This is the final project involving a parking distance guider and radar distance sensor, with an additional setting option involved. It was made by Nestor Isaac Garcia Rueda (SID: 200798965) and e-mail address:

Dependencies:   N5110 PowerControl SRF02 beep mbed

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Mon May 11 21:57:55 2015 +0000
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When Finished

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Button.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
N5110.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
PowerControl.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
SRF02.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
beep.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
mbed.bld Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
diff -r 000000000000 -r 356be0c38cf1 Button.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Button.cpp	Mon May 11 21:57:55 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,447 @@
+@file Button.cpp
+@brief main file for the Ultrasound Distance Sensor Project.
+@brief Has three main functions; parking distance guide, ultrasound radar and settings.
+@brief Revision 3.6.
+@author Nestor Isaac Garcia Rueda (200798965)
+@date 02/May/2015
+/*Here, we are including the following libraries and its respectively codes*/
+#include "mbed.h"                                     /*Importing the mbed.h library header file of the mbed NXP LPC 1768 Microcontroller*/
+#include "N5110.h"                                   /*Importing the N5110.h library header file of the Nokia 5110 LCD screen*/
+#include "SRF02.h"                                  /*Importing the SRF02.h library header file of the SRF02 ultrasound device*/
+#include "beep.h"                                  /*Importing beep.h library header file of the beep library*/   
+#include "PowerControl/PowerControl.h"            /*Importing the PowerControl/PowerControl.h library header file of the PowerControl library*/
+#include "PowerControl/EthernetPowerControl.h"   /*Importing the PowerControl/EthernetPowerControl.h library header file of the PowerControl library*/
+AnalogIn pot(p20);                             /*Declaring name space (pot) and pin number (p20) of the potentiometer*/
+Beep buzzer(p21);                               /*Declaring name space (buzzer) and pin number (p21) of the buzzer speaker*/
+InterruptIn button(p18);                         /*Declaring name space (button) and pin number (p18) of the interrupt button*/
+BusOut inLeds(LED3,LED4);                         /*Declaring name space (inLeds) and inner embedded LEDs of mbed NXP LPC 1768 Microcontroller*/
+//Serial serial(USBTX,USBRX);                        /*Declaration of serial interface for CoolTerm debugging with usb transmitter and receiver defintitions*/
+BusOut pcbLEDS (p25,p24,p23,p22);                      /*Declaring name space (pcbLEDS) and its corresponding pin numbers (p25,p24,p23,p22) of the LEDs of the PCB*/
+N5110 lcd(p7,p8,p9,p10,p11,p13,p26);                  /*Declaring name space (lcd) and corresponding pin numbers (p7,p8,p9,p10,p11,p13,p26) of the Nokia 5110 LCD screen*/
+SRF02 srf02(p28,p27);                                /*Declaring SDA and SCL pins (p28,p27)*/
+Ticker onBoardLedTimer;                           /*Ticker object for blinking on board LED*/
+Ticker refLed;                                  /*Ticker object to eliminate the need for wait() function for the on-PCB status LED's*/
+Ticker clearTimer;
+int c = 1;                                        /*Float is 0.something and 'int' represents whole numbers, where we are declaring 'c' to be a whole number and to have a value of 1*/
+void ledFlow()                                   /*Void function for executing the brightness backlight pre-intro presentation*/
+    pcbLEDS = 8;                               /*The named space previously defined, lights on, in this case 2^3= 8 in binary, therefore it only will the fourth led*/
