Sports tracker

Dependencies:   C12832_lcd CMPS03 FatFileSystem GPS MMA7660 mbed

Fork of Data_Read_Write by GUI

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00001 #include "mbed.h"//mbed library
00002 #include "MSCFileSystem.h"//usb Library
00003 #include "MMA7660.h"//accelerometer library
00004 #include "CMPS03.h"//compass library
00005 #include "GPS.h"//GPS library
00006 #include "C12832_lcd.h" // LCD screen library
00007 MSCFileSystem fs("usb"); // Mount flash drive under the name "usb"
00008 C12832_LCD lcd;// Local name for the LCD
00009 GPS gps(p13,p14);//pin for RX and TX of the gps
00010 Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
00011 MMA7660 MMA(p28, p27);// local name for the Accelerometer
00012 DigitalIn fire(p12);//pin for down movement joystick
00013 DigitalIn right(p16);//pin for right movement for joystick
00014 DigitalIn left(p13);//pin for left movement for joystick
00015 CMPS03 compass(p9, p10, CMPS03_DEFAULT_I2C_ADDRESS);//pin for compass
00016 DigitalOut connectionLed(LED1); // debug LED
00017 int lock = 0;
00018 int lock2 = 0;
00019 int lock3 = 0;
00020 int lock4 = 0;
00021 int choice = 0;
00022 int counter = 0;
00023 Timer writeTime;//timer
00024 void run();
00026 void start()//starts and stops the game
00027 {
00029     int counter = 0;
00030     lcd.cls();
00031     lcd.locate(0,0);
00032     lcd.printf("Press down to start game");
00033     lcd.locate(0,20);
00034     lcd.printf("Hold down to stop game");
00035     wait(1.5);
00036     while (counter == 0) {
00037         if(fire) {
00038             run();
00039             counter = 1;
00040         }
00041     }
00043 }
00044 void run()// main funtion to get data and write it to files
00045 {
00046     lcd.cls();//clear LCD for next reading round
00047     while(1) {
00048         writeTime.reset();//resets timer
00049         writeTime.start();//starts timer
00050         FILE *longd = fopen( "/usb/long.txt", "a");//opens a file on the usb in append mode
00051         FILE *latd = fopen( "/usb/lat.txt","a");
00052         FILE *bear = fopen( "/usb/bearing.txt","a");
00053         FILE *xData = fopen( "/usb/xData.txt","a");
00054         FILE *yData = fopen( "/usb/yData.txt","a");
00055         FILE *zData = fopen( "/usb/zData.txt","a");
00056         FILE *timeFile = fopen( "/usb/test.txt","a");
00057         if(gps.sample()) {//checks if it can get a gps position
00058             lcd.locate(0,10);//initial LCD location
00059             lcd.printf("Long: %.4f ", gps.longitude);//print to LCD
00060             lcd.printf("Lat: %.4f", gps.latitude);//print to LCD
00061             fprintf(longd,"%f\n",gps.longitude);//prints gps lonitude to file
00062             fprintf(latd,"%f\n",gps.latitude);//prints gps latitude to file
00063             writeTime.stop();//stops timer
00064             fprintf(timeFile,"%f\t",;//write time to file
00065             fclose(timeFile);
00066         } else {
00067             lcd.cls();//clear LCD for next reading round
00068             lcd.locate(3,3);//initial LCD location for x component of acceleration
00069             lcd.printf("Oh Dear! No lock :(\n");
00070             fprintf(longd,"%c\n","Oh Dear! No Lock :(");
00071             lcd.cls();//clear LCD for next reading round
00072         }
00073         fclose(latd);//closes file
00074         fclose(longd);//closes file
00075         lcd.locate(0,20);//initial LCD location
00076         lcd.printf("Bearing is: %f\n", compass.readBearing() / 10.0);//print to LCD
00077         lcd.locate(0,0);//initial LCD location
00078         lcd.printf("X:%.2f\n",MMA.x());//print x to LCD at locate position
00079         lcd.locate(40,0);//move LCD location for y component
00080         lcd.printf("Y:%.2f\n",MMA.y());//print y to LCD to new locate position
00081         lcd.locate(80,0);//move LCD location for z component
00082         lcd.printf("Z:%.2f\n",MMA.z());//print z to LCD
00083         fprintf(bear,"%.4f\n",compass.readBearing() / 10.0);
00084         fclose(bear);//closes file
00085         fprintf(xData,"%f\n",MMA.x());//writes to file
00086         fclose(xData);//closes file
00087         fprintf(yData,"%f\n",MMA.y());
