Its a code of W7500 board for the vending machine to vend an item to the user within the organization. When the user is identified with the help of the RFID reader and when the user choose the item . the data is sent serially to WIZ750SR and the item is vended . The LCD displays the details of the transaction.

Dependencies:   HCSR04 MFRC522 TextLCD mbed-src

Fork of RFID_copy by Rajib Kumer Dey


Its a program to identify the user using RFID tag and vend an item to the user with displaying the details in LCD and the data is serially transmitted to WIZ750SR default tip

2018-07-17, by HarshaDRAGNEEL [Tue, 17 Jul 2018 05:59:27 +0000] rev 1

Its a program to identify the user using RFID tag and vend an item to the user with displaying the details in LCD and the data is serially transmitted to WIZ750SR


2018-06-07, by Rajib [Thu, 07 Jun 2018 04:14:28 +0000] rev 0