+    wait_ms(200);                              /*Waiting time delay of 0.2 seconds*/
+    pcbLEDS = 12;                              /*Lights on, in this case 2^3+2^2= 12 in binary, therefore it will only the third and fourth led*/
+    wait_ms(200);                              /*Delay of 0.2 seconds*/
+    pcbLEDS = 14;                              /*Lights on, in this case 2^3+2^2+2^1= 14 in binary, therefore it will only the second, third and fourth led*/
+    wait_ms(200);                              /*Delay of 0.2 seconds*/
+    pcbLEDS = 15;                              /*Lights on, in this case 2^3+2^2+2^1+2^0= 15 in binary, therefore it will all the four leds*/
+    wait_ms(200);                              /*Delay of 0.2 seconds*/
+    pcbLEDS = 0;                               /*Lights off all leds*/
+float d = 1;            /* Float is 0.smth and int whole*/
+void ledLaserA()         /* Void function named ledLaserA for executing the code below to be able to be called and run, executing the different led states*/
+    pcbLEDS = 1;         /*The named space previously defined, lights on, in this case 2^0= 1 in binary, therefore it only will the first led*/
+    wait_ms(110);        /*Delay of 0.11 seconds*/
+    pcbLEDS = 3;;        /*Lights on, in this case 2^1+2^0= 3 in binary, therefore it only will the first and second leds*/
+    wait_ms(90);         /*Delay of 0.09 seconds*/
+    pcbLEDS = 7;;        /*Lights on, in this case 2^2+2^1+2^0= 7 in binary, therefore it only will the first, second and third leds*/
+    wait_ms(90);         /*Delay of 0.09 seconds*/
+    pcbLEDS = 15;        /*Lights on, in this case 2^3+2^2+2^1+2^0= 15 in binary, therefore it will then the first, second, third and fourth leds*/
+    wait_ms(90);         /*Delay of 0.09 seconds*/                 
+void ledLaserB()         /*void function for ledLaserB led flashing states*/
+    pcbLEDS = 8;         /*The named space previously defined, lights on, in this case 2^3= 8 in binary, therefore it only will the fourth led*/
+    wait_ms(110);        /*Delay of 0.11 seconds*/
+    pcbLEDS = 12;        /*Lights on, in this case 2^3+2^2= 12 in binary, therefore it will only the third and fourth led*/
+    wait_ms(90);         /*Delay of 0.09 seconds*/
+    pcbLEDS = 14;        /*Lights on, in this case 2^3+2^2+2^1= 14 in binary, therefore it will only the second, third and fourth led*/
+    wait_ms(90);         /*Delay of 0.09 seconds*/
+    pcbLEDS = 15;        /*Lights on, in this case 2^3+2^2+2^1+2^0= 15 in binary, therefore it will all the four leds*/
+    wait_ms(90);         /*Delay of 0.09 seconds*/
+    pcbLEDS = 0;         /*Lights off all leds*/
+int buttonFlag = 0;              /*between variable = 0 and variableReading = 0.3*/
+int buttonAltFlag = 0;            /*Alternate flag between variable = 0.3 and variableReading = 0.6*/
+int buttonSecondAltFlag = 0;        /*Second Alternate flag beyond variable = 0*/
+float variableReading =;      /*fetches potentiometer reading between 0 and 1 and stores it in a variable, potReading*/
+void action() //Interrupt Service Routine for Button
+    if(variableReading <= 0.3) { //less than this pot ratio
+        buttonFlag = !buttonFlag; //if flag = 0 set it to 1; otherwise reset it to 0.
+    }
+    else if(variableReading > 0.3 & variableReading < 0.6) { //if otherwise pot reading between this pot ratio range - radar
+        buttonAltFlag = !buttonAltFlag; //if flag = 0 set it to 1; otherwise reset it to 0.
+    }
+    else if(variableReading >= 0.6) { //or else this pot ratio is exceeded
+        //lcd.setBrightness(;
+        buttonSecondAltFlag = !buttonSecondAltFlag;
+        // lcd.setBrightness(;
+    }
+    if ( variableReading < 0.6 && buttonSecondAltFlag == 1) {
+        buttonSecondAltFlag = !buttonSecondAltFlag;
+        //  lcd.setBrightness(;
+    }
+int LedFlag = 0; //flag set to change on-board LED state
+void LedTimerSet()  //Interrupt Service Routine for LedTimer
+    LedFlag = 1;  //set flag when timer expires.
