Its a code of W7500 board for the vending machine to vend an item to the user within the organization. When the user is identified with the help of the RFID reader and when the user choose the item . the data is sent serially to WIZ750SR and the item is vended . The LCD displays the details of the transaction.

Dependencies:   HCSR04 MFRC522 TextLCD mbed-src

Fork of RFID_copy by Rajib Kumer Dey

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00002 //Connect as follows:
00003 //RFID pins, motor         
00004 //----------------------------------------
00005 //RFID IRQ=pin5    ->   Not used. Leave open
00006 //RFID MISO=pin4   ->   Nucleo SPI_MISO=PA_6=D12
00007 //RFID MOSI=pin3   ->   Nucleo SPI_MOSI=PA_7=D11
00008 //RFID SCK=pin2    ->   Nucleo SPI_SCK =PA_5=D13
00009 //RFID SDA=pin1    ->   Nucleo SPI_CS  =PB_6=D10
00010 //RFID RST=pin7    ->   Nucleo         =PA_9=D8
00011 //3.3V and Gnd to the respective pins                              
00012 // 1st Motor transistor  to Pin D9
00013 // 2nd Motor transistor  to Pin D14
00014 // Pin D0 to pin 2 of the serial Cable
00015 // pin D1 to pin 3 of the serial cable
00016 // pin A0 to the trigger of ultrasonic sensor 1
00017 // pin A1 to the Echo of ultrasonic sensor 1                              
00018 // pin D2 to RS pin of LCD
00019 // pin D3 to E pin of LCD
00020 // pin D4 to D4 pin of LCD
00021 // pin D5 to D5 pin of LCD
00022 // pin D6 to D6 pin of LCD
00023 // pin D7 to D7 pin of LCD
00025 //---------------------------------------------
00026 #include "mbed.h"
00027 #include "MFRC522.h"
00028 #include "SPI.h"
00029 #include "hcsr04.h"
00030 #include "TextLCD.h"
00031 #define ECHO_SERVER_PORT   7
00032 #define SPI_MOSI D11
00033 #define SPI_MISO D12
00034 #define SPI_SCK D13
00035 #define SPI_CS D10
00036 #define MF_RESET D8
00037 TextLCD lcd(D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7,TextLCD::LCD20x4); // rs, e, d4-d7
00038 DigitalOut myled(D9);
00039 DigitalOut myled1(D14);
00040 //DigitalOut myled2(D15);    Can be enabled for 3rd motor slot.
00042 HCSR04 sensor(A0,A1); // Trigger , Echo
00043 HCSR04 sensor1(A2,A3); //Trigger , Echo
00044 //HCSR04 sensor2(A4,A5); //Trigger , Echo   Can enable if needed for 3rd slot.
00046 void distance();
00047 void display();
00049 //Serial connection to PC for output
00050 Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
00051 // Serial connection with WIZ750SR gateway for MQTT communication  
00052 Serial serial(D1,D0);  //TX and RX
00053 // Initializing RFID chip pins
00055     char c;
00056     int d;
00057 int main(void) {
00058     pc.printf("starting...\n");
00059     myled=0;
00060     pc.printf("Wait a second...\r\n");
00062   //Init. RC522 Chip
00063   RfChip.PCD_Init();
00065   while (true) {
00066     pc.printf("enterd RFID reading loop...\n");
00067     // Look for new cards
00068     if ( ! RfChip.PICC_IsNewCardPresent())
00069     {
00070       wait_ms(500);
00071       continue;
00072     }
00073    // Select one of the cards
00074     if ( ! RfChip.PICC_ReadCardSerial())
00075     {
00076       wait_ms(500);
00077       continue;
00078     }
00080    char data[20]="";
00081    char data1[20]="";
00083     // Print Card UID
00084     pc.printf("Card UID: ");
00085     printf("Size of UID: %d \n",RfChip.uid.size);
00086     for (uint8_t i = 0; i < RfChip.uid.size; i++)
00087     {
00088       char temp[5];
00089       pc.printf(" %X02", RfChip.uid.uidByte[i]);
00090       sprintf(temp,"%X02", RfChip.uid.uidByte[i]);
00091       strcat(data,temp);
00092     }
00094     // Print Card type
00095     uint8_t piccType = RfChip.PICC_GetType(RfChip.uid.sak);
00096     pc.printf(" \nPICC Type: %s \n\r", RfChip.PICC_GetTypeName(piccType));
00097     wait_ms(1000);
00099     if(strcmp(data,"BA0211026102D302")==0)      //Comparing the stored data with the new data read by the RFID reader. 
00100     {   
00101         strcat(data1,"natsu");
00102         wait(1);
00103         serial.printf("%s",data1);
00104         wait(2);
00105         distance();
00106     }
00107     if(strcmp(data,"E8028002AC02E902")==0)
00108     {
00109         strcat(data1,"luffy");
00110         wait(1);
00111         serial.printf("%s",data1);
00112         wait(2);
00113         distance ();
00114     }
00115     pc.printf("The user name is :%s \n",data1);
00116    }
00117 }
00120 void distance()
00121 {
00123     pc.printf("Entered into distance loop \n");
00124     while(1){
00125         long distance = sensor.distance();
00126         wait(0.5); 
00127         long distance1 = sensor1.distance();
00128         wait(0.5);
00129     //  long distance2 = sensor2.distance();             //can be enabled if connected to 3rd Ultrasonic sensor
00130         pc.printf("distance  %d  \n",distance);
00131         pc.printf("distance  %d  \n",distance1);
00132     //  pc.printf("distance  %d  \n",distance2);         //can be enabled if connected to 3rd Ultrasonic sensor to enable it in the PC.
00133         wait(1);
00135         wait(1.0); // 1 sec  
00136         if(distance<=10){
00137             myled= 1;
00138             wait(3);
00139             myled=0;
00140             serial.printf("/drink");
00141             c = '\0';
00142             c = 'd';
00143             d=15;
00144             display();
00145             pc.printf("/ item drink /cost 15");
00146             break;
00147             }
00148         else if(distance1<=10){
00149             myled1= 1;
00150             wait(3);
00151             myled1=0;
00152             serial.printf("/snack");
00153             c = '\0';
00154             c = 's';
00155             d=10;
00156             display();
00157             pc.printf("/item snack /cost 10");
00158             break;
00159           }
00160  /* else if(distance2<=10){
00161             myled1= 1;
00162             wait(30);
00163             myled1=0;
00164             serial.printf("/choco");
00165             c = '\0';
00166             c = 's';
00167             d=10;
00168             display();
00169             pc.printf("/snack/10");
00170             break;
00171           } */                                    //Can be enabled when 3rd ultrasonic is connected.
00173           }   
00174        }
00176                                  //function for LCD display ....
00178 void display(){                                  
00179     lcd.locate(3,0);
00180     lcd.printf("Vending Machine\n");
00181     lcd.locate(0,2);
00182     if(c=='d'){
00183     lcd.printf("ITEM NAME: drink");
00184     }
00185     else if(c=='s')
00186     {
00187      lcd.printf("ITEM NAME: Snack");
00188     }
00189     lcd.locate(0,3);
00190     lcd.printf("ITEM COST: %d",d);
00191     }