player 1

Dependencies:   4DGL-uLCD-SE PinDetect SparkfunAnalogJoystick mbed-rtos mbed SDFileSystem

Fork of 4180FinalLab by Rishi Bhargava

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00001 #include "mbed.h"
00002 #include "rtos.h"
00003 #include "PinDetect.h"
00004 #include "Speaker.h"
00005 #include "soundBuilder.h"
00006 #include "SparkfunAnalogJoystick.h"
00007 #include "paddle.h"
00008 #include "ball.h"
00009 #include "huzzah.h"
00010 #include "SDFileSystem.h"
00012 // Pushbuttons
00013 SparkfunAnalogJoystick joystick(p16, p15, p14);
00014 //PinDetect select(p13);
00015 //Speaker
00016 Speaker mySpeaker(p25);
00017 Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
00018 Serial xbee(p9, p10);
00020 //Wifi
00021 Serial esp(p28,p27);
00022 Huzzah huzzah("fese","12345678", &esp);
00023 DigitalOut  reset(p26);
00024 int player1score,player2score;
00026 //SD Card Storage
00027 SDFileSystem sd(p5, p6, p7, p8, "sd");
00029 // State machine definitions
00030 enum gameStateType {START, WAIT, GAME_SETUP, GAME, WIN, LOSE};
00031 /* State Definitions:
00032  * START -- Creates the start screen
00033  * WAIT -- After the start screen, goes into wait where mbed spins and does nothing
00034  * GAME_SETUP -- Sets up one time things (like boarders, initializes beginning velocity
00035  * GAME -- When the user actually gets to play
00036  * LOSE -- clears the screen, prints you lose, waits, then goes back to start
00037  */
00039 // Global state machine variable (So that the select can modify it)
00040 gameStateType gameState = START;
00041 bool ready = false;
00043 Paddle botPaddle(0, 0, 0, 0);
00044 Paddle topPaddle(0, 0, 0, 0);
00045 Ball ball(0, 0, 0);
00047 uint8_t gameLowX = 10, gameHighX = 190, gameLowY = 5, gameHighY = 245, gameX = 200, gameY = 250;
00048 uint8_t gameCenterX = gameX/2, gameCenterY = gameY/2;
00049 uint8_t ballSize=10;
00050 uint8_t paddleWidth = 5, paddleLength = 40;
00051 float botMove = joystick.yAxis();
00052 uint8_t botScore = 0;
00053 uint8_t topScore = 0;
00054 int i = 0;
00056 // thread that plays game sounds through the speaker
00057 void speaker_thread(void const *argument) {
00059     Speaker *player = &mySpeaker;
00061     // Start Song
00062     float sFreq[] = {550,750,550,750};
00063     float sDur[] = {.3,.3,.3,.3};
00064     float sVol[] = {.01,.01,.01,.01};
00065     SoundBuilder startSong(sFreq, sDur, sVol, sizeof(sFreq)/sizeof(*sFreq), player);
00067     // End Song
00068     float eFreq[] = {300,200,250,225,200,150,150,100};
00069     float eDur[] = {.3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3};
00070     float eVol[] = {.01,.01,.01,.01,.01,.01,.01,.01};
00071     SoundBuilder endSong(eFreq, eDur, eVol, sizeof(eFreq)/sizeof(*eFreq), player);
00073     while (true) {
00074         switch (gameState) {
00075         case GAME: // if game is running and user dodges a pipe, play a note
00076             if (topPaddle.checkHit(ball.getFutureX(), ball.getFutureY(), ball.getSize())
00077             || botPaddle.checkHit(ball.getFutureX(), ball.getFutureY(), ball.getSize())
00078             || ball.getFutureX() <= 10
00079             || ball.getFutureX() + ball.getSize() >= 190) {
00080                 mySpeaker.PlayNote(440, 0.1, 0.01);
00081             }
00083             if (ball.getY() < 5){
00084                 mySpeaker.PlayNote(440, 0.1, 0.01);
00085                 mySpeaker.PlayNote(880, 0.1, 0.01);
00086             }
00087             else if (ball.getY() + ball.getSize() > 245){
00088                 mySpeaker.PlayNote(880, 0.1, 0.01);
00089                 mySpeaker.PlayNote(440, 0.1, 0.01);
00090             }
00092             break;
00093         case START: // play a song at the start of the game
00094             startSong.playSong();
00095             Thread::wait(5000);
00096             break;
00097         case WIN:  // play a song when the player wins the game
00098         case LOSE: // play a song when the player loses the game
00099             endSong.playSong();
00100             Thread::wait(5000);
00101             break;
00102         }