+int refLedFlag = 0;
+void refLedFlipped()
+    refLedFlag = 1;
+int clearFlag = 0;
+void clearTimeout()
+    clearFlag = 1;
+bool state;
+float a= 0.0;                    /*Floating data integer type constant defined as "a" and given the value of 0.0*/
+int counter = 0;                  /*Integer r set as an integer of 0*/
+void increaseBrightness()         /*void function for executing the brightness backlight pre-intro presentation*/
+    a+=0.2;                       /*increases by 0.2 the 'a' constant*/
+    lcd.setBrightness(a);         /*the lcd brightness is been set, with the pre-set and defined constant ''a'', as the initial value state*/
+    wait_ms(150);                 /*Delay of 0.15 seconds*/
+void preIntro ()             /*void function for preIntro that performs the counting, increment and reset of the constant "a" state depending on its floating value, taking into account the task of counting floating numbers*/
+    while(counter < 2) {          /*A while loop that when the counter reaches 2, stops executing*/
+        increaseBrightness();      /*calls the function*/
+        if (a>0.4 && a<0.7) {
+            lcd.inverseMode();    /*White and black pixels get inversed*/
+        }
+        else if (a>=1)  {         /*so i} the constant 'a' gets higher or equal to 1, after increasing by 0.2 every time, will execute the code line below*/
+            a = 0;
+            counter++;    /*sets the constant 'a' value to 0 and adds 1 to the counter when the if statement is met*/
+        } else  {                /*Else statement*/
+            lcd.normalMode();     /*Calls the member function normal mode running the code*/
+        }
+    }
+void superIntro()
+    ledFlow();                                /*calls the ledFlow function been declared above*/
+    lcd.clear();                              /*Clears screen by running the member function clear of the class lcd*/
+    lcd.refresh();                            /*Refreshes screen by runnig member function*/
+    pcbLEDS = 0;                              /*Lights off all leds*/
+    lcd.printString("Electronic",15,0);         /*Calls the member function printString running the code and allowing us to print what's between quotation marks and the coordinates Y,X axis of 15 and 0*/
+    lcd.printString("&",40,1);                  /*Prints on the lcd screen only the symbol "&" between quotation marks on the 40,1 Y,X axis coordinates*/
+    lcd.printString("Electrical",6,2);          /*Prints "Electrical" on the 6,2 X,Y axis coordinates of the LCD*/
+    lcd.printString("Engineer",37,3);           /*Prints "Engineer" on the 37,3 X,Y axis coordinates of the LCD*/
+    lcd.printString("PRESENTS",5,4);            /*Prints "PRESENTS" on the 5,4 X,Y axis coordinates of the LCD*/
+    lcd.printString("///*///*///*//",0,5);      /*Prints "///*///*///*//" on the 0,5 X,Y axis coordinates of the LCD*/
+    wait(2);                                  /*Delay of 2 secs*/
+    ledFlow();                             /*calls the ledFlow function been declared above*/
+    lcd.clear();                              /*Clears screen by running the member function clear of the class lcd*/
+    lcd.printString("///*///*///*//",0,0);      /*Prints "///*///*///*//" on the 0,0 X,Y axis coordinates of the LCD*/
+    lcd.printString("The",34,1);                /*Prints "The" on the 34,1 X,Y axis coordinates of the LCD*/
+    lcd.printString("SRF",34,2);                /*Prints "SRF" on the 34,2 X,Y axis coordinates of the LCD*/
+    lcd.printString("Ultrasound",13,3);         /*Prints "Ultrasound" on the 13,3 X,Y axis coordinates of the LCD*/
+    lcd.printString("Project",21,4);            /*Prints "Project" on the 21,4 X,Y axis coordinates of the LCD*/
+    lcd.printString("///*///*///*//",0,5);      /*Prints "///*///*///*//" on the 0,5 X,Y axis coordinates of the LCD*/
+    lcd.inverseMode();                        /*calls the function from the N5110.h library and runs the function inverseMode to inverse the B&W pixel states*/
+    wait(2);                       /*waiting time of 2secs*/
+    ledFlow();                      /*calls the ledFlow function been declared above*/
+    lcd.clear();                           /*clears screen*/
+    lcd.printString("///*///*///*//",0,0);      /*Prints "///*///*///*//" on the 0,0 X,Y axis coordinates of the LCD*/
+    lcd.printString("Designed",15,1);           /*Prints "Designed" on the 15,1 X,Y axis coordinates of the LCD*/
+    lcd.printString("By",34,2);                 /*Prints "By" on the 34,2 X,Y axis coordinates of the LCD*/
+    lcd.printString("Nestor Isaac",7,3);        /*Prints "Nestor Isaac" on the 7,3 X,Y axis coordinates of the LCD*/
+    lcd.printString("Garcia Rueda",7,4);        /*Prints "Garcia Rueda" on the 7,4 X,Y axis coordinates of the LCD*/
