driver for the WNC M14A2A Cellular Data Module

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00001 /** 
00002     Copyright (c) 2016 Fred Kellerman
00004     Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
00005     of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
00006     in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
00007     to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
00008     copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
00009     furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
00011     The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
00012     all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
00020     THE SOFTWARE.
00022     @file          WncController.h
00023     @purpose       Controls WNC Cellular Modem
00024     @version       1.0
00025     @date          July 2016
00026     @author        Fred Kellerman
00028     Notes: This code originates from the following mbed repository:
00031 */
00034 #ifndef __WNCCONTROLLER_H_
00035 #define __WNCCONTROLLER_H_
00037 #include <string>
00038 #include <stdint.h>
00040 namespace WncController_fk {
00042 using namespace std;
00044 /** @defgroup API The WncControllerLibrary API */
00045 /** @defgroup MISC Misc WncControllerLibrary functions */
00046 /** @defgroup INTERNALS WncControllerLibrary Internals */
00048 static const uint8_t  MAX_LEN_IP_STR = 16;         // Length includes room for the extra NULL
00050 /** \brief  Contains info fields for the WNC Internet Attributes */
00051 struct WncIpStats
00052 {
00053     string wncMAC;
00054     char ip[MAX_LEN_IP_STR];
00055     char mask[MAX_LEN_IP_STR];
00056     char gateway[MAX_LEN_IP_STR];
00057     char dnsPrimary[MAX_LEN_IP_STR];
00058     char dnsSecondary[MAX_LEN_IP_STR];
00059 };
00062 /**
00063  * @author Fred Kellerman
00064  * @see API 
00065  *
00066  * <b>WncController</b> This mbed C++ class is for controlling the WNC
00067  *  Cellular modem via the serial AT command interface.  This was
00068  *  developed with respect to version 1.3 of the WNC authored
00069  *  unpublished spec.  This class is only designed to have 1 instantiation,
00070  *  it is also not multi-thread safe.  There are no OS specific
00071  *  entities being used, there are pure virtual methods that an 
00072  *  inheriting class must fulfill.  That inheriting class will have
00073  *  OS and platform specific entities.  See WncControllerK64F for an
00074  *  example for the NXP K64F Freedom board.
00075  */
00076 class WncController 
00077 {
00078 public:
00080     static const unsigned MAX_NUM_WNC_SOCKETS = 5;  // Max number of simultaneous sockets that the WNC supports
00081     static const unsigned MAX_POWERUP_TIMEOUT = 60; // How long the powerUp method will try to turn on the WNC Shield
00082                                                     //  (this is the default if the user does not over-ride on power-up
00084     /** Tracks mode of the WNC Shield hardware */
00085     enum WncState_e {
00086         WNC_OFF = 0,
00087         WNC_ON, // This is intended to mean all systems go, including cell link up but socket may not be open
00088         WNC_ON_NO_CELL_LINK,
00089         WNC_NO_RESPONSE
00090     };
00092     /**
00093      *
00094      * Constructor for WncController class, sets up internals.
00095      * @ingroup API
00096      * @return none.
00097      */
00098     WncController (void);
00099     virtual ~WncController ()=0;
00101     /**
00102      *
00103      * Used internally but also make public for a user of the Class to 
00104      * interrogate state as well.
00105      * @ingroup API
00106      * @return the current state of the Wnc hardware.
00107      */
00108     WncState_e getWncStatus(void);
00110     /**
00111      *
00112      * Allows a user to set the WNC modem to use the given Cellular APN 
00113      * @ingroup API
00114      * @param apnStr - a null terminated c-string
00115      * @return true if the APN set was succesful, else false
00116      */
00117     bool setApnName(const char * const apnStr);
00119     /**
00120      *
00121      * Queries the WNC modem for the current RX RSSI in units of coded dBm
00122      * @ingroup API
00123      * @return 0 – -113 dBm or less
00124      *         1 – -111 dBm
00125      *         2...30 – -109 dBm to –53 dBm
00126      *        31 – -51 dBm or greater
00127      *        99 – not known or not detectable
00128      */
00129     int16_t getDbmRssi(void);
00131     /**
00132      *
00133      * Queries the WNC modem for the current Bit Error Rate
00134      * @ingroup API
00135      * @return 0...7 – as RXQUAL values in the table in 3GPP TS 45.008
00136      *            subclause 8.2.4
00137      *         99 – not known or not detectable
00138      */
00139     int16_t get3gBer(void);
00141     /**
00142      *
00143      * Powers up the WNC modem
00144      * @ingroup API
00145      * @param apn - the apn c-string to set the WNC modem to use
00146      * @param powerUpTimeoutSecs - the amount of time to wait for the WNC modem to turn on
00147      * @return true if powerup was a success, else false.
