
Dependents:   nespresso_demo nespresso_endpoint EnvoyNespressoEndpointColorDetectorV2

Fork of nsdl by Robert Taylor

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/sn_coap_protocol.c	Wed Jun 04 15:38:26 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,2988 @@
+ * \file sn_coap_protocol.c
+ *
+ * \brief CoAP Protocol implementation
+ *
+ * Functionality: CoAP Protocol
+ *
+ *  Created on: Jul 19, 2011
+ *      Author: tero
+ *
+ * \note Supports draft-ietf-core-coap-18
+ */
+/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
+/* * * * INCLUDE FILES * * * */
+/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h> /* For libary malloc() */
+#include <string.h> /* For memset() and memcpy() */
+#include <time.h>
+#include "nsdl_types.h"
+#include "sn_nsdl.h"
+#include "sn_coap_header.h"
+#include "sn_coap_protocol.h"
+#include "sn_coap_header_internal.h"
+#include "sn_coap_protocol_internal.h"
+#include "sn_linked_list.h"
+/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
+/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
+static void                  sn_coap_protocol_linked_list_ack_info_store(uint16_t msg_id, uint8_t token_len, uint8_t *token_ptr, sn_nsdl_addr_s *addr_ptr);
+static int32_t               sn_coap_protocol_linked_list_ack_info_search(uint16_t msg_id, uint8_t token_len, uint8_t *token_ptr, sn_nsdl_addr_s *addr_ptr);
+static void                  sn_coap_protocol_linked_list_ack_info_remove(uint16_t msg_id, sn_nsdl_addr_s *addr_ptr);
+static void                  sn_coap_protocol_linked_list_ack_info_remove_old_ones(void);
+static void 				 sn_coap_protocol_send_rst(uint16_t msg_id, sn_nsdl_addr_s *addr_ptr);
+#if SN_COAP_DUPLICATION_MAX_MSGS_COUNT /* If Message duplication detection is not used at all, this part of code will not be compiled */
+static void                  sn_coap_protocol_linked_list_duplication_info_store(sn_nsdl_addr_s *src_addr_ptr, uint16_t msg_id);
+static int8_t                sn_coap_protocol_linked_list_duplication_info_search(sn_nsdl_addr_s *scr_addr_ptr, uint16_t msg_id);
+static void                  sn_coap_protocol_linked_list_duplication_info_remove(uint8_t *scr_addr_ptr, uint16_t port, uint16_t msg_id);
+static void                  sn_coap_protocol_linked_list_duplication_info_remove_old_ones(void);
+#if SN_COAP_BLOCKWISE_MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE /* If Message blockwising is not used at all, this part of code will not be compiled */
+static void                  sn_coap_protocol_linked_list_blockwise_msg_remove_current();
+static void                  sn_coap_protocol_linked_list_blockwise_payload_store(sn_nsdl_addr_s *addr_ptr, uint16_t stored_payload_len, uint8_t *stored_payload_ptr);
+static uint8_t              *sn_coap_protocol_linked_list_blockwise_payload_search(sn_nsdl_addr_s *src_addr_ptr, uint16_t *payload_length);
+static void                  sn_coap_protocol_linked_list_blockwise_payload_remove_oldest();
+static uint16_t              sn_coap_protocol_linked_list_blockwise_payloads_get_len(sn_nsdl_addr_s *src_addr_ptr);
+static void                  sn_coap_protocol_linked_list_blockwise_remove_old_data(void);
+static sn_coap_hdr_s 		*sn_coap_handle_blockwise_message(sn_nsdl_addr_s *src_addr_ptr, sn_coap_hdr_s *received_coap_msg_ptr);
+static int8_t 				 sn_coap_convert_block_size(uint16_t block_size);
+static sn_coap_hdr_s 		*sn_coap_protocol_copy_header(sn_coap_hdr_s *source_header_ptr);
+static void                  sn_coap_protocol_linked_list_send_msg_store(sn_nsdl_addr_s *dst_addr_ptr, uint16_t send_packet_data_len, uint8_t *send_packet_data_ptr, uint32_t sending_time);
+static sn_nsdl_transmit_s   *sn_coap_protocol_linked_list_send_msg_search(sn_nsdl_addr_s *src_addr_ptr, uint16_t msg_id);
+static void                  sn_coap_protocol_linked_list_send_msg_remove(sn_nsdl_addr_s *src_addr_ptr, uint16_t msg_id);
+static coap_send_msg_s      *sn_coap_protocol_allocate_mem_for_msg(sn_nsdl_addr_s *dst_addr_ptr, uint16_t packet_data_len);
+static void                  sn_coap_protocol_release_allocated_send_msg_mem(coap_send_msg_s *freed_send_msg_ptr);
+static uint16_t				 sn_coap_count_linked_list_size(sn_linked_list_t *linked_list_ptr);
+static void 				 coap_protocol_free_lists(void);
+/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
+/* * * * GLOBAL DECLARATIONS * * * */
+/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
+#if ENABLE_RESENDINGS /* If Message resending is not used at all, this part of code will not be compiled */
+SN_MEM_ATTR_COAP_PROTOCOL_DECL static sn_linked_list_t *global_linked_list_resent_msgs_ptr                 = NULL; /* Active resending messages are stored to this Linked list */
+SN_MEM_ATTR_COAP_PROTOCOL_DECL static sn_linked_list_t *global_linked_list_ack_info_ptr                    = NULL; /* Message Acknowledgement info is stored to this Linked list */
+#if SN_COAP_DUPLICATION_MAX_MSGS_COUNT /* If Message duplication detection is not used at all, this part of code will not be compiled */
+SN_MEM_ATTR_COAP_PROTOCOL_DECL static sn_linked_list_t *global_linked_list_duplication_msgs_ptr            = NULL; /* Messages for duplicated messages detection is stored to this Linked list */
+#if SN_COAP_BLOCKWISE_MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE /* If Message blockwise is not used at all, this part of code will not be compiled */
+SN_MEM_ATTR_COAP_PROTOCOL_DECL static sn_linked_list_t *global_linked_list_blockwise_sent_msgs_ptr         = NULL; /* Blockwise message to to be sent is stored to this Linked list */
+SN_MEM_ATTR_COAP_PROTOCOL_DECL static sn_linked_list_t *global_linked_list_blockwise_received_payloads_ptr = NULL; /* Blockwise payload to to be received is stored to this Linked list */
+SN_MEM_ATTR_COAP_PROTOCOL_DECL static uint16_t          global_message_id                                  	= 100;  /* Increasing Message ID which is written to CoAP message header in building */
+SN_MEM_ATTR_COAP_PROTOCOL_DECL static uint32_t          global_system_time                                 	= 0;    /* System time seconds */
+SN_MEM_ATTR_COAP_PROTOCOL_DECL uint16_t 				sn_coap_block_data_size 							= 0;
+SN_MEM_ATTR_COAP_PROTOCOL_DECL uint8_t 					sn_coap_resending_queue_msgs 						= 0;
+SN_MEM_ATTR_COAP_PROTOCOL_DECL uint8_t					sn_coap_resending_queue_bytes						= 0;
+SN_MEM_ATTR_COAP_PROTOCOL_DECL uint8_t 					sn_coap_resending_count		 						= 0;
+SN_MEM_ATTR_COAP_PROTOCOL_DECL uint8_t					sn_coap_resending_intervall							= 0;
+SN_MEM_ATTR_COAP_PROTOCOL_DECL uint8_t					sn_coap_duplication_buffer_size						= 0;
+SN_MEM_ATTR_COAP_PROTOCOL_DECL static void              *(*sn_coap_protocol_malloc)(uint16_t)              = NULL; /* Function pointer for used malloc() function */
+SN_MEM_ATTR_COAP_PROTOCOL_DECL static void              (*sn_coap_protocol_free)(void*)                    = NULL; /* Function pointer for used free()   function */
+SN_MEM_ATTR_COAP_PROTOCOL_DECL static uint8_t 			(*sn_coap_tx_callback)(sn_nsdl_capab_e , uint8_t *, uint16_t, sn_nsdl_addr_s *)  = NULL;
+SN_MEM_ATTR_COAP_PROTOCOL_DECL static int8_t 			(*sn_coap_rx_callback)(sn_coap_hdr_s *, sn_nsdl_addr_s *)						 = NULL;
+static uint8_t 	resource_path_ptr[]			= {'r','d'};
+static uint8_t 	ep_name_parameter_string[]	= {'h','='};
+static uint8_t	resource_type_parameter[]	= {'r','t','='};
+int8_t sn_coap_register(sn_coap_hdr_s *coap_hdr_ptr, registration_info_t *endpoint_info_ptr)
+	uint8_t *temp_ptr;
+	coap_hdr_ptr->msg_code = COAP_MSG_CODE_REQUEST_POST;
+	coap_hdr_ptr->msg_type = COAP_MSG_TYPE_CONFIRMABLE;
+	coap_hdr_ptr->msg_id = global_message_id++;
+	coap_hdr_ptr->uri_path_len = sizeof(resource_path_ptr);
+	coap_hdr_ptr->uri_path_ptr = resource_path_ptr;
+	/* Payload copy */
+	coap_hdr_ptr->payload_len = endpoint_info_ptr->links_len;
+	coap_hdr_ptr->payload_ptr = sn_coap_protocol_malloc(coap_hdr_ptr->payload_len);
+	if(!coap_hdr_ptr->payload_ptr)
+		return -1;
+	memcpy(coap_hdr_ptr->payload_ptr, endpoint_info_ptr->links_ptr, coap_hdr_ptr->payload_len);
+	/* Options allocation */
+	if(!coap_hdr_ptr->options_list_ptr)
+	{
+		coap_hdr_ptr->options_list_ptr = sn_coap_protocol_malloc(sizeof(sn_coap_options_list_s));
+		if(!coap_hdr_ptr->options_list_ptr)
+		{
+			sn_coap_protocol_free(coap_hdr_ptr->payload_ptr);
+			return -1;
+		}
+	}
+	memset(coap_hdr_ptr->options_list_ptr, 0, sizeof(sn_coap_options_list_s));
+	/* Uri query filling */
+	coap_hdr_ptr->options_list_ptr->uri_query_len = sizeof(ep_name_parameter_string) + endpoint_info_ptr->endpoint_len +
+													sizeof(resource_type_parameter) + endpoint_info_ptr->endpoint_type_len + 1; // + 1 for '&'
+	coap_hdr_ptr->options_list_ptr->uri_query_ptr = sn_coap_protocol_malloc(coap_hdr_ptr->options_list_ptr->uri_query_len);
+	if(!coap_hdr_ptr->options_list_ptr->uri_query_ptr)
+	{
+		sn_coap_protocol_free(coap_hdr_ptr->options_list_ptr);
+		sn_coap_protocol_free(coap_hdr_ptr->payload_ptr);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	temp_ptr = coap_hdr_ptr->options_list_ptr->uri_query_ptr;
+	memcpy(temp_ptr, ep_name_parameter_string, sizeof(ep_name_parameter_string));
+	temp_ptr += sizeof(ep_name_parameter_string);
+	memcpy(temp_ptr, endpoint_info_ptr->endpoint_ptr, endpoint_info_ptr->endpoint_len);
+	temp_ptr += endpoint_info_ptr->endpoint_len;
+	*temp_ptr++ = '&';
+	memcpy(temp_ptr, resource_type_parameter, sizeof(resource_type_parameter));
+	temp_ptr += sizeof(resource_type_parameter);
+	memcpy(temp_ptr, endpoint_info_ptr->endpoint_type_ptr, endpoint_info_ptr->endpoint_type_len);
+	temp_ptr += endpoint_info_ptr->endpoint_type_len;
+	return 0;
+int8_t 	sn_coap_register_update(sn_coap_hdr_s *coap_hdr_ptr, uint8_t *location, uint8_t length)
+	coap_hdr_ptr->msg_code = COAP_MSG_CODE_REQUEST_PUT;
+	coap_hdr_ptr->msg_type = COAP_MSG_TYPE_CONFIRMABLE;
+	coap_hdr_ptr->msg_id = global_message_id++;
+	coap_hdr_ptr->uri_path_len = length;
+	coap_hdr_ptr->uri_path_ptr = location;
+	return 0;
+int8_t 	sn_coap_deregister(sn_coap_hdr_s *coap_hdr_ptr, uint8_t *location, uint8_t length)
+	coap_hdr_ptr->msg_code = COAP_MSG_CODE_REQUEST_DELETE;
+	coap_hdr_ptr->msg_type = COAP_MSG_TYPE_CONFIRMABLE;
+	coap_hdr_ptr->msg_id = global_message_id++;
+	coap_hdr_ptr->uri_path_len = length;
+	coap_hdr_ptr->uri_path_ptr = location;
+	return 0;
+int8_t sn_coap_protocol_destroy(void)
+#if ENABLE_RESENDINGS /* If Message resending is not used at all, this part of code will not be compiled */
+	sn_coap_protocol_clear_retransmission_buffer();
+	sn_coap_protocol_free(global_linked_list_resent_msgs_ptr);
+	global_linked_list_resent_msgs_ptr = 0;
+	if(global_linked_list_ack_info_ptr)
+	{
+		uint16_t size =  sn_linked_list_count_nodes(global_linked_list_ack_info_ptr);
+		uint16_t i = 0;
+		coap_ack_info_s*tmp;
+		for(i=0;i<size;i++)
+		{
+			tmp = sn_linked_list_get_first_node(global_linked_list_ack_info_ptr);
+			if(tmp)
+			{
+				if(tmp->token_ptr)
+				{
+					sn_coap_protocol_free(tmp->token_ptr);
+					tmp->token_ptr = 0;
+				}
+				if(tmp->addr_ptr)
+				{
+					sn_coap_protocol_free(tmp->addr_ptr);
+					tmp->addr_ptr = 0;
+				}
+				sn_linked_list_remove_current_node(global_linked_list_ack_info_ptr);
+				sn_coap_protocol_free(tmp);
+				tmp = 0;
+			}
+		}
+		if(!sn_linked_list_count_nodes(global_linked_list_ack_info_ptr))
+		{
+			sn_coap_protocol_free(global_linked_list_ack_info_ptr);
+			global_linked_list_ack_info_ptr = 0;
+		}
+	}
+#if SN_COAP_DUPLICATION_MAX_MSGS_COUNT /* If Message duplication detection is not used at all, this part of code will not be compiled */
+	if(global_linked_list_duplication_msgs_ptr)
+	{
+	}
+#if SN_COAP_BLOCKWISE_MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE /* If Message blockwise is not used at all, this part of code will not be compiled */
+	if(global_linked_list_blockwise_sent_msgs_ptr)
+	{
+	}
+	if(global_linked_list_blockwise_received_payloads_ptr)
+	{
+	}
+return 0;
+void coap_protocol_free_lists(void)
+	if(NULL != global_linked_list_resent_msgs_ptr)
+	{
+		sn_linked_list_free(global_linked_list_resent_msgs_ptr);
+		global_linked_list_resent_msgs_ptr = NULL;
+	}
+	if(NULL != global_linked_list_ack_info_ptr)
+	{
+		sn_linked_list_free(global_linked_list_ack_info_ptr);
+		global_linked_list_ack_info_ptr = NULL;
+	}
+	if(NULL != global_linked_list_duplication_msgs_ptr)
+	{
+		sn_linked_list_free(global_linked_list_duplication_msgs_ptr);
+		global_linked_list_duplication_msgs_ptr = NULL;
+	}
+	if(NULL != global_linked_list_blockwise_sent_msgs_ptr)
+	{
+		sn_linked_list_free(global_linked_list_blockwise_sent_msgs_ptr);
+		global_linked_list_blockwise_sent_msgs_ptr = NULL;
+	}
+	if(NULL != global_linked_list_blockwise_received_payloads_ptr)
+	{
+		sn_linked_list_free(global_linked_list_blockwise_received_payloads_ptr);
+		global_linked_list_blockwise_received_payloads_ptr = NULL;
+	}
+int8_t sn_coap_protocol_init(void* (*used_malloc_func_ptr)(uint16_t), void (*used_free_func_ptr)(void*),
+		uint8_t (*used_tx_callback_ptr)(sn_nsdl_capab_e , uint8_t *, uint16_t, sn_nsdl_addr_s *),
+		int8_t (*used_rx_callback_ptr)(sn_coap_hdr_s *, sn_nsdl_addr_s *))
+    /* * * Handling malloc() * * */
+    if (used_malloc_func_ptr != NULL)
+        sn_coap_protocol_malloc = used_malloc_func_ptr;
+    else
+    	return -1;
+    /* * * Handling free() * * */
+    if (used_free_func_ptr != NULL)
+        sn_coap_protocol_free = used_free_func_ptr;
+    else
+    	return -1;
+    /* * * Handle tx callback * * */
+    if(used_tx_callback_ptr != NULL)
+    	sn_coap_tx_callback = used_tx_callback_ptr;
+    else
+    	return -1;
+    /* * * Handle rx callback * * */
+    /* If pointer = 0, then re-sending does not return error when failed */
+   	sn_coap_rx_callback = used_rx_callback_ptr;
+    sn_linked_list_init(sn_coap_protocol_malloc, sn_coap_protocol_free);
+#if ENABLE_RESENDINGS  /* If Message resending is not used at all, this part of code will not be compiled */
+    /* * * * Create Linked list for storing active resending messages  * * * */
+    sn_coap_resending_queue_msgs = SN_COAP_RESENDING_QUEUE_SIZE_MSGS;
+    sn_coap_resending_queue_bytes = SN_COAP_RESENDING_QUEUE_SIZE_BYTES;
