
Dependencies:   z00_NSYS_CAR mbed SDFileSystem

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API Documentation at this revision

Wed Dec 23 08:49:47 2020 +0000
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Changed in this revision

main.cpp Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main1220.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
mbed.bld Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
z00_NSYS_CAR.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- a/main.cpp	Wed Oct 07 05:00:46 2020 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,412 +0,0 @@
-Title:NSYS for CAR
-Compile using Mbed Online Compiler (revision:130)
-reminder:for frontier 3.1
-Last Modified:2019/12/12
-#include "mbed.h"//for mbed 
-#include "SDFileSystem.h"//for SD
-#define _SDPRESENT 0//LOW for no SD card
-#define _SDNOTPRESENT 1//HIGH for SD card present
-#define _ENABLE    0//LOW for ADC enable
-#define _DISABLE   1//HIGH for ADC disable
-#define _KILLCOUNT  177// for 10 mins
-//for teraterm color logging
-//use in pc.printf("%shoge%s",_RED,_END)
-#define _RED     "\e[31m"
-#define _GREEN     "\e[32m"
-#define _YELLOW     "\e[33m"
-#define _END     "\e[m"
-bool gps_read(bool fix,bool write);
-void data_init(void);
-void end_proc(void);
-int pot_read(void);
-bool sd_init(void);
-void adc_init(void);
-void adc_work(void);
-inline void pps_rise(void);
-void rx(void);
-void report(void);
-void sd_read(void);
-Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
-Serial xb(P7_4, P7_5);
-bool start=false;//turn true to start
-bool status[4];//ready,gps lock,measuring,error
-FILE *fp;//file pointer
-//SDFileSystem sd(P5_2, P5_3, P5_0, P5_1, "sd");//SD reader on frontier 4.0
-SDFileSystem sd(P8_5, P8_6, P8_3, P8_4, "sd");//SD reader on peach
-//DigitalIn sd_detect(P1_2);//SD detection pin
-char filename[256];//global for using pot_num and start_time
-// DigitalIn one(P4_4);
-// DigitalIn two(P4_6);
-// DigitalIn four(P4_5);
-// DigitalIn eight(P4_7);
-int pot_num;
-InterruptIn pb(P6_0);//user switch on peach
-bool switch_pressed = false;//use this to write alternative routines
-void skip_switch(void) { switch_pressed = true; }
-Serial gps(P8_13, P8_11);
-InterruptIn PPS(P2_15);
-volatile float t_pulse;//micom time when PPS rised
-double gps_time;
-double start_time=-1;
-Timer utime;
-Ticker adc_ticker;
-Ticker stat_ticker;
-SPI adc(P10_14, P10_15, P10_12);//mosi,miso,sck
-//DigitalOut cs_adc(P1_3);//Frontier 4.0
-DigitalOut cs_adc(P8_15);//Frontier 2.0
-volatile int rch[3] = {};
-DigitalOut led_rgb[] = {(LED1), (LED2), (LED3)};
-#define BUFF_COUNT 3
-#define BUFF_DEPTH 4096
-int buff_depth = 0;
-int buff_index = 0;
-int cur_buff = 0;
-bool write_ok[BUFF_COUNT];
-int kill = 0;
-int adcsel = 0;
-typedef struct Logdata_t {
-    int axis;
-    int acc;
-    float t_acc;
-    float t_pulse;
-} Logdata;
-Logdata data[BUFF_COUNT][BUFF_DEPTH];
-bool gps_read(bool fix,bool write) { //fix 0=no,1 = locked;write 0=no,1 =yes
-    float lat, lng;
-    int stat=0;
-    char ns, ew;
-    while (1) {
-        int gps_num = 0;
-        char gps_data[256];
-        memset(gps_data, '\0' , 256);
-        while (gps.getc() != '$') {}//wait until $
-        while ( (gps_data[gps_num] = gps.getc() ) != '\r') {//get string until new line
-            gps_num++;
-            if (gps_num == 125) {
-                //status[3]=1;
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-        gps_data[gps_num] = '\0';
-        if (sscanf(gps_data, "GPGGA,%lf,%f,%c,%f,%c,%d", &gps_time, &lat, &ns, &lng, &ew, &stat) >= 1) {//if it is GPGGA sentence
-            gps_time += 90000;//turn in to JST
-            //pc.printf("%lf\r\n",gps_time);
