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00001 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00002 // Copyright 2016-2017 ARM Ltd.
00003 //
00004 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
00005 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
00006 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
00007 //
00008 //
00009 //
00010 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
00011 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
00012 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
00013 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
00014 // limitations under the License.
00015 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00017 #ifndef __KEYS_CONFIG_MANAGER_H__
00018 #define __KEYS_CONFIG_MANAGER_H__
00020 #include <stdlib.h>
00021 #include <stdbool.h>
00022 #include <inttypes.h>
00023 #include "kcm_status.h"
00024 #include "kcm_defs.h"
00026 #ifdef __cplusplus
00027 extern "C" {
00028 #endif
00030     /**
00031     * @file key_config_manager.h
00032     *  \brief Keys and Configuration Manager (KCM) APIs.
00033     */
00035     /* === Initialization and Finalization === */
00037     /**
00038     *   Initiate the KCM module.
00039     *   Allocates and initializes file storage resources.
00040     *
00041     *    @returns
00042     *       KCM_STATUS_SUCCESS in case of success or one of the `::kcm_status_e` errors otherwise.
00043     */
00044     kcm_status_e  kcm_init(void);
00046     /**
00047     *   Finalize the KCM module.
00048     *   Finalizes and frees file storage resources.
00049     *
00050     *    @returns
00051     *       KCM_STATUS_SUCCESS in case of success or one of the `::kcm_status_e` errors otherwise.
00052     */
00053     kcm_status_e  kcm_finalize(void);
00055     /* === Keys, Certificates and Configuration data storage === */
00057     /** Store the KCM item into a secure storage.
00058     *
00059     *    @param[in] kcm_item_name KCM item name.
00060     *    @param[in] kcm_item_name_len KCM item name length.
00061     *    @param[in] kcm_item_type KCM item type as defined in `::kcm_item_type_e`
00062     *    @param[in] kcm_item_is_factory True if the KCM item is a factory item, otherwise false.
00063     *    @param[in] kcm_item_data KCM item data buffer. Can be NULL if `kcm_item_data_size` is 0.
00064     *    @param[in] kcm_item_data_size KCM item data buffer size in bytes. Can be 0 if you wish to store an empty file.
00065     *    @param[in] security_desc Security descriptor.
00066     *
00067     *    @returns
00068     *        KCM_STATUS_SUCCESS in case of success or one of the `::kcm_status_e` errors otherwise.
00069     */
00070     kcm_status_e  kcm_item_store(const uint8_t *kcm_item_name, size_t kcm_item_name_len, kcm_item_type_e kcm_item_type, bool kcm_item_is_factory, const uint8_t *kcm_item_data, size_t kcm_item_data_size, const kcm_security_desc_s security_desc);
00072     /* === Keys, Certificates and Configuration data retrieval === */
00074     /** Retrieve the KCM item data size from a secure storage.
00075     *
00076     *    @param[in] kcm_item_name KCM item name.
00077     *    @param[in] kcm_item_name_len KCM item name length.
00078     *    @param[in] kcm_item_type KCM item type as defined in `::kcm_item_type_e`
00079     *    @param[out] kcm_item_data_size_out KCM item data size in bytes.
00080     *
00081     *    @returns
00082     *        KCM_STATUS_SUCCESS in case of success or one of the `::kcm_status_e` errors otherwise.
00083     */
00084     kcm_status_e  kcm_item_get_data_size(const uint8_t *kcm_item_name, size_t kcm_item_name_len, kcm_item_type_e kcm_item_type, size_t *kcm_item_data_size_out);
00086     /** Retrieve KCM item data from a secure storage.
00087     *
00088     *    @param[in] kcm_item_name KCM item name.
00089     *    @param[in] kcm_item_name_len KCM item name length.
00090     *    @param[in] kcm_item_type KCM item type as defined in `::kcm_item_type_e`
00091     *    @param[out] kcm_item_data_out KCM item data output buffer. Can be NULL if `kcm_item_data_size` is 0.
00092     *    @param[in] kcm_item_data_max_size The maximum size of the KCM item data output buffer in bytes.
00093     *    @param[out] kcm_item_data_act_size_out Actual KCM item data output buffer size in bytes.
00094     *
00095     *    @returns
00096     *        KCM_STATUS_SUCCESS in case of success or one of the `::kcm_status_e` errors otherwise.
