Simple interface for Mbed Cloud Client


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00001 /*
00002  * Copyright (c) 2015 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
00003  * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
00004  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may
00005  * not use this file except in compliance with the License.
00006  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
00007  *
00008  *
00009  *
00010  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
00011  * distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT
00012  * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
00013  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
00014  * limitations under the License.
00015  */
00016 #ifndef M2M_OBJECT_INSTANCE_H
00017 #define M2M_OBJECT_INSTANCE_H
00019 #include "mbed-client/m2mvector.h"
00020 #include "mbed-client/m2mresource.h"
00023 typedef Vector<M2MResource *> M2MResourceList;
00024 typedef Vector<M2MResourceInstance *> M2MResourceInstanceList;
00027 class M2MObject;
00029 /*! \file m2mobjectinstance.h
00030  *  \brief M2MObjectInstance.
00031  *  This class is the instance class for mbed Client Objects. All defined
00032  *  LWM2M object models can be created based on it. This class also holds all resource
00033  *  instances associated with the given object.
00034  */
00036 class M2MObjectInstance : public M2MBase
00037 {
00039 friend class M2MObject;
00041 private: // Constructor and destructor are private which means
00042          // that these objects can be created or
00043          // deleted only through function provided by M2MObject.
00045     /**
00046      * \brief Constructor
00047      * \param name Name of the object
00048      */
00049     M2MObjectInstance(M2MObject& parent,
00050                       const String &resource_type,
00051                       char *path,
00052                       bool external_blockwise_store = false);
00054     M2MObjectInstance(M2MObject& parent, const lwm2m_parameters_s* static_res);
00056     // Prevents the use of default constructor.
00057     M2MObjectInstance();
00059     // Prevents the use of assignment operator.
00060     M2MObjectInstance& operator=( const M2MObjectInstance& /*other*/ );
00062     // Prevents the use of copy constructor.
00063     M2MObjectInstance( const M2MObjectInstance& /*other*/ );
00065     /**
00066      * Destructor
00067      */
00068     virtual ~M2MObjectInstance();
00070 public:
00072     /**
00073      * \brief TODO!
00074      * \return M2MResource The resource for managing other client operations.
00075      */
00076     M2MResource* create_static_resource(const lwm2m_parameters_s* static_res,
00077                                         M2MResourceInstance::ResourceType type);
00079     /**
00080      * \brief Creates a static resource for a given mbed Client Inteface object. With this, the
00081      * client can respond to server's GET methods with the provided value.
00082      * \param resource_name The name of the resource.
00083      * \param resource_type The type of the resource.
00084      * \param value A pointer to the value of the resource.
00085      * \param value_length The length of the value in the pointer.
00086      * \param multiple_instance A resource can have
00087      *        multiple instances, default is false.
00088      * \param external_blockwise_store If true CoAP blocks are passed to application through callbacks
00089      *        otherwise handled in mbed-client-c.
00090      * \return M2MResource The resource for managing other client operations.
00091      */
00092     M2MResource* create_static_resource(const String &resource_name,
00093                                         const String &resource_type,
00094                                         M2MResourceInstance::ResourceType type,
00095                                         const uint8_t *value,
00096                                         const uint8_t value_length,
00097                                         bool multiple_instance = false,
00098                                         bool external_blockwise_store = false);
00100     /**
00101      * \brief Creates a dynamic resource for a given mbed Client Inteface object. With this,
00102      * the client can respond to different queries from the server (GET,PUT etc).
00103      * This type of resource is also observable and carries callbacks.
00104      * \param resource_name The name of the resource.
00105      * \param resource_type The type of the resource.
00106      * \param observable Indicates whether the resource is observable or not.
00107      * \param multiple_instance The resource can have
00108      *        multiple instances, default is false.
00109      * \param external_blockwise_store If true CoAP blocks are passed to application through callbacks
00110      *        otherwise handled in mbed-client-c.
00111      * \return M2MResource The resource for managing other client operations.
00112      */
00113     M2MResource* create_dynamic_resource(const String &resource_name,
00114                                          const String &resource_type,
00115                                          M2MResourceInstance::ResourceType type,
00116                                          bool observable,
00117                                          bool multiple_instance = false,
00118                                          bool external_blockwise_store = false);
00120     /**
00121      * \brief TODO!