00148      */
00149     bool powerWncOn(const char * const apn, uint8_t powerUpTimeoutSecs = MAX_POWERUP_TIMEOUT);
00151     /**
00152      *
00153      * Returns the NAT Self, gateway, masks and dns IP
00154      * @ingroup API
00155      * @param s - a pointer to a struct that will contain the IP info.
00156      * @return true if success, else false.
00157      */
00158     bool getWncNetworkingStats(WncIpStats * s);
00160     /**
00161      *
00162      * Takes a text URL and converts it internally to an IP address for the
00163      * socket number given.
00164      * @ingroup API
00165      * @param numSock - The number of the socket to lookup the IP address for.
00166      * @param url - a c-string text URL
00167      * @return true if success, else false.
00168      */
00169     bool resolveUrl(uint16_t numSock, const char * url);
00171     /**
00172      *
00173      * If you know the IP address you can set the socket up to use it rather
00174      * than using a text URL.
00175      * @ingroup API
00176      * @param numSock - The number of the socket to use the IP address for.
00177      * @param ipStr - a c-string text IP addrese like:
00178      * @return true if success, else false.
00179      */
00180     bool setIpAddr(uint16_t numSock, const char * ipStr);
00182     /**
00183      *
00184      * Opens a socket for the given number, port and IP protocol.  Before
00185      * using open, you must use either resolveUrl() or setIpAddr().
00186      * @ingroup API
00187      * @param numSock - The number of the socket to open.
00188      * @param port - the IP port to open
00189      * @param tcp - set true for TCP, false for UDP
00190      * @param timeoutSec - the amount of time in seconds to wait for the open to complete
00191      * @return true if success, else false.
00192      */
00193     bool openSocket(uint16_t numSock, uint16_t port, bool tcp, uint16_t timeOutSec = 30);
00195     /**
00196      *
00197      * Opens a socket for the given text URL, number, port and IP protocol.
00198      * @ingroup API
00199      * @param numSock - The number of the socket to open.
00200      * @param url - a c-string text URL, the one to open a socket for.
00201      * @param port - the IP port to open.
00202      * @param tcp - set true for TCP, false for UDP.
00203      * @param timeoutSec - the amount of time in seconds to wait for the open to complete.
00204      * @return true if success, else false.
00205      */
00206     bool openSocketUrl(uint16_t numSock, const char * url, uint16_t port, bool tcp, uint16_t timeOutSec = 30);
00208     /**
00209      *
00210      * Opens a socket for the given text IP address, number, port and IP protocol.
00211      * @ingroup API
00212      * @param numSock - The number of the socket to open.
00213      * @param ipAddr - a c-string text IP address like: "".
00214      * @param port - the IP port to open.
00215      * @param tcp - set true for TCP, false for UDP.
00216      * @param timeoutSec - the amount of time in seconds to wait for the open to complete.
00217      * @return true if success, else false.
00218      */
00219     bool openSocketIpAddr(uint16_t numSock, const char * ipAddr, uint16_t port, bool tcp, uint16_t timeOutSec = 30);
00222     /**
00223      *
00224      * Write data bytes to a Socket, the Socket must already be open.
00225      * @ingroup API
00226      * @param numSock - The number of the socket to open.
00227      * @parma s - an array of bytes to write to the socket.
00228      * @param n - the number of bytes to write.
00229      * @return true if success, else false.
00230      */
00231      bool write(uint16_t numSock, const uint8_t * s, uint32_t n);
00233     /**
00234      *
00235      * Poll to read available data bytes from an already open Socket.  This method
00236      * will retry reads to what setReadRetries() sets it to and the delay in between
00237      * retries that is set with setReadRetryWait()
00238      * @ingroup API
00239      * @param numSock - The number of the socket to open.
00240      * @parma readBuf - a pointer to where read will put the data.
00241      * @param maxReadBufLen - The number of bytes readBuf has room for.
00242      * @return the number of bytes actually read into readBuf.  0 is a valid value if no data is available.
