TMP102 with I2C object constructor

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TMP102 Class Reference

TMP102 Class Reference

Library for the TI TMP102 temperature sensor. More...

#include <TMP102.h>

Public Member Functions

 TMP102 (I2C i2c, int addr)
 Creates an instance of the class.
 ~TMP102 ()
float read ()
 Reads the current temperature.

Detailed Description

Library for the TI TMP102 temperature sensor.

The TMP102 is an I2C digital temperature sensor in a small SOT563 package, with a 0.0625C resolution and 0.5C accuracy.

Definition at line 33 of file TMP102.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

TMP102 ( I2C  i2c,
int  addr 

Creates an instance of the class.

Connect module at I2C address addr using I2C port pins sda and scl. TMP102

A0 pin connectionAddress

Definition at line 28 of file TMP102.cpp.

~TMP102 (  )

Destroys instance.

Definition at line 33 of file TMP102.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

float read (  )

Reads the current temperature.

Reads the temperature register of the TMP102 and converts it to a useable value.

Definition at line 38 of file TMP102.cpp.