
Dependents:   MusicShield

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API Documentation at this revision

Mon Jul 13 09:21:41 2015 +0000
Commit message:

Changed in this revision

SDCard.c Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
SDCard.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/SDCard.c	Mon Jul 13 09:21:41 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,359 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "mmc_sd.h"			   
+#include "spi.h"
+#include "Serial.h"	
+uint8_t  SD_Type=0;//SD Type
+//data:the data to write
+//return:the data read back
+uint8_t SD_SPI_ReadWriteByte(uint8_t data)
+	return SPI_ReadWriteByte(data);
+//SD Card should init in low speed
+void SD_SPI_SpeedLow(void)
+ 	SPI_SetSpeed(SPI_SPEED_256);//set in low speed
+//SD Card work normally
+void SD_SPI_SpeedHigh(void)
+ 	SPI_SetSpeed(SPI_SPEED_2);//set in high speed
+//SPI hardware Init
+void SD_SPI_Init(void)
+	SPI1_Init();
+	DigitalOut(SD_CS,1);
+//disable select ,release SPI BUS
+void SD_DisSelect(void)
+	SD_CS=1;
+ 	SD_SPI_ReadWriteByte(0xff);//provide extra 8 clock
+//select sd card,waiting card ready
+u8 SD_Select(void)
+	SD_CS=0;
+	if(SD_WaitReady()==0)return 0;//waiting success
+	SD_DisSelect();
+	return 1;/waiting failed
+//waiting card ready
+//return:0,ready;other,error code
+u8 SD_WaitReady(void)
+	uint32_t t=0;
+	do
+	{
+		if(SD_SPI_ReadWriteByte(0XFF)==0XFF)return 0;//OK
+		t++;		  	
+	}while(t<0XFFFFFF);//wait
+	return 1;
+//get SD card total sectors num
+//Response:0:get capacity error
+//other:SD card capacity(sectors num/512 bytes)
+//the num of byte of every sector must be 512,if ain't,the init can't pass
+uint8_t SD_GetResponse(uint8_t Response)
+	u16 Count=0xFFFF;//waiting num count						  
+	while ((SD_SPI_ReadWriteByte(0XFF)!=Response)&&Count)Count--;//waiting for accurate respond
+	if (Count==0)return MSD_RESPONSE_FAILURE;//response failure
+	else return MSD_RESPONSE_NO_ERROR;//respond no error
+//read a data package from SD card
+//buf:block buffer cache
+//len:length of data
+//return:0 success;other failed
+uint8_t SD_RecvData(uint8_t*buf,uint16_t len)
+	if(SD_GetResponse(0xFE))return 1;//waiting SD card return start sign 0xfe
+    while(len--)//start recieve data
+    {
+        *buf=SPI_ReadWriteByte(0xFF);
+        buf++;
+    }
+    //two dummy CRC
+    SD_SPI_ReadWriteByte(0xFF);
+    SD_SPI_ReadWriteByte(0xFF);									  					    
+    return 0;//readding success
+//write a data package to SD card 512 byte
+//buf:block buffer cache
+uint8_t SD_SendBlock(uint8_t*buf,uint8_t cmd)
+	u16 t;		  	  
+	if(SD_WaitReady())return 1;//waiting ready failed