+    sn_coap_resending_intervall = DEFAULT_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT;
+    sn_coap_resending_count = SN_COAP_RESENDING_MAX_COUNT;
+    /* Check that Linked list is not already created */
+    if (global_linked_list_resent_msgs_ptr == NULL)
+    {
+        global_linked_list_resent_msgs_ptr = sn_linked_list_create();
+        if(global_linked_list_resent_msgs_ptr == NULL)
+        {
+        	coap_protocol_free_lists();
+        	return (-1);
+        }
+    }
+    /* * * * Create Linked list for storing Acknowledgement info, if not already created * * * */
+    if (global_linked_list_ack_info_ptr == NULL)
+    {
+        global_linked_list_ack_info_ptr = sn_linked_list_create();
+        if(global_linked_list_ack_info_ptr == NULL)
+        {
+        	coap_protocol_free_lists();
+        	return (-1);
+        }
+    }
+#if SN_COAP_DUPLICATION_MAX_MSGS_COUNT /* If Message duplication detection is not used at all, this part of code will not be compiled */
+    /* * * * Create Linked list for storing Duplication info * * * */
+    sn_coap_duplication_buffer_size = SN_COAP_DUPLICATION_MAX_MSGS_COUNT;
+    /* Check that Linked list is not already created */
+    if (global_linked_list_duplication_msgs_ptr == NULL)
+    {
+        global_linked_list_duplication_msgs_ptr = sn_linked_list_create();
+        if(global_linked_list_duplication_msgs_ptr == NULL)
+        {
+        	coap_protocol_free_lists();
+        	return (-1);
+        }
+    }
+#if SN_COAP_BLOCKWISE_MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE /* If Message blockwising is not used at all, this part of code will not be compiled */
+    sn_coap_block_data_size = SN_COAP_BLOCKWISE_MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE;
+    /* * * * Create Linked list for storing sent blockwise messages, if not already created  * * * */
+    if (global_linked_list_blockwise_sent_msgs_ptr == NULL)
+    {
+        global_linked_list_blockwise_sent_msgs_ptr = sn_linked_list_create();
+        if(global_linked_list_blockwise_sent_msgs_ptr == NULL)
+        {
+        	coap_protocol_free_lists();
+        	return (-1);
+        }
+    }
+    /* * * * Create Linked list for storing received blockwise payload, if not already created * * * */
+    if (global_linked_list_blockwise_received_payloads_ptr == NULL)
+    {
+        global_linked_list_blockwise_received_payloads_ptr = sn_linked_list_create();
+        if(global_linked_list_blockwise_received_payloads_ptr == NULL)
+        {
+        	coap_protocol_free_lists();
+        	return (-1);
+        }
+    }
+    /* Randomize global message ID */
+   	srand(time(NULL));
+    {
+	    uint8_t random_number = rand();
+	    global_message_id = 100 + random_number;
+    }
+	return 0;
+int8_t sn_coap_protocol_set_block_size(uint16_t block_size)
+	switch(block_size)
+	{
+	case 0:
+	case 16:
+	case 32:
+	case 64:
+	case 128:
+	case 256:
+	case 512:
+	case 1024:
+		sn_coap_block_data_size = block_size;
+		return 0;
+	default:
+		break;
+	}
+	return -1;
+int8_t sn_coap_protocol_set_duplicate_buffer_size(uint8_t message_count)
+	{
+		sn_coap_duplication_buffer_size = message_count;
+		return 0;
+	}
+	return -1;
+int8_t sn_coap_protocol_set_retransmission_parameters(uint8_t resending_count, uint8_t resending_intervall)
+	if(resending_count <= SN_COAP_MAX_ALLOWED_RESENDING_COUNT &&
+			resending_intervall <= SN_COAP_MAX_ALLOWED_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT)
+	{
+		sn_coap_resending_count = resending_count;
+		if(resending_intervall == 0)
+			sn_coap_resending_intervall = 1;
+		else
+			sn_coap_resending_intervall = resending_intervall;
+		return 0;
+	}
+	return -1;
+int8_t sn_coap_protocol_set_retransmission_buffer(uint8_t buffer_size_messages, uint16_t buffer_size_bytes)
+		sn_coap_resending_queue_bytes = buffer_size_bytes;
+		sn_coap_resending_queue_msgs = buffer_size_messages;
+	return -1;
+void sn_coap_protocol_clear_retransmission_buffer(void)
+#if ENABLE_RESENDINGS /* If Message resending is not used at all, this part of code will not be compiled */
+	if(global_linked_list_resent_msgs_ptr)
+	{
+		uint16_t size =  sn_linked_list_count_nodes(global_linked_list_resent_msgs_ptr);
+		uint16_t i = 0;
+		coap_send_msg_s*tmp;
+		for(i=0;i<size;i++)
+		{
+			tmp = sn_linked_list_get_first_node(global_linked_list_resent_msgs_ptr);
+			if(tmp)
+			{
+				if(tmp->send_msg_ptr)
+				{
+					if(tmp->send_msg_ptr->dst_addr_ptr)
+					{
+						if(tmp->send_msg_ptr->dst_addr_ptr->addr_ptr)
+						{
+							sn_coap_protocol_free(tmp->send_msg_ptr->dst_addr_ptr->addr_ptr);
+							tmp->send_msg_ptr->dst_addr_ptr->addr_ptr = 0;
+						}
+						if(tmp->send_msg_ptr->dst_addr_ptr->socket_information)
+						{
+							sn_coap_protocol_free(tmp->send_msg_ptr->dst_addr_ptr->socket_information);
+							tmp->send_msg_ptr->dst_addr_ptr->socket_information = 0;
+						}
+						sn_coap_protocol_free(tmp->send_msg_ptr->dst_addr_ptr);
+						tmp->send_msg_ptr->dst_addr_ptr = 0;
+					}
+					if(tmp->send_msg_ptr->packet_ptr)
+					{
+						sn_coap_protocol_free(tmp->send_msg_ptr->packet_ptr);
+						tmp->send_msg_ptr->packet_ptr = 0;
+					}
+					sn_coap_protocol_free(tmp->send_msg_ptr);
+					tmp->send_msg_ptr = 0;
+				}
+				sn_linked_list_remove_current_node(global_linked_list_resent_msgs_ptr);
+				sn_coap_protocol_free(tmp);
+				tmp = 0;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+int16_t sn_coap_protocol_build(sn_nsdl_addr_s *dst_addr_ptr,
+                      uint8_t *dst_packet_data_ptr,
+                      sn_coap_hdr_s *src_coap_msg_ptr)
+    int32_t  message_id           = -3;
+    int16_t  byte_count_built     = 0;
+#if SN_COAP_BLOCKWISE_MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE /* If Message blockwising is not used at all, this part of code will not be compiled */
+    uint16_t original_payload_len = 0;
+    /* * * * Check given pointers  * * * */
+    if ((dst_addr_ptr == NULL) || (dst_packet_data_ptr == NULL) || (src_coap_msg_ptr == NULL))
+        return -2;
+    if(dst_addr_ptr->addr_ptr == NULL)
+    	return -2;
+    /* Check if built Message type is Reset message or Message code is some of response messages or empty	*/
+    /* (for these messages CoAP writes same Message ID which was stored earlier from request message) 		*/
+    if (src_coap_msg_ptr->msg_type == COAP_MSG_TYPE_RESET ||
+    		(src_coap_msg_ptr->msg_code >= COAP_MSG_CODE_RESPONSE_CREATED || src_coap_msg_ptr->msg_code == COAP_MSG_CODE_EMPTY))
+    {
+        /* Check if there is Token option in built CoAP message */
+        /* (only these messages can be acknowledged because Token option is used as key for stored messages) */
+			if (src_coap_msg_ptr->token_ptr != NULL)
+			{
+				/* Search Message ID from Linked list with Token option and Address as key */
+				message_id = sn_coap_protocol_linked_list_ack_info_search(src_coap_msg_ptr->msg_id, src_coap_msg_ptr->token_len,
+																		  src_coap_msg_ptr->token_ptr, dst_addr_ptr);
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				message_id = sn_coap_protocol_linked_list_ack_info_search(src_coap_msg_ptr->msg_id, 0, NULL, dst_addr_ptr);
+			}
+            /* If Message ID found */
+            if (message_id >= 0)
+            {
+                /* * * * Manage received CoAP message acknowledgement  * * * */
+                /* Piggy-backed response message found */
+            	/* Client                   Server */
+            	/*       ------------------> Confirmable request message (CoAP stores Acknowledgement info to Linked list) */
+            	/*       <------------------ THIS IS DONE HERE: Piggy-backed acknowledgement response message (CoAP writes same
+                                                                Message ID than was in Request message).
+                                                                User has written correct Token option to the response message. */
+                if (src_coap_msg_ptr->msg_type != COAP_MSG_TYPE_RESET)
+                {
+                    /* Now is built Piggy-backed Acknowledgement response message */
+                    src_coap_msg_ptr->msg_type = COAP_MSG_TYPE_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT;
+                }
+                /* Remove Acknowledgement info from Linked list */
+                sn_coap_protocol_linked_list_ack_info_remove(src_coap_msg_ptr->msg_id, dst_addr_ptr);
+            }
+            else if (src_coap_msg_ptr->msg_type == COAP_MSG_TYPE_RESET)
+            {
+                /* There was not found Message ID for Reset message */
+                return -3;
+            }
+    }
+    /* Check if built Message type is else than Acknowledgement or Reset i.e. message type is Confirmable or Non-confirmable */
+    /* (for Acknowledgement and  Reset messages is written same Message ID than was in the Request message) */
+    if (src_coap_msg_ptr->msg_type != COAP_MSG_TYPE_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT &&
+        src_coap_msg_ptr->msg_type != COAP_MSG_TYPE_RESET &&
+        src_coap_msg_ptr->msg_id == 0)
+    {
+        /* * * * Generate new Message ID and increase it by one  * * * */
+		if(0 > message_id)
+		{
+			src_coap_msg_ptr->msg_id = global_message_id;
+			global_message_id++;
+		}
+    }
+#if SN_COAP_BLOCKWISE_MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE /* If Message blockwising is not used at all, this part of code will not be compiled */
+    /* If blockwising needed */
+    if ((src_coap_msg_ptr->payload_len > sn_coap_block_data_size) && (sn_coap_block_data_size > 0))
+    {
+        /* * * * Add Blockwise option to send CoAP message * * */
+    	if (src_coap_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr == NULL)
+        {
+            /* Allocate memory for less used options */
+            src_coap_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr = sn_coap_protocol_malloc(sizeof(sn_coap_options_list_s));
+            if (src_coap_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr == NULL)
+            {
+                return -2;
+            }
+            memset(src_coap_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr, 0, sizeof(sn_coap_options_list_s));
+        }
+        /* Check if Request message */
+        if (src_coap_msg_ptr->msg_code < COAP_MSG_CODE_RESPONSE_CREATED )
+        {
+            /* Add Blockwise option, use Block1 because Request payload */
+            src_coap_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block1_len = 1;
+            src_coap_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block1_ptr = sn_coap_protocol_malloc(1);
+            if (src_coap_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block1_ptr == NULL)
+            {
+                sn_coap_protocol_free(src_coap_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr);
+                return -2;
+            }
+            *(src_coap_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block1_ptr) = 0x08; 		/* First block  (BLOCK NUMBER, 4 MSB bits) + More to come (MORE, 1 bit) */
+            *(src_coap_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block1_ptr) |= sn_coap_convert_block_size(sn_coap_block_data_size);
+        }
+        else /* Response message */
+        {
+            /* Add Blockwise option, use Block2 because Response payload */
+            src_coap_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block2_len = 1;
+            src_coap_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block2_ptr = sn_coap_protocol_malloc(1);
+            if (src_coap_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block2_ptr == NULL)
+            {
+                sn_coap_protocol_free(src_coap_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr);
+                return -2;
+            }
+            *(src_coap_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block2_ptr) = 0x08; 		/* First block  (BLOCK NUMBER, 4 MSB bits) + More to come (MORE, 1 bit) */
+            *(src_coap_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block2_ptr) |= sn_coap_convert_block_size(sn_coap_block_data_size);
+        }
+        /* Store original Payload length */
+        original_payload_len = src_coap_msg_ptr->payload_len;
+        /* Change Payload length of send message because Payload is blockwised */
+        src_coap_msg_ptr->payload_len = sn_coap_block_data_size;
+    }
+    /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
+    /* * * * Build Packet data from CoAP message by using CoAP Header builder  * * * */
+    /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
+    byte_count_built = sn_coap_builder(dst_packet_data_ptr, src_coap_msg_ptr);
+    if (byte_count_built < 0)
+    {
+        return byte_count_built;
+    }
+#if ENABLE_RESENDINGS /* If Message resending is not used at all, this part of code will not be compiled */
+    /* Check if built Message type was confirmable, only these messages are resent */
+    if (src_coap_msg_ptr->msg_type == COAP_MSG_TYPE_CONFIRMABLE)
+    {
+        /* Store message to Linked list for resending purposes */
+        sn_coap_protocol_linked_list_send_msg_store(dst_addr_ptr, byte_count_built, dst_packet_data_ptr,
+                                                    global_system_time + (uint32_t)(sn_coap_resending_intervall * RESPONSE_RANDOM_FACTOR));
+    }
+#if SN_COAP_BLOCKWISE_MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE /* If Message blockwising is not used at all, this part of code will not be compiled */
+    /* If blockwising needed */
+    if ((original_payload_len > sn_coap_block_data_size) && (sn_coap_block_data_size > 0))
+    {
+        /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
+        /* * * * Manage rest blockwise messages sending by storing them to Linked list * * * */
+        /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
+    	coap_blockwise_msg_s *stored_blockwise_msg_ptr;
+    	stored_blockwise_msg_ptr = sn_coap_protocol_malloc(sizeof(coap_blockwise_msg_s));
+    	if(!stored_blockwise_msg_ptr)
+    	{
+    		//block paylaod save failed, only first block can be build. Perhaps we should return error.
