A program to show the use of a wireless xbox 360 controller. Has details on what data is given out from the controller as well as normalized values for the triggers and sticks

Dependencies:   USBHost USBHostXpad mbed

Fork of USBHostXpad_HelloWorld by Suga koubou

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Namespace List

Here is a list of all documented namespaces with brief descriptions:
AXYBInteger for storing the hex of the A X Y B buttons
bkStrtLCRCInteger for storing the hex of the Left analog button,Right analog button,back and start buttons
DPadInteger for storing the hex of the Directional buttons
LSXFloat for storing the value of the Left Analogue Stick's X axis
LSYFloat for storing the value of the Left Analogue Stick's Y axis
LtFloat for storing the value of the Left trigger
RSXFloat for storing the value of the Right Analogue Stick's X axis
RSYFloat for storing the value of the Right Analogue Stick's Y axis
RtFloat for storing the value of the Left trigger
sNFloat for storing the stick Normalising value
tNFloat for storing the trigger Normalising value
XLBRBInteger for storing the hex of the LB,RB and center X buttons