Project generator for embedded tools

I would like to share with you the project generator (pgen) for various tools. The project generator is capable of exporting a project to various tools aka IDE in some meaning. It will be able to build generated projects (currently implementation ongoing). This generator can help you easily switch various tools in your project or help for testing purposes (export project, build and run).

Currently, uVision, IAR, eclipse , coide and GCC ARM Makefile are supported. All is required is to create records (using YAML) to describe project modules and project specific settings. Then just run a script which exports a project.

Or like python? Use pgen as python module, no need for yaml files.

Project generator sources

All open sourced, contribution is more than welcome!

For more information, there's github wiki page "Getting started" . Link to the main repository:

mbed library example

I also created an example, using mbed SDK (submodule), follow this link It defines a blinky project for various MCU. At the moment, there is k20,lpc1768 and K64F blinky demos defined, but any MCU can be added, it's just matter of adding new records (YAML files). For further information, read the github wiki page.

Got a question or wiki was not enough to answer it, ask here or on github.


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