mbed library sources change for ST sensors and ST BLE

Fork of mbed-src by mbed official

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Wed Sep 02 09:00:41 2015 +0100
Commit message:
Synchronized with git revision cfb59496c59d468dacee9fc74c9f834a3027b8f1

Full URL: https://github.com/mbedmicro/mbed/commit/cfb59496c59d468dacee9fc74c9f834a3027b8f1/

Changed in this revision

targets/hal/TARGET_NXP/TARGET_LPC11U6X/serial_api.c Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- a/targets/hal/TARGET_NXP/TARGET_LPC11U6X/serial_api.c	Tue Sep 01 16:00:09 2015 +0100
+++ b/targets/hal/TARGET_NXP/TARGET_LPC11U6X/serial_api.c	Wed Sep 02 09:00:41 2015 +0100
@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@
     {P1_18, UART_0, 2},
     {P1_27, UART_0, 2},
     {P1_8 , UART_1, 2},
+    {P0_14, UART_1, 4},
     {P1_0 , UART_2, 3},
     {P1_23, UART_2, 3},
     {P2_4 , UART_3, 1},
@@ -62,6 +63,7 @@
     {P1_17, UART_0, 2},
     {P1_26, UART_0, 2},
     {P1_2 , UART_1, 3},
+    {P0_13, UART_1, 4},
     {P0_20, UART_2, 2},
     {P1_6 , UART_2, 2},
     {P2_3 , UART_3, 1},
@@ -323,22 +325,42 @@
 void uart1_irq()
-    uart_irq((LPC_USART1->STAT & (1 << 2)) ? 2 : 1, 1);
+    if(LPC_USART1->STAT & (1 << 2)){
+        uart_irq(1, 1);
+    }
+    if(LPC_USART1->STAT & (1 << 0)){
+        uart_irq(2, 1);
+    }
 void uart2_irq()
-    uart_irq((LPC_USART1->STAT & (1 << 2)) ? 2 : 1, 2);
+    if(LPC_USART2->STAT & (1 << 2)){
+        uart_irq(1, 2);
+    }
+    if(LPC_USART2->STAT & (1 << 0)){
+        uart_irq(2, 2);
+    }
 void uart3_irq()
-    uart_irq((LPC_USART1->STAT & (1 << 2)) ? 2 : 1, 3);
+    if(LPC_USART3->STAT & (1 << 2)){
+        uart_irq(1, 3);
+    }
+    if(LPC_USART3->STAT & (1 << 0)){
+        uart_irq(2, 3);
+    }
 void uart4_irq()
-    uart_irq((LPC_USART1->STAT & (1 << 2)) ? 2 : 1, 4);
+    if(LPC_USART4->STAT & (1 << 2)){
+        uart_irq(1, 4);
+    }
+    if(LPC_USART4->STAT & (1 << 0)){
+        uart_irq(2, 4);
+    }
 void serial_irq_handler(serial_t *obj, uart_irq_handler handler, uint32_t id) {
@@ -349,12 +371,17 @@
 void serial_irq_set(serial_t *obj, SerialIrq irq, uint32_t enable) {
     IRQn_Type irq_n = (IRQn_Type)0;
     uint32_t vector = 0;
-    switch ((int)obj->uart) {
-        case UART_0: irq_n = USART0_IRQn;   vector = (uint32_t)&uart0_irq; break;
-        case UART_1: irq_n = USART1_4_IRQn; vector = (uint32_t)&uart1_irq; break;
-        case UART_2: irq_n = USART2_3_IRQn; vector = (uint32_t)&uart2_irq; break;
-        case UART_3: irq_n = USART2_3_IRQn; vector = (uint32_t)&uart3_irq; break;
-        case UART_4: irq_n = USART1_4_IRQn; vector = (uint32_t)&uart4_irq; break;
+    if(obj->index == 0){
+        irq_n = USART0_IRQn;   vector = (uint32_t)&uart0_irq;
+    }
+    else{
+        switch ((int)obj->mini_uart) {
+            case UART_0: irq_n = USART0_IRQn;   vector = (uint32_t)&uart0_irq; break;
+            case UART_1: irq_n = USART1_4_IRQn; vector = (uint32_t)&uart1_irq; break;
+            case UART_2: irq_n = USART2_3_IRQn; vector = (uint32_t)&uart2_irq; break;
+            case UART_3: irq_n = USART2_3_IRQn; vector = (uint32_t)&uart3_irq; break;
+            case UART_4: irq_n = USART1_4_IRQn; vector = (uint32_t)&uart4_irq; break;
+        }
     if (enable) {
@@ -368,15 +395,15 @@
     } else { // disable
         int all_disabled = 0;
-        SerialIrq other_irq = (irq == RxIrq) ? (TxIrq) : (RxIrq);
+        SerialIrq other_irq = (irq == RxIrq) ? (RxIrq) : (TxIrq);
         if (obj->index == 0) {
             obj->uart->IER &= ~(1 << irq);
             all_disabled = (obj->uart->IER & (1 << other_irq)) == 0;
         else {
-            obj->mini_uart->INTENSET &= ~(1 << ((irq == RxIrq) ? 0 : 2));
-            all_disabled = (obj->mini_uart->INTENSET & (1 << ((other_irq == RxIrq) ? 0 : 2))) == 0;
+            obj->mini_uart->INTENCLR = (1 << ((irq == RxIrq) ? 0 : 2));
+            all_disabled = (obj->mini_uart->INTENSET) == 0;
         if (all_disabled)