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WizFi310 Class Reference

WizFi310 Class Reference

WizFi310Interface class. More...

#include <WizFi310.h>

Public Member Functions

const char * get_firmware_version (void)
 Check firmware version of WizFi310.
bool startup (int mode)
 Startup the WizFi310.
bool reset (void)
 Reset WizFi310.
bool dhcp (bool enabled)
 Enable/Disable DHCP.
bool connect (const char *ap, const char *passPhrase, const char *sec)
 Connect WizFi310 to AP.
bool disconnect (void)
 Disconnect WizFi310 from AP.
const char * getIPAddress (void)
 Get the IP address of WizFi310.
const char * getMACAddress (void)
 Get the MAC address of WizFi310.
const char * getGateway ()
 Get the local gateway.
const char * getNetmask ()
 Get the local network mask.
bool isConnected (void)
 Check if WizFi310 is conenected.
int scan (WiFiAccessPoint *res, unsigned limit)
 Scan for available networks.
bool dns_lookup (const char *name, char *ip)
 Perform a dns query.
bool open (const char *type, int id, const char *addr, int port)
 Open a socketed connection.
bool send (int id, const void *data, uint32_t amount)
 Sends data to an open socket.
int32_t recv (int id, void *data, uint32_t amount)
 Receives data from an open socket.
bool close (int id)
 Closes a socket.
void setTimeout (uint32_t timeout_ms)
 Allows timeout to be changed between commands.
bool readable ()
 Checks if data is available.
bool writeable ()
 Checks if data can be written.
void attach (Callback< void()> func)
 Attach a function to call whenever network state has changed.
template<typename T , typename M >
void attach (T *obj, M method)
 Attach a function to call whenever network state has changed.

Detailed Description

WizFi310Interface class.

This is an interface to a WizFi310Interface radio.

Definition at line 44 of file WizFi310.h.

Member Function Documentation

void attach ( Callback< void()>  func )

Attach a function to call whenever network state has changed.

funcA pointer to a void function, or 0 to set as none

Definition at line 397 of file WizFi310.cpp.

void attach ( T *  obj,

Attach a function to call whenever network state has changed.

objpointer to the object to call the member function on
methodpointer to the member function to call

Definition at line 224 of file WizFi310.h.

bool close ( int  id )

Closes a socket.

idid of socket to close, valid only 0-4
true only if socket is closed successfully

Definition at line 365 of file WizFi310.cpp.

bool connect ( const char *  ap,
const char *  passPhrase,
const char *  sec 

Connect WizFi310 to AP.

apthe name of the AP
passPhrasethe password of AP
securitytype of AP
true only if WizFi310 is connected successfully

Definition at line 120 of file WizFi310.cpp.

bool dhcp ( bool  enabled )

Enable/Disable DHCP.

enabledDHCP enabled when true
true only if WizFi310 enables/disables DHCP successfully

Definition at line 114 of file WizFi310.cpp.

bool disconnect ( void   )

Disconnect WizFi310 from AP.

true only if WizFi310 is disconnected successfully

Definition at line 160 of file WizFi310.cpp.

bool dns_lookup ( const char *  name,
char *  ip 

Perform a dns query.

nameHostname to resolve
ipBuffer to store IP address
0 true on success, false on failure

Definition at line 267 of file WizFi310.cpp.

const char * get_firmware_version ( void   )

Check firmware version of WizFi310.

character array firmware version or 0 if firmware query command gives outdated response

Definition at line 71 of file WizFi310.cpp.

const char * getGateway ( void   )

Get the local gateway.

Null-terminated representation of the local gateway or null if no network mask has been recieved

Definition at line 188 of file WizFi310.cpp.

const char * getIPAddress ( void   )

Get the IP address of WizFi310.

null-teriminated IP address or null if no IP address is assigned

Definition at line 165 of file WizFi310.cpp.

const char * getMACAddress ( void   )

Get the MAC address of WizFi310.

null-terminated MAC address or null if no MAC address is assigned

Definition at line 177 of file WizFi310.cpp.

const char * getNetmask ( void   )

Get the local network mask.

Null-terminated representation of the local network mask or null if no network mask has been recieved

Definition at line 193 of file WizFi310.cpp.

bool isConnected ( void   )

Check if WizFi310 is conenected.

true only if the chip has an IP address

Definition at line 213 of file WizFi310.cpp.

bool open ( const char *  type,
int  id,
const char *  addr,
int  port 

Open a socketed connection.

typethe type of socket to open "UDP" or "TCP"
idid to give the new socket, valid 0-4
portport to open connection with
addrthe IP address of the destination
true only if socket opened successfully

Definition at line 245 of file WizFi310.cpp.

bool readable ( void   )

Checks if data is available.

Definition at line 387 of file WizFi310.cpp.

int32_t recv ( int  id,
void *  data,
uint32_t  amount 

Receives data from an open socket.

idid to receive from
dataplaceholder for returned information
amountnumber of bytes to be received
the number of bytes received

Definition at line 329 of file WizFi310.cpp.

bool reset ( void   )

Reset WizFi310.

true only if WizFi310 resets successfully

Definition at line 100 of file WizFi310.cpp.

int scan ( WiFiAccessPoint *  res,
unsigned  limit 

Scan for available networks.

apPointer to allocated array to store discovered AP
limitSize of allocated res array, or 0 to only count available AP
Number of entries in res, or if count was 0 number of available networks, negative on error see nsapi_error

Definition at line 218 of file WizFi310.cpp.

bool send ( int  id,
const void *  data,
uint32_t  amount 

Sends data to an open socket.

idid of socket to send to
datadata to be sent
amountamount of data to be sent - max 1024
true only if data sent successfully

Definition at line 272 of file WizFi310.cpp.

void setTimeout ( uint32_t  timeout_ms )

Allows timeout to be changed between commands.

timeout_mstimeout of the connection

Definition at line 381 of file WizFi310.cpp.

bool startup ( int  mode )

Startup the WizFi310.

modemode of WIFI 0-client, 1-host
true only if WizFi310 was setup correctly

Definition at line 87 of file WizFi310.cpp.

bool writeable ( void   )

Checks if data can be written.

Definition at line 392 of file WizFi310.cpp.