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00001 /*******************************************************************************
00002  * Copyright 2016, 2017 ARM Ltd.
00003  *
00004  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
00005  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
00006  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
00007  *
00008  *
00009  *
00010  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
00011  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
00012  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
00013  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
00014  * limitations under the License.
00015  *******************************************************************************/
00016 #ifndef PAL_FILE_SYSTEM_H
00017 #define PAL_FILE_SYSTEM_H
00019 #ifndef _PAL_H
00020     #error "Please do not include this file directly, use pal.h instead"
00021 #endif
00023 /*! \file pal_fileSystem.h
00024  *  \brief PAL pal_fileSystem.
00025 *   This file contains the file system APIs. This is part of the PAL service API.
00026 *   It provides APIs to create/remove directories and open/read/write to files. 
00027  */
00029 /*! \mainpage
00030  *
00031  *\section file_sec File System
00032  *
00033  *\subsection rev_hist Revision History
00034  *     19-Jan-2017    Created and First Draft\n
00035  *     25-Jan-2017    Updated Design according to DR meeting \n
00036  *    02-Jan-2017 Minor implementation Changes \n
00037  *
00038  *
00039  *
00040  * \subsection int_sec Introduction
00041 * This file gives the user an abstraction layer for POSIX like file systems.
00042  *
00043  *
00044  * \subsection req_sec Requirements
00045  * The requirements for PAL Version 1.2 are to support the following POSIX like APIs:
00046  *
00047  *
00048  *
00049  *\b Folder \b Operations \n
00050  *    -# mkdir        <a href="linkURL"></a> \n
00051  *    -# rmdir()        <a href="linkURL"></a> \n
00052  *
00053  *
00054  *\b File \b Operations \n
00055  *    -# fopen()      <a href="linkURL"></a> \n
00056  *    -# fclose()     <a href="linkURL"></a> \n
00057  *    -# fread()      <a href="linkURL"></a> \n
00058  *    -# fwrite()     <a href="linkURL"></a> \n
00059  *    -# fseek()      <a href="linkURL"></a> \n
00060  *    -# ftell()      <a href="linkURL"></a> \n
00061  *    -# unlink()     <a href="linkURL"></a> \n
00062  *
00063  *
00064  *\b Special \b Operations\n
00066 *   -# rmfiles()    Delete folder content (files only) (flat deletion).
00067 *   -# cpfiles()    Copy all files in folder to a different folder (flat copy).
00068  *
00069  *
00070  * \subsection Prerequisites
00071 *   User need to set up the file system on your project and mount the proper drive if needed. \n
00072  *
00073  *
00074  * \subsection Limitations
00075 *   -# File size: Up to 2 GiB.\n
00076 *   -# Filename length: PAL_MAX_FILE_NAME_SIZE.\n
00077 *   -# Legal characters for object name: (file/directory name) are, (0-9), (a-z), (A - Z) (_ . # ). \n
00078 *   -# System is case-insensitive. \n
00079 *   -# The root folder can manage a maximum of 512 entries
00080 *   -# Max path length is 66 Characters.
00081 *   -# Folder shall be separated with "/"
00082 *   -# All folder Paths shall end with "/"
00084  *
00085  *
00086  * \subsection  References
00087  *      PAL_FileSystemSpecification.doc
00088  */
00090 /*!  @defgroup PAL_GROUP_FS
00091  *
00092  *
00093  */
00094 /**
00095  @defgroup PAL_DEFINES  PAL Services Defined Symbols & Macros
00096  @ingroup PAL_GROUP_FS
00097  */
00099 /**
00100  @defgroup PAL_ENUM  PAL Services Enumerated Data Types
00101  @ingroup PAL_GROUP_FS
00102  */
00104 /**
00105  @defgroup PAL_PUBLIC_FUNCTION  PAL Services Public Functions
00106  @ingroup PAL_GROUP_FS
00107  */
00109 /**
00110  @addtogroup PAL_DEFINES
00111  @{*/
00114 #define PAL_MAX_FILE_NAME_SIZE      8               //!< Max length for file name received by user.
00115 #define PAL_MAX_FILE_NAME_SUFFIX    3               //!< Max length for file name suffix.
00116 #define PAL_MAX_FOLDER_DEPTH_CHAR   66              //!< Max folder length in chars.
