Ducati Dash
The goal is to hack a Ducati Race Dash and make it usable for other vehicles.
Link to the MCP2551. http://ww1.microchip.com/downloads/en/devicedoc/21667f.pdf
I set the board up as stated here. http://www.skpang.co.uk/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=74_185_196&products_id=754
The blinker bulbs are 10 Watts each, roughly 7ohms of resistance will be needed to offset the LED light.
The lap timer trigger is 0v -> 5v -> 0v (square pulse)
The CRC polynomial is 32135 (111110110000111). The received data needs to be reversed as with the CRC
The first tests began
Message ID: 32 Data: 0,218,64,0,0,0,0,0 Type: 0
This is after bit removal
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