Marieke M

Public Repositories (7)

  • Mbed 2 deprecated

    EMG measurement in HIDScope working!

    Last updated: 02 Nov 2016 4 2
  • Mbed 2 deprecated

    Determine motor constants

    Last updated: 01 Nov 2016 3 1
  • Mbed 2 deprecated

    Script that sends sine wave into motor.

    Last updated: 28 Oct 2016 1 3
  • Mbed 2 deprecated

    calibratie script: op moment nog alles in main loop. Emg uitlezen, werkt niet zoals gewenst.

    Last updated: 24 Oct 2016 6 3
  • Mbed 2 deprecated

    working filters, but unexplained large off-set and little amplitude difference!

    Last updated: 19 Oct 2016 1 1
  • Mbed 2 deprecated

    Counts and Derivative of counts working in Putty, first changes for HIDScope made.

    Last updated: 11 Oct 2016 3 2
  • Mbed 2 deprecated

    Putty working, giving: Potmeter value, reference velocity and Motorvalue=0! Motor only works on 2.

    Last updated: 10 Oct 2016 7 2