Library for making programs on Pokitto hardware
Library for making programs on Pokitto hardware
Can be used with:
- FemtoIDE complete development suite (Win/Linux/Mac) for Pokitto hardware by Felipe Manga
- Code::Blocks to create a Windows target (and Linux pending)
- EmBitz to create a Pokitto hardware binary
Building for Pokitto hardware with Femto
- get FemtoIDE release from , it includes PokittoLib
- FemtoIDE also has a Pokitto emulator - you can see your code running directly on your computer, no Pokitto device needed
Building with Code::Blocks (for Windows target 64-bit)
- get latest pokittolib from
- get Examples from
- add /Examples directory NEXT to /Pokitto folder
- get codeblocks-20.03mingw-setup.exe from
- install CodeBlocks, run it
- open Pokitto_sim.cbp from \PokittoLib\Pokitto\POKITTO_SIM
Building for Pokitto hardware with EmBitz
- get EmBitz from
- update the GCC included with EmBitz by copying a newer, C++17 compatible version of GCC on top
- you can copy the gcc folders from FemtoIDE, which is in the folder \femto\IDE-windows-v0.2.0\windows\arm
- first make a BACKUP copy of the old \EmBitz\1.11\share\em_armgcc folder
- replace folders in \EmBitz\1.11\share\em_armgcc folder with the folders in \femto\IDE-windows-v0.2.0\windows\arm
- now replace arm-none-eabi-objcopy.exe in em_armgcc/bin with the older one from the BACKUP/bin folder … this is because there is an unfixed issue with arm-none-eabi-objcopy.exe in new GCC releases
- open EmBitz and open PokittoEmBitz.ebp under the PokittoLib directory