+    		return byte_count_built;
+    	}
+    	memset(stored_blockwise_msg_ptr, 0, sizeof(coap_blockwise_msg_s));
+    	/* Fill struct */
+    	stored_blockwise_msg_ptr->timestamp = global_system_time;
+    	stored_blockwise_msg_ptr->coap_msg_ptr = sn_coap_protocol_copy_header(src_coap_msg_ptr);
+    	stored_blockwise_msg_ptr->coap_msg_ptr->payload_len = original_payload_len;
+    	stored_blockwise_msg_ptr->coap_msg_ptr->payload_ptr = sn_coap_protocol_malloc(stored_blockwise_msg_ptr->coap_msg_ptr->payload_len);
+    	if(!stored_blockwise_msg_ptr->coap_msg_ptr->payload_ptr)
+    	{
+    		//block paylaod save failed, only first block can be build. Perhaps we should return error.
+    		sn_coap_protocol_free(stored_blockwise_msg_ptr);
+    		return byte_count_built;
+    	}
+    	memcpy(stored_blockwise_msg_ptr->coap_msg_ptr->payload_ptr, src_coap_msg_ptr->payload_ptr, stored_blockwise_msg_ptr->coap_msg_ptr->payload_len);
+    	sn_linked_list_add_node(global_linked_list_blockwise_sent_msgs_ptr, stored_blockwise_msg_ptr);
+    }
+    else if(src_coap_msg_ptr->msg_code == COAP_MSG_CODE_REQUEST_GET)
+    {
+    	/* Add message to linked list - response can be in blocks and we need header to build response.. */
+    	coap_blockwise_msg_s *stored_blockwise_msg_ptr;
+    	stored_blockwise_msg_ptr = sn_coap_protocol_malloc(sizeof(coap_blockwise_msg_s));
+    	if(!stored_blockwise_msg_ptr)
+    	{
+    		return byte_count_built;
+    	}
+    	memset(stored_blockwise_msg_ptr, 0, sizeof(coap_blockwise_msg_s));
+    	/* Fill struct */
+    	stored_blockwise_msg_ptr->timestamp = global_system_time;
+    	stored_blockwise_msg_ptr->coap_msg_ptr = sn_coap_protocol_copy_header(src_coap_msg_ptr);
+    	sn_linked_list_add_node(global_linked_list_blockwise_sent_msgs_ptr, stored_blockwise_msg_ptr);
+    }
+    /* * * * Return built CoAP message Packet data length  * * * */
+    return byte_count_built;
+sn_coap_hdr_s *sn_coap_protocol_parse(sn_nsdl_addr_s *src_addr_ptr, uint16_t packet_data_len, uint8_t *packet_data_ptr)
+    sn_coap_hdr_s   *returned_dst_coap_msg_ptr = NULL;
+    coap_version_e   coap_version              = COAP_VERSION_UNKNOWN;
+    /* * * * Check given pointer * * * */
+    if (src_addr_ptr == NULL || src_addr_ptr->addr_ptr == NULL ||
+        packet_data_ptr == NULL)
+    {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    /* * * * Parse Packet data to CoAP message by using CoAP Header parser * * * */
+    returned_dst_coap_msg_ptr = sn_coap_parser(packet_data_len, packet_data_ptr, &coap_version);
+    /* Check status of returned pointer */
+    if (returned_dst_coap_msg_ptr == NULL)
+    {
+        /* Memory allocation error in parser */
+    	return NULL;
+    }
+    /* * * * Check validity of parsed Header values  * * * */
+    if (sn_coap_header_validity_check(returned_dst_coap_msg_ptr, coap_version) != 0)
+    {
+    	/* If message code is in a reserved class (1, 6 or 7), send reset. Message code class is 3 MSB of the message code byte 	*/
+    	if(((returned_dst_coap_msg_ptr->msg_code >> 5) == 1) ||			// if class == 1
+    			((returned_dst_coap_msg_ptr->msg_code >> 5) == 6) ||	// if class == 6
+    			((returned_dst_coap_msg_ptr->msg_code >> 5) == 7))		// if class == 7
+    	{
+    		sn_coap_protocol_send_rst(returned_dst_coap_msg_ptr->msg_id, src_addr_ptr);
+    	}
+		 /* Release memory of CoAP message */
+		sn_coap_parser_release_allocated_coap_msg_mem(returned_dst_coap_msg_ptr);
+		/* Return NULL because Header validity check failed */
+		return NULL;
+    }
+    /* Check if we need to send reset message */
+    /*  A recipient MUST acknowledge a Confirmable message with an Acknowledgement
+   		message or, if it lacks context to process the message properly
+   	   	(including the case where the message is Empty, uses a code with a
+   	   	reserved class (1, 6 or 7), or has a message format error), MUST
+   	   	reject it; rejecting a Confirmable message is effected by sending a
+   	   	matching Reset message and otherwise ignoring it. */
+    if(returned_dst_coap_msg_ptr->msg_type == COAP_MSG_TYPE_CONFIRMABLE)
+    {
+    	/* CoAP ping */
+    	if(returned_dst_coap_msg_ptr->msg_code == COAP_MSG_CODE_EMPTY)
+    	{
+    		sn_coap_protocol_send_rst(returned_dst_coap_msg_ptr->msg_id, src_addr_ptr);
+    		/* Release memory of CoAP message */
+    		sn_coap_parser_release_allocated_coap_msg_mem(returned_dst_coap_msg_ptr);
+    		/* Return NULL because Header validity check failed */
+    		return NULL;
+    	}
+    }
+#if !SN_COAP_BLOCKWISE_MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE /* If Message blockwising is used, this part of code will not be compiled */
+        /* If blockwising used in received message */
+        if (returned_dst_coap_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr != NULL &&
+            (returned_dst_coap_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block1_ptr != NULL ||
+             returned_dst_coap_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block2_ptr != NULL))
+        {
+            /* Set returned status to User */
+            returned_dst_coap_msg_ptr->coap_status = COAP_STATUS_PARSER_BLOCKWISE_MSG_REJECTED;
+            //todo: send response -> not implemented
+            return returned_dst_coap_msg_ptr;
+        }
+#if SN_COAP_DUPLICATION_MAX_MSGS_COUNT /* If Message duplication is used, this part of code will not be compiled */
+    /* * * * Manage received CoAP message duplicate detection  * * * */
+    /* Check if duplication message detected */
+    ret_status = sn_coap_protocol_linked_list_duplication_info_search(src_addr_ptr, msg_id);
+    /* If no message duplication detected */
+    if (ret_status == -1)
+    {
+        /* * * No Message duplication: Store received message for detecting later duplication * * */
+        /* Get count of stored duplication messages */
+        uint16_t stored_duplication_msgs_count = sn_linked_list_count_nodes(global_linked_list_duplication_msgs_ptr);
+        /* Check if there is no room to store message for duplication detection purposes */
+        if (stored_duplication_msgs_count >= sn_coap_duplication_buffer_size)
+        {
+            /* Get oldest stored duplication message */
+            coap_duplication_info_s *stored_duplication_info_ptr = sn_linked_list_get_last_node(global_linked_list_duplication_msgs_ptr);
+            /* Remove oldest stored duplication message for getting room for new duplication message */
+            sn_coap_protocol_linked_list_duplication_info_remove(stored_duplication_info_ptr->addr_ptr, stored_duplication_info_ptr->port, stored_duplication_info_ptr->msg_id);
+        }
+        /* Store Duplication info to Linked list */
+        sn_coap_protocol_linked_list_duplication_info_store(src_addr_ptr, msg_id);
+    }
+    else /* * * Message duplication detected * * */
+    {
+        /* Set returned status to User */
+        returned_dst_coap_msg_ptr->coap_status = COAP_STATUS_PARSER_DUPLICATED_MSG;
+        /* Because duplicate message, return with coap_status set */
+        return returned_dst_coap_msg_ptr;
+    }
+    /*** And here we check if message was block message ***/
+    /*** If so, we call own block handling function and ***/
+    /*** return to caller.								***/
+    coap_blockwise_msg_s *stored_blockwise_msg_temp_ptr;
+    if (returned_dst_coap_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr != NULL &&
+        (returned_dst_coap_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block1_ptr != NULL ||
+         returned_dst_coap_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block2_ptr != NULL))
+    {
+    	returned_dst_coap_msg_ptr = sn_coap_handle_blockwise_message(src_addr_ptr, returned_dst_coap_msg_ptr);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+		stored_blockwise_msg_temp_ptr = sn_linked_list_get_last_node(global_linked_list_blockwise_sent_msgs_ptr);
+		/* Get ... */
+		while(stored_blockwise_msg_temp_ptr && (returned_dst_coap_msg_ptr->msg_id != stored_blockwise_msg_temp_ptr->coap_msg_ptr->msg_id))
+		{
+			stored_blockwise_msg_temp_ptr = sn_linked_list_get_previous_node(global_linked_list_blockwise_sent_msgs_ptr);
+		}
+		if(stored_blockwise_msg_temp_ptr)
+		{
+			sn_linked_list_remove_current_node(global_linked_list_blockwise_sent_msgs_ptr);
+			if(stored_blockwise_msg_temp_ptr->coap_msg_ptr)
+				sn_coap_parser_release_allocated_coap_msg_mem(stored_blockwise_msg_temp_ptr->coap_msg_ptr);
+			sn_coap_protocol_free(stored_blockwise_msg_temp_ptr);
+		}
+   	}
+    if(!returned_dst_coap_msg_ptr)
+    	return NULL;
+    /* Check if received Message type was confirmable */
+    if (returned_dst_coap_msg_ptr->msg_type == COAP_MSG_TYPE_CONFIRMABLE)
+    {
+        if (returned_dst_coap_msg_ptr->token_ptr != NULL)
+        {
+            /* * * * Manage received CoAP message acknowledgement  * * */
+            /* Client                   Server */
+            /*       ------------------> THIS IS DONE HERE: Confirmable request (CoAP stores Acknowledgement info to Linked list) */
+            /*       <------------------ Piggy-backed acknowledgement response message (CoAP writes same Message ID
+                                         than was in Request message).
+                                         User has written correct Token option to the response message. */
+            /* Store message's Acknowledgement info to Linked list */
+            sn_coap_protocol_linked_list_ack_info_store(returned_dst_coap_msg_ptr->msg_id, returned_dst_coap_msg_ptr->token_len, returned_dst_coap_msg_ptr->token_ptr, src_addr_ptr);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+        	sn_coap_protocol_linked_list_ack_info_store(returned_dst_coap_msg_ptr->msg_id, 0, NULL, src_addr_ptr);
+        }
+    }
+#if ENABLE_RESENDINGS  /* If Message resending is not used at all, this part of code will not be compiled */
+    /* Check if received Message type was acknowledgement */
+    if ((returned_dst_coap_msg_ptr->msg_type == COAP_MSG_TYPE_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT) || (returned_dst_coap_msg_ptr->msg_type == COAP_MSG_TYPE_RESET))
+    {
+        /* * * * Manage CoAP message resending by removing active resending message from Linked list * * */
+        /* Get node count i.e. count of active resending messages */
+        uint16_t stored_resending_msgs_count = sn_linked_list_count_nodes(global_linked_list_resent_msgs_ptr);
+        /* Check if there is ongoing active message resendings */
+        if (stored_resending_msgs_count > 0)
+        {
+            sn_nsdl_transmit_s *removed_msg_ptr = NULL;
+            /* Check if received message was confirmation for some active resending message */
+            removed_msg_ptr = sn_coap_protocol_linked_list_send_msg_search(src_addr_ptr, returned_dst_coap_msg_ptr->msg_id);
+            if (removed_msg_ptr != NULL)
+            {
+                /* Remove resending message from active message resending Linked list */
+                sn_coap_protocol_linked_list_send_msg_remove(src_addr_ptr, returned_dst_coap_msg_ptr->msg_id);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /* * * * Return parsed CoAP message  * * * */
+    return (returned_dst_coap_msg_ptr);
+int8_t sn_coap_protocol_exec(uint32_t current_time)
+    uint8_t stored_resending_msgs_count;
+    /* * * * Store current System time * * * */
+    global_system_time = current_time;
+    /* * * * Remove old blocwise data * * * */
+    sn_coap_protocol_linked_list_blockwise_remove_old_data();
+    /* * * * Remove old duplication messages * * * */
+    sn_coap_protocol_linked_list_duplication_info_remove_old_ones();
+    /* Remove old Acknowledgement infos */
+    sn_coap_protocol_linked_list_ack_info_remove_old_ones();
+    /* Check if there is ongoing active message sendings */
+    stored_resending_msgs_count = sn_linked_list_count_nodes(global_linked_list_resent_msgs_ptr);
+    if (stored_resending_msgs_count > 0)
+    {
+        coap_send_msg_s *stored_msg_ptr = sn_linked_list_get_last_node(global_linked_list_resent_msgs_ptr);
+        uint8_t i = 0;
+        /* Loop all resending messages */
+        for (i = 0; i < stored_resending_msgs_count; i++)
+        {
+			/* Check if it is time to send this message */
+			if (current_time >= stored_msg_ptr->resending_time)
+			{
+				/* * * Increase Resending counter  * * */
+				stored_msg_ptr->resending_counter++;
+				/* Check if all re-sendings have been done */
+				if (stored_msg_ptr->resending_counter > sn_coap_resending_count)
+				{
+					sn_coap_hdr_s *tmp_coap_hdr_ptr;
+					coap_version_e coap_version = COAP_VERSION_UNKNOWN;
+					/* Get message ID from stored sending message */
+					uint16_t temp_msg_id = (stored_msg_ptr->send_msg_ptr->packet_ptr[2] << 8);
+					temp_msg_id += (uint16_t)stored_msg_ptr->send_msg_ptr->packet_ptr[3];
+					/* If RX callback have been fedined.. */
+					if(sn_coap_rx_callback != 0)
+					{
+						/* Parse CoAP message, set status and call RX callback */
+						tmp_coap_hdr_ptr = sn_coap_parser(stored_msg_ptr->send_msg_ptr->packet_len, stored_msg_ptr->send_msg_ptr->packet_ptr, &coap_version);
+						if(tmp_coap_hdr_ptr != 0)
+						{
+							tmp_coap_hdr_ptr->coap_status = COAP_STATUS_BUILDER_MESSAGE_SENDING_FAILED;
+							sn_coap_rx_callback(tmp_coap_hdr_ptr, stored_msg_ptr->send_msg_ptr->dst_addr_ptr);
+							sn_coap_parser_release_allocated_coap_msg_mem(tmp_coap_hdr_ptr);
+						}
+					}
+					/* Remove message from Linked list */
+					sn_coap_protocol_linked_list_send_msg_remove(stored_msg_ptr->send_msg_ptr->dst_addr_ptr, temp_msg_id);
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					/* Send message  */
+					sn_coap_tx_callback(stored_msg_ptr->send_msg_ptr->protocol, stored_msg_ptr->send_msg_ptr->packet_ptr,
+							stored_msg_ptr->send_msg_ptr->packet_len, stored_msg_ptr->send_msg_ptr->dst_addr_ptr);
+					/* * * Count new Resending time  * * */
+					stored_msg_ptr->resending_time = current_time + (((uint32_t)(sn_coap_resending_intervall * RESPONSE_RANDOM_FACTOR)) <<
+																	 stored_msg_ptr->resending_counter);
+				}
+			}
+            /* Get next stored sending message from Linked list */
+            stored_msg_ptr = sn_linked_list_get_previous_node(global_linked_list_resent_msgs_ptr);
+        }
+    }
+    return 0;
+#if ENABLE_RESENDINGS  /* If Message resending is not used at all, this part of code will not be compiled */
+ * \fn static void sn_coap_protocol_linked_list_send_msg_store(sn_nsdl_addr_s *dst_addr_ptr, uint16_t send_packet_data_len, uint8_t *send_packet_data_ptr, uint32_t sending_time)
+ *
+ * \brief Stores message to Linked list for sending purposes.