00122      * \return M2MResource The resource for managing other client operations.
00123      */
00124     M2MResource* create_dynamic_resource(const lwm2m_parameters_s* static_res,
00125                                         M2MResourceInstance::ResourceType type,
00126                                         bool observable);
00128     /**
00129      * \brief Creates a static resource instance for a given mbed Client Inteface object. With this,
00130      * the client can respond to server's GET methods with the provided value.
00131      * \param resource_name The name of the resource.
00132      * \param resource_type The type of the resource.
00133      * \param value A pointer to the value of the resource.
00134      * \param value_length The length of the value in pointer.
00135      * \param instance_id The instance ID of the resource.
00136      * \param external_blockwise_store If true CoAP blocks are passed to application through callbacks
00137      *        otherwise handled in mbed-client-c.
00138      * \return M2MResourceInstance The resource instance for managing other client operations.
00139      */
00140     M2MResourceInstance* create_static_resource_instance(const String &resource_name,
00141                                                          const String &resource_type,
00142                                                          M2MResourceInstance::ResourceType type,
00143                                                          const uint8_t *value,
00144                                                          const uint8_t value_length,
00145                                                          uint16_t instance_id,
00146                                                          bool external_blockwise_store = false);
00148     /**
00149      * \brief Creates a dynamic resource instance for a given mbed Client Inteface object. With this,
00150      * the client can respond to different queries from the server (GET,PUT etc).
00151      * This type of resource is also observable and carries callbacks.
00152      * \param resource_name The name of the resource.
00153      * \param resource_type The type of the resource.
00154      * \param observable Indicates whether the resource is observable or not.
00155      * \param instance_id The instance ID of the resource.
00156      * \param external_blockwise_store If true CoAP blocks are passed to application through callbacks
00157      *        otherwise handled in mbed-client-c.
00158      * \return M2MResourceInstance The resource instance for managing other client operations.
00159      */
00160     M2MResourceInstance* create_dynamic_resource_instance(const String &resource_name,
00161                                                           const String &resource_type,
00162                                                           M2MResourceInstance::ResourceType type,
00163                                                           bool observable,
00164                                                           uint16_t instance_id,
00165                                                           bool external_blockwise_store = false);
00167     /**
00168      * \brief Removes the resource with the given name.
00169      * \param name The name of the resource to be removed.
00170      * Note: this will be removed in next version, please use the
00171      * remove_resource(const char*) version instead.
00172      * \return True if removed, else false.
00173      */
00174     bool remove_resource(const String &name);
00176     /**
00177      * \brief Removes the resource with the given name.
00178      * \param name The name of the resource to be removed.
00179      * \return True if removed, else false.
00180      */
00181     bool remove_resource(const char *name);
00183     /**
00184      * \brief Removes the resource instance with the given name.
00185      * \param resource_name The name of the resource instance to be removed.
00186      * \param instance_id The instance ID of the instance.
00187      * \return True if removed, else false.
00188      */
00189     bool remove_resource_instance(const String &resource_name,
00190                                           uint16_t instance_id);
00192     /**
00193      * \brief Returns the resource with the given name.
00194      * \param name The name of the requested resource.
00195      * \return Resource reference if found, else NULL.
00196      */
00197     M2MResource* resource(const String &name) const;
00199     M2MResource* resource(const char *resource) const;
00201     /**
00202      * \brief Returns a list of M2MResourceBase objects.
00203      * \return A list of M2MResourceBase objects.
00204      */
00205     const M2MResourceList& resources() const;
00207     /**
00208      * \brief Returns the total number of resources with the object.
00209      * \return Total number of the resources.
00210      */
00211     uint16_t resource_count() const;
00213     /**
00214      * \brief Returns the total number of single resource instances.
00215      * Note: this will be removed in next version, please use the
00216      * resource_count(const char*) version instead.
00217      * \param resource The name of the resource.
00218      * \return Total number of the resources.
00219      */
00220     uint16_t resource_count(const String& resource) const;
00222     /**
00223      * \brief Returns the total number of single resource instances.
00224      * \param resource The name of the resource.
00225      * \return Total number of the resources.
