EMG and motor script together, Not fully working yet,

Dependencies:   Encoder QEI biquadFilter mbed

diff -r 000000000000 -r eb16ed402ffa main.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Wed Oct 25 10:40:18 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,408 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "math.h"
+#include "encoder.h"
+#include "QEI.h"
+#include "BiQuad.h"
+Serial          pc(USBTX, USBRX);
+//Defining all in- and outputs
+//EMG input
+AnalogIn        emgBR( A0 );    //Right Biceps
+AnalogIn        emgBL( A1 );    //Left Biceps
+//Output motor 1 and reading Encoder motor 1
+DigitalOut      motor1DirectionPin(D4);
+PwmOut          motor1MagnitudePin(D5);
+QEI             Encoder1(D12,D13,NC,32);
+//Output motor 2 and reading Encoder motor 2
+DigitalOut      motor2DirectionPin(D7);
+PwmOut          motor2MagnitudePin(D6);
+QEI             Encoder2(D10,D11,NC,32);
+//LED output, needed for feedback
+DigitalOut      led_R(LED_RED);
+DigitalOut      led_G(LED_GREEN);
+DigitalOut      led_B(LED_BLUE);
+InterruptIn     button(SW2); // Wordt uiteindelijk vervangen door EMG
+Timer           t;
+double          speedfactor; // = 0.01; snelheid in, zonder potmeter gebruik            <- waarom is dit zo?
+// Getting the counts from the Encoder
+int             counts1 = Encoder1.getPulses();
+int             counts2 = Encoder2.getPulses();
+// Defining variables delta (the difference between position and desired position)      <- Is dit zo?
+int             delta1;
+int             delta2; 
+// Initial input value for X                                                            
+int Xin=0;                                                                              //<- Hoe zit het met deze als we de robot daadwerkelijk gebruiken
+double huidigetijdX;
+// Feedback system for counting values of X
+void ledtX(){
+    t.reset();
+    Xin++;
+    pc.printf("Xin is %i\n",Xin);
+    led_G=0;
+    led_R=1;
+    wait(0.5);
+    led_G=1;
+    led_R=0;
+// Couting system for values of X
+int tellerX(){
+    led_G=1; 
+    led_B=1;
+        while(true){
+    button.fall(ledtX);          //This has to be replaced by EMG   
+    /*if (EMG>threshold){
+        ledtX();                 // dit is wat je uiteindelijk wil dat er staat
+    }*/
+    t.start();
+    huidigetijdX=t.read();
+    if (huidigetijdX>2){
+        led_R=1;                //Go to the next program (couting values for Y)
+        return 0;
+        }
+    }  
+// Initial values needed for Y (see comments at X function) 
+int Yin=0;
+double huidigetijdY;
+//Feedback system for couting values of Y
+void ledtY(){
+    t.reset();
+    Yin++;
+    pc.printf("Yin is %i\n",Yin);
+    led_G=0;
+    led_B=1;
+    wait(0.5);
+    led_G=1;
+    led_B=0;
+// Couting system for values of Y
+int tellerY(){
+    t.reset();
+    led_G=1;
+    led_B=0; 
+    while(true){
+    button.fall(ledtY);         //See comments at X   
+    /*if (EMG>threshold){
+        Piek();                 // dit is wat je uiteindelijk wil dat er staat
+    }*/
+    t.start();
+    huidigetijdY=t.read();
+    if (huidigetijdY>2){
+        led_B=1; 
+        button.fall(0);   
+        return 0;      // ga door naar het volgende programma 
+        }
+    }
+bool   B = false;
+// Declaring all variables needed for calculating rope lengths, 
+double Pox = 0;
+double Poy = 0;
+double Pbx = 0;
+double Pby = 887;
+double Prx = 768;
+double Pry = 443;
+double Pex=121;
+double Pey=308;
+double diamtrklosje=20;
+double pi=3.14159265359;
+double omtrekklosje=diamtrklosje*pi;
+double Lou;
+double Lbu;
+double Lru;
+double dLod;
+double dLbd;
+double dLrd;
+// Declaring variables needed for calculating motor counts
+double roto;
+double rotb;
+double rotr;
+double rotzo;
+double rotzb;
+double rotzr;
+double counto;
+double countb;
+double countr;
+double countzo;
+double countzb;
+double countzr;
+// Declaring variables neeeded for calculating motor movements to get to a certain point        <- klopt dit?
+double Psx;
+double Psy;
+double Vex;
+double Vey;
+double Kz=0.7; // nadersnelheid instellen
+double modVe;
+double Vmax=20;
+double Pstx;
+double Psty;
+double T=0.02;//seconds
+//Deel om motor(en) aan te sturen--------------------------------------------
+void calcdelta1() {    
+    delta1 = (counto - Encoder1.getPulses());
+    }
+void calcdelta2() {    
+    delta2 = (countb - Encoder2.getPulses());                                                 //  <------- de reden dat de delta negatief is
+    }
+double referenceVelocity1; 
+double motorValue1; 
+double referenceVelocity2; 
+double motorValue2; 
+Ticker controlmotor1; // één ticker van maken?