00243      */
00244     size_t read(uint16_t numSock, uint8_t * readBuf, uint32_t maxReadBufLen);
00246     /**
00247      *
00248      * Poll to read available data bytes from an already open Socket.  This method
00249      * will retry reads to what setReadRetries() sets it to and the delay in between
00250      * retries that is set with setReadRetryWait()
00251      * @ingroup API
00252      * @param numSock - The number of the socket to open.
00253      * @parma readBuf - a pointer to pointer that will be set to point to an internal byte buffer that contains any read data.
00254      * @return the number of bytes actually read into the pointer that readBuf points to.  0 is a valid value if no data is available.
00255      */
00256     size_t read(uint16_t numSock, const uint8_t ** readBuf);
00258     /**
00259      *
00260      * Set the number of retries that the read methods will use.  If a read returns 0 data this setting will have the read
00261      * re-read to see if new data is available.
00262      * @ingroup API
00263      * @param numSock - The number of the socket to open.
00264      * @parma retries - the number of retries to perform.
00265      * @return none.
00266      */
00267     void setReadRetries(uint16_t numSock, uint16_t retries);
00269     /**
00270      *
00271      * Set the time between retires that the read methods will use.  If a read returns 0 data this setting will have the read
00272      * re-read and use this amount of delay in between the re-reads.
00273      * @ingroup API
00274      * @param numSock - The number of the socket to open.
00275      * @parma waitMs - the amount of time in mS to wait between retries.
00276      * @return none.
00277      */
00278     void setReadRetryWait(uint16_t numSock, uint16_t waitMs);
00280     /**
00281      *
00282      * Closes an already open Socket.
00283      * @ingroup API
00284      * @param numSock - The number of the socket to open.
00285      * @return true if success else false.
00286      */
00287     bool closeSocket(uint16_t numSock);
00289     /**
00290      *
00291      * Sets the amount of time to wait between the raw AT commands that are sent to the WNC modem.
00292      * Generally you don't want to use this but it is here just in case.
00293      * @ingroup API
00294      * @param toMs - num mS to wait between the AT cmds.
00295      * @return none.
00296      */
00297     void setWncCmdTimeout(uint16_t toMs);
00299     /**
00300      *
00301      * Gets the IP address of the given socket number.
00302      * @ingroup API
00303      * @param numSock - The number of the socket to open.
00304      * @param myIpAddr - a c-string that contains the socket's IP address.
00305      * @return true if success else false.
00306      */
00307     bool getIpAddr(uint16_t numSock, char myIpAddr[MAX_LEN_IP_STR]);
00309     /**
00310      *
00311      * Enables debug output from this class.
00312      * @ingroup API
00313      * @param on - true enables debug output, false disables
00314      * @param moreDebugOn - true enables verbose debug, false truncates debug output.
00315      * @return none.
00316      */
00317     void enableDebug(bool on, bool moreDebugOn);
00319     ///////////////////////////////////////////
00320     //  SMS messaging
00321     ///////////////////////////////////////////
00323     static const uint16_t MAX_WNC_SMS_MSG_SLOTS = 3;   // How many SMS messages the WNC can store and receive at a time.
00324     static const uint16_t MAX_WNC_SMS_LENGTH    = 160; // The maximum length of a 7-bit SMS message the WNC can send and receive.
00326     /** Struct for SMS messages */
00327     struct WncSmsInfo
00328     {
00329         // Content
00330         char   idx;
00331         string number;
00332         string date;
00333         string time;
00334         string msg;
00336         // Attributes
00337         bool incoming;
00338         bool unsent;
00339         bool unread;
00340         bool pduMode;
00341         bool msgReceipt;
00342     };
00344     /** Struct to contain a list of SMS message structs */
00345     struct WncSmsList
00346     {
00347         uint8_t msgCount;
00348         WncSmsInfo e[MAX_WNC_SMS_MSG_SLOTS];
00349     };
00351     /**
00352      *
00353      * Sends an SMS text message to someone.
00354      * @ingroup API
00355      * @param phoneNum - c-string 15 digit MSISDN number or ATT Jasper number (standard phone number not supported because ATT IoT SMS does not support it).
00356      * @param text - the c-string text to send to someone.
00357      * @return true if success else false.
00358      */
00359     bool sendSMSText(const char * const phoneNum, const char * const text);
00361     /**
00362      *
00363      * Incoming messages are stored in a log in the WNC modem, this will read that
00364      * log.
00365      * @ingroup API
00366      * @param log - the log contents if reading it was successful.
00367      * @return true if success else false.
