Health monitoring app

Dependencies:   FXOS8700 HTU21D Hexi_KW40Z Hexi_OLED_SSD1351 Hexidraw

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Tue Apr 25 00:32:17 2017 +0000
Commit message:
Final project for the ECE 595 course

Changed in this revision

.gitignore Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
FXOS8700.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
HTU21D.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
Hexi_KW40Z.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
Hexi_OLED_SSD1351.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
Hexidraw.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
img/uvision.png Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
mbed-os.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/.gitignore	Tue Apr 25 00:32:17 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/FXOS8700.lib	Tue Apr 25 00:32:17 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/HTU21D.lib	Tue Apr 25 00:32:17 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Hexi_KW40Z.lib	Tue Apr 25 00:32:17 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Hexi_OLED_SSD1351.lib	Tue Apr 25 00:32:17 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Hexidraw.lib	Tue Apr 25 00:32:17 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Tue Apr 25 00:32:17 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+# Getting started with Blinky on mbed OS
+This guide reviews the steps required to get Blinky working on an mbed OS platform.
+Please install [mbed CLI](
+## Import the example application
+From the command-line, import the example:
+mbed import mbed-os-example-blinky
+cd mbed-os-example-blinky
+### Now compile
+Invoke `mbed compile`, and specify the name of your platform and your favorite toolchain (`GCC_ARM`, `ARM`, `IAR`). For example, for the ARM Compiler 5:
+mbed compile -m K64F -t ARM
+Your PC may take a few minutes to compile your code. At the end, you see the following result:
+| Module                     | .text | .data | .bss |
+| Misc                       | 13939 |    24 | 1372 |
+| core/hal                   | 16993 |    96 |  296 |
+| core/rtos                  |  7384 |    92 | 4204 |
+| features/FEATURE_IPV4      |    80 |     0 |  176 |
+| frameworks/greentea-client |  1830 |    60 |   44 |
+| frameworks/utest           |  2392 |   512 |  292 |
+| Subtotals                  | 42618 |   784 | 6384 |
+Allocated Heap: unknown
+Allocated Stack: unknown
+Total Static RAM memory (data + bss): 7168 bytes
+Total RAM memory (data + bss + heap + stack): 7168 bytes
+Total Flash memory (text + data + misc): 43402 bytes
+Image: .\.build\K64F\ARM\mbed-os-example-blinky.bin
+### Program your board
+1. Connect your mbed device to the computer over USB.
+1. Copy the binary file to the mbed device.
+1. Press the reset button to start the program.
+The LED on your platform turns on and off.
+## Export the project to Keil MDK, and debug your application
+From the command-line, run the following command:
+mbed export -m K64F -i uvision
+To debug the application:
+1. Start uVision.
+1. Import the uVision project generated earlier.
+1. Compile your application, and generate an `.axf` file.
+1. Make sure uVision is configured to debug over CMSIS-DAP (From the Project menu > Options for Target '...' > Debug tab > Use CMSIS-DAP Debugger).
+1. Set breakpoints, and start a debug session.
+![Image of uVision](img/uvision.png)
+## Troubleshooting
+1. Make sure `mbed-cli` is working correctly and its version is `>1.0.0`
+ ```
+ mbed --version
+ ```
+ If not, you can update it:
+ ```
+ pip install mbed-cli --upgrade
+ ```
+2. If using Keil MDK, make sure you have a license installed. [MDK-Lite]( has a 32 KB restriction on code size.
