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00001 /* mbed Microcontroller Library
00002  * Copyright (c) 2006-2013 ARM Limited
00003  *
00004  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
00005  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
00006  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
00007  *
00008  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
00009  *
00010  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
00011  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
00012  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
00013  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
00014  * limitations under the License.
00015  */
00017 #ifndef __UUID_H__
00018 #define __UUID_H__
00020 #include <stdint.h>
00021 #include <string.h>
00023 #include "blecommon.h"
00025 class UUID {
00026 public:
00027     enum UUID_Type_t {
00028         UUID_TYPE_SHORT = 0,    // Short BLE UUID
00029         UUID_TYPE_LONG  = 1     // Full 128-bit UUID
00030     };
00032     typedef uint16_t      ShortUUIDBytes_t;
00034     static const unsigned LENGTH_OF_LONG_UUID = 16;
00035     typedef uint8_t       LongUUIDBytes_t[LENGTH_OF_LONG_UUID];
00037 public:
00038     /**
00039      * Creates a new 128-bit UUID
00040      *
00041      * @note   The UUID is a unique 128-bit (16 byte) ID used to identify
00042      *         different service or characteristics on the BLE device.
00043      *
00044      * @param longUUID
00045      *          The 128-bit (16-byte) UUID value, MSB first (big-endian).
00046      */
00047     UUID(const LongUUIDBytes_t longUUID) : type(UUID_TYPE_LONG), baseUUID(), shortUUID(0) {
00048         setupLong(longUUID);
00049     }
00051     /**
00052      * Creates a new 16-bit UUID
00053      *
00054      * @note The UUID is a unique 16-bit (2 byte) ID used to identify
00055      *       different service or characteristics on the BLE device.
00056      *
00057      * For efficiency, and because 16 bytes would take a large chunk of the
00058      * 27-byte data payload length of the Link Layer, the BLE specification adds
00059      * two additional UUID formats: 16-bit and 32-bit UUIDs. These shortened
00060      * formats can be used only with UUIDs that are defined in the Bluetooth
00061      * specification (i.e., that are listed by the Bluetooth SIG as standard
00062      * Bluetooth UUIDs).
00063      *
00064      * To reconstruct the full 128-bit UUID from the shortened version, insert
00065      * the 16-bit short value (indicated by xxxx, including leading zeros) into
00066      * the Bluetooth Base UUID:
00067      *
00068      *  0000xxxx-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB
00069      *
00070      * @note Shortening is not available for UUIDs that are not derived from the
00071      *       Bluetooth Base UUID. Such non-standard UUIDs are commonly called
00072      *       vendor-specific UUIDs. In these cases, you’ll need to use the full
00073      *       128-bit UUID value at all times.
00074      *
00075      * @note we don't yet support 32-bit shortened UUIDs.
00076      */
00077     UUID(ShortUUIDBytes_t shortUUID) : type(UUID_TYPE_SHORT), baseUUID(), shortUUID(shortUUID) {
00078         /* empty */
00079     }
00081     UUID(const UUID &source) {
00082         type      = source.type;
00083         shortUUID = source.shortUUID;
00084         memcpy(baseUUID, source.baseUUID, LENGTH_OF_LONG_UUID);
00085     }
00087     UUID(void) : type(UUID_TYPE_SHORT), shortUUID(BLE_UUID_UNKNOWN) {
00088         /* empty */
00089     }
00091     /**
00092      * Fill in a 128-bit UUID; this is useful when UUID isn't known at the time of object construction.
00093      */
00094     void setupLong(const LongUUIDBytes_t longUUID) {
00095         type      = UUID_TYPE_LONG;
00096         memcpy(baseUUID, longUUID, LENGTH_OF_LONG_UUID);
00097         shortUUID = (uint16_t)((longUUID[2] << 8) | (longUUID[3]));
00098     }
00100 public:
00101     UUID_Type_t       shortOrLong(void)  const {return type;     }
00102     const uint8_t    *getBaseUUID(void)  const {
00103         if (type == UUID_TYPE_SHORT) {
00104             return (const uint8_t*)&shortUUID;
00105         } else {
00106             return baseUUID;
00107         }
00108     }
00110     ShortUUIDBytes_t  getShortUUID(void) const {return shortUUID;}
00111     uint8_t           getLen(void)       const {
00112         return ((type == UUID_TYPE_SHORT) ? sizeof(ShortUUIDBytes_t) : LENGTH_OF_LONG_UUID);
00113     }
00115     bool operator== (const UUID &other) const {
00116         if ((this->type == UUID_TYPE_SHORT) && (other.type == UUID_TYPE_SHORT) &&
00117             (this->shortUUID == other.shortUUID)) {
00118             return true;
00119         }
00121         if ((this->type == UUID_TYPE_LONG) && (other.type == UUID_TYPE_LONG) &&
00122             (memcmp(this->baseUUID, other.baseUUID, LENGTH_OF_LONG_UUID) == 0)) {
00123             return true;
00124         }
00126         return false;
00127     }
00129     bool operator!= (const UUID &other) const {
00130         return !(*this == other);
00131     }
00133 private:
00134     UUID_Type_t      type;      // UUID_TYPE_SHORT or UUID_TYPE_LONG
00135     LongUUIDBytes_t  baseUUID;  /* the base of the long UUID (if
00136                             * used). Note: bytes 12 and 13 (counting from LSB)
00137                             * are zeroed out to allow comparison with other long
00138                             * UUIDs which differ only in the 16-bit relative
00139                             * part.*/
00140     ShortUUIDBytes_t shortUUID; // 16 bit uuid (byte 2-3 using with base)
00141 };
00143 #endif // ifndef __UUID_H__