Simple interface for Mbed Cloud Client


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00001 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00002 // Copyright 2016-2017 ARM Ltd.
00003 //
00004 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
00005 //
00006 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
00007 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
00008 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
00009 //
00010 //
00011 //
00012 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
00013 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
00014 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
00015 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
00016 // limitations under the License.
00017 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00019 #ifndef __CONNECTOR_CLIENT_H__
00020 #define __CONNECTOR_CLIENT_H__
00022 #include "mbed-client/functionpointer.h"
00023 #include "mbed-client/m2minterfacefactory.h"
00024 #include "mbed-client/m2mdevice.h"
00025 #include "mbed-client/m2minterfaceobserver.h"
00026 #include "mbed-client/m2minterface.h"
00027 #include "mbed-client/m2mobjectinstance.h"
00028 #include "mbed-client/m2mresource.h"
00029 #include "mbed-client/m2mtimerobserver.h"
00030 #include "mbed-client/m2mtimer.h"
00031 #include "include/CloudClientStorage.h"
00033 class ConnectorClientCallback;
00035 using namespace std;
00038 /**
00039  * \brief ConnectorClientEndpointInfo
00040  * A structure that contains the needed endpoint information to register with the Cloud service.
00041  * Note: this should be changed to a class instead of struct and/or members changed to "const char*".
00042  */
00043 struct ConnectorClientEndpointInfo {
00045 public:
00046     ConnectorClientEndpointInfo(M2MSecurity::SecurityModeType m) : mode(m) {};
00047     ~ConnectorClientEndpointInfo() {};
00049 public:
00051     String                          endpoint_name;
00052     String                          account_id;
00053     String                          internal_endpoint_name;
00054     M2MSecurity::SecurityModeType   mode;
00055 };
00057 /**
00058  * \brief ConnectorClient
00059  * This class is an interface towards the M2MInterface client to handle all
00060  * data flow towards Connector through this client.
00061  * This class is intended to be used via ServiceClient, not directly.
00062  * This class contains also the bootstrap functionality.
00063  */
00064 class ConnectorClient : public M2MInterfaceObserver, public M2MTimerObserver {
00066 public:
00067     /**
00068      * \brief An enum defining the different states of
00069      * ConnectorClient during the client flow.
00070      */
00071     enum StartupSubStateRegistration {
00072         State_Bootstrap_Start,
00073         State_Bootstrap_Started,
00074         State_Bootstrap_Success,
00075         State_Bootstrap_Failure,
00076         State_Registration_Start,
00077         State_Registration_Started,
00078         State_Registration_Success,
00079         State_Registration_Failure,
00080         State_Registration_Updated,
00081         State_Unregistered
00082     };
00084 public:
00086     /**
00087     *  \brief Constructor.
00088     *  \param callback, A callback for the status from ConnectorClient.
00089     */
00090     ConnectorClient(ConnectorClientCallback* callback);
00092     /**
00093     *  \brief Destructor.
00094     */
00095     ~ConnectorClient();
00097     /**
00098     *  \brief Starts the bootstrap sequence from the Service Client.
00099     */
00100     void start_bootstrap();
00102     /**
00103     *  \brief Starts the registration sequence from the Service Client.
00104     *  \param client_objs, A list of objects to be registered with Cloud.
00105     */
00106     void start_registration(M2MObjectList* client_objs);
00108     /**
00109     *  \brief Sends an update registration message to the LWM2M server.
00110     */
00111     void update_registration();
00113     /**
00114      * \brief Returns the M2MInterface handler.
00115      * \return M2MInterface, Handled for M2MInterface.
00116     */
00117     M2MInterface * m2m_interface();
00119     /**
00120      * \brief Checks whether to use Bootstrap or direct Connector mode.
00121      * \return True if bootstrap mode, False if direct Connector flow
00122     */
00123     bool use_bootstrap();
00125     /**
00126      * \brief Checks whether to go connector registration flow
00127      * \return True if connector credentials available otherwise false.