\ No newline at end of file
Binary file img/uvision.png has changed
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Tue Apr 25 00:32:17 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,451 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "HTU21D.h"
+#include "FXOS8700.h"
+#include "Hexi_OLED_SSD1351.h"
+#include <stdlib.h>    
+#include <time.h>
+//#include "images.h"
+#include "string.h"
+#include "math.h"
+//#include "Fever_Click.h"
+#include "Hexi_KW40Z.h"
+#include "hexidraw.h"
+//#include "MAX30101.h"
+//#include "heartRate_driver.h"
+#define LED_ON      0
+#define LED_OFF     1
+OLED oled1;
+DigitalOut redLed(LED1);
+DigitalOut greenLed(LED2);
+DigitalOut blueLed(LED3);
+DigitalOut haptic(PTB9);  
+void StartHaptic(void);
+void StopHaptic(void const *n);
+// Pin connections
+//DigitalOut led1(LED_GREEN); // RGB LED
+Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX); // Serial interface
+HTU21D temphumid(PTB1,PTB0); // HTU21D Sensor
+DigitalOut powerEN (PTB12); // Power Enable HTU21D Sensor
+FXOS8700 accel(PTC11, PTC10);
+SSD1351 oled(PTB22,PTB21,PTC13,PTB20,PTE6, PTD15); // SSD1351 OLED Driver (MOSI,SCLK,POWER,CS,RST,DC)
+//MAX30101 heart(PTB1, PTB0);
+//I2C i2c(PTD9,PTD8);
+void ButtonUp(void);
+void ButtonDown(void);
+void ButtonRight(void);
+void ButtonLeft(void);
+void ButtonSlide(void);
+/* Define timer for haptic feedback */
+RtosTimer hapticTimer(StopHaptic, osTimerOnce);
+/* Instantiate the Hexi KW40Z Driver (UART TX, UART RX) */ 
+KW40Z kw40z_device(PTE24, PTE25);
+// Variables
+int sample_ftemp,flag=0,ped=0,oldped=0,cal=0,once=0;
+int sample_ctemp;
+int sample_ktemp;
+int sample_humid;
+float accel_data[3]; // Storage for the data from the sensor
+float accel_rms=0.0; // RMS value from the sensor
+float acc=0;
+float ax, ay, az;// temp;
+char text1[20];
+const uint8_t *image1; // Pointer for the image to be displayed
+char text[20]; // Text Buffer for dynamic value displayed
+uint8_t data;
+uint8_t sample= rand() % 5 + 62;
+int main() {
+    srand (time(NULL));
+    powerEN = 0;
+    /* Setting pointer location of the 96 by 96 pixel bitmap */
+    //image1  = TempHumid;
+    /* Turn on the backlight of the OLED Display */
+    // oled.DimScreenON();
+    /* Fill 96px by 96px Screen with 96px by 96px NXP Image starting at x=0,y=0 */
+   // oled.DrawImage(image1,0,0);  
+    oled.TextBox((uint8_t *)text,0,0,96,96); 
+    while(true) {
+        kw40z_device.attach_buttonUp(&ButtonUp);
+        kw40z_device.attach_buttonDown(&ButtonDown);
+        kw40z_device.attach_buttonLeft(&ButtonLeft);
+        kw40z_device.attach_buttonRight(&ButtonRight);
+        kw40z_device.attach_buttonSlide(&ButtonSlide);
+        sample_ftemp = temphumid.sample_ftemp()-30;
+        printf("Temperature: %d F\n\r", sample_ftemp);
+        sample_ctemp = temphumid.sample_ctemp();
+        printf("Temperature: %d C\n\r", sample_ctemp);
+        sample_ktemp = temphumid.sample_ktemp();
+        printf("Temperature: %d K\n\r", sample_ktemp);
+        sample_humid = temphumid.sample_humid();
+        printf("Humidity: %d %%\n\r", sample_humid);
+        printf("\n\r");
+        accel.acquire_accel_data_g(accel_data);
+      accel_rms = sqrt(((accel_data[0]*accel_data[0])+(accel_data[1]*accel_data[1])+(accel_data[2]*accel_data[2]))/3);
+      printf("Accelerometer \tX-Axis %4.2f \tY-Axis %4.2f \tZ-Axis %4.2f \tRMS %4.2f\n\r",accel_data[0],accel_data[1],accel_data[2],accel_rms);
+      wait(0.01);
+      ax = accel_data[0];
+      ay = accel_data[1];
+      az = accel_data[2];
+        /* Get OLED Class Default Text Properties */
+        oled_text_properties_t textProperties = {0};
+        oled.GetTextProperties(&textProperties);
+        /*
+        textProperties.fontColor = COLOR_WHITE;
+        textProperties.alignParam = OLED_TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER;
+        oled.SetTextProperties(&textProperties);  
+        strcpy((char *) text,"");
+        strcpy((char *) text,"ECE 595");
+        oled.Label((uint8_t *)text,0,0);
+        strcpy((char *) text," FITNESS MONITOR");
+        oled.Label((uint8_t *)text,0,7);
+        */
+        /* Set text properties to white and right aligned for the dynamic text */
