Debugging mbed application in CoIDE for KL25Z target (tutorial)

I just published on my blog how to setup KL25Z board with mbed in CoIDE. CMSIS-DAP using as default debugger. The CooCox CoIDE brings you open source IDE which enables debugging your application ! Another option how to get your application running quicker!

Link to the tutorial

Happy debugging!

Update: I am working on exporters for CoIDE, I'll share my branch soon , so you can test it out. Update2 : CoIDE exporters done, please test. Find an example below, for testing:

The Hello world example for CoIDE: /media/uploads/Kojto/

13th of January 2014: exporters are on mbed master repository, KL25Z supported at the time. Please test and provide feedback!

5 comments on Debugging mbed application in CoIDE for KL25Z target (tutorial):

12 Jan 2014

Thats good news. I have used CooIde with some other ARM devices and it is getting increasingly better. Exporters for mbed would make it a suitable offline tool. Now if we could only get the CooCox and mbed community to work together on a common open source device library....

10 Apr 2014

Wim Huiskamp wrote:

Now if we could only get the CooCox and mbed community to work together on a common open source device library....

Martin Spencer wrote:

Update: I am working on exporters for CoIDE, I'll share my branch soon , so you can test it out. Update2 : CoIDE exporters done, please test. Find an example below, for testing:

The Hello world example for CoIDE: /media/uploads/Kojto/

13th of January 2014: exporters are on mbed master repository, KL25Z supported at the time. Please test and provide feedback!


Thats good news.

Great Job, Thanks for add <export CoIDE Project> function in Mbed on-line compiler

All the work you have done will be appreciated by CooCox!

@Martin Kojtal @Wim Huiskamp

If you have any problems when using CoIDE please feel free let's us know.

CooCox is working on building a common open source device library and inter-soft library

You can find lots of drivers at here:

Again, Any great ideas will be welcomed

10 Apr 2014

Hello xue song,

don't know what did happen in the post above but martin spencer did not write it, it was my post :-) anyway, thanks for sharing the information. I would like to add more targets, as I mentioned LPC1768 has a problem with debugging, KL46Z is not there yet, neither the new platform K64F. I will look at the ST chips what I can add.

Regards, 0xc0170

12 Jun 2014


How can I add another library than the mbed library? For example the TextLCD library. Without such librarys it works very well, but it does not with them.

regards AEIOU

19 Sep 2014

@robotik, sorry I ahvent seen any notification about your question. You want to add a library offline in the CoIDE?

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