-            if(!start && start_time>0){//if has not started yet and has valid start_time
-                if(start_time>gps_time){
-                    return false;
-                }else if(start_time==gps_time){
-                    fp = fopen(filename, "a");
-                    if (fp == NULL) {
-                        return false;
-                    }else{
-                        fprintf(fp, "gpstime,%lf,lat,%f,lng,%f\r\n", gps_time, lat, lng);
-                        fclose(fp);
-                        start = true;
-                        return true;
-                    }
-                }else if(start_time<gps_time){
-                    status[3]=1;
-                    report();
-                    return false;
-                }
-            }
-            //reach here if not yet started
-            if (!fix || stat > 0) {//if no need to fix or has a valid lock
-                if(write){//need to write
-                    fp = fopen(filename, "a");
-                    fprintf(fp, "gpstime,%lf,lat,%f,lng,%f\r\n", gps_time, lat, lng);
-                    fclose(fp);
-                    return true;
-                }
-                if (stat > 0) {//has lock
-                    status[1] = 1;
-                    report();
-                    return true;
-                } else {
-                    status[1] = 0;
-                    report();
-                    return false;
-                }
-            } else {//if need to write and has no valid lock 
-                continue;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-void data_init(void) {//prepare datum
-    //pot_read();
-    sd_read();
-    status[0] = 1;
-    start = false;
-    buff_depth = 0;
-    buff_index = 0;
-    cur_buff = 0;
-    memset(&data, '\0' , sizeof(data));
-    memset(&write_ok, '\0' , sizeof(write_ok));
-void end_proc() {//reet it self
-    __disable_irq();
-    status[0] = status[1] = status[2] = 0;
-    report();
-    wait(0.1);
-    __enable_irq();
-    NVIC_SystemReset();
-// int pot_read(void) {//read pot value
-//     pot_num += one.read() + 2 * two.read() + 4 * four.read() + 8 * eight.read();
-//     return pot_num;
-// }
-void sd_read(void) {//check for inout directory
-    DIR *d;
-    char searchname[32];
-    for(int i=0;i<12;i++){
-        sprintf(searchname, "/sd/%d",i);
-        d = opendir(searchname);
-        if ( d != NULL ){//if there is file
-            pot_num=i;
-            //pc.printf("found file\r\n");
-            return;
-        }else{//if there isnt 
-            //pc.printf("no file\r\n");
-            continue;
-        }
-    }
-    //pc.printf("out\r\n");
-bool sd_init(void) {//determine file name and file pointer. must lock gps beforehand
-    mkdir("/sd/wsys", 0777);
-    sprintf(filename, "/sd/wsys/%d-%.0lf.csv",pot_num, start_time);
-    fp = fopen(filename, "a");
-    if (fp == NULL) {
-        status[3] = 1;
-        report();
-        return false;
-    } else {
-        fclose(fp);
-        return true;
-    }
-void adc_init(void) {
-    cs_adc = _DISABLE; // ADC chip select off
-    adc.format(8, 1); //// SPI Init ////
-    adc.frequency(750000);
-    cs_adc = _ENABLE; // ADC chip select on
-    wait_ms(112);   //55ms:NG 56ms:OK
-    adc.write(0x06);//reset
-    wait_us(32);    //15us:NG 16us:OK
-    adc.write(0x43);// write register 00h-03h
-    //adc.write(0xa1);// AIN2-GND GAIN:1 PGA:off
-    adc.write(0x81);// AIN0-GND GAIN:1 PGA:off
-    //adc.write(0xc0);// 1000sps nomalmode single temp:off burn:off
-    //adc.write(0xc1);// 1000sps nomalmode single temp:off burn:on
-    adc.write(0xd0);// 2000sps turbomode single temp:off burn:off
-    adc.write(0xc0);// ref:AVDD
-    adc.write(0x00);// DOUT/DRDY