+        textProperties.fontColor = COLOR_RED;
+        textProperties.alignParam = OLED_TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT;
+        oled.SetTextProperties(&textProperties);  
+      if(sample_ftemp>70 && flag == 0)
+        {
+            textProperties.fontColor = COLOR_BLUE;
+            textProperties.alignParam = OLED_TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER;
+            oled.SetTextProperties(&textProperties);  
+            flag=1;
+            strcpy((char *) text,"Cool clothes!");
+            oled.Label((uint8_t *)text,15,5);
+            // sprintf(text,"%i",sample_ctemp);
+            //oled.Label((uint8_t *)text,5,5); 
+            strcpy((char *) text,"");
+            textProperties.fontColor = COLOR_RED;
+            textProperties.alignParam = OLED_TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT;
+            oled.SetTextProperties(&textProperties);  
+            strcpy((char *) text,"Temp.");
+            oled.Label((uint8_t *)text,5,67);      
+        /* Format the value */
+            sprintf(text,"%i",sample_ftemp);
+        /* Display time reading in 35px by 15px textbox at(x=55, y=40) */
+            oled.TextBox((uint8_t *)text,57,67,20,15); //Increase textbox for more digits
+        /* Display Units */
+            strcpy((char *) text,"dF");
+            oled.Label((uint8_t *)text,82,67);     
+            wait(5);
+            //oled1.clear(BLACK);
+            oled.TextBox((uint8_t *)text,0,0,96,96);
+        } 
+        else if(sample_ftemp<60 && flag == 0)
+        {
+            textProperties.fontColor = COLOR_RED;
+            textProperties.alignParam = OLED_TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER;
+            oled.SetTextProperties(&textProperties);  
+            flag=1;
+            strcpy((char *) text,"Warm clothes!");
+            oled.Label((uint8_t *)text,15,5);
+            // sprintf(text,"%i",sample_ctemp);
+            //oled.Label((uint8_t *)text,5,5); 
+            strcpy((char *) text,"");
+            textProperties.fontColor = COLOR_RED;
+            textProperties.alignParam = OLED_TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT;
+            oled.SetTextProperties(&textProperties);  
+            strcpy((char *) text,"Temp.");
+            oled.Label((uint8_t *)text,5,67);      
+        /* Format the value */
+            sprintf(text,"%i",sample_ftemp);
+        /* Display time reading in 35px by 15px textbox at(x=55, y=40) */
+            oled.TextBox((uint8_t *)text,57,67,20,15); //Increase textbox for more digits
+        /* Display Units */
+            strcpy((char *) text,"dF");
+            oled.Label((uint8_t *)text,82,67);     
+            wait(3);
+            strcpy((char *) text,"");
+            oled.TextBox((uint8_t *)text,0,0,96,96);
+        }
+        /*
+        textProperties.fontColor = COLOR_WHITE;
+        textProperties.alignParam = OLED_TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER;
+        oled.SetTextProperties(&textProperties);  
+        strcpy((char *) text,"");
+        strcpy((char *) text,"ECE 595");
+        oled.Label((uint8_t *)text,0,0);
+        strcpy((char *) text," FITNESS MONITOR");
+        oled.Label((uint8_t *)text,0,7);
+        */
+         //oled.TextBox((uint8_t *)text,0,0,96,96);
+        /* Display Legends */
+            textProperties.fontColor = COLOR_RED;
+            textProperties.alignParam = OLED_TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT;
+            oled.SetTextProperties(&textProperties);  
+            strcpy((char *) text,"Temp.");
+            oled.Label((uint8_t *)text,5,67);      
+        /* Format the value */
+            sprintf(text,"%i",sample_ftemp);
+        /* Display time reading in 35px by 15px textbox at(x=55, y=40) */
+            oled.TextBox((uint8_t *)text,57,67,20,15); //Increase textbox for more digits
+        /* Display Units */
+            strcpy((char *) text,"dF");
+            oled.Label((uint8_t *)text,82,67);     
+      /* Set text properties to white and right aligned for the dynamic text */ 
+        textProperties.fontColor = COLOR_BLUE;
