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HTTPClient Class Reference

HTTPClient Class Reference

A simple HTTP Client The HTTPClient is composed of:

  • The actual client (HTTPClient)
  • Classes that act as a data repository, each of which deriving from the HTTPData class (HTTPText for short text content, HTTPFile for file I/O, HTTPMap for key/value pairs, and HTTPStream for streaming purposes)

#include <HTTPClient.h>

Public Member Functions

 HTTPClient ()
 Instantiate the HTTP client.
HTTPResult basicAuth (const char *user, const char *password)
 Provides a basic authentification feature (Base64 encoded username and password) Pass two NULL pointers to switch back to no authentication.
HTTPResult get (const char *url, IHTTPDataIn *pDataIn, int timeout=HTTP_CLIENT_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT)
 Execute a GET request on the URL Blocks until completion.
HTTPResult get (const char *url, char *result, size_t maxResultLen, int timeout=HTTP_CLIENT_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT)
 Execute a GET request on the URL Blocks until completion This is a helper to directly get a piece of text from a HTTP result.
HTTPResult post (const char *url, const IHTTPDataOut &dataOut, IHTTPDataIn *pDataIn, int timeout=HTTP_CLIENT_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT)
 Execute a POST request on the URL Blocks until completion.
HTTPResult put (const char *url, const IHTTPDataOut &dataOut, IHTTPDataIn *pDataIn, int timeout=HTTP_CLIENT_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT)
 Execute a PUT request on the URL Blocks until completion.
HTTPResult del (const char *url, IHTTPDataIn *pDataIn, int timeout=HTTP_CLIENT_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT)
 Execute a DELETE request on the URL Blocks until completion.
int getHTTPResponseCode ()
 Get last request's HTTP response code.
void setHeader (const char *header)
 Set headers to be included in the following HTTP requests.
HTTPResult setSSLversion (int minorV)
 Set SSL/TLS version.
HTTPResult addRootCACertificate (const char *cert)
 Stores a root CA certificate for host authentication of a website.
void setPeerVerification (SSLMethod method)
 Sets the verification for peer authenticity when connecting with SSL.

Detailed Description

A simple HTTP Client The HTTPClient is composed of:

  • The actual client (HTTPClient)
  • Classes that act as a data repository, each of which deriving from the HTTPData class (HTTPText for short text content, HTTPFile for file I/O, HTTPMap for key/value pairs, and HTTPStream for streaming purposes)

Definition at line 63 of file HTTPClient.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

HTTPClient (  )

Instantiate the HTTP client.

Definition at line 114 of file HTTPClient.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

HTTPResult addRootCACertificate ( const char *  cert )

Stores a root CA certificate for host authentication of a website.

Each new line should end with "\r\n" including the last line of each certificate. Pass a pointer to the char array containing the certificate stored as a c-string. Pass a NULL pointer to reset all certificates stored. (Can pass in multiple certificates with one function call if the array contains concatenated certificates)

Definition at line 222 of file HTTPClient.cpp.

HTTPResult basicAuth ( const char *  user,
const char *  password 

Provides a basic authentification feature (Base64 encoded username and password) Pass two NULL pointers to switch back to no authentication.

userusername to use for authentication, must remain valid durlng the whole HTTP session
userpassword to use for authentication, must remain valid durlng the whole HTTP session

Definition at line 146 of file HTTPClient.cpp.

HTTPResult del ( const char *  url,
IHTTPDataIn pDataIn,

Execute a DELETE request on the URL Blocks until completion.

url: url on which to execute the request. Format of: http[s]://<host>/[<path>][fragment_id]
pDataIn: pointer to an IHTTPDataIn instance that will collect the data returned by the request, can be NULL
timeoutwaiting timeout in ms (osWaitForever for blocking function, not recommended)
0 on success, HTTP error (<0) on failure

Definition at line 192 of file HTTPClient.cpp.

HTTPResult get ( const char *  url,
IHTTPDataIn pDataIn,

Execute a GET request on the URL Blocks until completion.

url: url on which to execute the request. Format of: http[s]://<host>/[<path>][fragment_id]
pDataIn: pointer to an IHTTPDataIn instance that will collect the data returned by the request, can be NULL
timeoutwaiting timeout in ms (osWaitForever for blocking function, not recommended)
0 on success, HTTP error (<0) on failure

Definition at line 171 of file HTTPClient.cpp.

HTTPResult get ( const char *  url,
char *  result,
size_t  maxResultLen,

Execute a GET request on the URL Blocks until completion This is a helper to directly get a piece of text from a HTTP result.

url: url on which to execute the request. Format of: http[s]://<host>/[<path>][fragment_id]
result: pointer to a char array in which the result will be stored
maxResultLen: length of the char array (including space for the NULL-terminating char)
timeoutwaiting timeout in ms (osWaitForever for blocking function, not recommended)
0 on success, HTTP error (<0) on failure

Definition at line 176 of file HTTPClient.cpp.

int getHTTPResponseCode (  )

Get last request's HTTP response code.

The HTTP response code of the last request

Definition at line 198 of file HTTPClient.cpp.

HTTPResult post ( const char *  url,
const IHTTPDataOut dataOut,
IHTTPDataIn pDataIn,

Execute a POST request on the URL Blocks until completion.

url: url on which to execute the request. Format of: http[s]://<host>/[<path>][fragment_id]
dataOut: a IHTTPDataOut instance that contains the data that will be posted
pDataIn: pointer to an IHTTPDataIn instance that will collect the data returned by the request, can be NULL
timeoutwaiting timeout in ms (osWaitForever for blocking function, not recommended)
0 on success, HTTP error (<0) on failure

Definition at line 182 of file HTTPClient.cpp.

HTTPResult put ( const char *  url,
const IHTTPDataOut dataOut,
IHTTPDataIn pDataIn,

Execute a PUT request on the URL Blocks until completion.

url: url on which to execute the request. Format of: http[s]://<host>/[<path>][fragment_id]
dataOut: a IHTTPDataOut instance that contains the data that will be put
pDataIn: pointer to an IHTTPDataIn instance that will collect the data returned by the request, can be NULL
timeoutwaiting timeout in ms (osWaitForever for blocking function, not recommended)
0 on success, HTTP error (<0) on failure

Definition at line 187 of file HTTPClient.cpp.

void setHeader ( const char *  header )

Set headers to be included in the following HTTP requests.

Pass a NULL pointer to reset the headers stored. Make sure the headers are formatted with a "\r\n" after each header.

headerpointer to array containing the headers to be added

Definition at line 203 of file HTTPClient.cpp.

void setPeerVerification ( SSLMethod  method )

Sets the verification for peer authenticity when connecting with SSL.

methodspecifies the method to use for peer verification Sets the client to not verify the peer's certificates Sets the client to verify the peer's certificates but skips if certificates unavailable Sets the client to verify the peer's certificates and throw an error if the certificates are unavailable.

Definition at line 249 of file HTTPClient.cpp.

HTTPResult setSSLversion ( int  minorV )

Set SSL/TLS version.

minorVinteger witha a value between 0 and 3 0: SSL3, 1: TLS1.0, 2: TLS1.1, 3: TLS1.2
HTTPResult based on success

Definition at line 214 of file HTTPClient.cpp.