+Ticker calculatedelta1; 
+Ticker printdata1;     //aparte ticker om print pc aan te kunnen spreken zonder get te worden van hoeveelheid geprinte waardes
+Ticker controlmotor2; // één ticker van maken?
+Ticker calculatedelta2; 
+Ticker printdata2;     //aparte ticker om print pc aan te kunnen spreken zonder get te worden van hoeveelheid geprinte waardes
+double GetReferenceVelocity1()
+    // Returns reference velocity in rad/s. Positive value means clockwise rotation.
+    double maxVelocity1=Vex*25+Vey*25; // max 8.4 in rad/s of course!       
+    referenceVelocity1 = (-1)*speedfactor * maxVelocity1;  
+    if (Encoder1.getPulses() < (counto+1))
+        {   speedfactor = 0.1;
+        }
+        else if (Encoder1.getPulses() > (counto-1))
+        {   speedfactor = -0.1;
+        }
+        else
+        {   speedfactor = 0;
+        }
+    return referenceVelocity1;
+double GetReferenceVelocity2()
+    // Returns reference velocity in rad/s. Positive value means clockwise rotation.
+    double maxVelocity2=Vex*25+Vey*25; // max 8.4 in rad/s of course!       
+    referenceVelocity2 = (-1)*speedfactor * maxVelocity2;  
+    if (Encoder2.getPulses() < (counto+1))
+        {   speedfactor = 0.1;
+        }
+        else if (Encoder2.getPulses() > (counto-1))
+        {   speedfactor = -0.1;
+        }
+        else
+        {   speedfactor = 0;
+        }
+    return referenceVelocity2;
+void SetMotor1(double motorValue1)
+    // Given -1<=motorValue<=1, this sets the PWM and direction bits for motor 1. Positive value makes 
+    // motor rotating clockwise. motorValues outside range are truncated to within range
+    if (motorValue1 >=0) motor1DirectionPin=1;
+        else motor1DirectionPin=0;
+    if (fabs(motorValue1)>1) motor1MagnitudePin = 1;
+        else motor1MagnitudePin = fabs(motorValue1);
+void SetMotor2(double motorValue2)
+    // Given -1<=motorValue<=1, this sets the PWM and direction bits for motor 1. Positive value makes 
+    // motor rotating clockwise. motorValues outside range are truncated to within range
+    if (motorValue2 >=0) motor2DirectionPin=1;
+        else motor2DirectionPin=0;
+    if (fabs(motorValue2)>1) motor2MagnitudePin = 1;
+        else motor2MagnitudePin = fabs(motorValue2);
+double FeedForwardControl1(double referenceVelocity1)
+    // very simple linear feed-forward control
+    const double MotorGain=8.4; // unit: (rad/s) / PWM, max 8.4
+    double motorValue1 = referenceVelocity1 / MotorGain;
+    return motorValue1;  
+double FeedForwardControl2(double referenceVelocity2)
+    // very simple linear feed-forward control
+    const double MotorGain=8.4; // unit: (rad/s) / PWM, max 8.4
+    double motorValue2 = referenceVelocity2 / MotorGain;
+    return motorValue2;  
+void MeasureAndControl1()
+    // This function measures the potmeter position, extracts a reference velocity from it, 
+    // and controls the motor with a simple FeedForward controller. Call this from a Ticker.
+    double referenceVelocity1 = GetReferenceVelocity1();
+    double motorValue1 = FeedForwardControl1(referenceVelocity1);
+    SetMotor1(motorValue1);
+void MeasureAndControl2()
+    // This function measures the potmeter position, extracts a reference velocity from it, 
+    // and controls the motor with a simple FeedForward controller. Call this from a Ticker.