+        textProperties.alignParam = OLED_TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT;
+        oled.SetTextProperties(&textProperties);  
+        /* Display Legends */
+        strcpy((char *) text,"Humidity");
+        oled.Label((uint8_t *)text,5,81);       
+        /* Format the value */
+        sprintf(text,"%i",sample_humid);
+        /* Display time reading in 35px by 15px textbox at(x=55, y=40) */
+        oled.TextBox((uint8_t *)text,57,81,20,15); //Increase textbox for more digits
+        /* Display Units */
+        strcpy((char *) text,"%");
+        oled.Label((uint8_t *)text,82,81); 
+      //pedometer
+            textProperties.fontColor = COLOR_GREEN;
+            textProperties.alignParam = OLED_TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT;
+            oled.SetTextProperties(&textProperties);  
+            strcpy((char *) text1,"Steps:");
+            oled.Label((uint8_t *)text1,3,35);      
+            acc=sqrt(pow(ax,2)+pow(ay,2)/2);
+            textProperties.fontColor = COLOR_WHITE;
+            textProperties.alignParam = OLED_TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT;
+            oled.SetTextProperties(&textProperties);  
+            strcpy((char *) text1,"Calories:");
+            oled.Label((uint8_t *)text1,3,50);
+      if(acc>0.3){
+          wait(0.5);
+          ped++;
+          if(ped==oldped+36){
+              cal++;
+              oldped=ped;
+          }
+      }
+      if(ped>25)
+      {
+        oled_text_properties_t textProperties = {0};
+        oled.GetTextProperties(&textProperties);
+        //oled1.clear(BLACK);
+        //oled.TextBox((uint8_t *)text,0,0,96,96);
+        wait(1);
+     /* Get OLED Class Default Text Properties */
+        //for(int i=0;i<5;i++)
+       // {
+        /* Set text properties to white and right aligned for the dynamic text */
+        textProperties.fontColor = COLOR_GREEN;
+        textProperties.alignParam = OLED_TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER;
+        oled.SetTextProperties(&textProperties);  
+        strcpy((char *) text,"");
+        strcpy((char *) text,"TargetAchieved");
+        oled.Label((uint8_t *)text,0,7);
+        strcpy((char *) text,"");
+        //sprintf(text,"%i", rand() % 5 + 62);
+        //oled.Label((uint8_t *)text,70,7);
+        //wait(7);
+        }
+      /* Format the value */
+        textProperties.fontColor = COLOR_GREEN;
+        textProperties.alignParam = OLED_TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT;
+        oled.SetTextProperties(&textProperties);  
+        sprintf(text1,"%4d",ped);
+        oled.TextBox((uint8_t *)text1,70,35,20,15); //Increase textbox for more digits
+      /* Display time reading in 35px by 15px textbox at(x=55, y=40) */
+        textProperties.fontColor = COLOR_WHITE;
+        textProperties.alignParam = OLED_TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT;
+        oled.SetTextProperties(&textProperties);
+        sprintf(text1,"%4d",cal);
+      /* Display time reading in 35px by 15px textbox at(x=55, y=40) */
+        oled.TextBox((uint8_t *)text1,70,50,20,15);
+        if(once==0)
+        {
+            wait(8);
+            once=1;
+            }
+       } 
+    }
+void StartHaptic(void)
+    hapticTimer.start(30);
+    haptic = 1;
+void StopHaptic(void const *n) {
+    haptic = 0;
+    hapticTimer.stop();
+void ButtonUp(void)
+    StartHaptic();
+    redLed      = LED_ON;
+    greenLed    = LED_OFF;
+    blueLed     = LED_OFF;
+     /* Fills the screen with solid black */         
+        oled_text_properties_t textProperties = {0};
+        oled.GetTextProperties(&textProperties);
+        //oled1.clear(BLACK);
+        //oled.TextBox((uint8_t *)text,0,0,96,96);
+        wait(1);
+     /* Get OLED Class Default Text Properties */
+        //for(int i=0;i<5;i++)
+       // {
+        /* Set text properties to white and right aligned for the dynamic text */
+        textProperties.fontColor = COLOR_RED;
+        textProperties.alignParam = OLED_TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER;
+        oled.SetTextProperties(&textProperties);  
+        strcpy((char *) text,"");