+ * \param *dst_addr_ptr is pointer to destination address where CoAP message will be sent
+ *
+ * \param send_packet_data_len is length of Packet data to be stored
+ *
+ * \param *send_packet_data_ptr is Packet data to be stored
+ *
+ * \param sending_time is stored sending time
+ *****************************************************************************/
+static void sn_coap_protocol_linked_list_send_msg_store(sn_nsdl_addr_s *dst_addr_ptr, uint16_t send_packet_data_len,
+                                                        uint8_t *send_packet_data_ptr, uint32_t sending_time)
+    coap_send_msg_s *stored_msg_ptr              = NULL;
+	/* If both queue parameters are "0" or resending count is "0", then re-sending is disabled */
+	if(((sn_coap_resending_queue_msgs == 0) && (sn_coap_resending_queue_bytes == 0)) || (sn_coap_resending_count == 0))
+		return;
+	if (sn_coap_resending_queue_msgs > 0)
+	{
+		if(sn_linked_list_count_nodes(global_linked_list_resent_msgs_ptr) >= sn_coap_resending_queue_msgs)
+			return;
+	}
+	/* Count resending queue size, if buffer size is defined */
+	if(sn_coap_resending_queue_bytes > 0)
+	{
+		if((sn_coap_count_linked_list_size(global_linked_list_resent_msgs_ptr) + send_packet_data_len) > sn_coap_resending_queue_bytes)
+			return;
+	}
+    /* Allocating memory for stored message */
+    stored_msg_ptr = sn_coap_protocol_allocate_mem_for_msg(dst_addr_ptr, send_packet_data_len);
+    if(stored_msg_ptr == 0)
+        return;
+    /* Filling of coap_send_msg_s with initialization values */
+    stored_msg_ptr->resending_counter = 0;
+    stored_msg_ptr->resending_time = sending_time;
+    /* Filling of sn_nsdl_transmit_s */
+    stored_msg_ptr->send_msg_ptr->protocol = SN_NSDL_PROTOCOL_COAP;
+    stored_msg_ptr->send_msg_ptr->packet_len = send_packet_data_len;
+    memcpy(stored_msg_ptr->send_msg_ptr->packet_ptr, send_packet_data_ptr, send_packet_data_len);
+    /* Filling of sn_nsdl_addr_s */
+    stored_msg_ptr->send_msg_ptr->dst_addr_ptr->type = dst_addr_ptr->type;
+    stored_msg_ptr->send_msg_ptr->dst_addr_ptr->addr_len = dst_addr_ptr->addr_len;
+    memcpy(stored_msg_ptr->send_msg_ptr->dst_addr_ptr->addr_ptr, dst_addr_ptr->addr_ptr, dst_addr_ptr->addr_len);
+    stored_msg_ptr->send_msg_ptr->dst_addr_ptr->port = dst_addr_ptr->port;
+    /* Storing Resending message to Linked list */
+    if(sn_linked_list_add_node(global_linked_list_resent_msgs_ptr, stored_msg_ptr) != 0)
+    	sn_coap_protocol_release_allocated_send_msg_mem(stored_msg_ptr);
+ * \fn static sn_nsdl_transmit_s *sn_coap_protocol_linked_list_send_msg_search(sn_nsdl_addr_s *src_addr_ptr, uint16_t msg_id)
+ *
+ * \brief Searches stored resending message from Linked list
+ *
+ * \param *src_addr_ptr is searching key for searched message
+ *
+ * \param msg_id is searching key for searched message
+ *
+ * \return Return value is pointer to found stored resending message in Linked
+ *         list or NULL if message not found
+ *****************************************************************************/
+static sn_nsdl_transmit_s *sn_coap_protocol_linked_list_send_msg_search(sn_nsdl_addr_s *src_addr_ptr, uint16_t msg_id)
+    coap_send_msg_s *stored_msg_ptr              = sn_linked_list_get_last_node(global_linked_list_resent_msgs_ptr);
+    uint16_t         stored_resending_msgs_count = sn_linked_list_count_nodes(global_linked_list_resent_msgs_ptr);
+    uint8_t          i                           = 0;
+    /* Loop all stored resending messages Linked list */
+    for (i = 0; i < stored_resending_msgs_count; i++)
+    {
+        /* Get message ID from stored resending message */
+        uint16_t temp_msg_id = (stored_msg_ptr->send_msg_ptr->packet_ptr[2] << 8);
+        temp_msg_id += (uint16_t)stored_msg_ptr->send_msg_ptr->packet_ptr[3];
+        /* If message's Message ID is same than is searched */
+        if (temp_msg_id == msg_id)
+        {
+            int8_t mem_cmp_result = memcmp(src_addr_ptr->addr_ptr, stored_msg_ptr->send_msg_ptr->dst_addr_ptr->addr_ptr, src_addr_ptr->addr_len);
+            /* If message's Source address is same than is searched */
+            if (mem_cmp_result == 0)
+            {
+                /* If message's Source address port is same than is searched */
+                if (stored_msg_ptr->send_msg_ptr->dst_addr_ptr->port == src_addr_ptr->port)
+                {
+                    /* * * Message found, return pointer to that stored resending message * * * */
+                    return stored_msg_ptr->send_msg_ptr;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        /* Get next stored message to be searched */
+        stored_msg_ptr = sn_linked_list_get_previous_node(global_linked_list_resent_msgs_ptr);
+    }
+    /* Message not found */
+    return NULL;
+ * \fn static void sn_coap_protocol_linked_list_send_msg_remove(sn_nsdl_addr_s *src_addr_ptr, uint16_t msg_id)
+ *
+ * \brief Removes stored resending message from Linked list
+ *
+ * \param *src_addr_ptr is searching key for searched message
+ * \param msg_id is searching key for removed message
+ *****************************************************************************/
+static void sn_coap_protocol_linked_list_send_msg_remove(sn_nsdl_addr_s *src_addr_ptr, uint16_t msg_id)
+    coap_send_msg_s *stored_msg_ptr              = sn_linked_list_get_last_node(global_linked_list_resent_msgs_ptr);
+    uint16_t         stored_resending_msgs_count = sn_linked_list_count_nodes(global_linked_list_resent_msgs_ptr);
+    uint8_t          i                           = 0;
+    /* Loop all stored resending messages in Linked list */
+    for (i = 0; i < stored_resending_msgs_count; i++)
+    {
+        /* Get message ID from stored resending message */
+        uint16_t temp_msg_id = (stored_msg_ptr->send_msg_ptr->packet_ptr[2] << 8);
+        temp_msg_id += (uint16_t)stored_msg_ptr->send_msg_ptr->packet_ptr[3];
+        /* If message's Message ID is same than is searched */
+        if (temp_msg_id == msg_id)
+        {
+            int8_t mem_cmp_result = memcmp(src_addr_ptr->addr_ptr, stored_msg_ptr->send_msg_ptr->dst_addr_ptr->addr_ptr, src_addr_ptr->addr_len);
+            /* If message's Source address is same than is searched */
+            if (mem_cmp_result == 0)
+            {
+                /* If message's Source address port is same than is searched */
+                if (stored_msg_ptr->send_msg_ptr->dst_addr_ptr->port == src_addr_ptr->port)
+                {
+                    /* * * Message found * * */
+                    /* Free memory of stored message */
+                    sn_coap_protocol_release_allocated_send_msg_mem(stored_msg_ptr);
+                    /* Remove message from Linked list */
+                    stored_msg_ptr = sn_linked_list_remove_current_node(global_linked_list_resent_msgs_ptr);
+                    return;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        /* Get next stored message to be searched */
+        stored_msg_ptr = sn_linked_list_get_previous_node(global_linked_list_resent_msgs_ptr);
+    }
+ * \fn static void sn_coap_protocol_linked_list_ack_info_store(uint16_t msg_id, uint8_t token_len, uint8_t *token_ptr, sn_nsdl_addr_s *addr_ptr)
+ *
+ * \brief Stores Acknowledgement info to Linked list
+ *
+ * \param msg_id is Message ID to be stored
+ *
+ * \param token_len is length of Token to be stored
+ *
+ * \param *token_ptr is pointer to Token data to be stored
+ *
+ * \param *addr_ptr is pointer to Address information to be stored
+ *****************************************************************************/
+static void sn_coap_protocol_linked_list_ack_info_store(uint16_t msg_id, uint8_t token_len, uint8_t *token_ptr, sn_nsdl_addr_s *addr_ptr)
+    coap_ack_info_s *stored_ack_info_ptr = NULL;
+    /* Remove oldest ack infos from linked list */
+    if(sn_linked_list_count_nodes(global_linked_list_ack_info_ptr) >= SN_COAP_ACK_INFO_MAX_COUNT_MESSAGES_SAVED)
+    {
+    	stored_ack_info_ptr = sn_linked_list_get_last_node(global_linked_list_ack_info_ptr);
+    	if(stored_ack_info_ptr)
+    	{
+    		sn_linked_list_remove_current_node(global_linked_list_ack_info_ptr);
+    		if(stored_ack_info_ptr->addr_ptr)
+    			sn_coap_protocol_free(stored_ack_info_ptr->addr_ptr);
+    		if(stored_ack_info_ptr->token_ptr)
+    			sn_coap_protocol_free(stored_ack_info_ptr->token_ptr);
+    		sn_coap_protocol_free(stored_ack_info_ptr);
+    		stored_ack_info_ptr = NULL;
+    	}
+    }
+    /* * * * Allocating memory for stored Acknowledgement info * * * */
+    /* Allocate memory for stored Acknowledgement info's structure */
+    stored_ack_info_ptr = sn_coap_protocol_malloc(sizeof(coap_ack_info_s));
+    if (stored_ack_info_ptr == NULL)
+    {
+        return;
+    }
+    if(token_ptr)
+    {
+		/* Allocate memory for stored Acknowledgement info's token */
+		stored_ack_info_ptr->token_ptr = sn_coap_protocol_malloc(token_len);
+		if (stored_ack_info_ptr->token_ptr == NULL)
+		{
+			sn_coap_protocol_free(stored_ack_info_ptr);
+			return;
+		}
+    }
+    /* Allocate memory for stored Acknowledgement info's address */
+    stored_ack_info_ptr->addr_ptr = sn_coap_protocol_malloc(addr_ptr->addr_len);
+    if (stored_ack_info_ptr->addr_ptr == NULL)
+    {
+        sn_coap_protocol_free(stored_ack_info_ptr->token_ptr);
+        sn_coap_protocol_free(stored_ack_info_ptr);
+        return;
+    }
+    /* * * * Filling fields of stored Acknowledgement info * * * */
+    stored_ack_info_ptr->timestamp = global_system_time;
+    stored_ack_info_ptr->msg_id = msg_id;
+    stored_ack_info_ptr->token_len = token_len;
+    if(token_ptr)
+    {
+    	memcpy(stored_ack_info_ptr->token_ptr, token_ptr, token_len);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+    	stored_ack_info_ptr->token_ptr = NULL;
+    }
+    memcpy(stored_ack_info_ptr->addr_ptr, addr_ptr->addr_ptr, addr_ptr->addr_len);
+    stored_ack_info_ptr->port = addr_ptr->port;
+    /* * * * Storing Acknowledgement info to Linked list * * * */
+    if(sn_linked_list_add_node(global_linked_list_ack_info_ptr, stored_ack_info_ptr) != 0)
+    {
+    	sn_coap_protocol_free(stored_ack_info_ptr->addr_ptr);
+        sn_coap_protocol_free(stored_ack_info_ptr->token_ptr);
+        sn_coap_protocol_free(stored_ack_info_ptr);
+        return;
+    }
+ * \fn static int32_t sn_coap_protocol_linked_list_ack_info_search(uint8_t token_len, uint8_t *token_ptr, sn_nsdl_addr_s *addr_ptr)
+ *
+ * \brief Searches stored Message ID from Linked list
+ *
+ * \param token_len is length of Token key to be searched
+ *
+ * \param *token_ptr is pointer to Token key to be searched
+ *
+ * \param *addr_ptr is pointer to Address key to be searched
+ *
+ * \return Return value is found Message ID. If Message ID not found, -1 is returned.