00120 typedef uintptr_t palFileDescriptor_t; //!< Pointer to a generic File Descriptor object
00122 /**
00123  @} */
00124 /**
00125  @addtogroup PAL_ENUM
00126  @{*/
00128 /** \brief Enum for `fseek()` relative options. */
00129 typedef enum {
00131     PAL_FS_OFFSET_SEEKSET,      //!< Relative to the start of the file.
00132     PAL_FS_OFFSET_SEEKCUR,      //!< The current position indicator.
00133     PAL_FS_OFFSET_SEEKEND,      //!< End-of-file.
00136 } pal_fsOffset_t;
00138 /** \brief Enum for fopen() permission options*/
00139 typedef enum {
00140     PAL_FS_FLAG_KEEP_FIRST = 0,
00141     PAL_FS_FLAG_READONLY,           //!< Open file for reading. The stream is positioned at the beginning of the file (file must exist), same as "r".\n
00142     PAL_FS_FLAG_READWRITE,          //!< Open for reading and writing. The stream is positioned at the beginning of the file (file must exist), same as "r+ ".\n
00143     PAL_FS_FLAG_READWRITEEXCLUSIVE, //!< Open for reading and writing exclusively. If the file already exists, `fopen()` fails. The stream is positioned at the beginning of the file. same as "w+x"\n
00144     PAL_FS_FLAG_READWRITETRUNC,     //!< Open for reading and writing exclusively. If the file already exists, truncate file. The stream is positioned at the beginning of the file. same as "w+"\n
00146 } pal_fsFileMode_t;
00147 /**
00148  @} */
00151 /** \brief Enum for partition access. */
00152 typedef enum {
00153     PAL_FS_PARTITION_PRIMARY = 0,        //!< Primary partition.\n
00154     PAL_FS_PARTITION_SECONDARY,          //!< Secondary partition.\n
00155     PAL_FS_PARTITION_LAST                //!< Must be last value.\n
00156 } pal_fsStorageID_t;
00159 /**
00160  @addtogroup PAL_PUBLIC_FUNCTION
00161  @{*/
00163 /*! \brief     This function attempts to create a directory named \c pathName.
00164  *
00166 * @param[in]    *pathName A pointer to the null-terminated string that specifies the directory name to create.
00168  *
00169  * \return PAL_SUCCESS upon successful operation.\n
00170 *         PAL_FILE_SYSTEM_ERROR - see error code description \c palError_t.
00171  *
00172 * \note To remove a directory, use \c PAL_ERR_FS_rmdir.
00173  *
00174  *\b Example
00175  \code{.cpp}
00176  palStatus_t ret;
00177  ret = PAL_ERR_FS_mkdir("Dir1");
00178  if(!ret)
00179  {
00180  //Error
00181  }
00182  \endcode
00183  */
00184 palStatus_t pal_fsMkDir(const char *pathName);
00186 /*! \brief This function deletes a directory
00187  *
00189 * @param[in]    *pathName A pointer to the null-terminated string that specifies the directory name to be deleted.
00191  *
00192  * \return PAL_SUCCESS upon successful operation.\n
00193 *         PAL_FILE_SYSTEM_ERROR - see error code description \c palError_t.
00194  *
00196 * \note The deleted directory \b must \b be \b empty and \b closed and the
00197 *       folder path shall end with "/".
00199  *
00200  *\b Example
00201  \code{.cpp}
00202  palStatus_t ret;
00203  ret = PAL_ERR_FS_mkdir("Dir1"); //Create folder name "Dir1"
00204  if(!ret)
00205  {
00206  //Error
00207  }
00208  ret = PAL_ERR_FS_rmdir("Dir1); //Remove directory from partition
00209  if(!ret)
00210  {
00211  //Error
00212  }
00213  \endcode
00214  */
00215 palStatus_t pal_fsRmDir(const char *pathName);
00218 /*!\brief This function opens the file whose name is specified in the parameter `pathName` and associates it with a stream
00219 *          that can be identified in future operations by the `fd` pointer returned.
00220  *
00221 * @param[out]   fd The file descriptor to the file entered in the `pathName`.
00222 * @param[in]    *pathName A pointer to the null-terminated string that specifies the file name to open or create.
00223 * @param[in]    mode A mode flag that specifies the type of access and open method for the file.
00225  *
00226  *
00227  * \return PAL_SUCCESS upon successful operation.\n
00228 *         PAL_FILE_SYSTEM_ERROR - see error code description \c palError_t.
00229  *
00231 * \note   The folder path shall end with "/".
