                screen=0;
-            else    
-                ++screen;
-            wait(1);
-        }
-        */
\ No newline at end of file