Simple interface for Mbed Cloud Client


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00001 /*
00002  * Copyright (c) 2015 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
00003  * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
00004  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may
00005  * not use this file except in compliance with the License.
00006  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
00007  *
00008  *
00009  *
00010  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
00011  * distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT
00012  * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
00013  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
00014  * limitations under the License.
00015  */
00016 #ifndef M2M_BASE_H
00017 #define M2M_BASE_H
00019 // Support for std args
00020 #include <stdint.h>
00021 #include "mbed-client/m2mconfig.h"
00022 #include "mbed-client/m2mreportobserver.h"
00023 #include "mbed-client/functionpointer.h"
00024 #include "mbed-client/m2mstringbuffer.h"
00025 #include "nsdl-c/sn_nsdl.h"
00026 #include "sn_coap_header.h"
00027 #include "nsdl-c/sn_nsdl_lib.h"
00030 struct sn_coap_hdr_;
00031 typedef sn_coap_hdr_ sn_coap_hdr_s;
00032 struct nsdl_s;
00033 struct sn_nsdl_addr_;
00034 typedef sn_nsdl_addr_ sn_nsdl_addr_s;
00036 typedef FP1<void, const char*> value_updated_callback;
00037 typedef void(*value_updated_callback2) (const char* object_name);
00038 class M2MObservationHandler;
00039 class M2MReportHandler;
00041 class M2MObjectInstance;
00042 class M2MObject;
00043 class M2MResource;
00046 /*! \file m2mbase.h
00047  *  \brief M2MBase.
00048  *  This class is the base class based on which all LWM2M object models
00049  *  can be created. This serves base class for Object, ObjectInstances and Resources.
00050  */
00051 class M2MBase : public M2MReportObserver {
00053 public:
00055     /**
00056       * Enum to define the type of object.
00057       */
00058     typedef enum {
00059         Object = 0x0,
00060         Resource = 0x1,
00061         ObjectInstance = 0x2,
00062         ResourceInstance = 0x3
00063     } BaseType;
00065     /**
00066       * Enum to define observation level.
00067       */
00068     typedef enum {
00069         None                 = 0x0,
00070         R_Attribute          = 0x01,
00071         OI_Attribute         = 0x02,
00072         OIR_Attribute        = 0x03,
00073         O_Attribute          = 0x04,
00074         OR_Attribute         = 0x05,
00075         OOI_Attribute        = 0x06,
00076         OOIR_Attribute       = 0x07
00077     } Observation;
00080     /**
00081      * \brief Enum defining a resource type.
00082     */
00083     typedef enum {
00084         Static,
00085         Dynamic,
00086         Directory
00087     }Mode;
00089     /**
00090      * \brief Enum defining a resource data type.
00091     */
00092     typedef enum {
00093         STRING,
00094         INTEGER,
00095         FLOAT,
00096         BOOLEAN,
00097         OPAQUE,
00098         TIME,
00099         OBJLINK
00100     }DataType;
00102     /**
00103      * Enum defining an operation that can be
00104      * supported by a given resource.
00105     */
00106     typedef enum {
00107         NOT_ALLOWED                 = 0x00,
00108         GET_ALLOWED                 = 0x01,
00109         PUT_ALLOWED                 = 0x02,
00110         GET_PUT_ALLOWED             = 0x03,
00111         POST_ALLOWED                = 0x04,
00112         GET_POST_ALLOWED            = 0x05,
00113         PUT_POST_ALLOWED            = 0x06,
00114         GET_PUT_POST_ALLOWED        = 0x07,
00115         DELETE_ALLOWED              = 0x08,
00116         GET_DELETE_ALLOWED          = 0x09,
00117         PUT_DELETE_ALLOWED          = 0x0A,
00118         GET_PUT_DELETE_ALLOWED      = 0x0B,
00119         POST_DELETE_ALLOWED         = 0x0C,
00120         GET_POST_DELETE_ALLOWED     = 0x0D,
00121         PUT_POST_DELETE_ALLOWED     = 0x0E,
00122         GET_PUT_POST_DELETE_ALLOWED = 0x0F
00123     }Operation;
00125     enum MaxPathSize {
00126         MAX_NAME_SIZE = 64,
00127         MAX_INSTANCE_SIZE = 5,
00129         MAX_PATH_SIZE = ((MAX_NAME_SIZE * 2) + (MAX_INSTANCE_SIZE * 2) + 3 + 1),
00130         MAX_PATH_SIZE_2 = ((MAX_NAME_SIZE * 2) + MAX_INSTANCE_SIZE + 2 + 1),
00131         MAX_PATH_SIZE_3 = (MAX_NAME_SIZE + (MAX_INSTANCE_SIZE * 2) + 2 + 1),
00132         MAX_PATH_SIZE_4 = (MAX_NAME_SIZE + MAX_INSTANCE_SIZE + 1 + 1)
00133     };
00135     typedef void(*notification_delivery_status_cb) (const M2MBase& base,
00136                                                     const NotificationDeliveryStatus status,
00137                                                     void *client_args);
00139     typedef struct lwm2m_parameters {
00140         //add multiple_instances
00141         uint32_t            max_age; // todo: add flag
00142         union {
00143             char*               name; //for backwards compatibility
00144             uint16_t            instance_id; // XXX: this is not properly aligned now, need to reorder these after the elimination is done
00145         } identifier;
00146         sn_nsdl_dynamic_resource_parameters_s *dynamic_resource_params;
00147         BaseType            base_type : 2;
00148         M2MBase::DataType   data_type : 3;
00149         bool                multiple_instance;
00150         bool                free_on_delete;   /**< true if struct is dynamically allocated and it
00151                                                  and its members (name) are to be freed on destructor.
