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ID Manager

An internal module of Peer_manager. More...


typedef void(* im_evt_handler_t )(im_evt_t const *p_event)
 Event handler for events from the ID Manager module.



Events that can come from the ID Manager module.



ret_code_t im_register (im_evt_handler_t evt_handler)
 Function for registering for events from the ID Manager module.
void im_ble_evt_handler (ble_evt_t *p_ble_evt)
 Function for dispatching SoftDevice events to the ID Manager module.
pm_peer_id_t im_peer_id_get_by_conn_handle (uint16_t conn_handle)
 Function for getting the corresponding peer ID from a connection handle.
pm_peer_id_t im_peer_id_get_by_master_id (ble_gap_master_id_t *p_master_id)
 Function for getting the corresponding peer ID from a master ID (EDIV and rand).
pm_peer_id_t im_peer_id_get_by_irk_match_idx (uint8_t irk_match_idx)
 Function for getting the corresponding peer ID from an IRK match index, see ble_gap_evt_connected_t.
uint16_t im_conn_handle_get (pm_peer_id_t peer_id)
 Function for getting the corresponding connection handle from a peer ID.
ret_code_t im_ble_addr_get (uint16_t conn_handle, ble_gap_addr_t *p_ble_addr)
 Function for getting the BLE address used by the peer when connecting.
bool im_master_id_is_valid (ble_gap_master_id_t const *p_master_id)
 Function for checking whether a master ID is valid or invalid.
void im_new_peer_id (uint16_t conn_handle, pm_peer_id_t peer_id)
 Function for reporting that a new peer ID has been allocated for a specified connection.
ret_code_t im_wlist_set (ble_gap_whitelist_t *p_whitelist)
 Function for informing this module of what whitelist will be used.
ret_code_t im_wlist_create (pm_peer_id_t *p_peer_ids, uint8_t n_peer_ids, ble_gap_whitelist_t *p_whitelist)
 Function for constructing a whitelist for use when advertising.
bool im_address_resolve (ble_gap_addr_t const *p_addr, ble_gap_irk_t const *p_irk)
 Function for resolving a resolvable address with an identity resolution key (IRK).
void ah (uint8_t const *p_k, uint8_t const *p_r, uint8_t *p_local_hash)
 Function for calculating the ah() hash function described in Bluetooth core specification 4.2 section 3.H.2.2.2.

Detailed Description

An internal module of Peer_manager.

A module for keeping track of peer identities (IRK and peer address).

Typedef Documentation

typedef void(* im_evt_handler_t)(im_evt_t const *p_event)

Event handler for events from the ID Manager module.

[in]p_eventThe event that has happened.

Definition at line 80 of file id_manager.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

Events that can come from the ID Manager module.


The ID Manager module has detected that two stored peers represent the same peer.


A connected peer has been identified as one of the bonded peers.

This can happen immediately on connection, or at a later time.

Definition at line 54 of file id_manager.h.

Function Documentation

void ah ( uint8_t const *  p_k,
uint8_t const *  p_r,
uint8_t *  p_local_hash 

Function for calculating the ah() hash function described in Bluetooth core specification 4.2 section 3.H.2.2.2.

BLE uses a hash function to calculate the first half of a resolvable address from the second half of the address and an irk. This function will use the ECB periferal to hash these data acording to the Bluetooth core specification.

The ECB expect little endian input and output. This function expect big endian and will reverse the data as necessary.
[in]p_kThe key used in the hash function. For address resolution this is should be the irk. The array must have a length of 16.
[in]p_rThe rand used in the hash function. For generating a new address this would be a random number. For resolving a resolvable address this would be the last half of the address being resolved. The array must have a length of 3.
[out]p_local_hashThe result of the hash operation. For address resolution this will match the first half of the address being resolved if and only if the irk used in the hash function is the same one used to generate the address. The array must have a length of 16.
====IMPORTANT==== This is a special modification to the original nRF51 SDK required by the mbed BLE API to be able to generate BLE private resolvable addresses. This function is used by the BLE API implementation for nRF5xSecurityManager::getAddressFromBondTable() in the ble-nrf51822 yotta module. =================

BLE uses a hash function to calculate the first half of a resolvable address from the second half of the address and an irk. This function will use the ECB periferal to hash these data acording to the Bluetooth core specification.

The ECB expect little endian input and output. This function expect big endian and will reverse the data as necessary.
[in]p_kThe key used in the hash function. For address resolution this is should be the irk. The array must have a length of 16.
[in]p_rThe rand used in the hash function. For generating a new address this would be a random number. For resolving a resolvable address this would be the last half of the address being resolved. The array must have a length of 3.
[out]p_local_hashThe result of the hash operation. For address resolution this will match the first half of the address being resolved if and only if the irk used in the hash function is the same one used to generate the address. The array must have a length of 16.

Definition at line 714 of file id_manager.c.

bool im_address_resolve ( ble_gap_addr_t const *  p_addr,
ble_gap_irk_t const *  p_irk 

Function for resolving a resolvable address with an identity resolution key (IRK).

This function will use the ECB peripheral to resolve a resolvable address. This can be used to resolve the identity of a device distributing a random resolvable address based on any IRKs you have received earlier. If an address is resolved by an IRK, the device disributing the address must also know the IRK.