+    double referenceVelocity2 = GetReferenceVelocity2();
+    double motorValue2 = FeedForwardControl2(referenceVelocity2);
+    SetMotor2(motorValue2);
+void readdata1()
+    {   //pc.printf("CurrentState = %i \r\n",Encoder.getCurrentState());
+        pc.printf("Pulses_M1 = %i \r\n",Encoder1.getPulses());
+        //pc.printf("Revolutions = %i \r\n",Encoder.getRevolutions());
+        pc.printf("Delta_M1 = %i \r\n",delta1);
+    }
+void readdata2()
+    {   //pc.printf("CurrentState = %i \r\n",Encoder.getCurrentState());
+        pc.printf("Pulses_M2 = %i \r\n",Encoder2.getPulses());
+        //pc.printf("Revolutions = %i \r\n",Encoder.getRevolutions());
+        pc.printf("Delta_M2 = %i \r\n",delta2);
+    }
+// einde deel motor------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Ticker loop;
+/*Calculates ropelengths that are needed to get to new positions, based on the 
+set coordinates and the position of the poles */
+double touwlengtes(){
+    Lou=sqrt(pow((Pstx-Pox),2)+pow((Psty-Poy),2));     
+    Lbu=sqrt(pow((Pstx-Pbx),2)+pow((Psty-Pby),2));
+    Lru=sqrt(pow((Pstx-Prx),2)+pow((Psty-Pry),2));
+    return 0;
+/* Calculates rotations (and associated counts) of the motor to get to the 
+desired new position*/
+double turns(){
+    roto=Lou/omtrekklosje; 
+    rotb=Lbu/omtrekklosje; 
+    rotr=Lru/omtrekklosje; 
+    counto=roto*4200; 
+    //counto = (int)(counto + 0.5);                      // omzetten van rotaties naar counts
+    countb=rotb*4200;
+    //countb = (int)(countb + 0.5);
+    countr=rotr*4200;
+    //countr = (int)(countr + 0.5);
+    return 0;
+// Waar komen Pstx en Psty vandaan en waar staan ze voor?   En is dit maar voor een paal?  
+double Pst(){
+    Pstx=Pex+Vex*T;
+    Psty=Pey+Vey*T;
+    touwlengtes();
+    Pex=Pstx;                  
+    Pey=Psty;
+    //pc.printf("een stappie verder\n\r x=%.2f\n\r y=%.2f\n\r",Pstx,Psty);
+    //pc.printf("met lengtes:\n\r Lo=%.2f Lb=%.2f Lr=%.2f\n\r",Lou,Lbu,Lru);
+    turns();
+    //pc.printf("rotatie per motor:\n\r o=%.2f b=%.2f r=%.2f\n\r",roto,rotb,rotr); 
+    pc.printf("counts per motor:\n\r o=%.2f b=%.2f r=%.2f\n\r",counto,countb,countr);
+    /*float R;
+    R=Vex/Vey;                  // met dit stukje kan je zien dat de verhouding tussen Vex en Vey constant is en de end efector dus een rechte lijn maakt
+    pc.printf("\n\r R=%f",R);*/
+    return 0;
+//Calculating desired end position based on the EMG input                       <- Waarom maar voor een paal?
+double Ps(){
+    Psx=(Xin)*30+121;
+    Psy=(Yin)*30+308;     
+    //pc.printf("x=%.2f \n\r y=%.2f \n\r",Psx,Psy);
+    return 0;
+// Rekent dit de snelheid uit waarmee de motoren bewegen?
+void Ve(){
+    Vex=Kz*(Psx-Pex);
+    Vey=Kz*(Psy-Pey);
+    modVe=sqrt(pow(Vex,2)+pow(Vey,2));
+    if(modVe>Vmax){
+        Vex=(Vex/modVe)*Vmax;
+        Vey=(Vey/modVe)*Vmax;
+    }
+    Pst();
+    pc.printf("Vex=%.2f \r\n Vey=%.2f \r\n",Vex,Vey);
+    if((abs(Vex)<0.01f)&&(abs(Vey)<0.01f)){
+        B=true;
+        loop.detach();
+        }
+// Calculating the desired position, so that the motors can go here
+int calculator(){
+    Ps();
+    loop.attach(&Ve,0.02);
+    return 0;
+// Function which makes it possible to lower the end-effector to pick up a piece
+void zakker(){
+    while(1){
+        wait(1);
+    if(B==true){    //misschien moet je hier als voorwaarden een delta is 1 zetten                               // hierdoor wacht dit programma totdat de beweging klaar is  
+    dLod=sqrt(pow(Lou,2)+pow(397.85,2))-Lou;    //dit is wat je motoren moeten doen om te zakken
+    dLbd=sqrt(pow(Lbu,2)+pow(397.85,2))-Lbu;
+    dLrd=sqrt(pow(Lru,2)+pow(397.85,2))-Lru;
+    rotzo=dLod/omtrekklosje;
+    rotzb=dLbd/omtrekklosje;
+    rotzr=dLrd/omtrekklosje;
+    countzo=rotzo*4200;
+    countzb=rotzb*4200;
+    countzr=rotzr*4200;
+    pc.printf("o=%.2fb=%.2fr=%.2f",countzo,countzb,countzr);       // hier moet komen te staan hoe het zakken gaat
+    }
+    }
+int main()
+    pc.baud(115200);
+    tellerX();
+    tellerY();
+    calculator();
+    controlmotor1.attach(&MeasureAndControl1, 0.01);
+    calculatedelta1.attach(&calcdelta1, 0.01);
+    printdata1.attach(&readdata1, 0.5); 
+    controlmotor2.attach(&MeasureAndControl2, 0.01);
+    calculatedelta2.attach(&calcdelta2, 0.01);
+    printdata2.attach(&readdata2, 0.5); 
+    //zakker();
+    return 0;
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