00152                                                  Note: the sn_nsdl_dynamic_resource_parameters_s has
00153                                                  its own similar, independent flag.
00154                                                  Note: this also serves as a read-only flag. */
00155        bool                 identifier_int_type;
00156     } lwm2m_parameters_s;
00158 protected:
00160     // Prevents the use of default constructor.
00161     M2MBase();
00163     // Prevents the use of assignment operator.
00164     M2MBase& operator=( const M2MBase& /*other*/ );
00166     // Prevents the use of copy constructor
00167     M2MBase( const M2MBase& /*other*/ );
00169     /**
00170      * \brief Constructor
00171      * \param name Name of the object created.
00172      * \param mode Type of the resource.
00173      * \param resource_type Textual information of resource.
00174      * \param path Path of the object like 3/0/1
00175      * \param external_blockwise_store If true CoAP blocks are passed to application through callbacks
00176      *        otherwise handled in mbed-client-c.
00177      */
00178     M2MBase(const String &name,
00179             M2MBase::Mode mode,
00181             const String &resource_type,
00182 #endif
00183             char *path,
00184             bool external_blockwise_store,
00185             bool multiple_instance,
00186             M2MBase::DataType type = M2MBase::OBJLINK);
00188     M2MBase(const lwm2m_parameters_s* s);
00190 public:
00192     /**
00193      * Destructor
00194      */
00195     virtual ~M2MBase();
00197     /**
00198      * \brief Sets the operation type for an object.
00199      * \param operation The operation to be set.
00200      */
00201     void set_operation(M2MBase::Operation operation);
00204     /**
00205      * \brief Sets the interface description of the object.
00206      * \param description The description to be set.
00207      */
00209     void set_interface_description(const String &description);
00211     /**
00212      * \brief Sets the interface description of the object.
00213      * \param description The description to be set.
00214      */
00215     void set_interface_description(const char *description);
00217     /**
00218      * \brief Returns the interface description of the object.
00219      * \return The interface description of the object.
00220      */
00221     const char* interface_description() const;
00222 #endif
00224     /**
00225      * \brief Sets the resource type of the object.
00226      * \param resource_type The resource type to be set.
00227      */
00228     virtual void set_resource_type(const String &resource_type);
00230     /**
00231      * \brief Sets the resource type of the object.
00232      * \param resource_type The resource type to be set.
00233      */
00234     virtual void set_resource_type(const char *resource_type);
00236     /**
00237      * \brief Returns the resource type of the object.
00238      * \return The resource type of the object.
00239      */
00240     const char* resource_type() const;
00241 #endif
00242 #endif
00244     /**
00245      * \brief Sets the CoAP content type of the object.
00246      * \param content_type The content type to be set based on
00247      * CoAP specifications.
00248      */
00249     void set_coap_content_type(const uint16_t content_type);
00251     /**
00252      * \brief Sets the observable mode for the object.
00253      * \param observable A value for the observation.
00254      */
00255     void set_observable(bool observable);
00257     /**
00258      * \brief Sets the object to be auto-observable.
00259      *
00260      * \note This is not a standard CoAP or LWM2M feature and it only works in mbed Cloud.
00261      * \note This must be called before registration process, since this info must be in a registration message.
00262      * \note Auto-observable will take higher precedence if both observable methods are set.
