player 1

Dependencies:   4DGL-uLCD-SE PinDetect SparkfunAnalogJoystick mbed-rtos mbed SDFileSystem

Fork of 4180FinalLab by Rishi Bhargava

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00001 #include "uLCD_4DGL.h"
00003 class Ball
00004 {
00005 public:    
00006     Ball (uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t);
00007     // Set Functions
00008     void setVx(uint8_t); // This sets the velocity
00009     void setVxDir(bool);
00010     void setVy(uint8_t); // This sets the velocity
00011     void setVyDir(bool);
00012     // Get Functions
00013     uint8_t getSize();
00014     uint8_t getX();
00015     uint8_t getY();
00016     uint8_t getFutureX();   // get estimate of where the ball will be in the next update()
00017     uint8_t getFutureY();   // get estimate of where the ball will be in the next update()
00018     // Member Functions
00019     void reverseXDirection(); // negate the sign for when a ball hits something
00020     void reverseYDirection(); // negate the sign for when a ball hits something
00021     void reset(uint8_t, uint8_t, int, int); // takes in a new location and new directions and draws the starting point for the ball
00022     void update(); // moves the ball on the screen one vx and vy
00024 private:
00025     uint8_t vx;
00026     bool vxDir; //false is left (-x), true is right (+x)
00027     uint8_t vy;
00028     bool vyDir; //false is up (-y), true is down (+y)
00029     uint8_t x;
00030     uint8_t y;
00031     uint8_t diameter;
00032 };