+ *****************************************************************************/
+static int32_t sn_coap_protocol_linked_list_ack_info_search(uint16_t msg_id, uint8_t token_len, uint8_t *token_ptr, sn_nsdl_addr_s *addr_ptr)
+    coap_ack_info_s *stored_ack_info_ptr   = sn_linked_list_get_last_node(global_linked_list_ack_info_ptr);
+    uint16_t         stored_ack_info_count = sn_linked_list_count_nodes(global_linked_list_ack_info_ptr);
+    uint8_t          i                     = 0;
+    uint8_t mem_cmp_result = 0;
+    if(!addr_ptr)
+    	return -1;
+    if(!addr_ptr->addr_ptr)
+    	return -1;
+    /* Loop all nodes in Linked list for searching Message ID */
+    for (i = 0; i < stored_ack_info_count; i++)
+    {
+        if(!stored_ack_info_ptr)
+        	return -1;
+        /* If message's Token option is same than is searched */
+        if(msg_id == stored_ack_info_ptr->msg_id)
+        {
+        	if(stored_ack_info_ptr->addr_ptr)
+        	{
+				mem_cmp_result = memcmp(addr_ptr->addr_ptr, stored_ack_info_ptr->addr_ptr, addr_ptr->addr_len);
+				/* If message's Source address is same than is searched */
+				if (mem_cmp_result == 0)
+				{
+					/* If message's Source address port is same than is searched */
+					if (stored_ack_info_ptr->port == addr_ptr->port)
+					{
+						if(stored_ack_info_ptr->token_ptr && token_ptr)
+						{
+							if(stored_ack_info_ptr->token_len == token_len)
+							{
+								mem_cmp_result = memcmp(token_ptr, stored_ack_info_ptr->token_ptr, token_len);
+								if (mem_cmp_result == 0)
+								{
+									/* ACK found and token match */
+									return stored_ack_info_ptr->msg_id;
+								}
+							}
+							return (-2); /* Token does not match */
+						}
+						else
+						{
+							/* * * Correct Acknowledgement info found * * * */
+							return stored_ack_info_ptr->msg_id;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+        }
+        /* Get next stored Acknowledgement info to be searched */
+        stored_ack_info_ptr = sn_linked_list_get_previous_node(global_linked_list_ack_info_ptr);
+    }
+    return -1;
+ * \fn static void sn_coap_protocol_linked_list_ack_info_remove(uint8_t token_len, uint8_t *token_ptr, sn_nsdl_addr_s *addr_ptr)
+ *
+ * \brief Removes stored Acknowledgement info from Linked list
+ *
+ * \param token_len is length of Token key to be removed
+ *
+ * \param *token_ptr is pointer to Token key to be removed
+ *
+ * \param *addr_ptr is pointer to Address key to be removed
+ *****************************************************************************/
+static void sn_coap_protocol_linked_list_ack_info_remove(uint16_t msg_id, sn_nsdl_addr_s *addr_ptr)
+    uint16_t         stored_ack_info_count = sn_linked_list_count_nodes(global_linked_list_ack_info_ptr);
+    coap_ack_info_s *stored_ack_info_ptr   = sn_linked_list_get_last_node(global_linked_list_ack_info_ptr);
+    uint8_t          i                     = 0;
+    if(!addr_ptr)
+    	return;
+    if(!addr_ptr->addr_ptr)
+    	return;
+    /* Loop all stored Acknowledgement infos in Linked list */
+    for (i = 0; i < stored_ack_info_count; i++)
+    {
+        if(!stored_ack_info_ptr)
+        	return;
+        /* If message's Token option is same than is searched */
+        if (msg_id == stored_ack_info_ptr->msg_id)
+        {
+            if (stored_ack_info_ptr->port == addr_ptr->port)
+            {
+				if(stored_ack_info_ptr->addr_ptr)
+				{
+					/* If message's Address is same than is searched */
+					if (!memcmp(addr_ptr->addr_ptr, stored_ack_info_ptr->addr_ptr, addr_ptr->addr_len))
+					{
+						/* * * * Correct Acknowledgement info found, remove it from Linked list * * * */
+						stored_ack_info_ptr = sn_linked_list_remove_current_node(global_linked_list_ack_info_ptr);
+						/* Free memory of stored Acknowledgement info */
+						if(stored_ack_info_ptr->token_ptr)
+							sn_coap_protocol_free(stored_ack_info_ptr->token_ptr);
+						sn_coap_protocol_free(stored_ack_info_ptr->addr_ptr);
+						sn_coap_protocol_free(stored_ack_info_ptr);
+						return;
+					}
+            	}
+            }
+        }
+        /* Get next stored message to be searched */
+        stored_ack_info_ptr = sn_linked_list_get_previous_node(global_linked_list_ack_info_ptr);
+    }
+ * \fn static void sn_coap_protocol_linked_list_ack_info_remove_old_ones(void)
+ *
+ * \brief Removes old stored Acknowledgement infos from Linked list
+ *****************************************************************************/
+static void sn_coap_protocol_linked_list_ack_info_remove_old_ones(void)
+    coap_ack_info_s *removed_ack_info_ptr   = sn_linked_list_get_first_node(global_linked_list_ack_info_ptr);
+    /* Loop all stored Acknowledgement infos in Linked list */
+    while(removed_ack_info_ptr)
+    {
+        if ((global_system_time - removed_ack_info_ptr->timestamp)  > SN_COAP_ACK_INFO_MAX_TIME_MSGS_STORED)
+        {
+            /* * * * Old Acknowledgement info found, remove it from Linked list * * * */
+            removed_ack_info_ptr = sn_linked_list_remove_current_node(global_linked_list_ack_info_ptr);
+            /* Free memory of stored Acknowledgement info */
+            if(removed_ack_info_ptr->token_ptr)
+            {
+            	sn_coap_protocol_free(removed_ack_info_ptr->token_ptr);
+            }
+            if(removed_ack_info_ptr->addr_ptr)
+            {
+            	sn_coap_protocol_free(removed_ack_info_ptr->addr_ptr);
+            }
+            sn_coap_protocol_free(removed_ack_info_ptr);
+            /* Remove current node moved list automatically to next node. That is why we can fetch it now by calling get current node. */
+            removed_ack_info_ptr = sn_linked_list_get_current_node(global_linked_list_ack_info_ptr);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            /* Get next stored message to be searched */
+            removed_ack_info_ptr = sn_linked_list_get_next_node(global_linked_list_ack_info_ptr);
+        }
+    }
+static void sn_coap_protocol_send_rst(uint16_t msg_id, sn_nsdl_addr_s *addr_ptr)
+	uint8_t packet_ptr[4];
+	/* Add CoAP version and message type */
+	packet_ptr[0] = COAP_VERSION_1;
+	packet_ptr[0] |= COAP_MSG_TYPE_RESET;
+	/* Add message code */
+	packet_ptr[1] = COAP_MSG_CODE_EMPTY;
+	/* Add message ID */
+	packet_ptr[2] = msg_id >> 8;
+	packet_ptr[3] = (uint8_t)msg_id;
+	/* Send RST */
+	sn_coap_tx_callback(SN_NSDL_PROTOCOL_COAP, packet_ptr, 4, addr_ptr);
+#if SN_COAP_DUPLICATION_MAX_MSGS_COUNT /* If Message duplication detection is not used at all, this part of code will not be compiled */
+ * \fn static void sn_coap_protocol_linked_list_duplication_info_store(sn_nsdl_addr_s *addr_ptr, uint16_t msg_id)
+ *
+ * \brief Stores Duplication info to Linked list
+ *
+ * \param msg_id is Message ID to be stored
+ * \param *addr_ptr is pointer to Address information to be stored
+ *****************************************************************************/
+static void sn_coap_protocol_linked_list_duplication_info_store(sn_nsdl_addr_s *addr_ptr,
+                                                                uint16_t msg_id)
+    coap_duplication_info_s *stored_duplication_info_ptr = NULL;
+    /* * * * Allocating memory for stored Duplication info * * * */
+    /* Allocate memory for stored Duplication info's structure */
+    stored_duplication_info_ptr = sn_coap_protocol_malloc(sizeof(coap_duplication_info_s));
+    if (stored_duplication_info_ptr == NULL)
+    {
+        return;
+    }
+    /* Allocate memory for stored Duplication info's address */
+    stored_duplication_info_ptr->addr_ptr = sn_coap_protocol_malloc(addr_ptr->addr_len);
+    if (stored_duplication_info_ptr->addr_ptr == NULL)
+    {
+        sn_coap_protocol_free(stored_duplication_info_ptr);
+        return;
+    }
+    /* * * * Filling fields of stored Duplication info * * * */
+    stored_duplication_info_ptr->timestamp = global_system_time;
+    stored_duplication_info_ptr->addr_len = addr_ptr->addr_len;
+    memcpy(stored_duplication_info_ptr->addr_ptr, addr_ptr->addr_ptr, addr_ptr->addr_len);
+    stored_duplication_info_ptr->port = addr_ptr->port;
+    stored_duplication_info_ptr->msg_id = msg_id;
+    /* * * * Storing Duplication info to Linked list * * * */
+    sn_linked_list_add_node(global_linked_list_duplication_msgs_ptr, stored_duplication_info_ptr);
+ * \fn static int8_t sn_coap_protocol_linked_list_duplication_info_search(sn_nsdl_addr_s *addr_ptr, uint16_t msg_id)
+ *
+ * \brief Searches stored message from Linked list (Address and Message ID as key)
+ *
+ * \param *addr_ptr is pointer to Address key to be searched
+ * \param msg_id is Message ID key to be searched
+ *
+ * \return Return value is 0 when message found and -1 if not found
+ *****************************************************************************/
+static int8_t sn_coap_protocol_linked_list_duplication_info_search(sn_nsdl_addr_s *addr_ptr,
+                                                                   uint16_t msg_id)
+    coap_duplication_info_s *stored_duplication_info_ptr   = sn_linked_list_get_last_node(global_linked_list_duplication_msgs_ptr);
+    uint16_t                 stored_duplication_msgs_count = sn_linked_list_count_nodes(global_linked_list_duplication_msgs_ptr);
+    uint8_t                  i                             = 0;
+    /* Loop all nodes in Linked list for searching Message ID */
+    for (i = 0; i < stored_duplication_msgs_count; i++)
+    {
+        /* If message's Message ID is same than is searched */
+        if (stored_duplication_info_ptr->msg_id == msg_id)
+        {
+            int8_t mem_cmp_result = memcmp(addr_ptr->addr_ptr, stored_duplication_info_ptr->addr_ptr, addr_ptr->addr_len);
+            /* If message's Source address is same than is searched */
+            if (mem_cmp_result == 0)
+            {
+                /* If message's Source address port is same than is searched */
+                if (stored_duplication_info_ptr->port == addr_ptr->port)
+                {
+                    /* * * Correct Duplication info found * * * */
+                    return 0;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        /* Get next stored Duplication info to be searched */
+        stored_duplication_info_ptr = sn_linked_list_get_previous_node(global_linked_list_duplication_msgs_ptr);
+    }
+    return -1;
+ * \fn static void sn_coap_protocol_linked_list_duplication_info_remove(uint8_t *addr_ptr, uint16_t port, uint16_t msg_id)
+ *
+ * \brief Removes stored Duplication info from Linked list
+ *
+ * \param *addr_ptr is pointer to Address key to be removed
+ *
+ * \param port is Port key to be removed
+ *
+ * \param msg_id is Message ID key to be removed
+ *****************************************************************************/
+static void sn_coap_protocol_linked_list_duplication_info_remove(uint8_t *addr_ptr, uint16_t port, uint16_t msg_id)
+    coap_duplication_info_s *removed_duplication_info_ptr  = sn_linked_list_get_last_node(global_linked_list_duplication_msgs_ptr);
+    uint16_t                 stored_duplication_msgs_count = sn_linked_list_count_nodes(global_linked_list_duplication_msgs_ptr);
+    uint8_t                  i                             = 0;
+    /* Loop all stored duplication messages in Linked list */
+    for (i = 0; i < stored_duplication_msgs_count; i++)
+    {
+        int8_t mem_cmp_result = memcmp(addr_ptr, removed_duplication_info_ptr->addr_ptr, removed_duplication_info_ptr->addr_len);
+        /* If message's Address is same than is searched */
+        if (mem_cmp_result == 0)
+        {
+            /* If message's Address prt is same than is searched */
+            if (removed_duplication_info_ptr->port == port)
+            {
+                /* If Message ID is same than is searched */
+                if (removed_duplication_info_ptr->msg_id == msg_id)
+                {
+                    /* * * * Correct Duplication info found, remove it from Linked list * * * */
+                    removed_duplication_info_ptr = sn_linked_list_remove_current_node(global_linked_list_duplication_msgs_ptr);
+                    /* Free memory of stored Duplication info */
+                    sn_coap_protocol_free(removed_duplication_info_ptr->addr_ptr);
+                    sn_coap_protocol_free(removed_duplication_info_ptr);
+                    return;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        /* Get next stored message to be searched */
+        removed_duplication_info_ptr = sn_linked_list_get_previous_node(global_linked_list_duplication_msgs_ptr);
+    }
+ * \fn static void sn_coap_protocol_linked_list_duplication_info_remove_old_ones(void)
+ *
+ * \brief Removes old stored Duplication detection infos from Linked list
+ *****************************************************************************/
+static void sn_coap_protocol_linked_list_duplication_info_remove_old_ones(void)
+    coap_duplication_info_s *removed_duplication_info_ptr  = sn_linked_list_get_first_node(global_linked_list_duplication_msgs_ptr);
+    /* Loop all stored duplication messages in Linked list */
+    while(removed_duplication_info_ptr)
+    {
+        if ((global_system_time - removed_duplication_info_ptr->timestamp)  > SN_COAP_DUPLICATION_MAX_TIME_MSGS_STORED)
+        {
+            /* * * * Old Duplication info found, remove it from Linked list * * * */
+            removed_duplication_info_ptr = sn_linked_list_remove_current_node(global_linked_list_duplication_msgs_ptr);
+            /* Free memory of stored Duplication info */
+            sn_coap_protocol_free(removed_duplication_info_ptr->addr_ptr);
+            sn_coap_protocol_free(removed_duplication_info_ptr);
+            removed_duplication_info_ptr = sn_linked_list_get_current_node(global_linked_list_duplication_msgs_ptr);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            /* Get next stored message to be searched */
+            removed_duplication_info_ptr = sn_linked_list_get_next_node(global_linked_list_duplication_msgs_ptr);
+        }
+    }
+ * \fn static void sn_coap_protocol_linked_list_blockwise_msg_remove_current()
+ *
+ * \brief Removes current stored blockwise message from Linked list
+ *****************************************************************************/
+static void sn_coap_protocol_linked_list_blockwise_msg_remove_current()
+    coap_blockwise_msg_s *removed_msg_ptr = sn_linked_list_remove_current_node(global_linked_list_blockwise_sent_msgs_ptr);
+    if (removed_msg_ptr != NULL)
+    {
+        if(removed_msg_ptr->coap_msg_ptr->payload_ptr)
+        	sn_coap_protocol_free(removed_msg_ptr->coap_msg_ptr->payload_ptr);
+        sn_coap_parser_release_allocated_coap_msg_mem(removed_msg_ptr->coap_msg_ptr);
+        sn_coap_protocol_free(removed_msg_ptr);
+    }
+ * \fn static void sn_coap_protocol_linked_list_blockwise_payload_store(sn_nsdl_addr_s *addr_ptr, uint16_t stored_payload_len, uint8_t *stored_payload_ptr)
+ *
+ * \brief Stores blockwise payload to Linked list
+ *
+ * \param *addr_ptr is pointer to Address information to be stored
+ * \param stored_payload_len is length of stored Payload
+ * \param *stored_payload_ptr is pointer to stored Payload
+ *****************************************************************************/
+static void sn_coap_protocol_linked_list_blockwise_payload_store(sn_nsdl_addr_s *addr_ptr,//TODO: addr + header parametreiksi, blokin offset talteen.