00263      *
00264      * \param auto_observable Is auto-obs feature enabled or not.
00265      */
00266     void set_auto_observable(bool auto_observable);
00268     /**
00269      * \brief Adds the observation level for the object.
00270      * \param observation_level The level of observation.
00271      */
00272     virtual void add_observation_level(M2MBase::Observation observation_level);
00274     /**
00275      * \brief Removes the observation level for the object.
00276      * \param observation_level The level of observation.
00277      */
00278     virtual void remove_observation_level(M2MBase::Observation observation_level);
00280     /**
00281      * \brief Sets the object under observation.
00282      * \param observed The value for observation. When true, starts observing. When false, the ongoing observation is cancelled.
00283      * \param handler A handler object for sending
00284      * observation callbacks.
00285      */
00286     void set_under_observation(bool observed,
00287                                M2MObservationHandler *handler);
00288     /**
00289      * \brief Returns the Observation Handler object.
00290      * \return M2MObservationHandler object.
00291     */
00292     virtual M2MObservationHandler* observation_handler() const = 0;
00294     /**
00295      * \brief Sets the observation handler
00296      * \param handler Observation handler
00297     */
00298     virtual void set_observation_handler(M2MObservationHandler *handler) = 0;
00300     /**
00301      * \brief Sets the instance ID of the object.
00302      * \param instance_id The instance ID of the object.
00303      */
00304     void set_instance_id(const uint16_t instance_id);
00306     /**
00307      * \brief Sets the max age for the resource value to be cached.
00308      * \param max_age The max age in seconds.
00309      */
00310     void set_max_age(const uint32_t max_age);
00312     /**
00313      * \brief Returns the object type.
00314      * \return The base type of the object.
00315      */
00316     M2MBase::BaseType base_type() const;
00318     /**
00319      * \brief Returns the operation type of the object.
00320      * \return The supported operation on the object.
00321      */
00322     M2MBase::Operation operation() const;
00324     /**
00325      * \brief Returns the object name.
00326      * \return The name of the object.
00327      */
00328     const char* name() const;
00330     /**
00331      * \brief Returns the object name in integer.
00332      * \return The name of the object in integer.
00333      */
00334     int32_t name_id() const;
00336     /**
00337      * \brief Returns the object's instance ID.
00338      * \returns The instance ID of the object.
00339      */
00340     uint16_t instance_id() const;
00342     /**
00343      * \brief Returns the path of the object.
00344      * \return The path of the object (eg. 3/0/1).
00345      */
00346     const char* uri_path() const;
00348     /**
00349      * \brief Returns the CoAP content type of the object.
00350      * \return The CoAP content type of the object.
00351      */
00352     uint16_t coap_content_type() const;
00354     /**
00355      * \brief Returns the observation status of the object.
00356      * \return True if observable, else false.
00357      */
00358     bool is_observable() const;
00360     /**
00361      * \brief Returns the observation level of the object.
00362      * \return The observation level of the object.
00363      */
00364     M2MBase::Observation observation_level() const;
00366     /**
00367      * \brief Returns the mode of the resource.
00368      * \return The mode of the resource.
00369      */
00370      Mode mode() const;
00372     /**
00373      * \brief Returns the observation number.
00374      * \return The observation number of the object.
00375      */
00376     uint16_t observation_number() const;
00378     /**
00379      * \brief Returns the max age for the resource value to be cached.
00380      * \return The maax age in seconds.
00381      */
00382     uint32_t max_age() const;
00384     /**
00385      * \brief Parses the received query for the notification
00386      * attribute.
00387      * \param query The query that needs to be parsed.
00388      * \return True if required attributes are present, else false.
00389      */
00390     virtual bool handle_observation_attribute(const char *query);
00392     /**
00393      * \brief Handles GET request for the registered objects.
00394      * \param nsdl An NSDL handler for the CoAP library.
00395      * \param received_coap_header The received CoAP message from the server.
00396      * \param observation_handler A handler object for sending
00397      * observation callbacks.
00398      * \return sn_coap_hdr_s The message that needs to be sent to server.
00399      */
00400     virtual sn_coap_hdr_s* handle_get_request(nsdl_s *nsdl,
00401                                               sn_coap_hdr_s *received_coap_header,
00402                                               M2MObservationHandler *observation_handler = NULL);
00403     /**
00404      * \brief Handles PUT request for the registered objects.
00405      * \param nsdl An NSDL handler for the CoAP library.
00406      * \param received_coap_header The received CoAP message from the server.
