Dependencies:   BSP_DISCO_F746NG LCD_DISCO_F746NG NTPClient NVIC_set_all_priorities TS_DISCO_F746NG cc3000_hostdriver_mbedsocket mbed

Fork of DISCO-F746NG_LCDTS_demo by ST

--- a/main.cpp	Wed Oct 07 15:55:00 2015 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Sat Oct 17 23:07:22 2015 +0000
@@ -1,12 +1,216 @@
 #include "mbed.h"
+#include "cc3000.h"
+#include "main.h"
+#include "NTPClient.h"
 #include "TS_DISCO_F746NG.h"
 #include "LCD_DISCO_F746NG.h"
+#define CC3000_IRQ   D3  // (D3)
+#define CC3000_EN    D5  // (D5)
+#define CC3000_CS    D10 // (D10)
+#define CC3000_MOSI  D11 // (D11)
+#define CC3000_MISO  D12 // (D12)
+#define CC3000_SCLK  D13 // (D13)
+#define SSID         "Prakjaroen"
+#define PHRASE       "A4B5C6D7E8F9"
+#define SECURITY     WPA2
+#define IP           ""
+#define MASK         ""
+#define GW           ""
+#define DHCP         1
+#if (DHCP == 1)
+    #define STATIC_IP    0
+    #define IP_INIT      DHCP
+    #define STATIC_IP    1
+    #define IP_INIT      STATIC_IP
+using namespace mbed_cc3000;
+/* cc3000 module declaration specific for user's board. Check also init() */
+#if (MY_BOARD == WIGO)
+cc3000 wifi(PTA16, PTA13, PTD0, SPI(PTD2, PTD3, PTC5), SSID, PHRASE, SECURITY, false);
+Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
+cc3000 wifi(p28, p27, p30, SPI(p21, p14, p37), SSID, PHRASE, SECURITY, false);
+Serial pc(UART_TX, UART_RX);
+cc3000 wifi(CC3000_IRQ, CC3000_EN, CC3000_CS, SPI(CC3000_MOSI, CC3000_MISO, CC3000_SCLK), SSID, PHRASE, SECURITY, false); //SparkFun Board on Arduino pin definitions
+//Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
+//    Serial pc(P4_28, P4_29);
+    #if defined(TARGET_NUCLEO_F411RE)
+    Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
+    #elif defined(TARGET_NUCLEO_F446RE)
+    Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
+    #elif defined(TARGET_ARCH_PRO)
+    Serial pc(P4_28, P4_29);
+    #elif defined(TARGET_ARCH_MAX)
+    Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
+    Serial bt(D6, D7);  // tx, rx, Arch Max
+    #elif defined(TARGET_LPC4337)
+    Serial pc(P2_10, P2_11); // TX, RX
+    #elif defined(TARGET_DISCO_F746NG)
+    Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
+    #else
+    Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
+    #endif
+// array to store RM parameters from EEPROM
+unsigned char cRMParamsFromEeprom[128];
+// array to store MAC address from EEPROM
+unsigned char cMacFromEeprom[6];
 LCD_DISCO_F746NG lcd;
 TS_DISCO_F746NG ts;
 int main()
+    uint8_t firmware_ver[2];
+    signed char mac_status = -1;
+    unsigned char FW_status = 1;
+    init(); // board dependent init
+    pc.baud(230400);
+    printf("\r\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n");
+    printf("Target   : ");
+#if defined(TARGET_NUCLEO_F411RE)
+    printf("NUCLEO F411RE\r\n");
+#elif defined(TARGET_NUCLEO_F446RE)
+    printf("NUCLEO F446RE\r\n");
+#elif defined(TARGET_ARCH_PRO)
+    printf("Seeed Arch PRO\r\n");
+#elif defined(TARGET_ARCH_MAX)
+    printf("Seeed Arch Max\r\n");
+#elif defined(TARGET_LPC4337)
+    printf("LPC4337\r\n");
+#elif defined(TARGET_DISCO_F746NG)
+    printf("DISCO_F746NG\r\n");
+    printf("Unknown\r\n");
+    printf("CPU Clock: %3.3f MHz\r\n", ((float)SystemCoreClock/1000000.0));
+    printf("MAC      : ");
+    char mac_board[6];
+    mbed_mac_address(mac_board);
+    for(int i=0; i<6;i++) {
+        printf("%02X", mac_board[i]);
+        if (i < 5) printf(":");
+    }
+    printf("\r\n");
+    printf("mbed cc3000 NTP client demo.\r\n");
+#if (DHCP == 1)
+    printf("Initialize the interface using DHCP...\r\n");
+    printf("wifi.init() ");
+    wifi.init();
+    printf("Initialize the interface using a static IP address...\r\n");
+    printf("wifi.init(%s, %s, %s) ", IP, MASK, GW);
+    wifi.init(IP, MASK, GW);
+    printf("done.\r\n");
+    printf("Read from cc3000...\r\n");
+    // Read Firmware Version and MAC Address
+    FW_status = wifi.read_sp_version(firmware_ver);   // read actual Firmware version
+    if(FW_status == 0){
