This simple program will test the functionality of the m3pi\'s usb port by reading a file on a usb flash drive (called YourText.txt) and printing it to the m3pi\'s inbuilt LCD display.

Dependencies:   mbed m3pi

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00001 #include "mbed.h"
00002 #include "m3pi.h"
00003 #include "MSCFileSystem.h"
00005 DigitalOut myled(LED1);
00006 m3pi m3pi;
00007 MSCFileSystem msc("usb");
00009 //The m3pi can have a maximum of 8 charicters on a row of it's display, so logically that is all we need to accomedate
00010 char YourText[8];
00012 int main() {
00013     //set the file you want to open to /usb/YourFile.txt and we want to read it, so fopen needs 'r'
00014     FILE *YourFile = fopen("/usb/YourFile.txt", "r");
00015     if (YourFile == NULL) {
00016         //if your file isnt there, turn an led on and do nothing else
00017         myled = 1;
00018         while (1) {}
00019     }
00020     //scan untill you hit then end of the document and put everything in YourText as a string
00021     while (!feof(YourFile)) {
00022         fscanf (YourFile, "%s", YourText);
00023     }
00024     m3pi.cls();
00025     //and print your message!
00026     m3pi.printf("%s", YourText);
00027 }