00407      * \param observation_handler A handler object for sending
00408      * observation callbacks.
00409      * \param execute_value_updated True executes the "value_updated" callback.
00410      * \return sn_coap_hdr_s The message that needs to be sent to server.
00411      */
00412     virtual sn_coap_hdr_s* handle_put_request(nsdl_s *nsdl,
00413                                               sn_coap_hdr_s *received_coap_header,
00414                                               M2MObservationHandler *observation_handler,
00415                                               bool &execute_value_updated);
00417     /**
00418      * \brief Handles GET request for the registered objects.
00419      * \param nsdl An NSDL handler for the CoAP library.
00420      * \param received_coap_header The received CoAP message from the server.
00421      * \param observation_handler A handler object for sending
00422      * observation callbacks.
00423      * \param execute_value_updated True executes the "value_updated" callback.
00424      * \return sn_coap_hdr_s  The message that needs to be sent to server.
00425      */
00426     virtual sn_coap_hdr_s* handle_post_request(nsdl_s *nsdl,
00427                                                sn_coap_hdr_s *received_coap_header,
00428                                                M2MObservationHandler *observation_handler,
00429                                                bool &execute_value_updated,
00430                                                sn_nsdl_addr_s *address = NULL);
00432     /**
00433      * \brief Executes the function that is set in "set_notification_delivery_status_cb".
00434      */
00435     void send_notification_delivery_status(const M2MBase& object, const NotificationDeliveryStatus status);
00437     /**
00438      * \brief Sets whether this resource is published to server or not.
00439      * \param register_uri True sets the resource as part of registration message.
00440      */
00441     void set_register_uri(bool register_uri);
00443     /**
00444      * \brief Returns whether this resource is published to server or not.
00445      * \return True if the resource is a part of the registration message, else false.
00446      */
00447     bool register_uri();
00449     /**
00450      * @brief Returns whether this resource is under observation or not.
00451      * @return True if the resource is under observation, else false,
00452      */
00453     bool is_under_observation() const;
00455     /**
00456      * @brief Sets the function that is executed when this
00457      * object receives a PUT or POST command.
00458      * @param callback The function pointer that is called.
00459      * @return True, if callback could be set, false otherwise.
00460      */
00461     bool set_value_updated_function(value_updated_callback callback);
00463     /**
00464      * @brief Sets the function that is executed when this
00465      * object receives a PUT or POST command.
00466      * @param callback The function pointer that is called.
00467      * @return True, if callback could be set, false otherwise.
00468      */
00469     bool set_value_updated_function(value_updated_callback2 callback);
00471     /**
00472      * @brief Returns whether a callback function is set or not.
00473      * @return True if the callback function is set, else false.
00474      */
00475     bool is_value_updated_function_set() const;
00477     /**
00478      * @brief Calls the function that is set in the "set_value_updated_function".
00479      * @param name The name of the object.
00480      */
00481     void execute_value_updated(const String& name);
00483     /**
00484      * @brief Returns length of the object name.
00485      * @return Length of the object name.
00486      */
00487     size_t resource_name_length() const;
00489     /**
00490      * @brief Returns the resource information.
00491      * @return Resource information.
00492      */
00493     sn_nsdl_dynamic_resource_parameters_s* get_nsdl_resource() const;
00495     /**
00496      * @brief Returns the resource structure.
00497      * @return Resource structure.
00498      */
00499     M2MBase::lwm2m_parameters_s* get_lwm2m_parameters() const;
00501     /**
00502      * @brief Returns the notification message id.
00503      * @return Message id.
00504      */
00505     uint16_t get_notification_msgid() const;
00507     /**
00508      * @brief Sets the notification message id.
00509      * This is used to map RESET and EMPTY ACK messages.
00510      * @param msgid The message id.
00511      */
00512     void set_notification_msgid(uint16_t msgid);
00514     /**
00515      * @brief Sets the function that is executed when notification message state changes.
00516      * @param callback The function pointer that is called.
00517      * @param client_args The argument which is passed to the callback function.
00518      */
00519     bool set_notification_delivery_status_cb(notification_delivery_status_cb callback, void *client_args);
00521     static char* create_path(const M2MObject &parent, const char *name);
00522     static char* create_path(const M2MObject &parent, uint16_t object_instance);
00523     static char* create_path(const M2MResource &parent, uint16_t resource_instance);
00524     static char* create_path(const M2MResource &parent, const char *name);
00525     static char* create_path(const M2MObjectInstance &parent, const char *name);
00527 protected : // from M2MReportObserver
00529     virtual void observation_to_be_sent(const m2m::Vector<uint16_t> &changed_instance_ids,
00530                                         uint16_t obs_number,
00531                                         bool send_object = false);
00533 protected:
00535     /**
00536      * \brief Sets the base type for an object.