00233  *
00234  *\b Example
00235  \code{.cpp}
00236  //Copy File from "File1" to "File2"
00237  palStatus_t ret;
00238  palFileDescriptor_t fd1 = NULL,fd2 = NULL ; // File Object 1 & 2
00239  uint8 buffer[1024];
00240  size_t bytes_read = 0, Bytes_wrote = 0;
00242  //Open first file with Read permission
00243  ret = PAL_ERR_FS_fopen(&fd1, "File1", PAL_ERR_FS_READWRITEEXCLUSIVE);
00244  if(ret)    {//Error}
00246  //Create second file with Read/Write permissions
00247  ret = PAL_ERR_FS_fopen(&fd2, "File2", PAL_ERR_FS_READWRITEEXCLUSIVE);
00248  if(ret)    {//Error}
00250  //    Copy source to destination
00251  for (;;)
00252  {
00253  ret = PAL_ERR_FS_read(&fd1, buffer, sizeof(buffer), &bytes_read);    // Read a chunk of source file
00254  if (ret || bytes_read == 0) break;    // error or EOF
00255  ret = PAL_ERR_FS_write(&fd2, buffer, sizeof(buffer), &Bytes_wrote);    // Write it to the destination file
00256  if (ret || Bytes_wrote < bytes_read) break;    // error or disk full
00257  }
00259  PAL_ERR_FS_close(&fd1);
00260  PAL_ERR_FS_close(&fd2);
00261  }
00262  \endcode
00263  */
00264 palStatus_t pal_fsFopen(const char *pathName, pal_fsFileMode_t mode,
00265         palFileDescriptor_t *fd);
00267 /*! \brief This function closes an open file object.
00268  *
00269 * @param[in] fd A pointer to the open file object structure to be closed.
00270  *
00271  *
00272 * \return PAL_SUCCESS upon successful operation. \n
00273 *         PAL_FILE_SYSTEM_ERROR - see error code \c palError_t.
00274  *
00275 * \note When the function has completed successfully, the file object is no longer valid and it can be discarded.
00276  *
00277  */
00278 palStatus_t pal_fsFclose(palFileDescriptor_t *fd);
00281 /*! \brief This function reads an array of bytes from the stream and stores it in the block of memory
00282 *           specified by buffer. The position indicator of the stream is advanced by the total amount of bytes read.
00283  *
00284 * @param[in]    fd A pointer to the open file object structure.
00285 * @param[in]    buffer The buffer to store the read data.
00286 * @param[in]    numOfBytes The number of bytes to read.
00287 * @param[out]   numberOfBytesRead The number of bytes read.
00289  *
00290  * \return PAL_SUCCESS upon successful operation.\n
00291 *         PAL_FILE_SYSTEM_ERROR - see error code description \c palError_t.
00292  *
00293 * \note When the function has completed successfully,
00294 *       `numberOfBytesRead` should be checked to detect end of the file.
00295 *       If `numberOfBytesRead` is less than `numOfBytes`,
00296 *       the read/write pointer has reached the end of the file during the read operation or there is an error.
00297  *
00298  */
00299 palStatus_t pal_fsFread(palFileDescriptor_t *fd, void * buffer,
00300         size_t numOfBytes, size_t *numberOfBytesRead);
00302 /*! \brief This function starts to write data from \c buffer to the file at the position pointed by the read/write pointer.
00303  *
00305 * @param[in]    fd A pointer to the open file object structure.
00306 * @param[in]    buffer A pointer to the data to be written.
00307 * @param[in]    numOfBytes The number of bytes to write.
00308 * @param[out]   numberOfBytesWritten The number of bytes written.
00309  *
00310 * \return PAL_SUCCESS upon successful operation. \n
00311 *           PAL_FILE_SYSTEM_ERROR - see error code \c palError_t.
00312  *
00313 * \note The read/write pointer advances as number of bytes written. When the function has completed successfully,
00314 * \note `numberOfBytesWritten` should be checked to detect the whether the disk is full.
00315 *       If `numberOfBytesWritten` is less than `numOfBytes`, the volume got full during the write operation.
00317  *
00318  */
00319 palStatus_t pal_fsFwrite(palFileDescriptor_t *fd, const void * buffer,
00320         size_t numOfBytes, size_t *numberOfBytesWritten);
00323 /*! \brief This function moves the file read/write pointer without any read/write operation to the file.
00324  *
00325 * @param[in]    fd A pointer to the open file object structure.
00326 * @param[in]    offset The byte offset from the top of the file to set the read/write pointer.
00327 * @param[out]   whence Where the offset is relative to.
00328  *
00329  * \return PAL_SUCCESS upon successful operation.\n
00330 *         PAL_FILE_SYSTEM_ERROR - see error code description \c palError_t.
00331  *
00332 * \note The `whence` options are: \n
00333 *        -# PAL_ERR_FS_SEEKSET - Relative to the start of the file.
00334 *        -# PAL_ERR_FS_SEEKCUR - The current position indicator.
00335 *        -# PAL_ERR_FS_SEEKEND - End-of-file.
00336  *
00337  *\b Example
00338  \code{.cpp}
00339  palStatus_t ret;
00340  palFileDescriptor_t fd1 = NULL; // File Object 1
00341  uint8 buffer[1024];
00342  size_t bytes_read = 0, Bytes_wrote = 0;
00344  //Open file with Read permission
00345  ret = PAL_ERR_FS_fopen(&fd1, "File1", PAL_ERR_FS_READ);
00346  if(ret)    {//Error}
00348  ret = PAL_ERR_FS_fseek(&fd1, 500, PAL_ERR_FS_SEEKSET)
00350  \endcode
00351  */
00352 palStatus_t pal_fsFseek(palFileDescriptor_t *fd, int32_t offset,
00353         pal_fsOffset_t whence);
00355 /*! \brief This function gets the current read/write pointer of a file.
