Quadcopter Log
i'm currently writing my quadcopter control software. I created this notebook to describe my hardware/software progress.
- mbed NXP LPC1768
- Invensense MPU-6050
- Hobbyking Turnigy H.A.L frame Kit
- 4xPark450 brushless motors 1200kv
- 4xHobbyking SS ESC 25-30A
- DIY PCB for sensor mounting
- DIY Power Distribution Board
- Currently without a Tx/Rx. Throttle commands are sent over Serial. i will order a Turnigy 9x in the next few weeks
- Initialize Motors.
- Initialize MPU-6050 : Gyro Scale +/- 2000deg/sec ..... Acc Scale +/- 8g ........ LPF: 44Hz Accelerometer 42Hz Gyroscope
- Calibrate Accelerometer and Gyroscope by calculating their start up offsets
- Flight Control Loop (running at 200Hz):
- Sample Acc and Gyro
- Sensor Fusion using Sebastian Madgwick IMU Filter
- Update PID and motor commands
- Code used to freeze when using default I2C library with interrupt in. currently resolved by using Prof Greg Egan I2C code :
- 29/4 Now using Sebastian Madgwick IMU Filter. Imported library from Aaron Berk but changed every double variable to float
- 28/4 Achieved good single axis stability, I term needs some work though.
Video of my current PID settings. I'm applying disturbances to the system to see how well it'll react.
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