00097     */
00098     kcm_status_e  kcm_item_get_data(const uint8_t *kcm_item_name, size_t kcm_item_name_len, kcm_item_type_e kcm_item_type, uint8_t *kcm_item_data_out, size_t kcm_item_data_max_size, size_t * kcm_item_data_act_size_out);
00100     /* === Keys, Certificates and Configuration delete === */
00102     /** Delete a KCM item from a secure storage.
00103     *
00104     *    @param[in] kcm_item_name KCM item name.
00105     *    @param[in] kcm_item_name_len KCM item name length.
00106     *    @param[in] kcm_item_type KCM item type as defined in `::kcm_item_type_e`
00107     *
00108     *    @returns
00109     *        KCM_STATUS_SUCCESS status in case of success or one of ::kcm_status_e errors otherwise.
00110     */
00111     kcm_status_e  kcm_item_delete(const uint8_t *kcm_item_name, size_t kcm_item_name_len, kcm_item_type_e kcm_item_type);
00113     /* === Certificates chain APIs === */
00115     /** The API initializes chain context for write chain operation,
00116     *   This API should be called prior to ::kcm_cert_chain_add_next API.
00117     *
00118     *    @param[out] kcm_chain_handle                 pointer to certificate chain handle.
00119     *    @param[in]  kcm_chain_name                   pointer to certificate chain name.
00120     *    @param[in]  kcm_chain_name_len               length of certificate name buffer.
00121     *    @param[in]  kcm_chain_len                    number of certificates in the chain.
00122     *    @param[in]  kcm_chain_is_factory             True if the KCM chain is a factory item, otherwise false.
00123     *
00124     *    @returns
00125     *        KCM_STATUS_SUCCESS in case of success or one of the `::kcm_status_e` errors otherwise.
00126     */
00127     kcm_status_e  kcm_cert_chain_create(kcm_cert_chain_handle *kcm_chain_handle,
00128                                        const uint8_t *kcm_chain_name,
00129                                        size_t kcm_chain_name_len,
00130                                        size_t kcm_chain_len,
00131                                        bool kcm_chain_is_factory);
00133     /** The API initializes chain context for read chain operation.
00134     *   This API should be called prior to ::kcm_cert_chain_get_next_size and ::kcm_cert_chain_get_next_data APIs
00135     *
00136     *    @param[out] kcm_chain_handle                  pointer to certificate chain handle.
00137     *    @param[in]  kcm_chain_name                    pointer to certificate chain name.
00138     *    @param[in]  kcm_chain_name_len                size of certificate name buffer.
00139     *    @param[out] kcm_chain_len                     length of certificate chain.
00140     *
00141     *    @returns
00142     *        KCM_STATUS_SUCCESS in case of success or one of the `::kcm_status_e` errors otherwise.
00143     */
00144     kcm_status_e  kcm_cert_chain_open(kcm_cert_chain_handle *kcm_chain_handle,
00145                                      const uint8_t *kcm_chain_name,
00146                                      size_t kcm_chain_name_len,
00147                                      size_t *kcm_chain_len_out);
00149     /** This API adds next certificate of chain to the storage. 
00150     *
00151     *  It also validates the previous certificate (unless it is the first certificate) with the public key from kcm_cert_data.
00152     *  The certificates should be added in the order from lowest child, followed by the certificate that signs it and so on, all the way to the root of the chain.
00153     *
00154     *    @param[in] kcm_chain_handle                 certificate chain handle.
00155     *    @param[in] kcm_cert_data                    pointer to certificate data in DER format.
00156     *    @param[in] kcm_cert_data_size               size of certificate data buffer.
00157     *
00158     *    @returns
00159     *        KCM_STATUS_SUCCESS in case of success. 
00160     *        KCM_STATUS_CERTIFICATE_CHAIN_VERIFICATION_FAILED in case that one of the certificate in the chain failed to verify its predecessor
00161     *        In other casese - one of the `::kcm_status_e` errors.
00162     *       
00163     */
00164     kcm_status_e  kcm_cert_chain_add_next(kcm_cert_chain_handle kcm_chain_handle,
00165                                          const uint8_t *kcm_cert_data,
00166                                          size_t kcm_cert_data_size);
00168     /** The API deletes all certificates of the chain from the storage.
00169     *
00170     *    @param[in] kcm_chain_name                pointer to certificate chain name.
00171     *    @param[in] kcm_chain_name_len            length of certificate chain name.