+                                                                 uint16_t stored_payload_len,
+                                                                 uint8_t *stored_payload_ptr)
+	if(!addr_ptr || !stored_payload_len || !stored_payload_ptr)
+		return;
+    coap_blockwise_payload_s *stored_blockwise_payload_ptr = NULL;
+    /* * * * Allocating memory for stored Payload  * * * */
+    /* Allocate memory for stored Payload's structure */
+    stored_blockwise_payload_ptr = sn_coap_protocol_malloc(sizeof(coap_blockwise_payload_s));
+    if (stored_blockwise_payload_ptr == NULL)
+    {
+        return;
+    }
+    /* Allocate memory for stored Payload's data */
+    stored_blockwise_payload_ptr->payload_ptr = sn_coap_protocol_malloc(stored_payload_len);
+    if (stored_blockwise_payload_ptr->payload_ptr == NULL)
+    {
+        sn_coap_protocol_free(stored_blockwise_payload_ptr);
+        return;
+    }
+    /* Allocate memory for stored Payload's address */
+    stored_blockwise_payload_ptr->addr_ptr = sn_coap_protocol_malloc(addr_ptr->addr_len);
+    if (stored_blockwise_payload_ptr->addr_ptr == NULL)
+    {
+        sn_coap_protocol_free(stored_blockwise_payload_ptr);
+        sn_coap_protocol_free(stored_blockwise_payload_ptr->payload_ptr);
+        return;
+    }
+    /* * * * Filling fields of stored Payload  * * * */
+    stored_blockwise_payload_ptr->timestamp = global_system_time;
+    memcpy(stored_blockwise_payload_ptr->addr_ptr, addr_ptr->addr_ptr, addr_ptr->addr_len);
+    stored_blockwise_payload_ptr->port = addr_ptr->port;
+    memcpy(stored_blockwise_payload_ptr->payload_ptr, stored_payload_ptr, stored_payload_len);
+    stored_blockwise_payload_ptr->payload_len = stored_payload_len;
+    /* * * * Storing Payload to Linked list  * * * */
+    sn_linked_list_add_node(global_linked_list_blockwise_received_payloads_ptr, stored_blockwise_payload_ptr);//TODO: hukkAS
+ * \fn static uint8_t *sn_coap_protocol_linked_list_blockwise_payload_search(sn_nsdl_addr_s *src_addr_ptr, uint16_t *payload_length)
+ *
+ * \brief Searches stored blockwise payload from Linked list (Address as key)
+ *
+ * \param *addr_ptr is pointer to Address key to be searched
+ * \param *payload_length is pointer to returned Payload length
+ *
+ * \return Return value is pointer to found stored blockwise payload in Linked
+ *         list or NULL if payload not found
+ *****************************************************************************/
+static uint8_t *sn_coap_protocol_linked_list_blockwise_payload_search(sn_nsdl_addr_s *src_addr_ptr, uint16_t *payload_length)
+    coap_blockwise_payload_s *stored_payload_info_ptr       = sn_linked_list_get_last_node(global_linked_list_blockwise_received_payloads_ptr);
+    uint16_t                  stored_blockwise_payloads_count = sn_linked_list_count_nodes(global_linked_list_blockwise_received_payloads_ptr);
+    uint8_t                   i                               = 0;
+    /* Loop all stored blockwise payloads in Linked list */
+    for (i = 0; i < stored_blockwise_payloads_count; i++)
+    {
+        int8_t mem_cmp_result = memcmp(src_addr_ptr->addr_ptr, stored_payload_info_ptr->addr_ptr, src_addr_ptr->addr_len);
+        /* If payload's Source address is same than is searched */
+        if (mem_cmp_result == 0)
+        {
+            /* If payload's Source address port is same than is searched */
+            if (stored_payload_info_ptr->port == src_addr_ptr->port)
+            {
+                /* * * Correct Payload found * * * */
+                *payload_length = stored_payload_info_ptr->payload_len;
+                return stored_payload_info_ptr->payload_ptr;
+            }
+        }
+        /* Get next stored payload to be searched */
+        stored_payload_info_ptr = sn_linked_list_get_previous_node(global_linked_list_blockwise_received_payloads_ptr);
+    }
+    return NULL;
+ * \fn static void sn_coap_protocol_linked_list_blockwise_payload_remove_oldest()
+ *
+ * \brief Removes current stored blockwise paylod from Linked list
+ *****************************************************************************/
+static void sn_coap_protocol_linked_list_blockwise_payload_remove_oldest()
+    coap_blockwise_payload_s *removed_payload_ptr = NULL;
+    /* Set Linked list to point oldest node */
+    sn_linked_list_get_last_node(global_linked_list_blockwise_received_payloads_ptr);
+    /* Remove oldest node in Linked list*/
+    removed_payload_ptr = sn_linked_list_remove_current_node(global_linked_list_blockwise_received_payloads_ptr);
+    /* Free memory of stored payload */
+    if (removed_payload_ptr != NULL)
+    {
+        if (removed_payload_ptr->addr_ptr != NULL)
+        {
+            sn_coap_protocol_free(removed_payload_ptr->addr_ptr);
+        }
+        if (removed_payload_ptr->payload_ptr != NULL)
+        {
+            sn_coap_protocol_free(removed_payload_ptr->payload_ptr);
+        }
+        sn_coap_protocol_free(removed_payload_ptr);
+    }
+ * \fn static void sn_coap_protocol_linked_list_blockwise_payload_remove_current()
+ *
+ * \brief Removes current stored blockwise paylod from Linked list
+ *****************************************************************************/
+static void sn_coap_protocol_linked_list_blockwise_payload_remove_current()
+    coap_blockwise_payload_s *removed_payload_ptr = NULL;
+    /* Remove oldest node in Linked list*/
+    removed_payload_ptr = sn_linked_list_remove_current_node(global_linked_list_blockwise_received_payloads_ptr);
+    /* Free memory of stored payload */
+    if (removed_payload_ptr != NULL)
+    {
+        if (removed_payload_ptr->addr_ptr != NULL)
+        {
+            sn_coap_protocol_free(removed_payload_ptr->addr_ptr);
+        }
+        if (removed_payload_ptr->payload_ptr != NULL)
+        {
+            sn_coap_protocol_free(removed_payload_ptr->payload_ptr);
+        }
+        sn_coap_protocol_free(removed_payload_ptr);
+    }
+ * \fn static uint16_t sn_coap_protocol_linked_list_blockwise_payloads_get_len(sn_nsdl_addr_s *src_addr_ptr)
+ *
+ * \brief Counts length of Payloads in Linked list (Address as key)
+ *
+ * \param *addr_ptr is pointer to Address key
+ *
+ * \return Return value is length of Payloads as bytes
+ *****************************************************************************/
+static uint16_t sn_coap_protocol_linked_list_blockwise_payloads_get_len(sn_nsdl_addr_s *src_addr_ptr)
+    coap_blockwise_payload_s *searched_payload_info_ptr       = sn_linked_list_get_last_node(global_linked_list_blockwise_received_payloads_ptr);
+    uint16_t                  stored_blockwise_payloads_count = sn_linked_list_count_nodes(global_linked_list_blockwise_received_payloads_ptr);
+    uint8_t                   i                               = 0;
+    uint16_t                  ret_whole_payload_len           = 0;
+    /* Loop all stored blockwise payloads in Linked list */
+    for (i = 0; i < stored_blockwise_payloads_count; i++)
+    {
+        int8_t mem_cmp_result = memcmp(src_addr_ptr->addr_ptr, searched_payload_info_ptr->addr_ptr, src_addr_ptr->addr_len);
+        /* If payload's Source address is same than is searched */
+        if (mem_cmp_result == 0)
+        {
+            /* If payload's Source address port is same than is searched */
+            if (searched_payload_info_ptr->port == src_addr_ptr->port)
+            {
+                /* * * Correct Payload found * * * */
+                ret_whole_payload_len += searched_payload_info_ptr->payload_len;
+            }
+        }
+        /* Get next stored payload to be searched */
+        searched_payload_info_ptr = sn_linked_list_get_previous_node(global_linked_list_blockwise_received_payloads_ptr);
+    }
+    return ret_whole_payload_len;
+ * \fn static void sn_coap_protocol_linked_list_blockwise_remove_old_data(void)
+ *
+ * \brief Removes old stored Blockwise messages and payloads from Linked list
+ *****************************************************************************/
+static void sn_coap_protocol_linked_list_blockwise_remove_old_data(void)
+    coap_blockwise_msg_s     *removed_blocwise_msg_ptr        = sn_linked_list_get_first_node(global_linked_list_blockwise_sent_msgs_ptr);
+    coap_blockwise_payload_s *removed_blocwise_payload_ptr    = sn_linked_list_get_first_node(global_linked_list_blockwise_received_payloads_ptr);
+    /* Loop all stored Blockwise messages in Linked list */
+    while(removed_blocwise_msg_ptr)
+    {
+        if ((global_system_time - removed_blocwise_msg_ptr->timestamp)  > SN_COAP_BLOCKWISE_MAX_TIME_DATA_STORED)
+        {
+            /* * * * Old Blockise message found, remove it from Linked list * * * */
+            sn_coap_protocol_linked_list_blockwise_msg_remove_current();
+            removed_blocwise_msg_ptr = sn_linked_list_get_current_node(global_linked_list_blockwise_sent_msgs_ptr);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            /* Get next stored message to be searched */
+            removed_blocwise_msg_ptr = sn_linked_list_get_next_node(global_linked_list_blockwise_sent_msgs_ptr);
+        }
+    }
+    /* Loop all stored Blockwise payloads in Linked list */
+    while(removed_blocwise_payload_ptr)
+    {
+        if ((global_system_time - removed_blocwise_payload_ptr->timestamp)  > SN_COAP_BLOCKWISE_MAX_TIME_DATA_STORED)
+        {
+            /* * * * Old Blockise payload found, remove it from Linked list * * * */
+            sn_coap_protocol_linked_list_blockwise_payload_remove_current();
+            removed_blocwise_payload_ptr = sn_linked_list_get_current_node(global_linked_list_blockwise_received_payloads_ptr);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+        	/* Get next stored payload to be searched */
+        	removed_blocwise_payload_ptr = sn_linked_list_get_next_node(global_linked_list_blockwise_received_payloads_ptr);
+        }
+    }
+#if ENABLE_RESENDINGS  /* If Message resending is not used at all, this part of code will not be compiled */
+ * \fn int8_t sn_coap_protocol_allocate_mem_for_msg(sn_nsdl_addr_s *dst_addr_ptr, uint16_t packet_data_len, coap_send_msg_s *msg_ptr)
+ *
+ * \brief Allocates memory for given message (send or blockwise message)
+ *
+ * \param *dst_addr_ptr is pointer to destination address where message will be sent
+ * \param packet_data_len is length of allocated Packet data
+ *
+ * \return pointer to allocated struct
+ *****************************************************************************/
+coap_send_msg_s *sn_coap_protocol_allocate_mem_for_msg(sn_nsdl_addr_s *dst_addr_ptr, uint16_t packet_data_len)
+	coap_send_msg_s *msg_ptr = sn_coap_protocol_malloc(sizeof(coap_send_msg_s));
+    if (msg_ptr == NULL)
+        return 0;
+    memset(msg_ptr, 0, sizeof(coap_send_msg_s));
+    msg_ptr->send_msg_ptr = sn_coap_protocol_malloc(sizeof(sn_nsdl_transmit_s));
+    if (msg_ptr->send_msg_ptr == NULL)
+    {
+        sn_coap_protocol_release_allocated_send_msg_mem(msg_ptr);
+        return 0;
+    }
+    memset(msg_ptr->send_msg_ptr, 0 ,sizeof(sn_nsdl_transmit_s));
+    msg_ptr->send_msg_ptr->dst_addr_ptr = sn_coap_protocol_malloc(sizeof(sn_nsdl_addr_s));
+    if (msg_ptr->send_msg_ptr->dst_addr_ptr == NULL)
+    {
+        sn_coap_protocol_release_allocated_send_msg_mem(msg_ptr);
+        return 0;
+    }
+    memset(msg_ptr->send_msg_ptr->dst_addr_ptr, 0, sizeof(sn_nsdl_addr_s));
+    msg_ptr->send_msg_ptr->packet_ptr = sn_coap_protocol_malloc(packet_data_len);
+    if (msg_ptr->send_msg_ptr->packet_ptr == NULL)
+    {
+        sn_coap_protocol_release_allocated_send_msg_mem(msg_ptr);
+        return 0;
+    }
+    msg_ptr->send_msg_ptr->dst_addr_ptr->addr_ptr = sn_coap_protocol_malloc(dst_addr_ptr->addr_len);
+    if (msg_ptr->send_msg_ptr->dst_addr_ptr->addr_ptr == NULL)
+    {
+        sn_coap_protocol_release_allocated_send_msg_mem(msg_ptr);
+        return 0;
+    }
+    memset(msg_ptr->send_msg_ptr->dst_addr_ptr->addr_ptr, 0, dst_addr_ptr->addr_len);
+    return msg_ptr;
+ * \fn static void sn_coap_protocol_release_allocated_send_msg_mem(coap_send_msg_s *freed_send_msg_ptr)
+ *
+ * \brief Releases memory of given Sending message (coap_send_msg_s)
+ *
+ * \param *freed_send_msg_ptr is pointer to released Sending message
+ *****************************************************************************/
+static void sn_coap_protocol_release_allocated_send_msg_mem(coap_send_msg_s *freed_send_msg_ptr)
+    if (freed_send_msg_ptr != NULL)
+    {
+        sn_coap_builder_release_allocated_send_msg_mem(freed_send_msg_ptr->send_msg_ptr);
+        sn_coap_protocol_free(freed_send_msg_ptr);
+    }
+ * \fn static uint16_t sn_coap_count_linked_list_size(sn_linked_list_t *linked_list_ptr)
+ *
+ * \brief Counts total message size of all messages in linked list
+ *
+ * \param sn_linked_list_t *linked_list_ptr pointer to linked list
+ *****************************************************************************/
+static uint16_t sn_coap_count_linked_list_size(sn_linked_list_t *linked_list_ptr)
+	uint16_t total_size = 0;
+	uint16_t message_count = sn_linked_list_count_nodes(linked_list_ptr);
+	coap_send_msg_s *stored_msg_ptr = sn_linked_list_get_first_node(linked_list_ptr);
+	while(message_count--)
+	{
+		if(stored_msg_ptr)
+		{
+			if(stored_msg_ptr->send_msg_ptr)
+				total_size += stored_msg_ptr->send_msg_ptr->packet_len;
+		}
+		stored_msg_ptr = sn_linked_list_get_next_node(linked_list_ptr);
+	}
+	return total_size;
+#if SN_COAP_BLOCKWISE_MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE /* If Message blockwising is not used at all, this part of code will not be compiled */
+ * \fn static int8_t sn_coap_handle_blockwise_message(void)
+ *
+ * \brief Handles all received blockwise messages
+ *
+ * \param *src_addr_ptr pointer to source address information struct
+ * \param *received_coap_msg_ptr pointer to parsed CoAP message structure
+ *****************************************************************************/
+static sn_coap_hdr_s *sn_coap_handle_blockwise_message(sn_nsdl_addr_s *src_addr_ptr, sn_coap_hdr_s *received_coap_msg_ptr)
+    sn_coap_hdr_s *src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr = NULL;
+    uint16_t dst_packed_data_needed_mem = 0;
+    uint8_t *dst_ack_packet_data_ptr = NULL;
+    uint8_t block_temp = 0;
+    uint16_t original_payload_len = 0;
+    uint8_t *original_payload_ptr = NULL;
+	/* Block1 Option in a request (e.g., PUT or POST) */
+	// Blocked request sending, received ACK, sending next block..