+	SD_SPI_ReadWriteByte(cmd);
+	if(cmd!=0XFD)//not endding order
+	{
+		for(t=0;t<512;t++)SPI2_ReadWriteByte(buf[t]);//add speed
+	    SD_SPI_ReadWriteByte(0xFF);//ignore crc
+	    SD_SPI_ReadWriteByte(0xFF);
+		t=SD_SPI_ReadWriteByte(0xFF);//receive respond
+		if((t&0x1F)!=0x05)return 2;//respond failure							  					    
+	}						 									  					    
+    return 0;//writing success
+//write a order to sd card
+//input: u8 cmd   order
+//      u32 arg  order param
+//      u8 crc   crc  check Value  
+//return:SD card respond													  
+uint8_t SD_SendCmd(uint8_t cmd, uint32_t arg, uint8_t crc)
+    uint8_t r1;	
+	uint8_t Retry=0; 
+	SD_DisSelect();//disable last enable
+	if(SD_Select())return 0XFF;//select failed
+	//send
+    SD_SPI_ReadWriteByte(cmd | 0x40);//write order
+    SD_SPI_ReadWriteByte(arg >> 24);
+    SD_SPI_ReadWriteByte(arg >> 16);
+    SD_SPI_ReadWriteByte(arg >> 8);
+    SD_SPI_ReadWriteByte(arg);	  
+    SD_SPI_ReadWriteByte(crc); 
+	if(cmd==CMD12)SD_SPI_ReadWriteByte(0xff);//Skip a stuff byte when stop reading
+    //wait for respond or cvertime quit
+	Retry=0X1F;
+	do
+	{
+		r1=SD_SPI_ReadWriteByte(0xFF);
+	}while((r1&0X80) && Retry--);	 
+	//return state value
+    return r1;
+//����: u8 *cid_data(����CID���ڴ棬����16Byte��	  
+//		 1������														   
+uint8_t SD_GetCID(uint8_t *cid_data)
+    uint8_t r1;	   
+    //��CMD10�����CID
+    r1=SD_SendCmd(CMD10,0,0x01);
+    if(r1==0x00)
+	{
+		r1=SD_RecvData(cid_data,16);//����16���ֽڵ�����	 
+    }
+	SD_DisSelect();//ȡ��Ƭѡ
+	if(r1)return 1;
+	else return 0;
+//����:u8 *cid_data(����CID���ڴ棬����16Byte��	    
+//		 1������														   
+uint8_t SD_GetCSD(uint8_t *csd_data)
+    uint8_t r1;	 
+    r1=SD_SendCmd(CMD9,0,0x01);//��CMD9�����CSD
+    if(r1==0)
+	{
+    	r1=SD_RecvData(csd_data, 16);//����16���ֽڵ����� 
+    }
+	SD_DisSelect();//ȡ��Ƭѡ
+	if(r1)return 1;
+	else return 0;
+//����ֵ:0�� ȡ�������� 
+//       ����:SD��������(������/512�ֽ�)
+uint32_t SD_GetSectorCount(void)
+    uint8_t csd[16];
+    uint32_t Capacity;  
+    uint8_t n;
+	uint16_t csize;  					    
+	//ȡCSD��Ϣ�������ڼ�����������0
+    if(SD_GetCSD(csd)!=0) return 0;	    
+    //����ΪSDHC�����������淽ʽ����
+    if((csd[0]&0xC0)==0x40)	 //V2.00�Ŀ�
+    {	
+		csize = csd[9] + ((uint16_t)csd[8] << 8) + 1;
+		Capacity = (u32)csize << 10;//�õ�������	 		   
+    }else//V1.XX�Ŀ�
+    {	
+		n = (csd[5] & 15) + ((csd[10] & 128) >> 7) + ((csd[9] & 3) << 1) + 2;
+		csize = (csd[8] >> 6) + ((uint16_t)csd[7] << 2) + ((uint16_t)(csd[6] & 3) << 10) + 1;
+		Capacity= (uint32_t)csize << (n - 9);//�õ�������   
+    }
+    return Capacity;
+uint8_t SD_Initialize(void)