00128     */
00129     bool connector_credentials_available();
00131     /**
00132      * \brief A utility function to generate the key name.
00133      * \param key, The key to get the value for.
00134      * \param endpoint, The name of the endpoint to be appended
00135      * to the key.
00136      * \param key_name, The [OUT] final key name.
00137      * \return True if available, else false.
00138     */
00139     bool get_key(const char *key, const char *endpoint, char *&key_name);
00141     /**
00142     * \brief Returns pointer to the ConnectorClientEndpointInfo object.
00143     * \return ConnectorClientEndpointInfo pointer.
00144     */
00145    const ConnectorClientEndpointInfo *endpoint_info() const;
00147 public:
00148     // implementation of M2MInterfaceObserver:
00150     /**
00151      * \brief A callback indicating that the bootstap has been performed successfully.
00152      * \param server_object, The server object that contains the information fetched
00153      * about the LWM2M server from the bootstrap server. This object can be used
00154      * to register with the LWM2M server. The object ownership is passed.
00155      */
00156     virtual void bootstrap_done(M2MSecurity *server_object);
00158     /**
00159      * \brief A callback indicating that the device object has been registered
00160      * successfully with the LWM2M server.
00161      * \param security_object, The server object on which the device object is
00162      * registered. The object ownership is passed.
00163      * \param server_object, An object containing information about the LWM2M server.
00164      * The client maintains the object.
00165      */
00166     virtual void object_registered(M2MSecurity *security_object, const M2MServer &server_object);
00168     /**
00169      * \brief A callback indicating that the device object has been successfully unregistered
00170      * from the LWM2M server.
00171      * \param server_object, The server object from which the device object is
00172      * unregistered. The object ownership is passed.
00173      */
00174     virtual void object_unregistered(M2MSecurity *server_object);
00176     /**
00177      * \brief A callback indicating that the device object registration has been successfully
00178      * updated on the LWM2M server.
00179      * \param security_object, The server object on which the device object registration is
00180      * updated. The object ownership is passed.
00181      * \param server_object, An object containing information about the LWM2M server.
00182      * The client maintains the object.
00183      */
00184     virtual void registration_updated(M2MSecurity *security_object, const M2MServer & server_object);
00186     /**
00187      * \brief A callback indicating that there was an error during the operation.
00188      * \param error, An error code for the occurred error.
00189      */
00190     virtual void error(M2MInterface::Error error);
00192     /**
00193      * \brief A callback indicating that the value of the resource object is updated by the server.
00194      * \param base, The object whose value is updated.
00195      * \param type, The type of the object.
00196      */
00197     virtual void value_updated(M2MBase *base, M2MBase::BaseType type);
00199 protected: // from M2MTimerObserver
00201     virtual void timer_expired(M2MTimerObserver::Type type);
00203 private:
00204     /**
00205      * \brief Redirects the state machine to right function.
00206      * \param current_state, The current state to be set.
00207      * \param data, The data to be passed to the state function.
00208      */
00209     void state_function(StartupSubStateRegistration current_state);
00211     /**
00212      * \brief The state engine maintaining the state machine logic.
00213      */
00214     void state_engine(void);
00216     /**
00217     * \brief An internal event generated by the state machine.
00218     * \param new_state, The new state to which the state machine should go.
00219     * \param data, The data to be passed to the state machine.
00220     */
00221     void internal_event(StartupSubStateRegistration new_state);
00223     /**
00224     * When the bootstrap starts.
00225     */
00226     void state_bootstrap_start();
00228     /**
00229     * When the bootstrap is started.
00230     */
00231     void state_bootstrap_started();
00233     /**
00234     * When the bootstrap is successful.
00235     */
00236     void state_bootstrap_success();
00238     /**
00239     * When the bootstrap failed.
00240     */
00241     void state_bootstrap_failure();
00243     /**
00244     * When the registration starts.
00245     */
00246     void state_registration_start();
00248     /**
00249     * When the registration started.