+    lcd.printString("///*///*///*//",0,5);      /*Prints "///*///*///*//" on the 0,5 X,Y axis coordinates of the LCD*/
+    lcd.normalMode();                       /*calls the function from the N5110.h library and runs the function normalMode to normal the B&W pixel states*/
+    wait(3);                         /*waiting time of 3secs*/
+    pcbLEDS=15;                      /*Lights on, in this case 2^3+2^2+2^1+2^0= 15 in binary, therefore it will all the four leds*/
+    lcd.refresh();                      /*refreshes screen by running the corresponding member function*/
+    lcd.clear();                      /*clears screen by running the corresponding member function inside the lcd class*/
+int main ()                   /*Starts the main function where "int" represents the data type of the return value from the pgoramme where if returned a 0, means that its worked ok and if returned 1, would mean that something went wrong*/ 
+{                              /*Curly bracket that reresets the openning/begining of the main function*/
+    PHY_PowerDown();            /*Ethernet Power-Down, saves up around 175mW*/
+    lcd.init();                 /*Initialises screen by running the member function init of the class lcd*/
+    preIntro();                 /*Calls the defined void function "preIntro" declared above*/ 
+    superIntro();               /*Calls the defined void function "preIntro" declared above*/
+    button.rise(&action);
+    onBoardLedTimer.attach(&LedTimerSet,1.0);      /*call ISR every second second*/
+    refLed.attach(&refLedFlipped,0.3);             /*call ISR once after 0.3 seconds elapse*/
+    clearTimer.attach(&clearTimeout,0.25);         /* calls ISR every quarter of a second*/
+    while(1) {                                     /*Initialises a while loop that loops reading code forever*/
+        if(clearFlag) {                         /*If statement that only executing if the clearFlag statement is met and runs the inner statement of "if"*/
+                lcd.clear();                         /*clears screen by running the corresponding member function inside the lcd class*/
+                clearFlag = 0;                        /*Makes the clearFlag value to be set initially as 0*/
+                variableReading =;          /*Here, we are just saying that the declared floating declaration variableReading is equals to, which reads the potentiometer resistance*/ 
+                /*serial.printf("variable reading is %d\n",state);*/      /*This code was additionally used as for debugging purposes using CoolTerm so we could print ht ereadings when connecting our mbed platform to the programme*/
+                lcd.drawRect(15,5,60,10,0);              /* filled black rectangle   Y,X,length, width,1=FILLIN/0=NON-FILLING*/
+                lcd.drawRect(15,20,60,10,0);             /* filled black rectangle   Y,X,length, width,1=FILLIN/0=NON-FILLING*/
+                lcd.drawRect(15,35,60,10,0);             /* filled black rectangle   Y,X,length, width,1=FILLIN/0=NON-FILLING*/
+                lcd.drawCircle(WIDTH/11,HEIGHT/5.2,5,0);        /*Here, it takes the declared WIDTH on the lcd library of 84 pixels(in this case divided by 11) on the x axis and HEIGHT of 48 pixels in the y axis (in this case divided by 5.2),with a radius of 5cm,and 0 fo an white empty circle and 1 for a black filled circle that prints on the lcd screen*/
+                lcd.drawCircle(WIDTH/11,HEIGHT/1.97,5,0);       /*It calls the member function "drawCircle" inside the lcd class, with a WIDTH of 84/11, a HEIGHT of 48/1.97, a radius of 5, and a empty filled circle (0)*/
+                lcd.drawCircle(WIDTH/11,HEIGHT/1.2,5,0);        /*It calls the member function "drawCircle" inside the lcd class, with a WIDTH of 84/11, a HEIGHT of 48/1.2, a radius of 5, and a empty filled circle (0)*/
+                lcd.printString("PARKING",23,1);             /*Prints "Electrical" on the 6,2 X,Y axis coordinates of the LCD*/
+                lcd.printString("RADAR",29,3);               /*Prints "Electrical" on the 6,2 X,Y axis coordinates of the LCD*/
+                lcd.printString("SETTINGS",20,5);            /*Prints "Electrical" on the 6,2 X,Y axis coordinates of the LCD*/
+                if (variableReading <= 0.3) {                                                    /*This is for the PARKING option*/
+                    lcd.drawCircle(WIDTH/11,HEIGHT/5.2,5,1);  // x,y,radius,black fill
+                    ledLaserA();
+                    lcd.refresh();
+                    ledLaserB();
+                    lcd.drawCircle(WIDTH/11,HEIGHT/5.2,5,1);  // x,y,radius,black fill
+                    lcd.refresh();
+                    while(buttonFlag == 1) {