+	if(received_coap_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block1_ptr)
+    {
+		if(received_coap_msg_ptr->msg_code > COAP_MSG_CODE_REQUEST_DELETE)
+		{
+			if(*(received_coap_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block1_ptr + (received_coap_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block1_len - 1)) & 0x08)
+			{
+				coap_blockwise_msg_s *stored_blockwise_msg_temp_ptr = sn_linked_list_get_last_node(global_linked_list_blockwise_sent_msgs_ptr);
+				/* Get  */
+				while(stored_blockwise_msg_temp_ptr && (received_coap_msg_ptr->msg_id != stored_blockwise_msg_temp_ptr->coap_msg_ptr->msg_id))
+            	{
+            		stored_blockwise_msg_temp_ptr = sn_linked_list_get_previous_node(global_linked_list_blockwise_sent_msgs_ptr);
+            	}
+				if(stored_blockwise_msg_temp_ptr)
+				{
+					/* Build response message */
+					uint16_t block_size = 1;
+					uint32_t block_number = 0;
+					/* Get block option parameters from received message */
+					if(received_coap_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block1_len == 3)
+					{
+						block_number = *(received_coap_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block1_ptr) << 12;
+						block_number |= *(received_coap_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block1_ptr + 1) << 4;
+						block_number |= (*(received_coap_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block1_ptr + 2)) >> 4;
+					}
+					else if(received_coap_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block1_len == 2)
+					{
+						block_number = *(received_coap_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block1_ptr) << 4;
+						block_number |= (*(received_coap_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block1_ptr + 1)) >> 4;
+					}
+					else if(received_coap_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block1_len == 1)
+					{
+						block_number = (*received_coap_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block1_ptr) >> 4;
+					}
+					block_temp = *(received_coap_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block1_ptr + (received_coap_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block1_len - 1)) & 0x07;
+					block_size = block_size << (block_temp + 4);
+					/* Build next block message */
+					src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr = stored_blockwise_msg_temp_ptr->coap_msg_ptr;
+					if(src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr)
+					{
+						if(src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block1_ptr)
+						{
+							sn_coap_protocol_free(src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block1_ptr);
+							src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block1_ptr = 0;
+						}
+						if(src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block2_ptr)
+						{
+							sn_coap_protocol_free(src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block2_ptr);
+							src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block2_ptr = 0;
+						}
+					}
+					else
+					{
+						src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr = sn_coap_protocol_malloc(sizeof(sn_coap_options_list_s));
+						if(!src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr)
+						{
+							sn_coap_parser_release_allocated_coap_msg_mem(received_coap_msg_ptr);
+							return 0;
+						}
+						memset(src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr, 0, (sizeof(sn_coap_options_list_s)));
+					}
+					block_number++;
+					if(block_number <= 0x0f)
+						src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block1_len = 1;
+					else if(block_number <= 0x0fff)
+						src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block1_len = 2;
+					else if(block_number <= 0x0fffff)
+						src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block1_len = 3;
+					src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block1_ptr = sn_coap_protocol_malloc(src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block1_len);
+					if(src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block1_ptr == 0)
+					{
+						sn_coap_parser_release_allocated_coap_msg_mem(received_coap_msg_ptr);
+						return 0;
+					}
+					*(src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block1_ptr + (src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block1_len - 1)) = block_temp;
+					*src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block1_ptr |= block_number << 4;
+					if(src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block1_len == 3)
+					{
+						*(src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block1_ptr + 2) = block_number << 4;
+						*(src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block1_ptr + 1) |= block_number >> 4;
+						*src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block1_ptr |= block_number >> 12;
+					}
+					else if(src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block1_len == 2)
+					{
+						*(src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block1_ptr + 1) |= block_number << 4;
+						*src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block1_ptr |= block_number >> 4;
+					}
+					else
+						*src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block1_ptr |= block_number << 4;
+					original_payload_len = stored_blockwise_msg_temp_ptr->coap_msg_ptr->payload_len;
+					original_payload_ptr = stored_blockwise_msg_temp_ptr->coap_msg_ptr->payload_ptr;
+					if((block_size * (block_number+1)) > stored_blockwise_msg_temp_ptr->coap_msg_ptr->payload_len)
+					{
+						src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->payload_len = stored_blockwise_msg_temp_ptr->coap_msg_ptr->payload_len - (block_size * (block_number));
+						src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->payload_ptr = src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->payload_ptr + (block_size * block_number);
+					}
+					/* Not last block */
+					else
+					{
+						/* set more - bit */
+						*(src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block1_ptr + (src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block1_len-1)) |= 0x08;
+						src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->payload_len = block_size;
+						src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->payload_ptr = src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->payload_ptr + (block_size * block_number);
+					}
+					/* Build and send block message */
+	                dst_packed_data_needed_mem = sn_coap_builder_calc_needed_packet_data_size(src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr);
+	                dst_ack_packet_data_ptr = sn_coap_protocol_malloc(dst_packed_data_needed_mem);
+	                if(!dst_ack_packet_data_ptr)
+	                {
+	                	sn_coap_protocol_free(src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block1_ptr);
+	                	sn_coap_protocol_free(src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr);
+	                	sn_coap_protocol_free(src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr);
+	                	sn_coap_parser_release_allocated_coap_msg_mem(received_coap_msg_ptr);
+	                    return NULL;
+	                }
+	                src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->msg_id = global_message_id++;
+	                sn_coap_builder(dst_ack_packet_data_ptr, src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr);
+					sn_coap_tx_callback(SN_NSDL_PROTOCOL_COAP, dst_ack_packet_data_ptr, dst_packed_data_needed_mem, src_addr_ptr);
+					sn_coap_protocol_free(dst_ack_packet_data_ptr);
+					stored_blockwise_msg_temp_ptr->coap_msg_ptr->payload_len = original_payload_len;
+					stored_blockwise_msg_temp_ptr->coap_msg_ptr->payload_ptr = original_payload_ptr;
+					received_coap_msg_ptr->coap_status = COAP_STATUS_PARSER_BLOCKWISE_ACK;
+				}
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				sn_coap_protocol_linked_list_blockwise_msg_remove_current();
+				received_coap_msg_ptr->coap_status = COAP_STATUS_PARSER_BLOCKWISE_ACK;
+			}
+		}
+		// Blocked request receiving
+		else
+		{
+			if(received_coap_msg_ptr->payload_len > sn_coap_block_data_size)
+				received_coap_msg_ptr->payload_len = sn_coap_block_data_size;
+			sn_coap_protocol_linked_list_blockwise_payload_store(src_addr_ptr, received_coap_msg_ptr->payload_len, received_coap_msg_ptr->payload_ptr);
+			/* If not last block (more value is set) */
+            /* Block option length can be 1-3 bytes. First 4-20 bits are for block number. Last 4 bits are ALWAYS more bit + block size. */
+            if(*(received_coap_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block1_ptr + (received_coap_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block1_len - 1)) & 0x08)
+            {
+            	//send ack
+                src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr = sn_coap_protocol_malloc(sizeof(sn_coap_hdr_s));
+                if (src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr == NULL)
+                {
+                	sn_coap_parser_release_allocated_coap_msg_mem(received_coap_msg_ptr);
+                    return NULL;
+                }
+                memset(src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr, 0, sizeof(sn_coap_hdr_s));
+                src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr = sn_coap_protocol_malloc(sizeof(sn_coap_options_list_s));
+                if (src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr == NULL)
+                {
+                    sn_coap_protocol_free(src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr);
+                    sn_coap_parser_release_allocated_coap_msg_mem(received_coap_msg_ptr);
+                    return NULL;
+                }
+                memset(src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr, 0, sizeof(sn_coap_options_list_s));
+               if(received_coap_msg_ptr->msg_code == COAP_MSG_CODE_REQUEST_GET)
+                	src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->msg_code = COAP_MSG_CODE_RESPONSE_CONTENT;
+               else if(received_coap_msg_ptr->msg_code == COAP_MSG_CODE_REQUEST_POST)
+                	src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->msg_code = COAP_MSG_CODE_RESPONSE_CREATED;
+               else if(received_coap_msg_ptr->msg_code == COAP_MSG_CODE_REQUEST_PUT)
+                	src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->msg_code = COAP_MSG_CODE_RESPONSE_CHANGED;
+               else if(received_coap_msg_ptr->msg_code == COAP_MSG_CODE_REQUEST_DELETE)
+                	src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->msg_code = COAP_MSG_CODE_RESPONSE_DELETED;
+                src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block1_len = received_coap_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block1_len;
+                src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block1_ptr = sn_coap_protocol_malloc(src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block1_len);
+                if(!src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block1_ptr)
+                {
+                	sn_coap_protocol_free(src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr);
+                	sn_coap_protocol_free(src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr);
+                    return NULL;
+                }
+                src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->msg_type = COAP_MSG_TYPE_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT;
+                memcpy(src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block1_ptr, received_coap_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block1_ptr, received_coap_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block1_len);
+                /* Check block size */
+                block_temp = (*(src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block1_ptr + (src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block1_len - 1)) & 0x07);
+                if(block_temp > sn_coap_convert_block_size(sn_coap_block_data_size))
+                {
+                	*(src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block1_ptr + (src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block1_len - 1)) &= 0xF8;
+                	*(src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block1_ptr + (src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block1_len - 1)) |= sn_coap_convert_block_size(sn_coap_block_data_size);
+                }
+                src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->msg_id = received_coap_msg_ptr->msg_id;
+                dst_packed_data_needed_mem = sn_coap_builder_calc_needed_packet_data_size(src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr);
+                dst_ack_packet_data_ptr = sn_coap_protocol_malloc(dst_packed_data_needed_mem);
+                if(!dst_ack_packet_data_ptr)
+                {
+                	sn_coap_parser_release_allocated_coap_msg_mem(received_coap_msg_ptr);
+                	sn_coap_protocol_free(src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block1_ptr);
+                	sn_coap_protocol_free(src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr);
+                	sn_coap_protocol_free(src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr);
+                    return NULL;
+                }
+                sn_coap_builder(dst_ack_packet_data_ptr, src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr);
+                sn_coap_tx_callback(SN_NSDL_PROTOCOL_COAP, dst_ack_packet_data_ptr, dst_packed_data_needed_mem, src_addr_ptr);
+                sn_coap_parser_release_allocated_coap_msg_mem(src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr);
+                sn_coap_protocol_free(dst_ack_packet_data_ptr);
+                received_coap_msg_ptr->coap_status = COAP_STATUS_PARSER_BLOCKWISE_MSG_RECEIVING;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                /* * * This is the last block when whole Blockwise payload from received * * */
+                /* * * blockwise messages is gathered and returned to User               * * */
+                /* Store last Blockwise payload to Linked list */
+                uint16_t payload_len            = 0;
+                uint8_t *payload_ptr            = sn_coap_protocol_linked_list_blockwise_payload_search(src_addr_ptr, &payload_len);
+                uint16_t whole_payload_len      = sn_coap_protocol_linked_list_blockwise_payloads_get_len(src_addr_ptr);
+                uint8_t *temp_whole_payload_ptr = NULL;
+                temp_whole_payload_ptr = sn_coap_protocol_malloc(whole_payload_len);
+                if(!temp_whole_payload_ptr)
+                {
+                	sn_coap_parser_release_allocated_coap_msg_mem(received_coap_msg_ptr);
+                	return 0;
+                }
+                received_coap_msg_ptr->payload_ptr = temp_whole_payload_ptr;
+                received_coap_msg_ptr->payload_len = whole_payload_len;
+                /* Copy stored Blockwise payloads to returned whole Blockwise payload pointer */
+                while (payload_ptr != NULL)
+                {
+                    memcpy(temp_whole_payload_ptr, payload_ptr, payload_len);
+                    temp_whole_payload_ptr += payload_len;
+                    sn_coap_protocol_linked_list_blockwise_payload_remove_oldest();
+                    payload_ptr = sn_coap_protocol_linked_list_blockwise_payload_search(src_addr_ptr, &payload_len);
+                }
+            	received_coap_msg_ptr->coap_status = COAP_STATUS_PARSER_BLOCKWISE_MSG_RECEIVED;
+            }
+		}
+    }
+	/* Block2 Option in a response (e.g., a 2.05 response for GET) */
+	/* Message ID must be same than in received message */
+	else
+    {
+		//This is response to request we made
+		if(received_coap_msg_ptr->msg_code > COAP_MSG_CODE_REQUEST_DELETE)
+		{
+			uint32_t block_number = 0;
+			coap_blockwise_msg_s     *previous_blockwise_msg_ptr = 0;
+            /* Store blockwise payload to Linked list */
+			//todo: add block number to stored values - just to make sure all packets are in order
+            sn_coap_protocol_linked_list_blockwise_payload_store(src_addr_ptr, received_coap_msg_ptr->payload_len, received_coap_msg_ptr->payload_ptr);
+			/* If not last block (more value is set) */
+            if(*(received_coap_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block2_ptr + (received_coap_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block2_len - 1)) & 0x08)
+            {
+            	//build and send ack
+            	received_coap_msg_ptr->coap_status = COAP_STATUS_PARSER_BLOCKWISE_MSG_RECEIVING;
+            	previous_blockwise_msg_ptr = sn_linked_list_get_first_node(global_linked_list_blockwise_sent_msgs_ptr);
+            	while(previous_blockwise_msg_ptr && (received_coap_msg_ptr->msg_id != previous_blockwise_msg_ptr->coap_msg_ptr->msg_id))
+            	{
+            		previous_blockwise_msg_ptr = sn_linked_list_get_next_node(global_linked_list_blockwise_sent_msgs_ptr);
+            	}
+            	if(!previous_blockwise_msg_ptr || !previous_blockwise_msg_ptr->coap_msg_ptr)
+            	{
+            		sn_coap_parser_release_allocated_coap_msg_mem(received_coap_msg_ptr);
+            		return 0;
+            	}
+            	src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr = previous_blockwise_msg_ptr->coap_msg_ptr;
+            	sn_linked_list_remove_current_node(global_linked_list_blockwise_sent_msgs_ptr);
+            	sn_coap_protocol_free(previous_blockwise_msg_ptr);
+            	if(src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->payload_ptr)
+            	{
+            		src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->payload_ptr = 0;
+            		src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->payload_len = 0;
+            	}
+				/* * * Then build CoAP Acknowledgement message * * */
+            	if(!src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr)
+            	{
+            		src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr = sn_coap_protocol_malloc(sizeof(sn_coap_options_list_s));
+            		if(!src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr)
+            		{
+            			sn_coap_parser_release_allocated_coap_msg_mem(received_coap_msg_ptr);
+            			sn_coap_protocol_free(src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr);
+            			return 0;
+            		}
+            		memset(src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr, 0, sizeof(sn_coap_options_list_s));
+            	}
+            	src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->msg_id = global_message_id++;
+            	if(src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block2_ptr)
+            		sn_coap_protocol_free(src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block2_ptr);
+            	/* Update block option */
+            	block_temp = *(received_coap_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block2_ptr + ( received_coap_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block2_len - 1)) & 0x07;
+				if(received_coap_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block2_len == 3)
+				{
+					block_number = *(received_coap_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block2_ptr) << 12;
+					block_number |= *(received_coap_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block2_ptr + 1) << 4;
+					block_number |= (*(received_coap_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block2_ptr + 2)) >> 4;
+				}
+				else if(received_coap_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block2_len == 2)
+				{
+					block_number = *(received_coap_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block2_ptr) << 4;
+					block_number |= (*(received_coap_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block2_ptr + 1)) >> 4;
+				}
+				else if(received_coap_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block2_len == 1)
+				{
+					block_number = (*received_coap_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block2_ptr) >> 4;
+				}
+				block_number ++;
+				if(block_number <= 0x0f)
+					src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block2_len = 1;
+				else if(block_number <= 0x0fff)
+					src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block2_len = 2;
+				else if(block_number <= 0x0fffff)
+					src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block2_len = 3;
+				src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block2_ptr = sn_coap_protocol_malloc(src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block2_len);
+				if(src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block2_ptr == 0)
+				{
+					sn_coap_protocol_free(src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr);
+					sn_coap_protocol_free(src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr);
+					sn_coap_parser_release_allocated_coap_msg_mem(received_coap_msg_ptr);
+					return 0;
+				}
+				*(src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block2_ptr + (src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block2_len - 1)) = block_temp;
+				if(src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block2_len == 3)
+				{
+					*(src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block2_ptr + 2) = block_number << 4;
+					*(src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block2_ptr + 1) |= block_number >> 4;
+					*src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block2_ptr |= block_number >> 12;
+				}
+				else if(src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block2_len == 2)
+				{
+					*(src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block2_ptr + 1) = block_number << 4;
+					*src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block2_ptr |= block_number >> 4;
+				}
+				else
+					*src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block2_ptr |= block_number << 4;
+                /* Then get needed memory count for Packet data */
+                dst_packed_data_needed_mem = sn_coap_builder_calc_needed_packet_data_size(src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr);
+                /* Then allocate memory for Packet data */
+                dst_ack_packet_data_ptr = sn_coap_protocol_malloc(dst_packed_data_needed_mem);
+                memset(dst_ack_packet_data_ptr, 0, dst_packed_data_needed_mem);
+                if (dst_ack_packet_data_ptr == NULL)
+                {
+                    sn_coap_protocol_free(src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr);
+                    sn_coap_protocol_free(src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr);
+                    sn_coap_protocol_free(src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block2_ptr);
+                    sn_coap_parser_release_allocated_coap_msg_mem(received_coap_msg_ptr);
+                    return NULL;