00103     }
00104 }
00106 // thread that writes to the sd card and loads highscores to website
00107 void sd_card_thread(void const *argument) {
00109     FILE *fp = NULL;
00110     fp = fopen("/sd/highscore.txt", "r");
00111     fscanf(fp, "%i\n%i", &player1score, &player2score);
00112     fclose(fp);
00114     huzzah.config();
00115     huzzah.sendwebpage(player1score, player2score);
00117     while (true) {
00119         switch (gameState) {
00120         case WIN:
00121             // overwrite previous high score
00122             player1score++;
00123             fp = fopen("/sd/highscore.txt", "w");
00124             fprintf(fp, "%i\n%i", player1score, player2score);
00125             fclose(fp);
00126             huzzah.config();
00127             huzzah.sendwebpage(player1score, player2score);
00128             break;
00129         case LOSE:
00130             // overwrite previous high score
00131             player2score++;
00132             fp = fopen("/sd/highscore.txt", "w");
00133             fprintf(fp, "%i\n%i", player1score, player2score);
00134             fclose(fp);
00135             huzzah.config();
00136             huzzah.sendwebpage(player1score, player2score);
00137             break;
00138         }
00139     }
00140 } 
00142 void xbee_thread(void const *argument) {
00144     while (true) {
00145         switch (gameState) {
00146         case WAIT:
00147             if (ready && xbee.writeable()) {
00148                 xbee.putc(1);
00149             }
00150             if (ready && xbee.readable()) {
00151                 char c = xbee.getc();
00152                 if (c == 1) {
00153                     gameState = GAME_SETUP;
00154                 }
00155             }
00156             break;
00157         case GAME:
00158             if (xbee.writeable()) {
00159                 xbee.putc(botPaddle.getX());
00160             }
00161             if (xbee.readable()) {
00162                 char c = xbee.getc();
00163                 uint8_t top = 200 - paddleLength - ((uint8_t) c);
00164                 topPaddle.setX(top);
00165             }
00166             break;
00167         }
00168     }
00169 }
00171 int main() 
00172 {   
00173     //WifiServer Configuration and set-up
00174     reset=0; //hardware reset for 8266
00175     //Thread::wait(500);
00176     reset=1;
00177     esp.baud(9600);
00178     //huzzah.config();
00179     //huzzah.sendwebpage(highscore1,highscore2);
00181     // This is setting up the joystick select as a pushbutton
00182     //joystick.set_callback(&select_hit_callback);
00184     pc.format(8, SerialBase::None, 1);
00185     pc.baud(115200);
00187     botPaddle = Paddle(gameCenterX-(paddleLength/2), gameHighY, paddleLength, paddleWidth);
00188     botPaddle.setLimits(gameLowX, gameHighX);
00189     botPaddle.setMaxMove(3);
00190     topPaddle = Paddle(gameCenterX-(paddleLength/2), gameLowY, paddleLength, paddleWidth);
00191     topPaddle.setLimits(gameLowX, gameHighX);
00192     topPaddle.setMaxMove(3);
00193     ball = Ball(gameCenterX, gameCenterY, ballSize);
00195     ball.setVxDir(true);
00196     ball.setVyDir(true);
00198     while (!pc.readable()){
00200     }
00202     Thread thread1(speaker_thread);
00203     Thread thread2(sd_card_thread);
00204     Thread thread3(xbee_thread);
00206     while (1) 
00207     {
00208         switch (gameState)
00209         {
00210         case START:
00211             if (pc.writeable()){
00212                 pc.printf("%c%c%c%c%c", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
00213                 ball.setVxDir(true);
00214                 ball.setVyDir(true);
00215                 gameState = WAIT;
00216             }
00217             break;
00218         case GAME_SETUP:
00219             ball.reset(gameCenterX-(ballSize/2), gameCenterY-(ballSize/2), 0, 6);
00220             botPaddle.reset(gameCenterX-(paddleLength/2), gameHighY);
00221             topPaddle.reset(gameCenterX-(paddleLength/2), gameLowY);
00222             if (pc.writeable()){
00223                 pc.printf("%c%c%c%c%c", 3, botScore, topScore, 0, 0);
