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00001 /*******************************************************************************
00002  * Copyright 2016, 2017 ARM Ltd.
00003  *
00004  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
00005  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
00006  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
00007  *
00008  *
00009  *
00010  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
00011  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
00012  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
00013  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
00014  * limitations under the License.
00015  *******************************************************************************/
00016 #ifndef PAL_PALT_FILE_SYSTEM_H
00017 #define PAL_PALT_FILE_SYSTEM_H
00019 #include "pal_fileSystem.h"
00021 #ifdef __cplusplus
00022 extern "C" {
00023 #endif
00025 /*! \file pal_plat_fileSystem.h
00026 *  \brief PAL file system - platform.
00027 *   This file contains the file system APIs that need to be implemented in the platform layer.
00028 */
00030 /*!  @defgroup PAL_PLAT_GROUP_FS
00031 *   \note You need to add the prefix of the ESFS folder root stored in \c g_esfsRootFolder to all files and folders.
00032 *   To change this, call \c pal_plat_fsSetEsfsRootFolder().
00033 *
00034 */
00036 /**
00037 @defgroup PAL_PLAT_PUBLIC_FUNCTION  PAL Platform Public Functions
00038 @ingroup PAL_PLAT_GROUP_FS
00039 */
00041 /**
00042 @addtogroup PAL_PLAT_PUBLIC_FUNCTION
00043 @{*/
00045 /*! \brief  This function attempts to create a directory named \c pathName.
00046 *
00047 * @param[in]    *pathName A pointer to the null-terminated string that specifies the directory name to create.
00048 *
00049 * \return PAL_SUCCESS upon a successful operation.\n
00050 *         PAL_FILE_SYSTEM_ERROR - see the error code description \c palError_t.
00051 *
00052 * \note To remove a directory use \c PAL_ERR_FS_rmdir.
00053 *
00054 *\b Example
00055 \code{.cpp}
00056     palStatus_t ret;
00057     ret = PAL_ERR_FS_mkdir("Dir1");
00058     if(!ret)
00059     {
00060         //Error
00061     }
00062 \endcode
00063 */
00064 palStatus_t pal_plat_fsMkdir(const char *pathName);
00068 /*! \brief This function deletes a directory.
00069 *
00070 * @param[in]    *pathName A pointer to the null-terminated string that specifies the name of the directory to be deleted.
00071 *
00072 * \return PAL_SUCCESS upon a successful operation.\n
00073 *         PAL_FILE_SYSTEM_ERROR - see the error code description \c palError_t.
00074 *
00075 * \note The directory to be deleted \b must \b be \b Empty and \b closed.
00076 *       The folder path must end with "/".
00077 *       If given "..", the function changes the root directory to one directory down and deletes the working directory.
00078 */
00079 palStatus_t pal_plat_fsRmdir(const char *pathName);
00083 /*!\brief This function opens the file whose name is specified in the parameter `pathName` and associates it with a stream
00084 *          that can be identified in future operations by the `fd` pointer returned.
00085 *
00086 * @param[out]   fd A file descriptor for the file entered in the `pathName`.
00087 * @param[in]    *pathName A pointer to the null-terminated string that specifies the file name to open or create.
00088 * @param[in]    mode A mode flag that specifies the type of access and open method for the file.
00089 *
00090 *
00091 * \return PAL_SUCCESS upon a successful operation.\n
00092 *         PAL_FILE_SYSTEM_ERROR - see the error code description \c palError_t.
00093 *
00094 * \note   The folder path must end with "/".
00095 * \note   If necessary, the platform layer \b allocates \b memory for the file descriptor. The structure
00096 *         \c pal_plat_fclose() shall free that buffer.
00097 * \note   The mode flags sent to this function are normalized to the \c pal_fsFileMode_t and each platform needs to replace them with the proper values.
00098 *
00099 */
00100 palStatus_t pal_plat_fsFopen(const char *pathName, pal_fsFileMode_t mode, palFileDescriptor_t *fd);
00104 /*! \brief This function closes an open file object.
00105 *
00106 * @param[in] fd A pointer to the open file object structure to be closed.