00537      * \param type The base type of the object.
00538      */
00539     void set_base_type(M2MBase::BaseType type);
00541     /**
00542      * \brief Memory allocation required for libCoap.
00543      * \param size The size of memory to be reserved.
00544     */
00545     static void* memory_alloc(uint32_t size);
00547     /**
00548      * \brief Memory free functions required for libCoap.
00549      * \param ptr The object whose memory needs to be freed.
00550     */
00551     static void memory_free(void *ptr);
00553     /**
00554      * \brief Allocate and make a copy of given zero terminated string. This
00555      * is functionally equivalent with strdup().
00556      * \param source The source string to copy, may not be NULL.
00557     */
00558     static char* alloc_string_copy(const char* source);
00560     /**
00561      * \brief Allocate (size + 1) amount of memory, copy size bytes into
00562      * it and add zero termination.
00563      * \param source The source string to copy, may not be NULL.
00564      * \param size The size of memory to be reserved.
00565     */
00566     static uint8_t* alloc_string_copy(const uint8_t* source, uint32_t size);
00568     /**
00569      * \brief Allocate (size) amount of memory, copy size bytes into it.
00570      * \param source The source buffer to copy, may not be NULL.
00571      * \param size The size of memory to be reserved.
00572     */
00573     static uint8_t* alloc_copy(const uint8_t* source, uint32_t size);
00575     // validate string length to be [min_length..max_length]
00576     static bool validate_string_length(const String &string, size_t min_length, size_t max_length);
00577     static bool validate_string_length(const char* string, size_t min_length, size_t max_length);
00579     /**
00580      * \brief Create Report Handler object.
00581      * \return M2MReportHandler object.
00582     */
00583     M2MReportHandler* create_report_handler();
00585     /**
00586      * \brief Returns the Report Handler object.
00587      * \return M2MReportHandler object.
00588     */
00589     M2MReportHandler* report_handler() const;
00591     static bool build_path(StringBuffer<MAX_PATH_SIZE> &buffer, const char *s1, uint16_t i1, const char *s2, uint16_t i2);
00593     static bool build_path(StringBuffer<MAX_PATH_SIZE_2> &buffer, const char *s1, uint16_t i1, const char *s2);
00595     static bool build_path(StringBuffer<MAX_PATH_SIZE_3> &buffer, const char *s1, uint16_t i1, uint16_t i2);
00597     static bool build_path(StringBuffer<MAX_PATH_SIZE_4> &buffer, const char *s1, uint16_t i1);
00599     static char* stringdup(const char* s);
00601     /**
00602      * \brief Delete the resource structures owned by this object. Note: this needs
00603      * to be called separately from each subclass' destructor as this method uses a
00604      * virtual method and the call needs to be done at same class which has the
00605      * implementation of the pure virtual method.
00606      */
00607     void free_resources();
00609     /**
00610      * \brief Returns notification send status.
00611      * \return Notification status.
00612      */
00613     NotificationDeliveryStatus get_notification_delivery_status() const;
00615     /**
00616      * \brief Clears the notification send status to initial state.
00617      */
00618     void clear_notification_delivery_status();
00620     /**
00621      * \brief Provides the observation token of the object.
00622      * \param value[OUT] A pointer to the value of the token.
00623      * \param value_length[OUT] The length of the token pointer.
00624      */
00625     void get_observation_token(uint8_t *token, uint8_t &token_length) const;
00627     /**
00628      * \brief Sets the observation token value.
00629      * \param token A pointer to the token of the resource.
00630      * \param length The length of the token pointer.
00631      */
00632     void set_observation_token(const uint8_t *token,
00633                                const uint8_t length);
00635 private:
00637     static bool is_integer(const String &value);
00639     static bool is_integer(const char *value);
00641     static char* create_path_base(const M2MBase &parent, const char *name);
00643 private:
00644     lwm2m_parameters_s          *_sn_resource;
00645     M2MReportHandler            *_report_handler; // TODO: can be broken down to smaller classes with inheritance.
00647 friend class Test_M2MBase;
00648 friend class Test_M2MObject;
00649 friend class M2MNsdlInterface;
00650 friend class M2MInterfaceFactory;
00651 };
00653 #endif // M2M_BASE_H