+                        lcd.clear();
+                        //buzzer.beep(200,1.5);
+                        inLeds = 1;
+                        if(LedFlag) { //if flag has been set
+                            inLeds = inLeds + 1;
+                            if(inLeds < 3) {
+                                inLeds = 0;
+                            }
+                            LedFlag = 0;  //reset flag
+                        }
+                        int distReading = srf02.getDistanceCm();
+                        lcd.clear();
+                        char stringBuffer[14];
+                        lcd.printString("Measured range",0,2);
+                        sprintf(stringBuffer,":%dcm",distReading);
+                        lcd.printString(stringBuffer,43,3);
+                        lcd.refresh();
+                        if (distReading >=12 && distReading <=15  ) {
+                            pcbLEDS = 8;
+                            lcd.printString("///*///*///*//",0,0);      //Y,X axis
+                            lcd.printString("WELL DONE!",0,1);
+                            lcd.printString("car parked at  ",0,2);
+                            lcd.printString("///*///*///*//",0,4);      //Y,X axis
+                            lcd.printString("///*///*///*//",0,5);      //Y,X axis
+                            buzzer.beep(200,1.5);
+                            wait(4);
+                        }
+                        if (distReading > 15 && distReading <= 30) {
+                            pcbLEDS = 12;
+                            lcd.printString("//////////////",0,0);      //Y,X axis
+                            lcd.printString("wall at",0,3);
+                            lcd.printString("Slow approach,",0,2);
+                           // lcd.printString("recommended",0,4);
+                            wait_ms(300);
+                        }
+                        if (distReading > 30 && distReading <= 50) {
+                            pcbLEDS = 14;
+                            wait_ms(300);
+                        }
+                        if (distReading > 50 && distReading <= 50) {
+                            pcbLEDS = 15;
+                            wait_ms(300);
+                        } else {
+                            //pcbLEDS = 15;
+//                    wait_ms(300);
+//                    pcbLEDS = 0;
+                            ledFlow();
+                             lcd.refresh();
+                        }
+                        lcd.refresh();
+                        //       if (distReading < 35) {
+                        //  buzzer.beep(500,1.0);
+//                    pcbLEDS = 14;
+//                    wait_ms(300);
+//                if (distReading < 25) {
+//                   buzzer.beep(1000,1.0);
+//                    pcbLEDS = 12;
+//                    wait_ms(300);
+//                if (distReading < 15) {
+//                        buzzer.beep(9000,1.0);
+//                        pcbLEDS = 8;
+//                        wait_ms(300);
+//                    } //close dist reading 15
+//             lcd.refresh();
+//                } //close dist reading 35
+//            } //close button flag 1
+//        } //close variable reading 0.3 to 0.6
+                        lcd.refresh();
+                    }
+                    lcd.clear();
+                    lcd.refresh();
+                }
+                if (variableReading >0.3 && variableReading <0.6) {
+                    //This is the RADAR option
+                    lcd.drawCircle(WIDTH/11,HEIGHT/1.97,5,1);  // x,y,radius,black fill
+                    ledLaserA();
+                    lcd.refresh();
+                    ledLaserB();
+                    lcd.drawCircle(WIDTH/11,HEIGHT/1.97,5,1);  // x,y,radius,black fill
+                    lcd.refresh();
+                    while(buttonAltFlag == 1) {
+                        lcd.clear();
+                        //buzzer.beep(200,1.5);
+                        inLeds = 1;
+                        if(LedFlag) { //if flag has been set
+                            inLeds = inLeds + 1;
+                            if(inLeds < 3) {
+                                inLeds = 0;
+                            }
+                            LedFlag = 0;  //reset flag
+                        }
+                        int distReading = srf02.getDistanceCm();
+                        lcd.clear();
+                        char stringBuffer[14];
+                        lcd.printString("Measured range",0,2);
+                        sprintf(stringBuffer,": %d cm",distReading);
+                        lcd.printString(stringBuffer,0,3);
+                        lcd.refresh();
+                        if (distReading <=15) {