+        strcpy((char *) text,"Heart Rate");
+        oled.Label((uint8_t *)text,0,20);
+        strcpy((char *) text,"");
+        sprintf(text,"00");
+        oled.Label((uint8_t *)text,70,20);
+        wait(2); 
+        textProperties.fontColor = COLOR_RED;
+        textProperties.alignParam = OLED_TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER;
+        oled.SetTextProperties(&textProperties);
+        sprintf(text,"%i",sample );
+        oled.Label((uint8_t *)text,70,20);
+        if(sample>150){
+            textProperties.fontColor = COLOR_GREEN;
+        textProperties.alignParam = OLED_TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER;
+        oled.SetTextProperties(&textProperties);  
+        strcpy((char *) text,"");
+        strcpy((char *) text,"Slow Down");
+        oled.Label((uint8_t *)text,0,7);
+        strcpy((char *) text,"");
+        }
+        wait(8);
+        //oled.FillScreen(COLOR_BLACK);
+        //}
+       // strcpy((char *) text,"");
+        //oled.Label((uint8_t *)text,0,0);
+        //oled.TextBox((uint8_t *)text,0,0,96,96); 
+        //oled.FillScreen(COLOR_BLACK);
+        //oled1.clear(BLACK);
+       // StopHaptic(1);
+void ButtonDown(void)
+    StartHaptic();
+    redLed      = LED_ON;
+    greenLed    = LED_OFF;
+    blueLed     = LED_OFF;
+    /* Turn on the backlight of the OLED Display */
+    oled_text_properties_t textProperties = {0};
+        oled.GetTextProperties(&textProperties);
+        textProperties.fontColor = COLOR_RED;
+    textProperties.alignParam = OLED_TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT;
+    oled.SetTextProperties(&textProperties);
+        sprintf(text,"%d",00);
+        oled.Label((uint8_t *)text,70,20);
+void ButtonRight(void)
+    StartHaptic();
+    redLed      = LED_OFF;
+    greenLed    = LED_OFF;
+    blueLed     = LED_ON;
+    oled_text_properties_t textProperties = {0};
+        oled.GetTextProperties(&textProperties);
+        //oled1.clear(BLACK);
+        //oled.TextBox((uint8_t *)text,0,0,96,96);
+        wait(1);
+     /* Get OLED Class Default Text Properties */
+        //for(int i=0;i<5;i++)
+       // {
+        /* Set text properties to white and right aligned for the dynamic text */
+        //if(bool maxim_max30102_init()==true){
+            //maxim_max30102_read_fifo(0,0);
+        /*    textProperties.fontColor = COLOR_GREEN;
+        textProperties.alignParam = OLED_TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT;
+        oled.SetTextProperties(&textProperties); 
+        strcpy((char *) text1,"FEVER"); 
+      /* Display time reading in 35px by 15px textbox at(x=55, y=40) */
+       /* oled.TextBox((uint8_t *)text1,70,50,20,15);
+        wait(5);
+            }
+        /*textProperties.fontColor = COLOR_GREEN;
+        textProperties.alignParam = OLED_TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER;
+        oled.SetTextProperties(&textProperties);  
+        strcpy((char *) text,"");
+        strcpy((char *) text,"FEVER");
+        oled.Label((uint8_t *)text,0,7);
+        strcpy((char *) text,"");
+        sprintf(text,"%i", rand() % 3 + 37);
+        oled.Label((uint8_t *)text,70,7);
+        wait(7);
+        */
+         oled.DimScreenON();
+void ButtonLeft(void)
+    StartHaptic();
+    redLed      = LED_ON;
+    greenLed    = LED_ON;
+    blueLed     = LED_OFF;
+    /*
+    oled_text_properties_t textProperties = {0};
+    oled.GetTextProperties(&textProperties);
+    heart.enable();
+    heart.heartRate_SendToKW40( data)
+    textProperties.fontColor = COLOR_RED;
+    textProperties.alignParam = OLED_TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER;
+    oled.SetTextProperties(&textProperties);  
+    strcpy((char *) text,"");
+    strcpy((char *) text,"Heart Rate");
+    oled.Label((uint8_t *)text,0,20);
+    strcpy((char *) text,"");
+    sprintf(text,"%i", data);
+    oled.Label((uint8_t *)text,70,20);
+    wait(7);
+    */
+void ButtonSlide(void)
+    StartHaptic();
+    redLed      = LED_ON;
+    greenLed    = LED_ON;
+    blueLed     = LED_ON;
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mbed-os.lib	Tue Apr 25 00:32:17 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@