this repository aim to make the official ST DISCO F746NG demo from STM32Cube_FW_F7_V1.2.0 working on mbed.
Dependencies: BSP_DISCO_F746NG_patch mbed-rtos mbed
Files at revision 0:c00e6c923941
Name | Size | Actions |
[up] | ||
FreeRTOSConfig.h | 8011 | Revisions Annotate |
GUIConf.c | 3638 | Revisions Annotate |
GUIConf.h | 3255 | Revisions Annotate |
LCDConf.c | 26050 | Revisions Annotate |
LCDConf.h | 2597 | Revisions Annotate |
ffconf.h | 10760 | Revisions Annotate |
lwipopts.h | 8451 | Revisions Annotate |
stm32f7xx_hal_conf.h | 16212 | Revisions Annotate |
usbh_conf.c | 14514 | Revisions Annotate |
usbh_conf.h | 4921 | Revisions Annotate |