00172     *
00173     *    @returns
00174     *        KCM_STATUS_SUCCESS in case of success or one of the `::kcm_status_e` errors otherwise.
00175     */
00176     kcm_status_e  kcm_cert_chain_delete(const uint8_t *kcm_chain_name,
00177                                        size_t kcm_chain_name_len);
00179     /** The API returns size of the next certificate in the chain.
00180     *  This API should be called prior to ::kcm_cert_chain_get_next_data.
00181     *  This operation does not increase chain's context iterator.
00182     *
00183     *    @param[in]  kcm_chain_handle        certificate chain handle.
00184     *    @param[out] kcm_cert_data_size      pointer size of next certificate.
00185     *
00186     *    @returns
00187     *        KCM_STATUS_SUCCESS in case of success.
00188     *        KCM_STATUS_INVALID_NUM_OF_CERT_IN_CHAIN in case we reached the end of the chain
00189     *        Otherwise one of the `::kcm_status_e` errors.
00190     */
00191     kcm_status_e  kcm_cert_chain_get_next_size(kcm_cert_chain_handle kcm_chain_handle,
00192                                               size_t *kcm_cert_data_size);
00194     /** The API returns data of the next certificate in the chain.
00195     *   To get exact size of a next certificate use ::kcm_cert_chain_get_next_size.
00196     *   In the end of get data operation, chain context points to the next certificate of current chain.
00197     *
00198     *    @param[in] kcm_chain_handle                    certificate chain handle.
00199     *    @param[in/out] kcm_cert_data                   pointer to certificate data in DER format.
00200     *    @param[in] kcm_max_cert_data_size              max size of certificate data buffer.
00201     *    @param[out] kcm_actual_cert_data_size          actual size of certificate data.
00202     *
00203     *    @returns
00204     *        KCM_STATUS_SUCCESS in case of success.
00205     *        KCM_STATUS_INVALID_NUM_OF_CERT_IN_CHAIN in case we reached the end of the chain
00206     *        Otherwise one of the `::kcm_status_e` errors.
00207     */
00208     kcm_status_e  kcm_cert_chain_get_next_data(kcm_cert_chain_handle kcm_chain_handle,
00209                                               uint8_t *kcm_cert_data,
00210                                               size_t kcm_max_cert_data_size,
00211                                               size_t *kcm_actual_cert_data_size);
00214     /** The API releases the context and frees allocated resources.
00215     *   When operation type is creation--> if total number of added/stored certificates is not equal to number
00216     *   of certificates in the chain, the API will return an error.
00217     *
00218     *    @param[in] kcm_chain_handle                    certificate chain handle.
00219     *
00220     *    @returns
00221     *        KCM_STATUS_SUCCESS in case of success.
00222     *        KCM_STATUS_CLOSE_INCOMPLETE_CHAIN in case of not all certificates were saved. In this case the chain will be deleted.
00223     *        Otherwise one of the `::kcm_status_e` errors.
00224     */
00225     kcm_status_e  kcm_cert_chain_close(kcm_cert_chain_handle kcm_chain_handle);
00228     /* === Factory Reset === */
00230     /**  Reset the KCM secure storage to factory state.
00231     *
00232     *    @returns
00233     *        KCM_STATUS_SUCCESS in case of success or one of the `::kcm_status_e` errors otherwise.
00234     */
00235     kcm_status_e  kcm_factory_reset(void);
00238     /** Generate a key pair complying the given cryptographic scheme in DER format.
00239     *    Saves private key and public key if provided.
00240     *
00241     *      @param key_scheme The cryptographic scheme.
00242     *      @param private_key_name The private key name for which a key pair is generated.
00243     *      @param private_key_name_len Private key name length
00244     *      @param public_key_name The public key name for which a key pair is generated.
00245     *      This parameter is optional. If not provided, the key will be generated, but not stored.
00246     *      @param public_key_name_len Public key name length.
00247     *      Must be 0, if ::public_key_name not provided.
00248     *      @param kcm_item_is_factory True if the KCM item is a factory item, otherwise false.
00249     *      @param kcm_params Additional kcm_params. Currently void.
00250     *
00251     *      @returns
00252     *         KCM_STATUS_SUCCESS in case of success or one of the `::kcm_status_e` errors otherwise.