00250     */
00251     void state_registration_started();
00253     /**
00254     * When the registration is successful.
00255     */
00256     void state_registration_success();
00258     /**
00259      * When the registration failed.
00260     */
00261     void state_registration_failure();
00263     /**
00264     * When the client is unregistered.
00265     */
00266     void state_unregistered();
00268     /**
00269      * \brief A utility function to create an M2MSecurity object
00270      * for registration.
00271      */
00272     void create_register_object();
00274     /**
00275      * \brief A utility function to create an M2MSecurity object
00276      * for bootstrap.
00277      */
00278     bool create_bootstrap_object();
00280     /**
00281      * \brief A utility function to set the connector credentials
00282      * in storage. This includes endpoint, domain, connector URI
00283      *  and certificates.
00284      * \param security, The Connector certificates.
00285      */
00286     ccs_status_e set_connector_credentials(M2MSecurity *security);
00288     /**
00289      * \brief A utility function to set the bootstrap credentials
00290      * in storage. This includes Bootstrap URI and certificates.
00291      * \param security, The Bootstrap certificates.
00292      */
00293     ccs_status_e set_bootstrap_credentials(M2MSecurity *security);
00295     /**
00296      * \brief A utility function to set the bootstrap address in storage.
00297      * \param security, The bootstrap security object containing the address.
00298      */
00299     ccs_status_e store_bootstrap_address(M2MSecurity *security);
00301     /**
00302      * \brief A utility function to check whether bootstrap credentials are stored in KCM.
00303      */
00304     bool bootstrap_credentials_stored_in_kcm();
00306     /**
00307      * \brief A utility function to check whether first to claim feature is configured.
00308      */
00309     bool is_first_to_claim();
00311     /**
00312      * \brief A utility function to clear the first to claim parameter in storage.
00313      */
00314     ccs_status_e clear_first_to_claim();
00316     /**
00317     * \brief Returns the binding mode selected by the client
00318     * through the configuration.
00319     * \return Binding mode of the client.
00320     */
00321     static M2MInterface::BindingMode transport_mode();
00323 private:
00324     // A callback to be called after the sequence is complete.
00325     ConnectorClientCallback*            _callback;
00326     StartupSubStateRegistration         _current_state;
00327     bool                                _event_generated;
00328     bool                                _state_engine_running;
00329     M2MInterface                        *_interface;
00330     M2MSecurity                         *_security;
00331     ConnectorClientEndpointInfo         _endpoint_info;
00332     M2MObjectList                       *_client_objs;
00333     M2MTimer                            _rebootstrap_timer;
00334     uint16_t                            _bootstrap_security_instance;
00335     uint16_t                            _lwm2m_security_instance;
00336 };
00338 /**
00339  * \brief ConnectorClientCallback
00340  * A callback class for passing the client progress and error condition to the
00341  * ServiceClient class object.
00342  */
00343 class ConnectorClientCallback {
00344 public:
00346     /**
00347     * \brief Indicates that the registration or unregistration operation is complete
00348     * with success or failure.
00349     * \param status, Indicates success or failure in terms of status code.
00350     */
00351     virtual void registration_process_result(ConnectorClient::StartupSubStateRegistration status) = 0;
00353     /**
00354     * \brief Indicates the Connector error condition of an underlying M2MInterface client.
00355     * \param error, Indicates an error code translated from M2MInterface::Error.
00356     * \param reason, Indicates human readable text for error description.
00357     */
00358     virtual void connector_error(M2MInterface::Error error, const char *reason) = 0;
00360     /**
00361     * \brief A callback indicating that the value of the resource object is updated
00362     *  by the LWM2M Cloud server.
00363     * \param base, The object whose value is updated.
00364     * \param type, The type of the object.
00365     */
00366     virtual void value_updated(M2MBase *base, M2MBase::BaseType type) = 0;
00367 };
00369 #endif // !__CONNECTOR_CLIENT_H__