00368      */
00369     bool readSMSLog(struct WncSmsList * log);
00371     /**
00372      *
00373      * Incoming messages are stored in a log in the WNC modem, this will read out
00374      * messages that are unread and also then mark them read.
00375      * @ingroup API
00376      * @param w - a list of SMS messages that unread messages will be put into.
00377      * @param deleteRead - if a message is read and this is set true the message will be deleted from the WNC modem log.
00378      * If it is false the message will remain in the internal log but be marked as read.
00379      * @return true if success else false.
00380      */
00381     bool readUnreadSMSText(struct WncSmsList * w, bool deleteRead = true);
00383     /**
00384      *
00385      * Saves a text message into internal SIM card memory of the WNC modem.
00386      * There are only 3 slots available this is for unread, read and saved.
00387      * @ingroup API
00388      * @param phoneNum - c-string 15 digit MSISDN number or ATT Jasper number (standard phone number not supported because ATT IoT SMS does not support it).
00389      * @param text - the c-string text to send to someone.
00390      * @param msgIdx - the slot position to save the message: '1', '2', '3'
00391      * @return true if success else false.
00392      */
00393     bool saveSMSText(const char * const phoneNum, const char * const text, char * msgIdx);
00395     /**
00396      *
00397      * Sends a prior stored a text message from internal SIM card memory of the WNC modem.
00398      * If no messages are stored the behaviour of this method is undefined.
00399      * @ingroup API
00400      * @param msgIdx - the slot position to save the message: '1', '2', '3'
00401      * @return true if success else false.
00402      */
00403     bool sendSMSTextFromMem(char msgIdx);
00405     /**
00406      *
00407      * Deletes a prior stored a text message from internal SIM card memory of the WNC modem.
00408      * If no messages are stored the behaviour of this method is undefined.
00409      * @ingroup API
00410      * @param msgIdx - the slot position to save the message: '1', '2', '3' or '*' deletes them all.
00411      * @return true if success else false.
00412      */
00413     bool deleteSMSTextFromMem(char msgIdx);
00415     /**
00416      *
00417      * Retreives the SIM card ICCID number.
00418      * @ingroup API
00419      * @param iccid - a pointer to C++ string that contains the retrieved number.
00420      * @return true if success else false.
00421      */
00422     bool getICCID(string * iccid);
00424     /**
00425      *
00426      * Converts an ICCID number into a MSISDN number.  The ATT SMS system for IoT only allows use of the 15-digit MSISDN number.
00427      * @ingroup API
00428      * @param iccid - the number to convert.
00429      * @param msisdn - points to a C++ string that has the converted number.
00430      * @return true if success else false.
00431      */
00432     bool convertICCIDtoMSISDN(const string & iccid, string * msisdn);
00434     ///////////////////////////////////////////
00435     // Neighborhood Cell Info
00436     ///////////////////////////////////////////
00438     /**
00439      *
00440      * Fetches the signal quality log from the WNC modem.
00441      * @ingroup API
00442      * @param log - a pointer to an internal buffer who's contents contain the signal quality metrics.
00443      * @return The number of chars in the log.
00444      */
00445     size_t getSignalQuality(const char ** log);
00447     /**  A struct for the WNC modem Date and Time */
00448     struct WncDateTime
00449     {
00450         uint8_t  year;
00451         uint8_t  month;
00452         uint8_t  day;
00453         uint8_t  hour;
00454         uint8_t  min;
00455         uint8_t  sec;
00456     };
00458     /**
00459      *
00460      * Fetches the cell tower's time and date.  The time is accurate when read
00461      * but significant delays exist between the time it is read and returned.
00462      * @ingroup API
00463      * @param tod - User supplies a pointer to a tod struct and this method fills it in.
00464      * @return true if success else false.
00465      */
00466     bool getTimeDate(struct WncDateTime * tod);
00468     /**
00469      *
00470      * ICMP Pings a URL, the results are only output to the debug log for now!
00471      * @ingroup API
00472      * @param url - a c-string whose URL is to be pinged.
00473      * @return true if success else false.
00474      */
00475     bool pingUrl(const char * url);
00477     /**
00478      *
00479      * ICMP Pings an IP, the results are only output to the debug log for now!
00480      * @ingroup API
00481      * @param ip - a c-string whose IP is to be pinged.
00482      * @return true if success else false.
00483      */
00484     bool pingIp(const char * ip);
00486     /**
00487      *
00488      * Allows a user to send a raw AT command to the WNC modem.