-    adc.write(0x08);// START
-    cs_adc = _DISABLE; // ADC chip select off
-void adc_work(void) {
-    cs_adc = _ENABLE;
-    adc.write(0x10);
-    for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
-        rch[j] = adc.write(0xff);
-    }
-    data[buff_index][buff_depth].axis = adcsel;
-    data[buff_index][buff_depth].acc = (int)((rch[0] << 16) | (rch[1] << 8) | rch[2]);
-    data[buff_index][buff_depth].t_acc = utime.read();
-    data[buff_index][buff_depth].t_pulse = t_pulse;
-    buff_depth++;
-    adc.write(0x40);// write register 00h
-    switch(adcsel){
-        case 0:
-            adc.write(0x91);// AIN1-GND GAIN:1 PGA:off
-            adcsel=1;
-            break;
-        case 1:
-            adc.write(0xa1);// AIN2-GND GAIN:1 PGA:off
-            adcsel=2;
-            break;
-        case 2:
-            adc.write(0xb1);// AIN3-GND GAIN:1 PGA:off
-            adcsel=3;
-            break;
-        case 3:
-            adc.write(0x81);// AIN0-GND GAIN:1 PGA:off
-            adcsel=0;
-            break;
-    }
-    adc.write(0x08);     //start
-    cs_adc = _DISABLE; // ADC chip select off
-    if (buff_depth == BUFF_DEPTH) {
-        buff_index++;
-        if (buff_index == BUFF_COUNT) {
-            buff_index = 0;
-        }
-        buff_depth = 0;
-        write_ok[buff_index] = true;
-    }
-command pin axis
-81 0
-91 1
-a1 2
-b1 3
-void adc_test(void) {
-    int  zraw;
-    cs_adc = _ENABLE;
-    adc.write(0x10);
-    for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
-        rch[j] = adc.write(0xff);
-    }
-    adc.write(0x08);     //start
-    cs_adc = _DISABLE; // ADC chip select off
-    zraw = (int)((rch[0] << 16) | (rch[1] << 8) | rch[2]);
-    if (zraw == 0 || zraw ==  16777215)status[3] = 1;
-    xb.printf("%d,%d\r\n", pot_num, zraw);
-    pc.printf("%d,%d\r\n", pot_num, zraw);
-inline void pps_rise(void) {
-    //__disable_irq();
-    t_pulse = utime.read();
-    //__enable_irq();
-void rx(void) {
-    char ch[128];
-    int char_num = 0;
-    while((ch[char_num]=xb.getc()) !='\n'){
-        char_num++;
-        if(char_num==127){
-            xb.printf("**ERROR**\r\n");
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-    if (ch[0] == 'r') {
-        end_proc();
-    }else if(ch[0]=='s'){
-        sscanf(ch, "s,%lf", &start_time);
-        //pc.printf("stime:%.0lf\r\n",start_time);
-        if(!start){
-            xb.attach(NULL, Serial::RxIrq);
-            stat_ticker.detach();
-            sd_init();
-            while(!start){
-                gps_read(0,0);
-            }
-            status[2] = 1;
-            report();
-            utime.start();
-            PPS.rise(pps_rise);
-            utime.reset();
-            adc_ticker.attach_us(&adc_work, 833);
-        }
-    }
-void report(void) {
-    xb.printf("%d,%d,%d,%d,%d\r\n", pot_num, status[0], status[1], status[2], status[3]); //num,ready,gps lock,measuring,error
-int main(void) {
-    wait(0.4);
-    xb.baud(9600);
-    data_init();
-    //sd_read();
-    adc_init();
-    stat_ticker.attach(&report,2);
-    wait(2);
-    adc_test();
-    //gps_read(0,0);//develop
-    gps_read(1,0);//actual use
-    xb.attach(&rx, Serial::RxIrq);
-    led_rgb[1] = 1;
-    while(1){
-        while (start) {
-            led_rgb[0] = 1;
-            if (write_ok[cur_buff]) {
-                fp = fopen(filename, "a");
-                if (fp == NULL || kill == _KILLCOUNT) {
-                    end_proc();
-                } else {
-                    led_rgb[2] = 1;
-                    for (int i = 0; i < BUFF_DEPTH; i++) {
-                        fprintf(fp, "%d,%d,%f,%f\r\n",data[cur_buff][i].axis,data[cur_buff][i].acc, data[cur_buff][i].t_acc, data[cur_buff][i].t_pulse);
