Infrared remote library for Arduino: send and receive infrared signals with multiple protocols Port from Arduino-IRremote

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00001 #include "IRremote.h"
00002 #include "IRremoteInt.h"
00004 // Reverse Engineered by looking at RAW dumps generated by IRremote
00006 // I have since discovered that Denon publish all their IR codes:
00007 //
00008 //  ->
00010 // Having looked at the official Denon Pronto sheet and reverse engineered
00011 // the timing values from it, it is obvious that Denon have a range of
00012 // different timings and protocols ...the values here work for my AVR-3801 Amp!
00014 //==============================================================================
00015 //                    DDDD   EEEEE  N   N   OOO   N   N
00016 //                     D  D  E      NN  N  O   O  NN  N
00017 //                     D  D  EEE    N N N  O   O  N N N
00018 //                     D  D  E      N  NN  O   O  N  NN
00019 //                    DDDD   EEEEE  N   N   OOO   N   N
00020 //==============================================================================
00022 #define BITS          14  // The number of bits in the command
00024 #define HDR_MARK     300  // The length of the Header:Mark
00025 #define HDR_SPACE    750  // The lenght of the Header:Space
00027 #define BIT_MARK     300  // The length of a Bit:Mark
00028 #define ONE_SPACE   1800  // The length of a Bit:Space for 1's
00029 #define ZERO_SPACE   750  // The length of a Bit:Space for 0's
00031 //+=============================================================================
00032 //
00033 #if SEND_DENON
00034 void  IRsend::sendDenon (unsigned long data,  int nbits)
00035 {
00036     // Set IR carrier frequency
00037     enableIROut(38);
00039     // Header
00040     mark (HDR_MARK);
00041     space(HDR_SPACE);
00043     // Data
00044     for (unsigned long  mask = 1UL << (nbits - 1);  mask;  mask >>= 1) {
00045         if (data & mask) {
00046             mark (BIT_MARK);
00047             space(ONE_SPACE);
00048         } else {
00049             mark (BIT_MARK);
00050             space(ZERO_SPACE);
00051         }
00052     }
00054     // Footer
00055     mark(BIT_MARK);
00056     space(0);  // Always end with the LED off
00057 }
00058 #endif
00060 //+=============================================================================
00061 //
00062 #if DECODE_DENON
00063 bool  IRrecv::decodeDenon (decode_results *results)
00064 {
00065     unsigned long  data   = 0;  // Somewhere to build our code
00066     int            offset = 1;  // Skip the Gap reading
00068     // Check we have the right amount of data
00069     if (irparams.rawlen != 1 + 2 + (2 * BITS) + 1)  return false ;
00071     // Check initial Mark+Space match
00072     if (!MATCH_MARK (results->rawbuf[offset++], HDR_MARK ))  return false ;
00073     if (!MATCH_SPACE(results->rawbuf[offset++], HDR_SPACE))  return false ;
00075     // Read the bits in
00076     for (int i = 0;  i < BITS;  i++) {
00077         // Each bit looks like: MARK + SPACE_1 -> 1
00078         //                 or : MARK + SPACE_0 -> 0
00079         if (!MATCH_MARK(results->rawbuf[offset++], BIT_MARK))  return false ;
00081         // IR data is big-endian, so we shuffle it in from the right:
00082         if      (MATCH_SPACE(results->rawbuf[offset], ONE_SPACE))   data = (data << 1) | 1 ;
00083         else if (MATCH_SPACE(results->rawbuf[offset], ZERO_SPACE))  data = (data << 1) | 0 ;
00084         else                                                        return false ;
00085         offset++;
00086     }
00088     // Success
00089     results->bits        = BITS;
00090     results->value       = data;
00091     results->decode_type = DENON;
00092     return true;
00093 }
00094 #endif