00226      */
00227     uint16_t resource_count(const char *resource) const;
00229     /**
00230      * \brief Adds the observation level for the object.
00231      * \param observation_level The level of observation.
00232      */
00233     virtual void add_observation_level(M2MBase::Observation observation_level);
00235     /**
00236      * \brief Removes the observation level from the object.
00237      * \param observation_level The level of observation.
00238      */
00239     virtual void remove_observation_level(M2MBase::Observation observation_level);
00241     /**
00242      * \brief Returns the Observation Handler object.
00243      * \return M2MObservationHandler object.
00244     */
00245     virtual M2MObservationHandler* observation_handler() const;
00247     /**
00248      * \brief Sets the observation handler
00249      * \param handler Observation handler
00250     */
00251     virtual void set_observation_handler(M2MObservationHandler *handler);
00253     /**
00254      * \brief Handles GET request for the registered objects.
00255      * \param nsdl The NSDL handler for the CoAP library.
00256      * \param received_coap_header The CoAP message received from the server.
00257      * \param observation_handler The handler object for sending
00258      * observation callbacks.
00259      * return sn_coap_hdr_s The message that needs to be sent to the server.
00260      */
00261     virtual sn_coap_hdr_s* handle_get_request(nsdl_s *nsdl,
00262                                               sn_coap_hdr_s *received_coap_header,
00263                                               M2MObservationHandler *observation_handler = NULL);
00264     /**
00265      * \brief Handles PUT request for the registered objects.
00266      * \param nsdl The NSDL handler for the CoAP library.
00267      * \param received_coap_header The CoAP message received from the server.
00268      * \param observation_handler The handler object for sending
00269      * observation callbacks.
00270      * \param execute_value_updated True will execute the "value_updated" callback.
00271      * \return sn_coap_hdr_s The message that needs to be sent to server.
00272      */
00273     virtual sn_coap_hdr_s* handle_put_request(nsdl_s *nsdl,
00274                                               sn_coap_hdr_s *received_coap_header,
00275                                               M2MObservationHandler *observation_handler,
00276                                               bool &execute_value_updated);
00278     /**
00279      * \brief Handles POST request for the registered objects.
00280      * \param nsdl The NSDL handler for the CoAP library.
00281      * \param received_coap_header The CoAP message received from the server.
00282      * \param observation_handler The handler object for sending
00283      * observation callbacks.
00284      * \param execute_value_updated True will execute the "value_updated" callback.
00285      * \return sn_coap_hdr_s The message that needs to be sent to server.
00286      */
00287     virtual sn_coap_hdr_s* handle_post_request(nsdl_s *nsdl,
00288                                                sn_coap_hdr_s *received_coap_header,
00289                                                M2MObservationHandler *observation_handler,
00290                                                bool &execute_value_updated,
00291                                                sn_nsdl_addr_s *address = NULL);
00293     inline M2MObject& get_parent_object() const;
00295     // callback used from M2MResource/M2MResourceInstance
00296     void notification_update(M2MBase::Observation observation_level);
00298 private:
00300     /**
00301      * \brief Utility function to map M2MResourceInstance ResourceType
00302      * to M2MBase::DataType.
00303      * \param resource_type M2MResourceInstance::ResourceType.
00304      * \return M2MBase::DataType.
00305      */
00306     M2MBase::DataType convert_resource_type(M2MResourceInstance::ResourceType);
00308 private:
00310     M2MObject      &_parent;
00312     M2MResourceList     _resource_list; // owned
00314     friend class Test_M2MObjectInstance;
00315     friend class Test_M2MObject;
00316     friend class Test_M2MDevice;
00317     friend class Test_M2MSecurity;
00318     friend class Test_M2MServer;
00319     friend class Test_M2MNsdlInterface;
00320     friend class Test_M2MFirmware;
00321     friend class Test_M2MTLVSerializer;
00322     friend class Test_M2MTLVDeserializer;
00323     friend class Test_M2MBase;
00324     friend class Test_M2MResource;
00325     friend class Test_M2MResourceInstance;
00326 };
00328 inline M2MObject& M2MObjectInstance::get_parent_object() const
00329 {
00330     return _parent;
00331 }
00333 #endif // M2M_OBJECT_INSTANCE_H