-                    }
-                    led_rgb[2] = 0;
-                    write_ok[cur_buff] = false;
-                    kill++;
-                    cur_buff++;
-                    if (cur_buff == BUFF_COUNT)cur_buff = 0;
-                    if(kill==_KILLCOUNT){
-                        gps_read(0,1);//write even if no lock
-                        end_proc();
-                    }
-                }//if fp not null
-                fclose(fp);
-            }//if write_ok is true
-        }//start changes to false
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main1220.cpp	Wed Dec 23 08:49:47 2020 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
+Compile using Mbed Online Compiler (revision:130)
+Last Modified:2018/09/20
+//=====CONSTANT VARIBLES========
+#define INDICATOR 1//Front:0 Rear:1
+#define BUFF_DEPTH 128
+#define BUFF_COUNT 3
+//======GLOBAL VARIBLES=========
+char adcsel = 0;
+int sum = 7;
+int kill = 0;
+float t_pulse = 0;
+int buff_depth = 0;
+int buff_index = 0;
+int cur_buff=0;
+int flg =0;
+typedef struct Logdata_t{
+    int acc[4];
+    float t_acc;
+    float m_t_pulse;
+Logdata data[BUFF_COUNT][BUFF_DEPTH];
+bool write_ok[BUFF_COUNT];
+int rch[3];
+#include "mbed.h"
+#define _Enable    0
+#define _Disable   1
+Serial gps(P8_13,P8_11);
+Serial pc(USBTX,USBRX); 
+InterruptIn PPS(P2_15);
+Timer utime;
+Ticker adc_ticker;
+//Ticker gps_ticker;
+SPI adc(P10_14, P10_15, P10_12);
+DigitalOut cs_adc(P8_15);
+DigitalOut myled_r(LED1);
+DigitalOut myled_g(LED2);
+DigitalOut myled_b(LED3);
+void adc_init(void){
+    pc.printf(".");
+    cs_adc = _Enable;// ADC chip select on    
+    wait_ms(112);//55ms:NG 56ms:OK
+    adc.write(0x06);//reset
+    wait_us(32);//15us:NG 16us:OK
+    adc.write(0x43);// write register 00h-03h
+    adc.write(0x81);// AIN0-GND GAIN:1 PGA:off
+    adc.write(0xd0);// 2000sps turbomode single temp:off burn:off
+    adc.write(0xc0);// ref:AVDD
+    adc.write(0x00);// DOUT/DRDY
+    adc.write(0x08);// START
+    cs_adc = _Disable;// ADC chip select off
+    wait(0.7);    
+    pc.printf(".\r\n");
+void ind(){
+    switch(INDICATOR){
+        case 0:
+            pc.printf("A-FRONT\r\n");
+            KILL_COUNT = 5752;//6252
+            break;
+        case 1:
+            pc.printf("B-REAR\r\n");
+            KILL_COUNT = 5752;
+            break;
+    }
+    wait(1);
+void rstRx(){
+    char ch;
+    ch = pc.getc();//1文字受信バッファより取り出し
+    if(ch == 114){
+        NVIC_SystemReset();
+    }
+void adcwork(){
+    cs_adc = _Enable;
+    adc.write(0x10);
+    for(int j=0;j<3;j++){
+        rch[j] = adc.write(0xff);
+    };
+    data[buff_index][buff_depth].acc[adcsel] = (int)((rch[0]<<16)|(rch[1]<<8)|rch[2]);
+    data[buff_index][buff_depth].t_acc = utime.read();
+    data[buff_index][buff_depth].m_t_pulse = t_pulse;
+    buff_depth++; 
+    adc.write(0x40);// write register 00h
+    switch(adcsel){
+        case 0:
+            adc.write(0x91);// AIN1-GND GAIN:1 PGA:off
+            adcsel=1;
+            break;
+        case 1:
+            adc.write(0xa1);// AIN2-GND GAIN:1 PGA:off
+            adcsel=2;
+            break;
+        case 2:
+            adc.write(0xb1);// AIN3-GND GAIN:1 PGA:off
+            adcsel=3;
+            break;
+        case 3:
+            adc.write(0x81);// AIN0-GND GAIN:1 PGA:off
+            adcsel=0;
+            break;
+    }
+    if(buff_depth == BUFF_DEPTH){
+        write_ok[buff_index]=true;
+        buff_index++;
+        buff_depth=0;
+        if(buff_index==BUFF_COUNT){
+            buff_index=0;
+        }
+    }
+    adc.write(0x08);     //start
+    cs_adc = _Disable; // ADC chip select off
