Deep Slumber, codename ISA, is a program made for the arm MBED during Hack The Burgh 2018 that analyses light, temperature, humidity and CO2 levels in a room. It uploads this information onto an SQL server through a rest API, providing the necessary environment for data processing. Further improvements we hope to provide are the regulation of said parameters by wifi connection to electric heaters, wifi enabled controllable lightbulbs and other iot gadgets as well as a website that will provide recommendations for sleep cycle improvements.

Dependencies:   C12832 CCS811 Sht31 TSL2561

Fork of ARM_HACK_THE_BURGH by Carey Williams


File content as of revision 33:12f0df4d51d7:

# mbed-os-example-wifi #

WiFi example for mbed OS

## Getting started with the WiFi API ##

This is a quick example of a simple WiFi application using the WiFi and network-socket APIs that is provided as a part of [mbed-os](

The program brings up the WiFi and the underlying network interface, and uses it to scans available networks, connects to a network, prints interface and connection details and performs simple HTTP operation.

### Supported hardware ###

* [UBLOX Odin board]( built-in WiFi module
* [REALTEK_RTL8195AM]( built-in WiFi module
* [NUCLEO_F401RE]( with [X-NUCLEO-IDW01M1]( WiFi expansion board using pins D8 D2
* [NUCLEO_F429ZI]( with ESP8266-01 module using pins D1 D0
* [NUCLEO_L476RG]( with ESP8266-01 module using pins D8 D2
* Other mbed targets with ESP8266 module or [X-NUCLEO-IDW01M1]( expansion board
  *(the mbed target board the WiFi shield gets connected to shouldn't have any other network interface e.g. Ethernet)*

ESP8266 is a fallback option and will be used if the build is for unsupported platform.

#### Connecting the ESP8266 ####
To connect the ESP8266 module to your development board, look at the [ESP8266 Cookbook page]( In general, this means hooking up the ESP8266 TX pin to `D0` and the ESP8266 RX pin to `D1` on your development board.

**Note:** on NUCLEO development boards, pins `D0` and `D1` are used for serial communication with the computer. Use pins `D8` (to ESP8266 TX) and `D2` (to ESP8266 RX) instead.

#### Connecting the X-NUCLEO-IDW01M1 ####
To connect the [X-NUCLEO-IDW01M1]( expansion board to your NUCLEO development board, just plug the expansion board on top of the NUCLEO board using the Morpho connector.

##  Getting started

1. Import the example

   mbed import mbed-os-example-wifi
   cd mbed-os-example-wifi
2. Configure the WiFi shield to use

   Edit ```mbed_app.json``` to include correct WiFi shield, SSID and Password:

       "config": {
 	  "wifi-shield": {
               "help": "Options are WIFI_ESP8266, WIFI_IDW01M1",
               "value": "WIFI_IDW01M1"
           "wifi-ssid": {
               "help": "WiFi SSID",
               "value": "\"SSID\""
           "wifi-password": {
               "help": "WiFi Password",
               "value": "\"Password\""

   For built-in WiFi, ignore the value of `wifi-shield`

3. Copy the respective _ignore_ file to `.mbedignore`
   * Copy `esp8266-mbedignore` when using ESP8266 module.
   * Copy `idw01m1-mbedignore` when using [X-NUCLEO-IDW01M1]( expansion board.
   * For built-in WiFi, keep the default `.mbedignore`

4. Compile and generate binary

   For example, for `GCC`:

   mbed compile -t GCC_ARM -m UBLOX_EVK_ODIN_W2

## Documentation ##

More information on the network-socket API can be found in the [mbed handbook](