00489      * @ingroup API
00490      * @param cmd - the c-string cmd to send like: "AT"
00491      * @param resp - a pointer to the c-string cmd's response.
00492      * @param sizeRespBuf - how large the command response buffer is, sets the max response length.
00493      * @param ms_timeout - how long to wait for the WNC to respond to your command.
00494      * @return the number of characters in the response from the WNC modem.
00495      */
00496     size_t sendCustomCmd(const char * cmd, char * resp, size_t sizeRespBuf, int ms_timeout);
00498 protected:
00500     // Debug output methods
00501     int dbgPutsNoTime(const char * s, bool crlf = true);
00502     int dbgPuts(const char * s, bool crlf = true);
00503     const char * _to_string(int64_t value);
00504     const char * _to_hex_string(uint8_t value);    
00506     // Sends commands to WNC via
00507     enum AtCmdErr_e {
00508         WNC_AT_CMD_OK,
00509         WNC_AT_CMD_ERR,
00510         WNC_AT_CMD_ERREXT,
00511         WNC_AT_CMD_ERRCME,
00513         WNC_AT_CMD_TIMEOUT,
00514         WNC_AT_CMD_NO_CELL_LINK,
00515         WNC_AT_CMD_WNC_NOT_ON
00516     };
00518     bool waitForPowerOnModemToRespond(uint8_t powerUpTimeoutSecs);    
00519     AtCmdErr_e sendWncCmd(const char * const s, string ** r, int ms_timeout);
00521     // Users must define these functionalities in the inheriting class:
00522         // General I/O and timing:
00523     virtual int putc(char c)              = 0;
00524     virtual int puts(const char * s)      = 0;
00525     virtual char getc(void)               = 0;
00526     virtual int charReady(void)           = 0;
00527     virtual int dbgWriteChar(char b)      = 0;
00528     virtual int dbgWriteChars(const char *b) = 0;
00529     virtual void waitMs(int t)            = 0;
00530     virtual void waitUs(int t)            = 0;
00531     virtual bool initWncModem(uint8_t powerUpTimeoutSecs) = 0;
00533         // Isolate OS timers
00534     virtual int  getLogTimerTicks(void)  = 0;
00535     virtual void startTimerA(void)       = 0;
00536     virtual void stopTimerA(void)        = 0;
00537     virtual int  getTimerTicksA_mS(void) = 0;
00538     virtual void startTimerB(void)       = 0;
00539     virtual void stopTimerB(void)        = 0;
00540     virtual int  getTimerTicksB_mS(void) = 0;
00542 private:
00544     bool softwareInitMdm(void);
00545     bool checkCellLink(void);
00546     AtCmdErr_e mdmSendAtCmdRsp(const char * cmd, int timeout_ms, string * rsp, bool crLf = true);
00547     size_t mdmGetline(string * buff, int timeout_ms);
00548     bool at_at_wnc(void);
00549     bool at_init_wnc(bool hardReset = false);
00550     int16_t at_sockopen_wnc(const char * const ip, uint16_t port, uint16_t numSock, bool tcp, uint16_t timeOutSec);
00551     bool at_sockclose_wnc(uint16_t numSock);
00552     bool at_dnsresolve_wnc(const char * s, string * ipStr);
00553     AtCmdErr_e at_sockwrite_wnc(const uint8_t * s, uint16_t n, uint16_t numSock, bool isTcp);
00554     AtCmdErr_e at_sockread_wnc(uint8_t * pS, uint16_t * numRead, uint16_t n, uint16_t numSock, bool isTcp);
00555     AtCmdErr_e at_sockread_wnc(string * pS, uint16_t numSock, bool isTcp);
00556     bool at_reinitialize_mdm(void);
00557     AtCmdErr_e at_send_wnc_cmd(const char * s, string ** r, int ms_timeout);
00558     bool at_setapn_wnc(const char * const apnStr);
00559     bool at_sendSMStext_wnc(const char * const phoneNum, const char * const text);
00560     bool at_get_wnc_net_stats(WncIpStats * s);
00561     bool at_readSMSlog_wnc(string ** log);
00562     size_t at_readSMStext_wnc(const char ** log);
00563     size_t at_readSMStext_wnc(const char n, const char ** log);
00564     bool at_getrssiber_wnc(int16_t * dBm, int16_t * ber3g);
00565     void closeOpenSocket(uint16_t numSock);
00566     bool sockWrite(const uint8_t * const s, uint16_t n, uint16_t numSock, bool isTcp);
00567     bool at_sendSMStextMem_wnc(char n);
00568     bool at_deleteSMSTextFromMem_wnc(char n);
00569     bool at_saveSMStext_wnc(const char * const phoneNum, const char * const text, char * msgIdx);
00570     size_t at_getSignalQuality_wnc(const char ** log);
00571     bool at_gettimedate_wnc(struct WncDateTime * tod);
00572     bool at_ping_wnc(const char * ip);
00573     bool at_geticcid_wnc(string * iccid);
00575     // Utility methods
00576     void sendCmd(const char * cmd, bool crLf);
00577     void sendCmd(const char * cmd, unsigned n, unsigned wait_uS, bool crLf);    
00578     inline void rx_char_wait(void) {
00579         // waitUs(1000);
00580     }
00582     // Important constants
00583     static const uint16_t MAX_WNC_READ_BYTES        = 1500;                            // This bounds the largest amount of data that the WNC read from a socket will return
00584     static const uint16_t MAX_WNC_WRITE_BYTES       = MAX_WNC_READ_BYTES;              // This is the largest amount of data that the WNC can write per sockwrite.