+void gps_get(){
+    double gps_time;
+    float lat,lng;
+    int stat,lock,gpsc;
+//    int flg =0;
+    char ns,ew;
+    gpsc =0;
+    while(1){
+        gpsc++;
+        int gps_num=0;
+        char gps_data[256];
+        memset(gps_data, '\0' ,256);;
+        while(gps.getc()!='$'){}
+        while( (gps_data[gps_num] =gps.getc() ) !='\r'){
+            gps_num++;
+            if(gps_num==155){//max 255
+                pc.printf("\r\n**ERROR!***\r\n");
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+//        if(gps_num==255){
+//           break;
+//        }
+        gps_data[gps_num]='\0';
+        if(sscanf(gps_data,"GPGGA,%lf,%f,%c,%f,%c,%d,%d",&gps_time,&lat,&ns,&lng,&ew,&stat,&lock) >= sum  ){
+            sum = 1;
+            pc.printf("\r\ngpstime,%lf,lat,%f,lng,%f\r\n",gps_time,lat,lng);
+            break;
+        }else{
+            if( gpsc>10){
+            pc.printf("NOT FOUND\r\n");
+            flg = 1;
+            break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+void pps_rise(){
+    __disable_irq();
+    t_pulse = utime.read();
+    __enable_irq();
+int main(void){
+    pc.baud(460800);
+    pc.attach(rstRx, Serial::RxIrq);
+    wait(0.1);
+    pc.printf("\r\nINITIALIZING");
+    cs_adc = _Disable;
+    adc.format(8,1);
+    adc.frequency(750000);
+    pc.printf(".");
+    wait(0.7);
+    memset(data, '\0' ,sizeof(data));
+    memset(write_ok, '\0' ,sizeof(write_ok));
+    adc_init();
+    ind();
+    wait(0.7);
+    gps_get();
+    wait(0.3);
+    pc.printf("STARTING");
+    wait(0.3);
+    pc.printf(".");
+    wait(0.3);
+    pc.printf(".");
+    wait(0.3);
+    pc.printf(".\r\n");
+    utime.start();
+    utime.reset();
+    PPS.rise(pps_rise);
+    adc_ticker.attach_us(&adcwork,833);
+    int x_buff;
+    int y_buff;
+    int z_buff;
+    int a_buff;
+    while(1){
+        if(write_ok[cur_buff]){
+            for(int i=0;i<BUFF_DEPTH;i++){
+                for(int j = 0 ; j < 4 ; j++){
+                    if(data[cur_buff][i].acc[j] != 0){
+                        x_buff = data[cur_buff][i].acc[j];
+                        pc.printf("x,%d,%f,%f\r\n",x_buff,data[cur_buff][i].t_acc,data[cur_buff][i].m_t_pulse);
+                    } 
+                    else if(data[cur_buff][i].acc[j] != 0){
+                        y_buff = data[cur_buff][i].acc[j];
+                        pc.printf("y,%d,%f,%f\r\n",y_buff,data[cur_buff][i].t_acc,data[cur_buff][i].m_t_pulse);
+                    } 
+                    else if(data[cur_buff][i].acc[j] != 0){
+                        z_buff = data[cur_buff][i].acc[j];
+                        pc.printf("z,%d,%f,%f\r\n",z_buff,data[cur_buff][i].t_acc,data[cur_buff][i].m_t_pulse);
+                    } 
+                    else{
+                        a_buff = data[cur_buff][i].acc[j];
+                        pc.printf("a,%d,%f,%f\r\n",a_buff,data[cur_buff][i].t_acc,data[cur_buff][i].m_t_pulse);
+                    } 
+                }
+            }
+            write_ok[cur_buff]=false;
+            cur_buff++;
+            kill++;
+            if(cur_buff==BUFF_COUNT){
+                cur_buff=0;
+            }
+            if(kill == KILL_COUNT){
+                adc_ticker.detach();
+            }
+            if(kill == KILL_COUNT+1){
+                wait(40);
+                gps_get();
+                float stamp=utime.read();
+                pc.printf("%f\r\n",stamp);
+            }
+        }
+    }
--- a/mbed.bld	Wed Oct 07 05:00:46 2020 +0000
+++ b/mbed.bld	Wed Dec 23 08:49:47 2020 +0000
@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/z00_NSYS_CAR.lib	Wed Dec 23 08:49:47 2020 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@