00107 *
00108 * \return PAL_SUCCESS upon a successful operation. \n
00109 *         PAL_FILE_SYSTEM_ERROR - see the error code \c palError_t.a 
00110 *
00111 * \note After successful execution of the function, the file object is no longer valid and it can be discarded.
00112 * \note In some platforms, this function needs to \b free the file descriptor memory.
00113 */
00114 palStatus_t pal_plat_fsFclose(palFileDescriptor_t *fd);
00118 /*! \brief  This function reads an array of bytes from the stream and stores them in the block of memory
00119 *           specified by the buffer. The position indicator of the stream is advanced by the total amount of bytes read.
00120 *
00121 * @param[in]    fd A pointer to the open file object structure.
00122 * @param[in]    buffer A buffer for storing the read data.
00123 * @param[in]    numOfBytes The number of bytes to read.
00124 * @param[out]   numberOfBytesRead The number of bytes read.
00125 *
00126 * \return PAL_SUCCESS upon a successful operation.\n
00127 *         PAL_FILE_SYSTEM_ERROR - see the error code description \c palError_t.
00128 *
00129 * \note After successful execution of the function,
00130 *       `numberOfBytesRead` should be checked to detect end of the file.
00131 *       If `numberOfBytesRead` is less than `numOfBytes`,
00132 *       the read/write pointer has reached the end of the file during the read operation or an error has occurred.
00133 *
00134 */
00135 palStatus_t pal_plat_fsFread(palFileDescriptor_t *fd, void * buffer, size_t numOfBytes, size_t *numberOfBytesRead);
00139 /*! \brief This function starts to write data from the \c buffer to the file at the position pointed by the read/write pointer.
00140 *
00141 * @param[in]    fd A pointer to the open file object structure.
00142 * @param[in]    buffer A pointer to the data to be written.
00143 * @param[in]    numOfBytes The number of bytes to write.
00144 * @param[out]   numberOfBytesWritten The number of bytes written.
00145 *
00146 * \return PAL_SUCCESS upon a successful operation. \n
00147 *           PAL_FILE_SYSTEM_ERROR - see the error code \c palError_t.
00148 *
00149 * \note The read/write pointer advances as number of bytes written. After successful execution of the function,
00150 * \note `numberOfBytesWritten` should be checked to detect if the disk is full.
00151 *       If `numberOfBytesWritten` is less than `numOfBytes`, the volume got full during the write operation.
00152 *
00153 */
00154 palStatus_t pal_plat_fsFwrite(palFileDescriptor_t *fd, const void *buffer, size_t numOfBytes, size_t *numberOfBytesWritten);
00157 /*! \brief  This function moves the file read/write pointer without any read/write operation to the file.
00158 *
00159 * @param[in]    fd A pointer to the open file object structure.
00160 * @param[in]    offset The byte offset from top of the file to set the read/write pointer.
00161 * @param[out]   whence The offset is relative to this.
00162 *
00163 * \return PAL_SUCCESS upon a successful operation.\n
00164 *         PAL_FILE_SYSTEM_ERROR - see the error code description \c palError_t.
00165 *
00166 * \note - The `whence` options are:
00167 *        -# \c PAL_ERR_FS_SEEKSET - relative to the start of the file.
00168 *        -# \c PAL_ERR_FS_SEEKCUR - relative to the current position indicator.
00169 *        -# \c PAL_ERR_FS_SEEKEND - relative to the end-of-file.
00170 *
00171 * \note In some systems, there is no \c whence argument.
00172 *   If you need to implement the `whence` argument:\n
00173 *   \b PAL_ERR_FS_SEEKEND - The function first finds the length of the file, then subtracts the file length from the position to find the relative path from the beginning.\n
00174 *       \b PAL_ERR_FS_SEEKCUR - The function finds the current stream position and calculates the relative path from the file start.\n
00175 *   
00176 * In both options, \c fseek() needs to verify that the offset is smaller than the file end or start. 
00177 *
00178 */
00179 palStatus_t pal_plat_fsFseek(palFileDescriptor_t *fd, int32_t offset, pal_fsOffset_t whence);
00183 /*! \brief This function gets the current read/write pointer of a file.