+    uint8_t r1;      // ����SD���ķ���ֵ
+    uint16_t retry;  // �������г�ʱ����
+    uint8_t buf[4];  
+	uint16_t i;
+	SD_SPI_Init();		//��ʼ��IO
+ 	SD_SPI_SpeedLow();	//���õ�����ģʽ 
+ 	for(i=0;i<10;i++)SD_SPI_ReadWriteByte(0XFF);//��������74������
+	retry=20;
+	do
+	{
+		r1=SD_SendCmd(CMD0,0,0x95);//����IDLE״̬
+	}while((r1!=0X01) && retry--);
+ 	SD_Type=0;//Ĭ���޿�
+	if(r1==0X01)
+	{
+		if(SD_SendCmd(CMD8,0x1AA,0x87)==1)//SD V2.0
+		{
+			for(i=0;i<4;i++)buf[i]=SD_SPI_ReadWriteByte(0XFF);	//Get trailing return value of R7 resp
+			if(buf[2]==0X01&&buf[3]==0XAA)//���Ƿ�֧��2.7~3.6V
+			{
+				retry=0XFFFE;
+				do
+				{
+					SD_SendCmd(CMD55,0,0X01);	//����CMD55
+					r1=SD_SendCmd(CMD41,0x40000000,0X01);//����CMD41
+				}while(r1&&retry--);
+				if(retry&&SD_SendCmd(CMD58,0,0X01)==0)//����SD2.0���汾��ʼ
+				{
+					for(i=0;i<4;i++)buf[i]=SD_SPI_ReadWriteByte(0XFF);//�õ�OCRֵ
+					if(buf[0]&0x40)SD_Type=SD_TYPE_V2HC;    //����CCS
+					else SD_Type=SD_TYPE_V2;   
+				}
+			}
+		}else//SD V1.x/ MMC	V3
+		{
+			SD_SendCmd(CMD55,0,0X01);		//����CMD55
+			r1=SD_SendCmd(CMD41,0,0X01);	//����CMD41
+			if(r1<=1)
+			{		
+				SD_Type=SD_TYPE_V1;
+				retry=0XFFFE;
+				do //�ȴ��˳�IDLEģʽ
+				{
+					SD_SendCmd(CMD55,0,0X01);	//����CMD55
+					r1=SD_SendCmd(CMD41,0,0X01);//����CMD41
+				}while(r1&&retry--);
+			}else//MMC����֧��CMD55+CMD41ʶ��
+			{
+				SD_Type=SD_TYPE_MMC;//MMC V3
+				retry=0XFFFE;
+				do //�ȴ��˳�IDLEģʽ
+				{											    
+					r1=SD_SendCmd(CMD1,0,0X01);//����CMD1
+				}while(r1&&retry--);  
+			}
+			if(retry==0||SD_SendCmd(CMD16,512,0X01)!=0)SD_Type=SD_TYPE_ERR;//�����Ŀ�
+		}
+	}
+	SD_DisSelect();//ȡ��Ƭѡ
+	SD_SPI_SpeedHigh();//����
+	if(SD_Type)return 0;
+	else if(r1)return r1; 	   
+	return 0xaa;//��������
+uint8_t SD_ReadDisk(uint8_t*buf,uint32_t sector,u8 cnt)
+	uint8_t r1;
+	if(SD_Type!=SD_TYPE_V2HC)sector <<= 9;//ת��Ϊ�ֽڵ�ַ
+	if(cnt==1)
+	{
+		r1=SD_SendCmd(CMD17,sector,0X01);//������
+		if(r1==0)//ָ��ͳɹ�
+		{
+			r1=SD_RecvData(buf,512);//����512���ֽ�	   
+		}
+	}else
+	{
+		r1=SD_SendCmd(CMD18,sector,0X01);//����������
+		do
+		{
+			r1=SD_RecvData(buf,512);//����512���ֽ�	 
+			buf+=512;  
+		}while(--cnt && r1==0); 	
+		SD_SendCmd(CMD12,0,0X01);	//����ֹͣ����
+	}   
+	SD_DisSelect();//ȡ��Ƭѡ
+	return r1;//
+uint8_t SD_WriteDisk(uint8_t*buf,uint32_t sector,uint8_t cnt)
+	uint8_t r1;
+	if(SD_Type!=SD_TYPE_V2HC)sector *= 512;//ת��Ϊ�ֽڵ�ַ
+	if(cnt==1)
+	{
+		r1=SD_SendCmd(CMD24,sector,0X01);//������
+		if(r1==0)//ָ��ͳɹ�
+		{
+			r1=SD_SendBlock(buf,0xFE);//д512���ֽ�	   
+		}
+	}else
+	{
+		if(SD_Type!=SD_TYPE_MMC)
+		{
+			SD_SendCmd(CMD55,0,0X01);	
+			SD_SendCmd(CMD23,cnt,0X01);//����ָ��	
+		}