00224                 ready = false;
00225                 srand(i);
00226                 gameState = GAME;
00227                 Thread::wait(2000);
00228             }
00229             break;
00230         case GAME:
00231             if (pc.writeable()) {
00232                 pc.printf("%c%c%c%c%c", 4, botPaddle.getX(), topPaddle.getX(), ball.getX(), ball.getY());
00234                 uint8_t size = ball.getSize(); //stored in a temp variable because used a lot
00236                 if (ball.getFutureX() <= gameLowX){
00237                     ball.reverseXDirection();
00238                 }
00239                 else if (ball.getFutureX() + size >= gameHighX){
00240                     ball.reverseXDirection();
00241                 }
00243                 if (topPaddle.checkHit(ball.getFutureX(), ball.getFutureY(), size)) {
00244                     ball.reverseYDirection();
00245                     uint8_t fx = ball.getFutureX();
00246                     uint8_t newVx = topPaddle.returnAngle(fx, size);
00247                     uint8_t newVy = 6 - newVx;
00248                     ball.setVx(newVx);
00249                     ball.setVy(newVy);
00250                     ball.setVxDir(topPaddle.returnDir(fx, size));
00251                 }
00252                 else if (botPaddle.checkHit(ball.getFutureX(), ball.getFutureY(), size)) {
00253                     ball.reverseYDirection();
00254                     uint8_t fx = ball.getFutureX();
00255                     uint8_t newVx = botPaddle.returnAngle(fx, size);
00256                     uint8_t newVy = 6 - newVx;
00257                     ball.setVx(newVx);
00258                     ball.setVy(newVy);
00259                     ball.setVxDir(botPaddle.returnDir(fx, size));
00260                 }
00262                 if (ball.getY() < gameLowY){
00263                     botScore++;
00264                     ball.setVyDir(false);
00265                     gameState = GAME_SETUP;
00266                 }
00267                 else if (ball.getY() + size > gameHighY){
00268                     topScore++;
00269                     ball.setVyDir(true);
00270                     gameState = GAME_SETUP;
00271                 }
00273                 if (botScore >= 5) {
00274                     gameState = WIN;
00275                 }
00276                 else if (topScore >= 5) {
00277                     gameState = LOSE;   
00278                 }
00280                 ball.update();
00281                 botMove = -joystick.yAxis();
00282                 if ((botMove < -0.1 || botMove > 0.1) && ball.getY() < gameHighY - 50) {
00283                     botPaddle.move(botMove);
00284                 }
00285             }
00286             break;
00287         case LOSE:
00288             if (pc.writeable()){
00289                 pc.printf("%c%c%c%c%c", 5, 0, 0, 0, 0);
00290                 botScore = 0;
00291                 topScore = 0;
00292                 Thread::wait(5000);
00293                 gameState = START;
00294             }
00295             break;
00296         case WIN:
00297             if (pc.writeable()){
00298                 pc.printf("%c%c%c%c%c", 6, 0, 0, 0, 0);
00299                 botScore = 0;
00300                 topScore = 0;
00301                 Thread::wait(5000);
00302                 gameState = START;
00303             }
00304             break;
00305         case WAIT:
00306             if (pc.writeable()){
00307                 // Used to seed the rand() function so the ball has a random starting direction
00308                 i++;
00309                 if (joystick.button())
00310                     ready = true;
00311                 if (ready){
00312                     pc.printf("%c%c%c%c%c", 2, 0, 0, 0, 0);
00313                 }
00314                 else {
00315                     pc.printf("%c%c%c%c%c", 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
00316                 }
00317             }
00318             break;
00319         }
00320         Thread::wait(20);
00321     } 
00322 }