Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Sun Dec 16 01:58:19 2018 +0000
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Changed in this revision

player.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- a/player.cpp	Tue Aug 07 11:52:22 2018 +0000
+++ b/player.cpp	Sun Dec 16 01:58:19 2018 +0000
@@ -1,177 +1,180 @@
-#include "player.h"
-SDFileSystem sd(D11, D12, D13, D9, "sd"); // the pinout on the mbed Cool
-vs10xx vs1053(D11, D12, D13, D6, D7, D2, D8);//mosi,miso,sclk,xcs,xdcs,dreq,xreset 3spi+chip select
-Serial aa(USBTX, USBRX);
-Serial pc(D1, D0);
-playerStatetype  playerState;
-static unsigned char fileBuf[48000];
-unsigned char *bufptr;
-char green;
-bool startplaysong;
-bool playsong;
-char datainput;
-char list[20][50];            //song list
-char data ;
-DigitalIn sw_in(USER_BUTTON);
-void Player::begin(void)
-    DirHandle *dir;
-    struct dirent *ptr;
-		FileHandle *fp;
-    vs1053.reset();
-    dir = opendir("/sd");
-    //printf("\r\n**********playing list**********\r\n");
-    unsigned char i = 0,j=0;
-    while(((ptr = dir->readdir()) != NULL)&&(i <20))
-    {
-        if(strstr(ptr->d_name,".mp3")||strstr(ptr->d_name,".MP3"))
-        {
-							fp =sd.open(ptr->d_name, O_RDONLY);
-							if(fp != NULL) 
-							{
-								char *byte = ptr->d_name;
-                				j=0;
-                				while(*byte){
-                    				list[i][j++]  = *byte++;
-                    				green=i;
-                }
-                aa.printf("%2d . %s\r\n", i,list[i++]);
-				//fp->close();
-							}
-        }
-    }
-		dir->closedir();
-/*  select file by num.  */
-void Player::selectfile(char n){
-    startplaysong=false;
-    playerState =PS_STOP;
-    playsong=false;
-    green = n;
-    }
-/*  This function stop an audio file.  */
-void Player::stop(void){
-    startplaysong=true;
-    playerState =PS_STOP;
-    }
-void Player::run(void){	
-			if(datainput=='0'){
-				selectfile(0);
-				playFile(list[green]);
-    			//stop();
-				}
-			if(datainput=='1'){
-				selectfile(1);
-				playFile(list[green]);
-				//stop();
-				}
-			if(datainput=='2'){
-				selectfile(2);
-				playFile(list[green]);
-    			//stop();
-				}
-			if(datainput=='3'){
-				selectfile(3);
-				playFile(list[green]);
-    			//stop();
-				}
-			if(datainput=='4'){
-				selectfile(4);
-				playFile(list[green]);
-    			//stop();
-				}
-			if(datainput=='5'){
-				selectfile(5);
-				playFile(list[green]);
-    			//stop();
-				}
-			else{
-				stop();
-				}
-void Player::read(void){
-	pc.readable();
-	datainput = pc.getc();
-    }
-/*  This function plays audio file.  */
-void Player::playFile(char *file) {
-    int bytes;        // How many bytes in buffer left
-    char n;
-    playerState = PS_PLAY;
-    vs1053.setFreq(24000000);     //hight speed
-    FileHandle *fp =sd.open(file, O_RDONLY);
-    if(fp == NULL) {
-        printf("Could not open %s\r\n",file);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        printf("Playing %s ...\r\n",file);
-        /* Main playback loop */
-        while((bytes = fp->read(fileBuf,48000)) > 0) {	
-       {
-            pc.printf("green\n");
-            if(pc.readable()){
-            	break;
-    			//stop();
-    			}
-    		vs1053.setFreq(24000000); 
-            bufptr = fileBuf;
-            // actual audio data gets sent to VS10xx.
