Simple interface for Mbed Cloud Client


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00001 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00002 // Copyright 2016-2017 ARM Ltd.
00003 //  
00004 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
00005 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
00006 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
00007 //  
00008 //
00009 //  
00010 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
00011 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
00012 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
00013 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
00014 // limitations under the License.
00015 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00017 #ifndef __FCC_OUTPUT_INFO_HANDLER_H__
00018 #define __FCC_OUTPUT_INFO_HANDLER_H__
00020 #include <stdlib.h>
00021 #include <stdbool.h>
00022 #include <inttypes.h>
00023 #include  "kcm_status.h"
00024 #include "fcc_output_info_handler_defines.h"
00025 #include "fcc_defs.h"
00027 #ifdef __cplusplus
00028 extern "C" {
00029 #endif
00031 /**
00032 *   Initializes resources of output info handler
00033 */
00034 void  fcc_init_output_info_handler( void );
00036 /**
00037 *  Finalizes resources of output info handler
00038 */
00039 void  fcc_clean_output_info_handler( void );
00041 /**
00042 *  Returns true if FCC was initialized false otherwise
00043 */
00044 bool is_fcc_initialized(void);
00046 /**  The function stores the name of failed item and kcm error string in global variables
00047 * The error returned by fcc_bundle_handler API.
00048 *
00049 * @param failed_item_name[in]          The name of failed item 
00050 * @param failed_item_name_size[in]     The size of failed item name.
00051 * @param kcm_status[in]                The kcm status value.
00052 *
00053 * @return
00054 *     true for success, false otherwise.
00055 */
00056 fcc_status_e  fcc_bundle_store_error_info(const uint8_t *failed_item_name, size_t failed_item_name_size, kcm_status_e  kcm_status);
00058 /**  The function stores the name of failed item and fcc error string in global variables
00059 *The error returned by fcc_verify_device_configured_4mbed_cloud API.
00061 * @param failed_item_name[in]          The name of failed item
00062 * @param failed_item_name_size[in]     The size of failed item name.
00063 * @param fcc_status[in]               The fcc status value.
00064 *
00065 * @return
00066 *     true for success, false otherwise.
00067 */
00068 fcc_status_e  fcc_store_error_info(const uint8_t *failed_item_name, size_t failed_item_name_size, fcc_status_e  fcc_status);
00070 /**  The function stores the all collected warnings and relevant item names during fcc_verify_device_configured_4mbed_cloud API.
00071 *
00072 * @param failed_item_name[in]          The name of failed item
00073 * @param failed_item_name_size[in]     The size of failed item name.
00074 * @param fcc_status[in]               The fcc status value.
00075 *
00076 * @return
00077 *     true for success, false otherwise.
00078 */
00079 fcc_status_e  fcc_store_warning_info(const uint8_t *failed_item_name, size_t failed_item_name_size, const char *warning_string);
00080 /**  The function return saved failed item name
00081 *
00082 * @return
00083 *     NULL if no errors or char* pointer to the saved item name
00084 */
00085 char* fcc_get_output_error_info( void );
00086 /**  The function return saved warnings as single string
00087 *
00088 * @return
00089 *     NULL  if no warnings exist or char* pointer to the string of all warnings
00090 */
00091 char*  fcc_get_output_warning_info(void);
00093 /**  The function returns relevant pointer to string of passed fcc_status.
00094 *
00095 * @return
00096 *     string /NULL in case the fcc_status string wasn't found
00097 */
00098 char* fcc_get_fcc_error_string(fcc_status_e  fcc_status);
00100 /**  The function returns relevant pointer to string of passed kcm_status.
00101 *
00102 * @return
00103 *     string /NULL in case the kcm_status string wasn't found
00104 */
00105 char* fcc_get_kcm_error_string(kcm_status_e  kcm_status);
00107 /**  The function gets output info structure
00108 *
00109 * @return
00110 */
00111 fcc_output_info_s* get_output_info(void);
00113 /**  The function gets status of warning info
00114 *
00115 * @return
00116 *    true - if warnings were stored, false in case of no warning
00117 */
00118 bool fcc_get_warning_status(void);
00120 #ifdef __cplusplus
00121 }
00122 #endif
00124 #endif //__FCC_OUTPUT_INFO_HANDLER_H__