00184 *
00185 * @param[in]    fd A pointer to the open file object structure.
00186 *
00187 * \return PAL_SUCCESS upon a successful operation.\n
00188 *         PAL_FILE_SYSTEM_ERROR - see the error code description \c palError_t.
00189 *
00190 */
00191 palStatus_t pal_plat_fsFtell(palFileDescriptor_t *fd, int32_t * pos);
00195 /*! \brief This function deletes a \b single file from the file system.
00196 *
00197 * @param[in]  pathName A pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the \b file to be removed.
00198 * @param[in]  buildRelativeDirectory Needed to add a working directory to give \c pathName.
00199 *
00200 * \return PAL_SUCCESS upon a successful operation.\n
00201 *         PAL_FILE_SYSTEM_ERROR - see the error code description \c palError_t.
00202 *
00203 * \note The file \b must \b not \b be \b opened
00204 *
00205 */
00206 palStatus_t pal_plat_fsUnlink(const char *pathName);
00210 /*! \brief This function deletes \b all files in a folder from the file system (FLAT remove only).
00211 *
00212 * @param[in]  pathName A pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the \b folder.
00213 *
00214 * \return PAL_SUCCESS upon a successful operation.\n
00215 *         PAL_FILE_SYSTEM_ERROR - see the error code description \c palError_t.
00216 *
00217 * \note The folder \b must \b not \b be \b open and the folder path must end with "/".
00218 * \note The process deletes one file at a time by calling \c pal_plat_fsUnlink until all files are removed.
00219 * \note The function does not remove the directory found in the path.
00220 */
00221 palStatus_t pal_plat_fsRmFiles(const char *pathName);
00225 /*! \brief This function copies \b all files from a source folder to a destination folder (FLAT copy only).
00226 *
00227 * @param[in]  pathNameSrc A pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the source folder.
00228 * @param[in]  pathNameDest A pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the destination folder (MUST exist).
00229 *
00230 * \return PAL_SUCCESS upon a successful operation.\n
00231 *         PAL_FILE_SYSTEM_ERROR - see the error code description \c palError_t.
00232 *
00233 * \note Both folders \b must \b not \b be \b open. If a folder does not exist the function fails.
00234 * \note The process copies one file at a time until all files are copied.
00235 * \note The function does not copy a directory found in the path.
00236 */
00237 palStatus_t pal_plat_fsCpFolder(const char *pathNameSrc,  char *pathNameDest);
00240 /*! \brief This function gets the default value for  root directory (primary)
00241 *
00242 * @param[in]  dataID - id of the data to ge the root folder for.
00243 *
00244 * \return pointer to the default path.
00245 *
00246 */
00247 const char* pal_plat_fsGetDefaultRootFolder(pal_fsStorageID_t dataID);
00251 /*! \brief This function finds the length of the string received.
00252 *
00253 *
00254 * @param[in]  stringToChk A pointer to the string received with a null terminator.
00255 *
00256 * \return The size of the string.
00257 *
00258 */
00259 size_t pal_plat_fsSizeCheck(const char *stringToChk);
00263 /*! \brief This function sets up the mount point.
00264 *
00265 *
00266 * @param void
00267 *
00268 * \return PAL_SUCCESS upon a successful operation.\n
00269 *         PAL_FILE_SYSTEM_ERROR - see the error code description \c palError_t.
00270 *
00271 */
00272 palStatus_t pal_plat_fsMountSystem(void);
00273 /**
00274 @} */
00277 /*! \brief This function formats the SD partition indicated by `partitionID` (mapping the ID to an actual partition is done in the porting layer).
00278 *
00279 *
00280 * @param[in] partitionID The ID of the partition to be formatted.
00281 *
00282 * \return PAL_SUCCESS upon a successful operation.\n
00283 *         PAL_FILE_SYSTEM_ERROR - see the error code description \c palError_t.
00284 *
00285 */
00286 palStatus_t pal_plat_fsFormat(pal_fsStorageID_t dataID);
00289 #ifdef __cplusplus
00290 }
00291 #endif
00292 #endif