+                }
+                /* * * Then build Acknowledgement message to Packed data * * */
+                if ((sn_coap_builder(dst_ack_packet_data_ptr, src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr)) < 0)
+                {
+                	sn_coap_protocol_free(dst_ack_packet_data_ptr);
+                	sn_coap_protocol_free(src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr);
+                	sn_coap_protocol_free(src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr);
+                	sn_coap_protocol_free(src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block2_ptr);
+                	sn_coap_parser_release_allocated_coap_msg_mem(received_coap_msg_ptr);
+                    return NULL;
+                }
+                /* * * Save to linked list * * */
+            	coap_blockwise_msg_s *stored_blockwise_msg_ptr;
+            	stored_blockwise_msg_ptr = sn_coap_protocol_malloc(sizeof(coap_blockwise_msg_s));
+            	if(!stored_blockwise_msg_ptr)
+            	{
+            		sn_coap_parser_release_allocated_coap_msg_mem(received_coap_msg_ptr);
+            		return 0;
+            	}
+            	memset(stored_blockwise_msg_ptr, 0, sizeof(coap_blockwise_msg_s));
+            	stored_blockwise_msg_ptr->timestamp = global_system_time;
+            	stored_blockwise_msg_ptr->coap_msg_ptr = src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr;
+            	sn_linked_list_add_node(global_linked_list_blockwise_sent_msgs_ptr, stored_blockwise_msg_ptr); // todo check return value
+                /* * * Then release memory of CoAP Acknowledgement message * * */
+				sn_coap_tx_callback(SN_NSDL_PROTOCOL_COAP, dst_ack_packet_data_ptr,
+									dst_packed_data_needed_mem, src_addr_ptr);
+				sn_coap_protocol_linked_list_send_msg_store(src_addr_ptr,
+															dst_packed_data_needed_mem,
+															dst_ack_packet_data_ptr,
+															global_system_time + (uint32_t)(sn_coap_resending_intervall * RESPONSE_RANDOM_FACTOR));
+				sn_coap_protocol_free(dst_ack_packet_data_ptr);
+            }
+            //Last block received
+            else
+            {
+                /* * * This is the last block when whole Blockwise payload from received * * */
+                /* * * blockwise messages is gathered and returned to User               * * */
+                /* Store last Blockwise payload to Linked list */
+                uint16_t payload_len            = 0;
+                uint8_t *payload_ptr            = sn_coap_protocol_linked_list_blockwise_payload_search(src_addr_ptr, &payload_len);
+                uint16_t whole_payload_len      = sn_coap_protocol_linked_list_blockwise_payloads_get_len(src_addr_ptr);
+                uint8_t *temp_whole_payload_ptr = NULL;
+                temp_whole_payload_ptr = sn_coap_protocol_malloc(whole_payload_len);
+                if(!temp_whole_payload_ptr)
+                	return 0;
+                received_coap_msg_ptr->payload_ptr = temp_whole_payload_ptr;
+                received_coap_msg_ptr->payload_len = whole_payload_len;
+                /* Copy stored Blockwise payloads to returned whole Blockwise payload pointer */
+                while (payload_ptr != NULL)
+                {
+                    memcpy(temp_whole_payload_ptr, payload_ptr, payload_len);
+                    temp_whole_payload_ptr += payload_len;
+                    sn_coap_protocol_linked_list_blockwise_payload_remove_oldest();
+                    payload_ptr = sn_coap_protocol_linked_list_blockwise_payload_search(src_addr_ptr, &payload_len);
+                }
+            	received_coap_msg_ptr->coap_status = COAP_STATUS_PARSER_BLOCKWISE_MSG_RECEIVED;
+            	//todo: remove previous msg from list
+            }
+		}
+		//Now we send data to request
+		else
+		{
+			//Get message by using block number
+			coap_blockwise_msg_s *stored_blockwise_msg_temp_ptr = sn_linked_list_get_last_node(global_linked_list_blockwise_sent_msgs_ptr);
+			if(stored_blockwise_msg_temp_ptr)
+			{
+				uint16_t block_size = 1;
+				uint32_t block_number = 0;
+				/* Resolve block parameters */
+				if(received_coap_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block2_len == 3)
+				{
+					block_number = *(received_coap_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block2_ptr) << 12;
+					block_number |= *(received_coap_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block2_ptr + 1) << 4;
+					block_number |= (*(received_coap_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block2_ptr + 2)) >> 4;
+				}
+				else if(received_coap_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block2_len == 2)
+				{
+					block_number = *(received_coap_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block2_ptr) << 4;
+					block_number |= (*(received_coap_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block2_ptr + 1)) >> 4;
+				}
+				else if(received_coap_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block2_len == 1)
+				{
+					block_number = (*received_coap_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block2_ptr) >> 4;
+				}
+				block_temp = *(received_coap_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block2_ptr + (received_coap_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block2_len - 1)) & 0x07;
+				block_size = block_size << (block_temp + 4);
+				/* Build response message */
+				src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr = stored_blockwise_msg_temp_ptr->coap_msg_ptr;
+				if(src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr)
+				{
+					if(src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block1_ptr)
+					{
+						sn_coap_protocol_free(src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block1_ptr);
+						src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block1_ptr = 0;
+					}
+					if(src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block2_ptr)
+					{
+						sn_coap_protocol_free(src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block2_ptr);
+						src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block2_ptr = 0;
+					}
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr = sn_coap_protocol_malloc(sizeof(sn_coap_options_list_s));
+					if(!src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr)
+					{
+						return 0;
+					}
+					memset(src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr, 0, (sizeof(sn_coap_options_list_s)));
+				}
+				src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->msg_id = received_coap_msg_ptr->msg_id;
+				src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block2_len = received_coap_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block2_len;
+				src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block2_ptr = sn_coap_protocol_malloc(src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block2_len);
+				if(src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block2_ptr == NULL)
+				{
+					sn_coap_protocol_free(src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr);
+					sn_coap_protocol_free(src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr);
+					return NULL;
+				}
+				memcpy(src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block2_ptr, received_coap_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block2_ptr, src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block2_len);
+				/* * Payload part * */
+				/* Check if last block */
+				original_payload_len = stored_blockwise_msg_temp_ptr->coap_msg_ptr->payload_len;
+				original_payload_ptr = stored_blockwise_msg_temp_ptr->coap_msg_ptr->payload_ptr;
+				if((block_size * (block_number + 1)) > stored_blockwise_msg_temp_ptr->coap_msg_ptr->payload_len)
+				{
+					src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->payload_len = stored_blockwise_msg_temp_ptr->coap_msg_ptr->payload_len - (block_size * block_number);
+					src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->payload_ptr = stored_blockwise_msg_temp_ptr->coap_msg_ptr->payload_ptr + (block_size * block_number);
+				}
+				/* Not last block */
+				else
+				{
+					/* set more - bit */
+					*(src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block2_ptr + (src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->options_list_ptr->block2_len-1)) |= 0x08;
+					src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->payload_len = block_size;
+					src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr->payload_ptr = stored_blockwise_msg_temp_ptr->coap_msg_ptr->payload_ptr + (block_size * block_number);
+				}
+				/* Build and send block message */
+                dst_packed_data_needed_mem = sn_coap_builder_calc_needed_packet_data_size(src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr);
+                dst_ack_packet_data_ptr = sn_coap_protocol_malloc(dst_packed_data_needed_mem);
+                if(!dst_ack_packet_data_ptr)
+                {
+                    return NULL;
+                }
+                sn_coap_builder(dst_ack_packet_data_ptr, src_coap_blockwise_ack_msg_ptr);
+				sn_coap_tx_callback(SN_NSDL_PROTOCOL_COAP, dst_ack_packet_data_ptr, dst_packed_data_needed_mem, src_addr_ptr);
+				sn_coap_protocol_free(dst_ack_packet_data_ptr);
+				stored_blockwise_msg_temp_ptr->coap_msg_ptr->payload_len = original_payload_len;
+				stored_blockwise_msg_temp_ptr->coap_msg_ptr->payload_ptr = original_payload_ptr;
+                if((block_size * (block_number + 1)) > stored_blockwise_msg_temp_ptr->coap_msg_ptr->payload_len)
+                	sn_coap_protocol_linked_list_blockwise_msg_remove_current();
+				received_coap_msg_ptr->coap_status = COAP_STATUS_PARSER_BLOCKWISE_ACK;
+			}
+		}
+    }
+	return received_coap_msg_ptr;
+static int8_t sn_coap_convert_block_size(uint16_t block_size)
+	if(block_size == 16)
+		return 0;
+	else if(block_size == 32)
+		return 1;
+	else if(block_size == 64)
+		return 2;
+	else if(block_size == 128)
+		return 3;
+	else if(block_size == 256)
+		return 4;
+	else if(block_size == 512)
+		return 5;
+	else if(block_size == 1024)
+		return 6;
+	return 0;
+static sn_coap_hdr_s *sn_coap_protocol_copy_header(sn_coap_hdr_s *source_header_ptr)
+	sn_coap_hdr_s *destination_header_ptr;
+	destination_header_ptr = sn_coap_protocol_malloc(sizeof(sn_coap_hdr_s));
+	if(!destination_header_ptr)
+		return 0;
+	memset(destination_header_ptr, 0, sizeof(sn_coap_hdr_s));
+	destination_header_ptr->coap_status = source_header_ptr->coap_status;
+	destination_header_ptr->msg_type = source_header_ptr->msg_type;
+	destination_header_ptr->msg_code = source_header_ptr->msg_code;
+	destination_header_ptr->msg_id = source_header_ptr->msg_id;
+	if(source_header_ptr->uri_path_ptr)
+	{
+		destination_header_ptr->uri_path_len = source_header_ptr->uri_path_len;
+		destination_header_ptr->uri_path_ptr = sn_coap_protocol_malloc(source_header_ptr->uri_path_len);
+		if(!destination_header_ptr->uri_path_ptr)
+		{
+			sn_coap_parser_release_allocated_coap_msg_mem(destination_header_ptr);
+			return 0;
+		}
+		memcpy(destination_header_ptr->uri_path_ptr, source_header_ptr->uri_path_ptr, source_header_ptr->uri_path_len);
+	}
+	if(source_header_ptr->token_ptr)
+	{
+		destination_header_ptr->token_len = source_header_ptr->token_len;
+		destination_header_ptr->token_ptr = sn_coap_protocol_malloc(source_header_ptr->token_len);
+		if(!destination_header_ptr->token_ptr)
+		{
+			sn_coap_parser_release_allocated_coap_msg_mem(destination_header_ptr);
+			return 0;
+		}
+		memcpy(destination_header_ptr->token_ptr, source_header_ptr->token_ptr, source_header_ptr->token_len);
+	}
+	if(source_header_ptr->content_type_ptr)
+	{
+		destination_header_ptr->content_type_len = source_header_ptr->content_type_len;
+		destination_header_ptr->content_type_ptr = sn_coap_protocol_malloc(source_header_ptr->content_type_len);
+		if(!destination_header_ptr->content_type_ptr)
+		{
+			sn_coap_parser_release_allocated_coap_msg_mem(destination_header_ptr);
+			return 0;
+		}
+		memcpy(destination_header_ptr->content_type_ptr, source_header_ptr->content_type_ptr, source_header_ptr->content_type_len);
+	}
+	/* Options list */
+	if(source_header_ptr->options_list_ptr)
+	{
+		destination_header_ptr->options_list_ptr = sn_coap_protocol_malloc(sizeof(sn_coap_options_list_s));
+		if(!destination_header_ptr->options_list_ptr)
+		{
+			sn_coap_parser_release_allocated_coap_msg_mem(destination_header_ptr);
+			return 0;
+		}
+		memset(destination_header_ptr->options_list_ptr, 0, sizeof(sn_coap_options_list_s));
+		if(source_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->max_age_ptr)
+		{
+			destination_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->max_age_len = source_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->max_age_len;
+			destination_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->max_age_ptr = sn_coap_protocol_malloc(source_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->max_age_len);
+			if(!destination_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->max_age_ptr)
+			{
+				sn_coap_parser_release_allocated_coap_msg_mem(destination_header_ptr);
+				return 0;
+			}
+			memcpy(destination_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->max_age_ptr, source_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->max_age_ptr, source_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->max_age_len);
+		}
+		if(source_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->proxy_uri_ptr)
+		{
+			destination_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->proxy_uri_len = source_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->proxy_uri_len;
+			destination_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->proxy_uri_ptr = sn_coap_protocol_malloc(source_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->proxy_uri_len);
+			if(!destination_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->proxy_uri_ptr)
+			{
+				sn_coap_parser_release_allocated_coap_msg_mem(destination_header_ptr);
+				return 0;
+			}
+			memcpy(destination_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->proxy_uri_ptr, source_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->proxy_uri_ptr, source_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->proxy_uri_len);
+		}
+		if(source_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->etag_ptr)
+		{
+			destination_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->etag_len = source_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->etag_len;
+			destination_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->etag_ptr = sn_coap_protocol_malloc(source_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->etag_len);
+			if(!destination_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->etag_ptr)
+			{
+				sn_coap_parser_release_allocated_coap_msg_mem(destination_header_ptr);
+				return 0;
+			}
+			memcpy(destination_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->etag_ptr, source_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->etag_ptr, source_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->etag_len);
+		}
+		if(source_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->uri_host_ptr)
+		{
+			destination_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->uri_host_len = source_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->uri_host_len;
+			destination_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->uri_host_ptr = sn_coap_protocol_malloc(source_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->uri_host_len);
+			if(!destination_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->uri_host_ptr)
+			{
+				sn_coap_parser_release_allocated_coap_msg_mem(destination_header_ptr);
+				return 0;
+			}
+			memcpy(destination_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->uri_host_ptr, source_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->uri_host_ptr, source_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->uri_host_len);
+		}
+		if(source_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->location_path_ptr)
+		{
+			destination_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->location_path_len = source_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->location_path_len;
+			destination_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->location_path_ptr = sn_coap_protocol_malloc(source_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->location_path_len);
+			if(!destination_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->location_path_ptr)
+			{
+				sn_coap_parser_release_allocated_coap_msg_mem(destination_header_ptr);
+				return 0;
+			}
+			memcpy(destination_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->location_path_ptr, source_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->location_path_ptr, source_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->location_path_len);
+		}
+		if(source_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->uri_port_ptr)
+		{
+			destination_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->uri_port_len = source_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->uri_port_len;
+			destination_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->uri_port_ptr = sn_coap_protocol_malloc(source_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->uri_port_len);
+			if(!destination_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->uri_port_ptr)
+			{
+				sn_coap_parser_release_allocated_coap_msg_mem(destination_header_ptr);
+				return 0;
+			}
+			memcpy(destination_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->uri_port_ptr, source_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->uri_port_ptr, source_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->uri_port_len);
+		}
+		if(source_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->location_query_ptr)
+		{
+			destination_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->location_query_len = source_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->location_query_len;
+			destination_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->location_query_ptr = sn_coap_protocol_malloc(source_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->location_query_len);
+			if(!destination_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->location_query_ptr)
+			{
+				sn_coap_parser_release_allocated_coap_msg_mem(destination_header_ptr);
+				return 0;
+			}
+			memcpy(destination_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->location_query_ptr, source_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->location_query_ptr, source_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->location_query_len);
+		}
+		if(source_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->observe_ptr)
+		{
+			destination_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->observe_len = source_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->observe_len;
+			destination_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->observe_ptr = sn_coap_protocol_malloc(source_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->observe_len);
+			if(!destination_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->observe_ptr)
+			{
+				sn_coap_parser_release_allocated_coap_msg_mem(destination_header_ptr);
+				return 0;
+			}
+			memcpy(destination_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->observe_ptr, source_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->observe_ptr, source_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->observe_len);
+		}
+		if(source_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->accept_ptr)
+		{
+			destination_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->accept_len = source_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->accept_len;
+			destination_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->accept_ptr = sn_coap_protocol_malloc(source_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->accept_len);
+			if(!destination_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->accept_ptr)
+			{
+				sn_coap_parser_release_allocated_coap_msg_mem(destination_header_ptr);
+				return 0;
+			}
+			memcpy(destination_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->accept_ptr, source_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->accept_ptr, source_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->accept_len);
+		}
+		if(source_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->uri_query_ptr)
+		{
+			destination_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->uri_query_len = source_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->uri_query_len;
+			destination_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->uri_query_ptr = sn_coap_protocol_malloc(source_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->uri_query_len);
+			if(!destination_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->uri_query_ptr)
+			{
+				sn_coap_parser_release_allocated_coap_msg_mem(destination_header_ptr);
+				return 0;
+			}
+			memcpy(destination_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->uri_query_ptr, source_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->uri_query_ptr, source_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->uri_query_len);
+		}
+		if(source_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->block1_ptr)
+		{
+			destination_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->block1_len = source_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->block1_len;
+			destination_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->block1_ptr = sn_coap_protocol_malloc(source_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->block1_len);
+			if(!destination_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->block1_ptr)
+			{
+				sn_coap_parser_release_allocated_coap_msg_mem(destination_header_ptr);
+				return 0;
+			}
+			memcpy(destination_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->block1_ptr, source_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->block1_ptr, source_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->block1_len);
+		}
+		if(source_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->block2_ptr)
+		{
+			destination_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->block2_len = source_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->block2_len;
+			destination_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->block2_ptr = sn_coap_protocol_malloc(source_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->block2_len);
+			if(!destination_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->block2_ptr)
+			{
+				sn_coap_parser_release_allocated_coap_msg_mem(destination_header_ptr);
+				return 0;
+			}
+			memcpy(destination_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->block2_ptr, source_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->block2_ptr, source_header_ptr->options_list_ptr->block2_len);
+		}
+	}
+	return destination_header_ptr;