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Callback< R(A0)> Class Template Reference

Callback< R(A0)> Class Template Reference

Templated function class. More...

#include <Callback.h>

Public Member Functions

 Callback (R(*func)(A0)=0)
 Create a Callback with a static function.
template<typename T >
 Callback (T *obj, R(*func)(T *, A0))
 Create a Callback with a static function and bound pointer.
template<typename T >
 Callback (T *obj, R(T::*func)(A0))
 Create a Callback with a member function.
 Callback (const Callback< R(A0)> &func)
 Create a Callback with another Callback.
void attach (R(*func)(A0))
 Attach a static function.
template<typename T >
void attach (T *obj, R(*func)(T *, A0))
 Attach a static function with a bound pointer.
template<typename T >
void attach (T *obj, R(T::*func)(A0))
 Attach a member function.
void attach (const Callback< R(A0)> &func)
 Attach a Callback.
call (A0 a0)
 Call the attached function.
operator() (A0 a0)
 Call the attached function.
 operator bool () const
 Test if function has been attached.

Static Public Member Functions

static R thunk (void *func, A0 a0)
 Static thunk for passing as C-style function.

Detailed Description

template<typename R, typename A0>
class mbed::Callback< R(A0)>

Templated function class.

Definition at line 599 of file Callback.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Callback ( R(*)(A0)  func = 0 )

Create a Callback with a static function.

funcStatic function to attach

Definition at line 604 of file Callback.h.

Callback ( T *  obj,
R(*)(T *, A0)  func 

Create a Callback with a static function and bound pointer.

objPointer to object to bind to function
funcStatic function to attach

Definition at line 613 of file Callback.h.

Callback ( T *  obj,
R(T::*)(A0)  func 

Create a Callback with a member function.

objPointer to object to invoke member function on
funcMember function to attach

Definition at line 622 of file Callback.h.

Callback ( const Callback< R(A0)> &  func )

Create a Callback with another Callback.

funcCallback to attach

Definition at line 629 of file Callback.h.

Member Function Documentation

void attach ( R(*)(A0)  func )

Attach a static function.

funcStatic function to attach

Definition at line 636 of file Callback.h.

void attach ( T *  obj,
R(*)(T *, A0)  func 

Attach a static function with a bound pointer.

objPointer to object to bind to function
funcStatic function to attach

Definition at line 646 of file Callback.h.

void attach ( const Callback< R(A0)> &  func )

Attach a Callback.

funcThe Callback to attach

Definition at line 666 of file Callback.h.

void attach ( T *  obj,
R(T::*)(A0)  func 

Attach a member function.

objPointer to object to invoke member function on
funcMember function to attach

Definition at line 657 of file Callback.h.

R call ( A0  a0 )

Call the attached function.

Definition at line 674 of file Callback.h.

operator bool (  ) const

Test if function has been attached.

Definition at line 689 of file Callback.h.

R operator() ( A0  a0 )

Call the attached function.

Definition at line 683 of file Callback.h.

static R thunk ( void *  func,
A0  a0 
) [static]

Static thunk for passing as C-style function.

funcCallback to call passed as void pointer

Definition at line 696 of file Callback.h.