Serial communication test.
This program is test of LPC1114 serial communication.
When you use Mac, it is as follows.
1)Run the Terminal.app.
2)ls /dev/tty.usb*
When you use USB-Serial converter and RS232C level conveter, It is displayed with /dev/tty.usbserial-xxxxxxxxx.
When you use LPC1114FN28 mbed board from USB cable, It is displayed with /dev/tty.usbmodemfdxxxx.
3)Run the screen command.
screen /dev/tty.usbXXXXXXXX.
4)Press 'u' to turn LED1 brightness up,'d' to turn it down.
Case1:LPC1114FN28 mbed board.
Case2:LPC1114 CPU stand alone.