00356  *
00357 * @param[in]    fd A pointer to the open file object structure.
00358  *
00359  * \return PAL_SUCCESS upon successful operation.\n
00360 *         PAL_FILE_SYSTEM_ERROR - see error code description \c palError_t.
00361  *
00362  */
00363 palStatus_t pal_fsFtell(palFileDescriptor_t *fd, int32_t *pos);
00365 /*! \brief This function deletes a \b single file from the file system.
00366  *
00367 * @param[in]  pathName A pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the \b file to be removed.
00368  *
00369  * \return PAL_SUCCESS upon successful operation.\n
00370 *         PAL_FILE_SYSTEM_ERROR - see error code description \c palError_t.
00371  *
00372 * \note The file \b must \b not \b be \b open.
00373  *
00374  */
00375 palStatus_t pal_fsUnlink(const char *pathName);
00377 /*! \brief This function deletes \b all files and folders in a folder from the file system (FLAT remove only).
00378  *
00379 * @param[in]  pathName A pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the folder.
00380  *
00381  * \return PAL_SUCCESS upon successful operation.\n
00382 *         PAL_FILE_SYSTEM_ERROR - see error code description \c palError_t.
00383  *
00384 * \note The folder \b must \b not \b be \b open and the folder path must end with "/".
00385  */
00386 palStatus_t pal_fsRmFiles(const char *pathName);
00388 /*! \brief This function copies \b all files from the source folder to the destination folder (FLAT copy only).
00389  *
00390 * @param[in]  pathNameSrc A pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the source folder.
00391 * @param[in]  pathNameDest A pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the destination folder (MUST exist).
00392  *
00393  * \return PAL_SUCCESS upon successful operation.\n
00394 *         PAL_FILE_SYSTEM_ERROR - see error code description \c palError_t.
00395  *
00396 * \note Both folders \b must \b not \b be \b open. If the folders do not exist, the function fails.
00397  *
00398  *
00399  */
00400 palStatus_t pal_fsCpFolder(const char *pathNameSrc, char *pathNameDest);
00402 /*! \brief This function sets the mount directory for the given storage ID (primary or secondary), 
00403  *
00404 * @param[in]  Path A pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the root folder.
00405  *
00406  * \return PAL_SUCCESS upon successful operation.\n
00407 *         PAL_FILE_SYSTEM_ERROR - see error code description \c palError_t.
00408  *
00409 *\note  If called with NULL, the ESFS root folder is set to default PAL_SOURCE_FOLDER.
00410 *\note  The folder path must end with "/".
00411  */
00412 palStatus_t pal_fsSetMountPoint(pal_fsStorageID_t dataID, const char *Path);
00414 /*! \brief This function gets the mount directory for the given storage ID (primary or secondary), The function copies the path to the user pre allocated buffer.
00415  *
00416 * @param[in]   length The length of the buffer.
00417 * @param[out]  Path A pointer to \b pre-allocated \b buffer with \b size \c PAL_MAX_FOLDER_DEPTH_CHAR + 1 chars.
00418  *
00419  * \return PAL_SUCCESS upon successful operation.\n
00420 *         PAL_FILE_SYSTEM_ERROR - see error code description \c palError_t.
00421  *
00422 * \note The plus 1 is for the '\0' terminator at the end of the buffer.
00423  */
00424 palStatus_t pal_fsGetMountPoint(pal_fsStorageID_t dataID, size_t length, char *Path);
00427 /*! \brief This function formats the SD partition indentified by the `partitionID` parameter.
00428  *
00429 * @param[in] partitionID The ID of the partition to be formatted. (**Note:** The actual partition values mapped to the IDs is determined by the porting layer.)
00430  *
00431  * \return PAL_SUCCESS upon successful operation.\n
00432 *         PAL_FILE_SYSTEM_ERROR - see error code description \c palError_t. \n
00433 *         PAL_ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT - an invalid `partitionID`.
00434  */
00435 palStatus_t pal_fsFormat(pal_fsStorageID_t dataID);
00438 /*! \brief This function will return if the partition used by pal only or not
00439  *
00440  * @param[in]   dataID - the ID of the data to be cleared (Note: the actual partition values mapped the IDs will be determined by the porting layer)
00441  *
00442  * \return true  - if partition is used only by pal.\n
00443  *         false - if partition is used by other component then pal.\n
00444  */
00445 bool pal_fsIsPrivatePartition(pal_fsStorageID_t dataID);
00448 /*! \brief This function will clean all file system resources 
00449  */
00450 void pal_fsCleanup(void);
00453 /**
00454  @} */
00456 #endif//test