00088         fclose(yData);//closes file
00089         fprintf(zData,"%f\n",MMA.z());
00090         fclose(zData);//closes file
00091         if(fire) {
00092             start();
00093             counter = 0;
00094         }
00095     }
00096 }
00097 void pitchSetUp()//function to set up the pitch
00098 {
00099     lcd.cls();
00100     FILE *set = fopen( "/usb/setup.txt","w");
00102     while (lock == 0) {
00103         lcd.locate(3,3);
00104         lcd.printf("Move to position 1\n");
00105         if(fire) {//if joystick is pressed down
00106             if(gps.sample()) {
00107                 fprintf(set,"%.5f ",gps.longitude);
00108                 fprintf(set,"%.5f\n",gps.latitude);
00109                 wait (0.5);
00110                 lock = 1;
00111             } else {
00112                 lcd.cls();
00113                 lcd.printf("No Lock Please try again\n");
00114                 lcd.cls();//clear LCD for next reading round
00115                 lock = 0;
00116             }
00117         }
00118     }
00119     while (lock2 == 0) {
00120         lcd.locate(3,3);
00121         lcd.printf("Move to position 2\n");
00122         if(fire) {
00123             if(gps.sample()) {
00124                 fprintf(set,"%.5f ",gps.longitude);
00125                 fprintf(set,"%.5f\n",gps.latitude);
00126                 wait (0.5);
00127                 lock2 = 1;
00128             } else {
00129                 lcd.cls();
00130                 lcd.printf("No Lock Please try again\n");
00131                 lcd.cls();//clear LCD for next reading round
00132                 lock2 = 0;
00133             }
00134         }
00135     }
00136     while (lock3 == 0) {
00137         lcd.locate(3,3);
00138         lcd.printf("Move to position 3\n");
00139         if(fire) {
00140             if(gps.sample()) {
00141                 fprintf(set,"%.5f ",gps.longitude);
00142                 fprintf(set,"%.5f\n",gps.latitude);
00143                 wait (0.5);
00144                 lock3 = 1;
00145             } else {
00146                 lcd.cls();
00147                 lcd.printf("No Lock Please try again\n");
00148                 lcd.cls();//clear LCD for next reading round
00149                 lock3 = 0;
00150             }
00151         }
00152     }
00153     while (lock4 == 0) {
00154         lcd.locate(3,3);
00155         lcd.printf("Move to position 4\n");
00156         if(fire) {
00157             if(gps.sample()) {
00158                 fprintf(set,"%.5f ",gps.longitude);
00159                 fprintf(set,"%.5f\n",gps.latitude);
00160                 wait (0.5);
00161                 lock4 = 1;
00162             } else {
00163                 lcd.cls();
00164                 lcd.printf("No Lock Please try again\n");
00165                 lcd.cls();//clear LCD for next reading round
00166                 lock4 = 0;
00167             }
00168         }
00169     }
00170     fclose(set);
00171     start();//runs the run fution
00173 }
00174 int main()//main funtion
00175 {
00176     //give choice to what the user wants to do
00177     lcd.cls();
00178     while (choice == 0) {
00179         int choice2 =0;
00180         lcd.locate(3,3);
00181         lcd.printf("Pitch Set Up\n");
00182         if (fire) {//if joystick is pressed down
00183             pitchSetUp();//runs pitch setup funtion
00184             choice =1;
00185         }
00186         if(right) {//if joystick is pressed right
00187             lcd.cls();
00188             lcd.locate(3,3);
00189             lcd.printf("Run Game\n");
00190             //counter = counter++;
00191             wait(0.5);//wait for half a second
00193             while (choice2 == 0) {
00194                 if (fire) {
00195                     start();//runs the run funtion
00196                     choice =1;
00197                     choice2 = 1;
00198                 }
00199                 if (left) {//if joystick is pressed to the left
00200                     choice2 = 1;
00201                     choice = 0;
00202                     main();//runs the main funtion
00203                 }
00204             }
00205         }
00206     }
00207 }