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Mon Oct 28 08:11:38 2019 +0000
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Changed in this revision

System/Process/Process.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- a/System/Process/Process.cpp	Tue Oct 22 02:50:54 2019 +0000
+++ b/System/Process/Process.cpp	Mon Oct 28 08:11:38 2019 +0000
@@ -36,28 +36,7 @@
 /*Replace here with the definition code of your variables.*/
-//Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
-const int omni[15][15] = {
-    {    0,     5,    21,     47,     83,    130,    187,    255,    255,    255,    255,    255,    255,    255,    255 },
-    {   -5,     0,     5,     21,     47,     83,    130,    187,    193,    208,    234,    255,    255,    255,    255 },
-    {  -21,    -5,     0,      5,     21,     47,     83,    130,    135,    151,    177,    213,    255,    255,    255 },
-    {  -47,   -21,     5,      0,      5,     21,     47,     83,     88,    104,    130,    167,    213,    255,    255 },
-    {  -83,   -47,    -21,     5,      0,      5,     21,     47,     52,     68,     94,    130,    177,    234,    255 },
-    { -130,   -83,    -47,    -21,     5,      0,      5,     21,     26,     42,     68,    104,    151,    208,    255 },
-    { -187,  -130,    -83,    -47,    -21,    -5,      0,      5,     10,     26,     52,     88,    135,    193,    255 },
-    { -255,  -187,   -130,    -83,    -47,    -21,    -5,      0,      5,     21,     47,     83,    130,    187,    255 },
-    { -255,  -193,   -135,    -88,    -52,    -26,    -10,    -5,      0,      5,     21,     47,     83,    130,    187 },
-    { -255,  -208,   -151,   -104,    -68,    -42,    -26,    -21,    -5,      0,      5,     21,     47,     83,    130 },
-    { -255,  -234,   -177,   -130,    -94,    -68,    -52,    -47,    -21,    -7,      0,      7,     21,     47,     83 },
-    { -255,  -255,   -213,   -167,   -130,   -104,    -88,    -83,    -47,    -21,    -5,      0,      5,     21,     47 },
-    { -255,  -255,   -255,   -213,   -177,   -151,   -135,   -130,    -83,    -47,    -21,    -5,      0,      5,     21 },
-    { -255,  -255,   -255,   -255,   -234,   -208,   -193,   -187,   -130,    -83,    -47,    -21,    -5,      0,      5 },
-    { -255,  -255,   -255,   -255,   -255,   -255,   -255,   -255,   -187,   -130,    -83,    -47,   -21,     -5,      0 }
-const int curve[15] = { -204, -150, -104, -66, -38, -17, -4, 0, 4, 17, 38, 66, 104, 150, 204 };
+Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
 uint8_t SetStatus(int);
 uint8_t SetPWM(int);
@@ -178,6 +157,10 @@
     while(1) {
 		#ifdef USE_MU
         controller = CONTROLLER::Controller::GetData();