+        printf("Firmware version: %d.%d\r\n", firmware_ver[0], firmware_ver[1]);
+        mac_status = wifi.get_mac_address(cMacFromEeprom);
+        if(mac_status == 0){
+            printf("MAC address     : ");
+            for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
+                printf("%02X", cMacFromEeprom[i]);
+                if (i < 5) printf(":");
+            }
+            printf("\r\n");
+        }
+    } else {
+        printf("ERROR: CC3000 not found - check connections !\r\n");
+    }
+    // WiFi parameters
+    printf("WiFi parameters:\r\n");
+    printf("SSID            : %s\r\n", SSID);
+    printf("Phrase          : %s\r\n", PHRASE);
+    printf("Security        : ");
+    if (SECURITY == 0) printf("NONE");
+    if (SECURITY == 1) printf("WEP");
+    if (SECURITY == 2) printf("WPA");
+    if (SECURITY == 3) printf("WPA2");
+    printf("\r\n");
+    wait(1.0);
+    // Connect to WiFi
+    printf("Bring the interface up...\r\n");
+    if (wifi.connect() == -1) {
+        printf("ERROR: Failed to connect. Please verify connection details and try again.\r\n");
+    }
+    char *ip     = wifi.getIPAddress();
+    char *mask   = wifi.getNetworkMask();
+    char *gate   = wifi.getGateway();
+    char *mac    = wifi.getMACAddress();
+    bool conn    = wifi.is_connected();
+    bool dhcp    = wifi.is_dhcp_configured();
+    bool enabled = wifi.is_enabled();
+    printf("IP              : %s\r\n", ip);
+    printf("Netmask         : %s\r\n", mask);
+    printf("Gateway         : %s\r\n", gate);
+    printf("MAC             : %s\r\n", mac);
+    printf("Connected       : %d\r\n", conn);
+    printf("DHCP            : %d\r\n", dhcp);
+    printf("Enabled         : %d\r\n", enabled);
+    wait(1.0);
+    // Read time from server
+    NTPClient ntp_client;
+    // NTP Server Parameters
+//    char* domain_name = "";
+    char* domain_name = "2.nl.pool.ntp.org";
+//    char* domain_name = "0.uk.pool.ntp.org";
+    int   port_number = 123;
+    time_t ct_time;
+    char time_buffer[80];    
+    char time_buffer_old[80];    
+    printf("Reading time: ");
+    if (ntp_client.setTime(domain_name, port_number) == 0) {
+        printf("Passed.\r\n");
+        ct_time = time(NULL) + 7200; // Summer time - Convert to Europe/Amsterdam Time
+        set_time(ct_time);
+        strftime(time_buffer, 80, "%a %d-%b-%Y %T", localtime(&ct_time));
+        printf("Time            : %s\r\n", time_buffer);
+    } else {
+        printf("FAILED!\r\n");
+    }
+    strcpy(time_buffer_old, "Dummy value");
     TS_StateTypeDef TS_State;
     uint16_t x, y;
     uint8_t text[30];
@@ -38,6 +242,32 @@
     while(1) {
+        ct_time = time(NULL);
+//        strftime(time_buffer, 80, "%S", localtime(&ct_time));
+        strftime(time_buffer, 80, "%a %d-%b-%Y %T", localtime(&ct_time));
+        if (strcmp(time_buffer, time_buffer_old) != 0) {
+            strcpy(time_buffer_old, time_buffer);
+            printf("%s\r\n", time_buffer);
+    lcd.DisplayStringAt(0, LINE(15), (uint8_t *)time_buffer, CENTER_MODE);
+            strftime(time_buffer, 80, "%T", localtime(&ct_time));
+            // 21:00:00
+            if ((time_buffer[3] == '0') && (time_buffer[4] == '0') && 
+                (time_buffer[6] == '0') && (time_buffer[7] == '0')) {
+                // Sync once per hour
+                printf("Reading time: ");
+                if (ntp_client.setTime(domain_name, port_number) == 0) {
+                    printf("Passed.\r\n");
+                    ct_time = time(NULL) + 7200; // Summer time - Convert to Europe/Amsterdam Time
+                    set_time(ct_time);
+                    strftime(time_buffer, 80, "%a %d-%b-%Y %T", localtime(&ct_time));
+//                    printf("Time            : %s\r\n", time_buffer);
+    lcd.DisplayStringAt(0, LINE(15), (uint8_t *)time_buffer, CENTER_MODE);
+                } else {
+                    printf("FAILED!\r\n");
+                }
+            }
+        }
         if (TS_State.touchDetected) {
             // Clear lines corresponding to old touches coordinates