Deep Slumber, codename ISA, is a program made for the arm MBED during Hack The Burgh 2018 that analyses light, temperature, humidity and CO2 levels in a room. It uploads this information onto an SQL server through a rest API, providing the necessary environment for data processing. Further improvements we hope to provide are the regulation of said parameters by wifi connection to electric heaters, wifi enabled controllable lightbulbs and other iot gadgets as well as a website that will provide recommendations for sleep cycle improvements.

Dependencies:   C12832 CCS811 Sht31 TSL2561

Fork of ARM_HACK_THE_BURGH by Carey Williams

--- a/	Wed Nov 23 13:00:04 2016 +0000
+++ b/	Fri Dec 09 11:15:04 2016 +0000
@@ -15,6 +15,14 @@
 ESP2866 is a fallback option and will be used if the build is for unsupported platform.
+#### Connecting the ESP2866 ####
+ESP module needs to be connected to RX and TX UART pins (+ power and ground) on your target board. That can be achieved using Grove shield or connected directly using jumper wires, please note that not all Arduino form factor boards have UART compatible with the Grove shiled.
+For Grove shield TX has to be connected to D1 and RX to D0.
+Make sure that UART module you're connecting ESP to is different than the debug UART connected to your USB port.
 ##  Getting started
 1. Import the example