+ 		r1=SD_SendCmd(CMD25,sector,0X01);//����������
+		if(r1==0)
+		{
+			do
+			{
+				r1=SD_SendBlock(buf,0xFC);//����512���ֽ�	 
+				buf+=512;  
+			}while(--cnt && r1==0);
+			r1=SD_SendBlock(0,0xFD);//����512���ֽ� 
+		}
+	}   
+	SD_DisSelect();//ȡ��Ƭѡ
+	return r1;//
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/SDCard.h	Mon Jul 13 09:21:41 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+#ifndef _MMC_SD_H_
+#define _MMC_SD_H_		 
+#include "mbed.h"
+//the type of SD card
+#define SD_TYPE_ERR     0X00
+#define SD_TYPE_MMC     0X01
+#define SD_TYPE_V1      0X02
+#define SD_TYPE_V2      0X04
+#define SD_TYPE_V2HC    0X06	   
+//order of SD card    
+#define CMD0    0       //card reset
+#define CMD1    1
+#define CMD8    8       //order8,SEND_IF_COND
+#define CMD9    9       //order9,read CSD data
+#define CMD10   10      //order10,read CID data
+#define CMD12   12      //order12,stop data transfer
+#define CMD16   16      //order16,set SectorSize ,ought to return 0x00
+#define CMD17   17      //order17,read sector
+#define CMD18   18      //order18,read Multi sector
+#define CMD23   23      //order23,set multi setor erase N block before writting
+#define CMD24   24      //order24,write sector
+#define CMD25   25      //order25,write Multi sector
+#define CMD41   41      //order41,should return 0x00
+#define CMD55   55      //order55,should return 0x01
+#define CMD58   58      //order58,read information of OCR 
+#define CMD59   59      //order59,enable/disable CRC,should return 0x00
+//the meaning of return data after writing
+#define MSD_DATA_OK                0x05
+#define MSD_DATA_CRC_ERROR         0x0B
+#define MSD_DATA_WRITE_ERROR       0x0D
+#define MSD_DATA_OTHER_ERROR       0xFF
+//SD card respond sign
+#define MSD_RESPONSE_NO_ERROR      0x00
+#define MSD_IN_IDLE_STATE          0x01
+#define MSD_ERASE_RESET            0x02
+#define MSD_ILLEGAL_COMMAND        0x04
+#define MSD_COM_CRC_ERROR          0x08
+#define MSD_ADDRESS_ERROR          0x20
+#define MSD_PARAMETER_ERROR        0x40
+#define MSD_RESPONSE_FAILURE       0xFF
+#define	SD_CS  PBout(2) //SD Card CS pin				    	  
+extern u8  SD_Type;//SD card type
+u8 SD_SPI_ReadWriteByte(u8 data);
+void SD_SPI_SpeedLow(void);
+void SD_SPI_SpeedHigh(void);
+u8 SD_WaitReady(void);							//�ȴ�SD��׼��
+u8 SD_GetResponse(u8 Response);					//������Ӧ
+u8 SD_Initialize(void);							//��ʼ��
+u8 SD_ReadDisk(u8*buf,u32 sector,u8 cnt);		//����
+u8 SD_WriteDisk(u8*buf,u32 sector,u8 cnt);		//�
+u32 SD_GetSectorCount(void);   					//��������
+u8 SD_GetCID(u8 *cid_data);                     //��SD��CID
+u8 SD_GetCSD(u8 *csd_data);                     //��SD��CSD