[in]p_addrA random resolvable address.
[in]p_irkAn identity resolution key (IRK).
Return values:
trueThe irk used matched the one used to create the address.
falseThe irk used did not match the one used to create the address, or an argument was NULL.

Definition at line 737 of file id_manager.c.

ret_code_t im_ble_addr_get ( uint16_t  conn_handle,
ble_gap_addr_t p_ble_addr 

Function for getting the BLE address used by the peer when connecting.

[in]conn_handleThe connection handle.
[out]p_ble_addrThe BLE address used by the peer when the connection specified by conn_handle was established.
Return values:
NRF_SUCCESSThe address was found and copied.
NRF_ERROR_INVALID_STATEModule not initialized.
BLE_ERROR_CONN_HANDLE_INVALIDconn_handle does not refer to an active connection.
NRF_ERROR_NULLp_ble_addr was NULL.

Definition at line 452 of file id_manager.c.

void im_ble_evt_handler ( ble_evt_t p_ble_evt )

Function for dispatching SoftDevice events to the ID Manager module.

[in]p_ble_evtThe SoftDevice event.

Definition at line 249 of file id_manager.c.

uint16_t im_conn_handle_get ( pm_peer_id_t  peer_id )

Function for getting the corresponding connection handle from a peer ID.

[in]peer_idThe peer ID.
The corresponding connection handle, or BLE_CONN_HANDLE_INVALID if none could be resolved.

Definition at line 538 of file id_manager.c.

bool im_master_id_is_valid ( ble_gap_master_id_t const *  p_master_id )

Function for checking whether a master ID is valid or invalid.

[in]p_master_idThe master ID.
Return values:
trueThe master id is valid.
trueThe master id is invalid (i.e. all zeros).

Definition at line 551 of file id_manager.c.

void im_new_peer_id ( uint16_t  conn_handle,
pm_peer_id_t  peer_id 

Function for reporting that a new peer ID has been allocated for a specified connection.

[in]conn_handleThe connection.
[in]peer_idThe new peer ID.

Definition at line 569 of file id_manager.c.

pm_peer_id_t im_peer_id_get_by_conn_handle ( uint16_t  conn_handle )

Function for getting the corresponding peer ID from a connection handle.

[in]conn_handleThe connection handle.
The corresponding peer ID, or PM_PEER_ID_INVALID if none could be resolved.

Definition at line 439 of file id_manager.c.

pm_peer_id_t im_peer_id_get_by_irk_match_idx ( uint8_t  irk_match_idx )

Function for getting the corresponding peer ID from an IRK match index, see ble_gap_evt_connected_t.

[in]irk_match_idxThe IRK match index.
The corresponding peer ID, or PM_PEER_ID_INVALID if none could be resolved.

Definition at line 522 of file id_manager.c.

pm_peer_id_t im_peer_id_get_by_master_id ( ble_gap_master_id_t p_master_id )

Function for getting the corresponding peer ID from a master ID (EDIV and rand).

[in]p_master_idThe master ID.
The corresponding peer ID, or PM_PEER_ID_INVALID if none could be resolved.

Definition at line 491 of file id_manager.c.

ret_code_t im_register ( im_evt_handler_t  evt_handler )

Function for registering for events from the ID Manager module.

This will also initialize the module if needed.
[in]evt_handlerCallback for events from the ID Manager module.
Return values:
NRF_SUCCESSRegistration was successful.
NRF_ERROR_NO_MEMNo more registrations possible.
NRF_ERROR_NULLevt_handler was NULL.

Definition at line 406 of file id_manager.c.

ret_code_t im_wlist_create ( pm_peer_id_t p_peer_ids,
uint8_t  n_peer_ids,
ble_gap_whitelist_t p_whitelist 

Function for constructing a whitelist for use when advertising.

When advertising with whitelist, always use the whitelist created/set by the most recent call to this function or to im_wlist_set, whichever happened most recently.
Do not call this function while advertising with another whitelist.
[in]p_peer_idsThe ids of the peers to be added to the whitelist.
[in]n_peer_idsThe number of peer ids in p_peer_ids.
[in,out]p_whitelistThe constructed whitelist. Note that p_adv_whitelist->pp_addrs must be NULL or point to an array with size BLE_GAP_WHITELIST_ADDR_MAX_COUNT and p_adv_whitelist->pp_irks must be NULL or point to an array with size BLE_GAP_WHITELIST_IRK_MAX_COUNT.
Return values:
NRF_SUCCESSWhitelist successfully created.
NRF_ERROR_NULLp_whitelist was NULL.

Definition at line 579 of file id_manager.c.

ret_code_t im_wlist_set ( ble_gap_whitelist_t p_whitelist )

Function for informing this module of what whitelist will be used.

This function is meant to be used when the app wants to use a custom whitelist. When using peer manager, this function must be used if a custom whitelist is used.

When using a whitelist, always use the whitelist created/set by the most recent call to im_wlist_create or to this function, whichever happened most recently.
Do not call this function while scanning with another whitelist.
Do not add any irks to the whitelist that are not present in the bonding data of a peer in the peer database.
[in]p_whitelistThe whitelist.
Return values:
NRF_SUCCESSWhitelist successfully set.
NRF_ERROR_NULLp_whitelist was NULL.
NRF_ERROR_NOT_FOUNDOne or more of the whitelists irks was not found in the peer_database.

Definition at line 645 of file id_manager.c.