A copy of the mbed USBDevice with USBSerial library

Dependents:   STM32L0_LoRa Smartage STM32L0_LoRa Turtle_RadioShuttle

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00001 /*
00002  * $Id: bulkserial.h,v 1.3 2018/02/23 15:04:29 grimrath Exp $
00003  * This is an unpublished work copyright (c) 2018 HELIOS Software GmbH
00004  * 30827 Garbsen, Germany
00005  */
00006 #ifndef __USBSERIALBUFFERED_H__
00007 #define __USBSERIALBUFFERED_H__
00009 #include "USBSerial.h"
00011 /** This class is a wrapper around @ref USBSerial such that sending
00012  * of serial data over USB is supported in (and outside) of interrupt context.
00013  * In addition it buffers characters (similiar to the I/O buffering of stdio)
00014  * before starting a USB data transmit. Silently discards data if the
00015  * @ref USBSerial object is not connected to the USB host.
00016  */
00017 class USBSerialBuffered : public USBSerial {
00018 public:
00019     USBSerialBuffered(int MaxBuffSize = 128, uint16_t vendor_id = 0x16c0, uint16_t product_id = 0x05e1, uint16_t product_release = 0x0001, bool connect_blocking = false);
00020     ~USBSerialBuffered();
00022     /** sends internally queued but not yet sent data. Is blocking. Must not
00023      * be called from interrupt context. */
00024     void flush();
00026     /** Writes a formatted string into an internal buffer for later sending.
00027      * with e.g. @ref flush . Explicitly designed to be called from interrupt
00028      * context. If the string does not fit into the internal buffer it is
00029      * silently truncated. */
00030     int printf_irqsafe(const char *fmt, ...) __attribute__((format(printf,2,3)));
00032     /** the varargs variant of printf_ */
00033     int vprintf_irqsafe(const char *fmt, std::va_list ap);
00035 protected:
00036     /** Called from @ref Stream::printf and other stdio-like methods from the base class @ref Stream . */
00037     virtual int _putc(int c);
00039 private:
00040     enum {
00041         CorkBuffSize = MAX_PACKET_SIZE_EPBULK,
00042     };
00044     static inline bool RunningInInterrupt() {
00045         return SCB->ICSR & SCB_ICSR_VECTACTIVE_Msk;
00046     }
00048     int irqbuff_acquire();
00049     void irqbuff_release(int buffused);
00051     void putc_normal(int c);
00053 private:
00054     int mFullBuffSize;
00055     char *m_buff;
00056     int m_irq_buffused;
00057 };
00059 #endif // __USBSERIALBUFFERED_H__