analog calculation for TMP36 sensor

The datasheet says 1ºC/10mV, and 750mV @ 25ºC. With V as the independent and ºC as the dependent variable, set up a point-slope form using: ºC – 25ºC = 1ºC/10mV * (mV – 750mV). Solving and converting to V, I think this gives the formula:

ºC = 100 * V – 50.

will try this when I get home tonight

°C x 9/5 + 32 = °F

(°F - 32) x 5/9 = °C

for converting C to F and also the other way around

Well found a notebook page by Jim Hamblen, but I discovered that his formula was not working. So I used the one up above that worked great. I put two of them and added and averaged the results and it was pretty accurate.

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