-            while(bytes > 0)
-            {
-                n = (bytes < 32)?bytes:32; //defalt 32 
-                vs1053.writeData(bufptr,n);
-                bytes -= n;
-                bufptr += n;
-                if(pc.readable()){
-                	break;
-    				//stop();
-    			}
-            }
-            uint8_t vol = 0x00;//set vlume
-            vs1053.setVolume(vol);  //set vlume
-            if(playerState != PS_PLAY)         //stop
-            {
-                fp->close();
-                vs1053.softReset();
-            }
-			}
-        }
-    }
+//#include "player.h"
+//#include "vs10xx.h"
+//SDFileSystem sd(D11, D12, D13, D9, "sd"); // the pinout on the mbed Cool
+//vs10xx vs1053(D11, D12, D13, D6, D7, D2, D8);//mosi,miso,sclk,xcs,xdcs,dreq,xreset 3spi+chip select
+//Serial aa(USBTX, USBRX);
+//Serial pc(D1, D0);
+//playerStatetype  playerState;
+//static unsigned char fileBuf[48000];
+//unsigned char *bufptr;
+//char green;
+//uint8_t vol;
+//bool startplaysong;
+//bool playsong;
+//char datainput;
+//char list[20][50];            //song list
+//char data ;
+//DigitalIn sw_in(USER_BUTTON);
+//void Player::begin(void)
+//    DirHandle *dir;
+//    struct dirent *ptr;
+//		FileHandle *fp;
+//    vs1053.reset();
+//    dir = opendir("/sd");
+//    //printf("\r\n**********playing list**********\r\n");
+//    unsigned char i = 0,j=0;
+//    while(((ptr = dir->readdir()) != NULL)&&(i <20))
+//    {
+//        if(strstr(ptr->d_name,".mp3")||strstr(ptr->d_name,".MP3"))
+//        {
+//							fp =sd.open(ptr->d_name, O_RDONLY);
+//							if(fp != NULL) 
+//							{
+//								char *byte = ptr->d_name;
+//                				j=0;
+//                				while(*byte){
+//                    				list[i][j++]  = *byte++;
+//                    				green=i;
+//                }
+//                aa.printf("%2d . %s\r\n", i,list[i++]);
+//				//fp->close();
+//							}
+//        }
+//    }
+//		dir->closedir();
+///*  select file by num.  */
+//void Player::selectfile(char n){
+//    startplaysong=false;
+//    playerState =PS_STOP;
+//    playsong=false;
+//    green = n;
+//    }
+///*  This function stop an audio file.  */
+//void Player::stop(void){
+//    startplaysong=true;
+//    playerState =PS_STOP;
+//    }
+//void Player::run(){	
+////			vs1053.setVolume(t);
+//			if(datainput=='0'){
+//				selectfile(0);
+//				playFile(list[green]);
+//    			//stop();
+//				}
+//			if(datainput=='1'){
+//				selectfile(1);
+//				playFile(list[green]);
+//				//stop();
+//				}
+//			if(datainput=='2'){
+//				selectfile(2);
+//				playFile(list[green]);
+//    			//stop();
+//				}
+//			if(datainput=='3'){
+//				selectfile(3);
+//				playFile(list[green]);
+//    			//stop();
+//				}
+//			if(datainput=='4'){
+//				selectfile(4);
+//				playFile(list[green]);
+//    			//stop();
+//				}
+//			if(datainput=='5'){
+//				selectfile(5);
+//				playFile(list[green]);
+//    			//stop();
+//				}
+//			else{
+//				stop();
+//				}
+//void Player::read(void){
+//	pc.readable();
+//	datainput = pc.getc();
+//    }
+///*  This function plays audio file.  */
+//void Player::playFile(char *file) {
+//    int bytes;        // How many bytes in buffer left
+//    char n;
+//    playerState = PS_PLAY;
+//    vs1053.setFreq(24000000);     //hight speed
+//    FileHandle *fp =sd.open(file, O_RDONLY);
+//    if(fp == NULL) {
+//        printf("Could not open %s\r\n",file);
+//    }
+//    else
+//    {
+//        printf("Playing %s ...\r\n",file);
+//        /* Main playback loop */
+//        while((bytes = fp->read(fileBuf,48000)) > 0) {	
+//       {
+//            //pc.printf("green\n");
+//            if(pc.readable()){
+//            	break;
+//    			//stop();
+//    			}
+//    		vs1053.setFreq(24000000); 
+//            bufptr = fileBuf;
+//            // actual audio data gets sent to VS10xx.
+//            while(bytes > 0)
+//            {
+//                n = (bytes < 32)?bytes:32; //defalt 32 
+//                vs1053.writeData(bufptr,n);
+//                bytes -= n;
+//                bufptr += n;
+//                if(pc.readable()){
+//                	break;
+//    				//stop();
+//    			}
+//            }
+//            uint8_t vol = 0;//set vlume
+//			vs1053.setVolume(vol);  //set vlume
+//            if(playerState != PS_PLAY)         //stop
+//            {
+//                fp->close();
+//                vs1053.softReset();
+//            }
+//			}
+//        }
+//    }