00253     */
00254     kcm_status_e  kcm_key_pair_generate_and_store(
00255         const kcm_crypto_key_scheme_e     key_scheme,
00256         const uint8_t                     *private_key_name,
00257         size_t                            private_key_name_len,
00258         const uint8_t                     *public_key_name,
00259         size_t                            public_key_name_len,
00260         bool                              kcm_item_is_factory,
00261         const kcm_security_desc_s         *kcm_params
00262     );
00265     /** Generate a general CSR from the given private key.
00266    *
00267    *     @param private_key_name The private key name to fetch from storage.
00268    *     @param private_key_name_len The private key name len.
00269    *     @param csr_params CSR parameters.
00270    *     @param csr_buff_out Pointer to generated CSR buffer to fill.
00271    *     @param csr_buff_max_size Size of the supplied CSR buffer.
00272    *     @param csr_buff_act_size Actual size of the filled CSR buffer.
00273    *
00274    *     @returns
00275    *         KCM_STATUS_SUCCESS in case of success or one of the `::kcm_status_e` errors otherwise.
00276    */
00277     kcm_status_e  kcm_csr_generate(
00278         const uint8_t              *private_key_name,
00279         size_t                     private_key_name_len,
00280         const kcm_csr_params_s     *csr_params,
00281         uint8_t                    *csr_buff_out,
00282         size_t                     csr_buff_max_size,
00283         size_t                     *csr_buff_act_size
00284     );
00287     /** Generate private and public key and CSR from the generated keys.
00288     *
00289     *     @param key_scheme The cryptographic scheme.
00290     *     @param private_key_name The private key name to generate.
00291     *     @param private_key_name_len The private key name len.
00292     *     @param public_key_name The public key name for which a key pair is generated.
00293     *     This parameter is optional. If not provided, the key will be generated, but not stored.
00294     *     @param public_key_name_len Public key name length.
00295     *     Must be 0, if ::public_key_name not provided.
00296     *     @param kcm_item_is_factory True if the KCM item is a factory item, otherwise false.
00297     *     @param csr_params CSR parameters.
00298     *     @param csr_buff_out Pointer to generated CSR buffer to fill.
00299     *     @param csr_buff_max_size Size of the supplied CSR buffer.
00300     *     @param csr_buff_act_size Actual size of the filled CSR buffer.
00301     *     @param kcm_data_pkcm_params Additional kcm_params. Currently void.
00302     *
00303     *     @returns
00304     *         KCM_STATUS_SUCCESS in case of success or one of the `::kcm_status_e` errors otherwise.
00305     */
00306     kcm_status_e  kcm_generate_keys_and_csr(
00307         kcm_crypto_key_scheme_e     key_scheme,
00308         const uint8_t               *private_key_name,
00309         size_t                      private_key_name_len,
00310         const uint8_t               *public_key_name,
00311         size_t                      public_key_name_len,
00312         bool                        kcm_item_is_factory,
00313         const kcm_csr_params_s      *csr_params,
00314         uint8_t                     *csr_buff_out,
00315         size_t                      csr_buff_max_size,
00316         size_t                      *csr_buff_act_size_out,
00317         const kcm_security_desc_s   *kcm_params
00318     );
00320     /** Verify the device-generated certificate against given private key name from storage.
00321     * This function can be called when certificate creation is initiated by device using `kcm_generate_keys_and_csr` or `kcm_csr_generate` functions.
00322     * In this case, the function checks correlation between certificate's public key and given private key generated by the device and saved in device storage.
00323     *
00324     *    @param[in] kcm_cert_data DER certificate data buffer.
00325     *    @param[in] kcm_cert_data_size DER certificate data buffer size in bytes.
00326     *    @param[in] kcm_priv_key_name Private key name of the certificate, the function assumes that the key was generated by the device and saved in the storage.
00327     *    @param[in] kcm_priv_key_name_len Private key name length of the certificate.
00328     *
00329     *    @returns
00330     *        KCM_STATUS_SUCCESS in case of success.
00331     *        KCM_STATUS_ITEM_NOT_FOUND  in case private key wasn't found in the storage,
00332     *            otherwise one of the `::kcm_status_e` errors.
00333     */
00334     kcm_status_e  kcm_certificate_verify_with_private_key(
00335         const uint8_t * kcm_cert_data,
00336         size_t kcm_cert_data_size,
00337         const uint8_t * kcm_priv_key_name,
00338         size_t kcm_priv_key_name_len);
00342 #ifdef __cplusplus
00343 }
00344 #endif
00346 #endif //__KEYS_CONFIG_MANAGER_H__