Simple interface for Mbed Cloud Client


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00001 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00002 // Copyright 2016-2017 ARM Ltd.
00003 //
00004 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
00005 //
00006 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
00007 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
00008 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
00009 //
00010 //
00011 //
00012 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
00013 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
00014 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
00015 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
00016 // limitations under the License.
00017 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00019 #ifndef ARM_UPDATE_CRYPTO_H
00020 #define ARM_UPDATE_CRYPTO_H
00022 #ifdef __cplusplus
00023 extern "C" {
00024 #endif
00026 #include "arm_uc_error.h"
00027 #include "arm_uc_types.h"
00028 #include "arm_uc_config.h"
00030 #ifndef ARM_UC_USE_PAL_CRYPTO
00031 #define ARM_UC_USE_PAL_CRYPTO 0
00032 #endif
00035 #include "pal.h"
00036 #ifndef palMDHandle_t
00037 #include "pal_Crypto.h"
00038 #endif
00040 typedef palMDHandle_t arm_uc_mdHandle_t;
00041 typedef palMDType_t arm_uc_mdType_t;
00042 typedef struct arm_uc_cipherHandle_t {
00043     palAesHandle_t aes_context;
00044     uint8_t* aes_iv;
00045 } arm_uc_cipherHandle_t;
00047 #define ARM_UC_CU_SHA256 PAL_SHA256
00049 #else // ARM_UC_USE_PAL_CRYPTO
00051 #include "mbedtls/md_internal.h"
00052 #include "mbedtls/sha256.h"
00053 #include "mbedtls/x509_crt.h"
00054 #include "mbedtls/aes.h"
00055 #include "mbedtls/cipher.h"
00056 typedef mbedtls_md_context_t arm_uc_mdHandle_t;
00057 typedef mbedtls_md_type_t arm_uc_mdType_t;
00058 typedef struct arm_uc_cipherHandle_t {
00059     mbedtls_aes_context aes_context;
00060     uint8_t  aes_partial[MBEDTLS_MAX_BLOCK_LENGTH];
00061     uint8_t* aes_iv;
00062     size_t   aes_nc_off;
00063 } arm_uc_cipherHandle_t;
00065 #define ARM_UC_CU_SHA256 MBEDTLS_MD_SHA256
00067 #endif // ARM_UC_USE_PAL_CRYPTO
00069 /**
00070  * @brief Verify a public key signature
00071  * @details This function loads a certificate out of `ca`, and validates `hash` using the certificate and `sig`. If the
00072  *          certificate used by this function requires a certificate chain validation (i.e. it is not the root of trust,
00073  *          or it has not been previously validated), certificate chain validation should be done prior to calling this
00074  *          function.
00075  *
00076  * WARNING: this function is to be used only inside a function where its arguments have been error checked.
00077  * WARNING: This is an internal utility function and is not accessible outside of the manifest manager.
00078  *
00079  * @param[in] ca A pointer to a buffer that contains the signing certificate.
00080  * @param[in] hash A pointer to a buffer containing the hash to verify.
00081  * @param[in] sig A pointer to a buffer containing a signature by `ca`
00082  * @retval MFST_ERR_CERT_INVALID when the certificate fails to load
00083  * @retval MFST_ERR_INVALID_SIGNATURE when signature verification fails
00084  * @retval MFST_ERR_NONE for a valid signature
00085  */
00086 arm_uc_error_t ARM_UC_verifyPkSignature(const arm_uc_buffer_t* ca, const arm_uc_buffer_t* hash, const arm_uc_buffer_t* sig);
00087 arm_uc_error_t ARM_UC_cryptoHashSetup(arm_uc_mdHandle_t* h, arm_uc_mdType_t mdType);
00088 arm_uc_error_t ARM_UC_cryptoHashUpdate(arm_uc_mdHandle_t* h, arm_uc_buffer_t* input);
00089 arm_uc_error_t ARM_UC_cryptoHashFinish(arm_uc_mdHandle_t* h, arm_uc_buffer_t* output);
00090 arm_uc_error_t ARM_UC_cryptoDecryptSetup(arm_uc_cipherHandle_t* h, arm_uc_buffer_t* key, arm_uc_buffer_t* iv, int32_t bits);
00091 arm_uc_error_t ARM_UC_cryptoDecryptUpdate(arm_uc_cipherHandle_t* h, const uint8_t* input_ptr, uint32_t input_size, arm_uc_buffer_t* output);
00092 arm_uc_error_t ARM_UC_cryptoDecryptFinish(arm_uc_cipherHandle_t* h, arm_uc_buffer_t* output);
00094 /**
00095  * @brief Calculate HAMC-SHA256
00096  *
00097  * @param key    buffer struct containing the hmac key
00098  * @param input  buffer struct containing the input data
00099  * @param output buffer struct to cotain output HMAC, it is safe to use the same buffer
00100  *               as input to save memory. The size member of the struct will be set on success.
00101  *
00102  * @return ARM_UC_CU_ERR_NONE on success, error code on failure.
00103  */
00104 arm_uc_error_t ARM_UC_cryptoHMACSHA256(arm_uc_buffer_t* key, arm_uc_buffer_t* input, arm_uc_buffer_t* output);
00106 /**
00107  * @brief Get a 256 device key.
00108  *
00109  * @param output buffer struct to cotain output device key.
00110                  The size member of the struct will be set on success.
00111  *
00112  * @return ARM_UC_CU_ERR_NONE on success, error code on failure.
00113  */
00114 arm_uc_error_t ARM_UC_getDeviceKey256Bit(arm_uc_buffer_t* output);
00116 /**
00117  * @brief Function to get the device root of trust
00118  * @details The device root of trust should be a 128 bit value. It should never leave the device.
00119  *          It should be unique to the device. It should have enough entropy to avoid contentional
00120  *          entropy attacks. The porter should implement the following device signature to provide
00121  *          device root of trust on different platforms.
00122  *
00123  * @param key_buf buffer to be filled with the device root of trust.
00124  * @param length  length of the buffer provided to make sure no overflow occurs.
00125  *
00126  * @return 0 on success, non-zero on failure.
00127  */
00128 int8_t mbed_cloud_client_get_rot_128bit(uint8_t *key_buf, uint32_t length);
00130 #ifdef __cplusplus
00131 }
00132 #endif
00134 #endif // ARM_UPDATE_CRYPTO_H