00585     static const uint16_t MAX_LEN_WNC_CMD_RESPONSE  = (MAX_WNC_READ_BYTES * 2 + 100);  // Max number of text characters in a WNC AT response *2 because bytes are converted into 2 hex-digits +100 for other AT@ chars.
00586     static const uint16_t WNC_AUTO_POLL_MS          = 250;   // Sets default (may be overriden with method) poll interval (currently not used, future possible feature.
00587     static const uint16_t WNC_CMD_TIMEOUT_MS        = 40000; // Sets default (may be overriden) time that the software waits for an AT response from the WNC.
00588     static const uint16_t WNC_QUICK_CMD_TIMEOUT_MS  = 2000;  // Used for simple commands that should immediately respond such as "AT", cmds that are quicker than WNC_CMD_TIMEOUT_MS.
00589     static const uint16_t WNC_WAIT_FOR_AT_CMD_MS    = 0;     // Wait this much between multiple in a row AT commands to the WNC.
00590     static const uint16_t WNC_SOFT_INIT_RETRY_COUNT = 10;    // How many times the WNC will be tried to revive if it stops responding.
00591     static const uint16_t WNC_DNS_RESOLVE_WAIT_MS   = 60000; // How much time to wait for the WNC to respond to a DNS resolve/lookup.
00592     static const uint16_t WNC_TRUNC_DEBUG_LENGTH    = 80;    // Always make this an even number, how many chars for the debug output before shortening the debug ouput, this is used when moreDebug = false. 
00593     static const uint16_t WNC_APNSET_TIMEOUT_MS     = 60000; // How long to wait for the WNC to respond to setting the APN string.
00594     static const uint16_t WNC_PING_CMD_TIMEOUT_MS   = 60000; // Amount of time to wait for the WNC to respond to AT@PINGREQ (with cmd default params for timeout, does not change WNC cmd's timeout) 
00595     static const int      WNC_REINIT_MAX_TIME_MS    = 60000; // How long to wait for the WNC to reset after it was already up and running after power-up.
00596     static const uint16_t WNC_SOCK_CLOSE_RETRY_CNT  = 3;     // How many times to try to close the socket if the WNC gives an error.
00597     static const char * const INVALID_IP_STR;                // Just a string set to an IP address when DNS resolve fails.
00599     struct WncSocketInfo_s {
00600         int16_t numWncSock;
00601         bool open;
00602         string myIpAddressStr;
00603         uint16_t myPort;
00604         uint8_t readRetries;
00605         uint16_t readRetryWaitMs;
00606         bool isTcp;
00607         uint16_t timeOutSec;
00608     };
00610     static WncSocketInfo_s m_sSock[MAX_NUM_WNC_SOCKETS];
00611     static const WncSocketInfo_s defaultSockStruct;
00612     static WncState_e m_sState;
00613     static uint16_t m_sCmdTimeoutMs;
00614     static string m_sApnStr;
00615     static string m_sWncStr;
00616     static uint8_t m_sPowerUpTimeoutSecs;
00617     static bool m_sDebugEnabled;
00618     static bool m_sMoreDebugEnabled;
00619     static bool m_sCheckNetStatus;
00620     static bool m_sReadyForSMS;
00621 };
00623 };  // End namespace WncController_fk
00625 #endif