+                            pcbLEDS = 8;
+                            wait_ms(300);
+                        }
+                        if (distReading > 15 && distReading <= 30) {
+                            pcbLEDS = 12;
+                            wait_ms(300);
+                        }
+                        if (distReading > 30 && distReading <= 50) {
+                            pcbLEDS = 14;
+                            wait_ms(300);
+                        }
+                        if (distReading > 50 && distReading <= 50) {
+                            pcbLEDS = 15;
+                            wait_ms(300);
+                        } else {
+                            //pcbLEDS = 15;
+//                    wait_ms(300);
+//                    pcbLEDS = 0;
+                            ledFlow();
+                        }
+                        lcd.refresh();
+                        //       if (distReading < 35) {
+                        //  buzzer.beep(500,1.0);
+//                    pcbLEDS = 14;
+//                    wait_ms(300);
+//                if (distReading < 25) {
+//                   buzzer.beep(1000,1.0);
+//                    pcbLEDS = 12;
+//                    wait_ms(300);
+//                if (distReading < 15) {
+//                        buzzer.beep(9000,1.0);
+//                        pcbLEDS = 8;
+//                        wait_ms(300);
+//                    } //close dist reading 15
+//             lcd.refresh();
+//                } //close dist reading 35
+//            } //close button flag 1
+//        } //close variable reading 0.3 to 0.6
+                        lcd.refresh();
+                    }
+                }
+                if (variableReading >= 0.6) {
+                    //This is the the SETTINGS option
+                    lcd.drawCircle(WIDTH/11,HEIGHT/1.2,5,1);  // x,y,radius,black fill
+                    if(refLedFlag == 1) {
+                        ledLaserA();
+                        lcd.refresh();
+                        ledLaserB();
+                        refLedFlag = 0;
+                    }
+                    lcd.refresh();
+                    lcd.drawCircle(WIDTH/11,HEIGHT/1.2,5,1);  // x,y,radius,black fill
+                    //lcd.printString("SETTINGS",20,5);           //X,Y axis
+                    // buzzer.beep(12000,1.0);
+                    while(buttonSecondAltFlag == 1) {
+                        lcd.clear();
+                        variableReading =;   // This, has to beinside the while loop as otherwise it would not bear it in mind when coding
+                        lcd.setBrightness(variableReading);
+                        char stringBuffer[14];
+                        lcd.drawRect(15,6.5,60,10,0);  // filled empty rectangle   Y,X,length, width,1=FILLIN/0=NON-FILLING
+                        lcd.drawCircle(WIDTH/11,HEIGHT/4.7,5,1);  // x,y,radius,transparent with outline
+                        lcd.printString("LCD lumen",19,1);
+                        //  buzzer.beep(200,1.5);
+                        //lcd.printString("Measured range",0,3);
+                        float tempVarReading = variableReading * 100;
+                        sprintf(stringBuffer,": %.1f%%",tempVarReading);
+                        lcd.printString(stringBuffer,0,4);
+                        lcd.refresh();
+                        //buzzer.beep(200,1.5);
+                        //lcd.refresh();
+                        wait(0.4);
+                        //         // wait(0.5);
+                    }  //close while buttonSecondAltFlag
+                }  //close if var reading greater than 0.6
+            } //close while(1)
+        }//close main
+    //}
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r 000000000000 -r 356be0c38cf1 N5110.lib
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/N5110.lib	Mon May 11 21:57:55 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
diff -r 000000000000 -r 356be0c38cf1 PowerControl.lib
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/PowerControl.lib	Mon May 11 21:57:55 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
diff -r 000000000000 -r 356be0c38cf1 SRF02.lib
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/SRF02.lib	Mon May 11 21:57:55 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
diff -r 000000000000 -r 356be0c38cf1 beep.lib
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/beep.lib	Mon May 11 21:57:55 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
diff -r 000000000000 -r 356be0c38cf1 mbed.bld
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mbed.bld	Mon May 11 21:57:55 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
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