mbed RPC_Serial for LabVIEW interface: http://mbed.org/cookbook/Interfacing-with-LabVIEW http://mbed.org/cookbook/Interfacing-Using-RPC Steps: *Compile RPC_Serial main *Copy bit file to mbed flash and reset *Run examples in LabVIEW

Dependencies:   C12832 MMA7660 RPCInterface mbed

Fork of RPC_Serial by Harris Junaid

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SerialRPCInterface Class Reference

SerialRPCInterface Class Reference

Provides an Interface to mbed over RPC. More...

#include <SerialRPCInterface.h>

Public Member Functions

 SerialRPCInterface (PinName tx, PinName rx, int baud=9600)
void Disable (void)
 Disable the RPC.
void Enable (void)
 Enable the RPC.

Detailed Description

Provides an Interface to mbed over RPC.

For the chosen communication type this class sets up the necessary interrupts to receive RPC messages. Receives the messages, passes them to the rpc function and then returns the result.

Definition at line 47 of file SerialRPCInterface.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

SerialRPCInterface ( PinName  tx,
PinName  rx,
int  baud = 9600 


Sets up RPC communication using serial communication.

txThe transmit pin of the serial port.
rxThe receive pin of the serial port.
baudSet the baud rate, default is 9600.

Member Function Documentation

void Disable ( void   )

Disable the RPC.

This will stop RPC messages being recevied and interpreted by this library. This might be used to prevent RPC commands interrupting an important piece of code on mbed.

void Enable ( void   )

Enable the RPC.

This will set this class to receiving and executing RPC commands. The class starts in this mode so this function only needs to be called if you have previosuly disabled the RPC.